
Pizza, convos = foreplay?

Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence heard the doorbell go off and made her way over to it with cash in hand, She'd ordered herself and Remy a pizza, hoping to enjoy a little bit of conversation and cheesy goodness at the same time. She paide the pizza delivery person and brought the box of delicious smelling goodness over to the table, going into the kitchen to get them a couple of plates and a beer for him and a water for herself, putting them on the table.
  2. Tsaaq: Remy was on the large arm chair on his phone with his bluetooth headphones on. "I know it's a sign dad but she seemed okay when I saw her today." He sighed. "Thanks babe." He called out to Cadence. "I'm coming over." He got up from the chair and scoffed. "She didn't even shave her whole head it was only part of it." Remy groaned. "Listen, I'll call you tomorrow about this shit." He said to Sasha before smiling at her. "I feel like I haven't had pizza in forever." He laughed.
  3. Covet: "You're welcome." She told him then dished them out both a slice of pizza, and gettin his beer opened for him before she sat down, waiting for him to join her, "I thought it would be nice, Pizza always tastes better with you, and I haven't had it in a while too." She smiled up at him, motioning for him to sit down.
  4. Tsaaq: ((Pulled a you, forgot to press enter.))
  5. Tsaaq: "Didn't mean to get distracted on the phone but Sasha is pitching a bitchfit. He and Jacque watched Thirteen Reasons Why right? So when I told him Hay shaved half of her head he was just so pissed and terrified. 'Remy help your sister. She's going through a fucking crisis' I was like, Dad I'm trying to help as best as I can." He rambled as he sat down. He picked up his beer and sipped it. "Anyways, pizza tastes good, literally anytime." He laughed.
  6. Covet: [It's contagioush]
  7. Tsaaq: ((WHAT LOL.))
  8. Covet: [...contagious... idk.. wtf my fingers were spelling]
  9. Covet: "You're fine. Family's important too." She said taking a bite from her pizza while listening to him, "I mean.. yeah.. it can be a sign, but you went to talk to her today right? How did she seem?" Cadence asked then frowned, "I feel bad that I kind of distracted you from her care... I know you have a lot on your plate right now, Babe."
  10. Tsaaq: He shrugged, taking a slice for himself. He took a bit and shrugged. "I don't know, it's hard to tell. It feels like lately she's just putting on so she doesn't upset anybody. But maybe she's also a little better. It's hard to tell." Remy shruged. "It's not a lot. It's what I signed up for. And I love you guys. So it's not that stressful."
  11. Covet: "Are you sure you're alright with all of this. I know you've been a big support for me.. but this is a partnership...I want to be able to do that for you too." She said to him, with a soft smile as she looked at him. "I really appreciate everything you do for us."
  12. Tsaaq: Remy waved his free hand and proceeded to nom on his pizza. "Please. If I wasn't alright I would've bailed a long time ago." He said before leaning over and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Well I appreciate your face. Your brain, and even your big fat mouth. Even when you get on my nerves." He smiled.
  13. Covet: Cadence grinned and got the warm fuzzies from him, "Well that's good, because I don't see myself getting any better at any of that... Plus I know you enjoy my big fat mouth for other things too." She said with a smirk. " Did you ask Hayley if Bed had approached her at all?" She asked him, wiping her mouth before she took a drink from her water bottle.
  14. Tsaaq: "Uh about that." Remy said before swallowing the rest of his slice. He took two more and folded them together. "I didn't get around to it. I really didn't want to make her feel shitty." He sighed. "And yeah, I do like what that mouth does. Don't rub it in. Or make me rub it in." He smirked.
  15. Covet: Cadence frowned then nodded her head, "Yeah.. I understand that. But.. aren't you worried she thinks you don't care about all of that, that went on...Now that you actually know what happened back then?" She asked looking at him, leaning over to glance at him looking a little concerned, then smirked, "You can rub it in later tonight, I won't stop you."
  16. Tsaaq: He played with her earlobe a moment. "Maybe, I'll think about it." He answered playfully. He sighed and lowered her head. "I don't know." Remy said quietly. "How exactly do I help without seeming like I'm hovering?" He asked.
  17. Covet: "The same way you do with me.. Well not the same way.. because that'd be a little too Oedipus, but you do really well about reassuring me that you're there for me." She told him, leaning into his touch, then moved over to sit in his lap at the table, "I don' think she will feel like you're hovering. If anything she'll appreciate that you're taking an interest and caring about her."
  18. Tsaaq: He shook his head at Cadence a moment. "I guess... Maybe the hair thing is a bad sign." Remy said, going quiet with only a worrisome look on his visage.
  19. Covet: "It's not necessarily... Steph shaved and colored her hair, but it was something that was temporary and spur of the moment. It can also be a sign of good change too. But I am worried about it.. just the timing with Ben coming back and all." Shetold him, and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his neck, "Speaking of Steph though... She finally ended her ass up in the hospital."
  20. Tsaaq: Remy pressed his lips against each other. "It's probably not a good sign now. Hayley used to change her hair all the time but, now that she's been so fucked up. I can't really see... Well maybe she just wanted a change of pace?" He rambled. "No. It was literally the day after she saw Ben that she shaved her hair apparently so I really can't see how they don't have anything to do with eachother." He rose an eyebrow at Cadence. "Oh, finally? Is she gonna eat now? Or tell us to mind our business?
  21. Covet: Cadence reached up and brushed her fingers through Remy's hair, "Maybe start doing a daily check up with her. Just check in and ask her how she's doing and if she needs to talk at all?" She suggested then sighed. "I don't know. I don't even know what to say to her.. I told Bryan good luck with a more concerned way, because That sucks he has to deal with it. But yeah, I'm not going to get involved when she doesn't want me there and has made it a point multiple times.
  22. Tsaaq: "Well..." He trailed off. "I guess I can do that." He nodded his head. "I'm glad you made that decision babe. I really want you to be in a good place. Then you can worry about all the people you want. Just take care or you also." He smiled.
  23. Covet: "I couldn't have done it without you most of all. Bryan and Cj helped too and Bliss for being so forgiving but... Youm, you're my rock." She told him pressing a kiss to his lips, before pulling back. "Right now... I need to concern myself with family, future family and those that want me around. I can be okay with just that right now."
  24. Tsaaq: Remy smiled at her. "Good. Because we all care about you too." He told her gently. "You have so much more of a good time when you're happy. And I love seeing you happy." He smiled.
  25. Covet: "I love how happy you make me feel. In all aspects. But.. mostly that you stand up and support me when I need it... without judging. I couldn't ask for anything better." She told him, giving him a tight close hug.
  26. Tsaaq: He hugged her back, lifting off her feet and laughing as he began to carry her towards the bedroom. "Sshhhh. I'm gonna be here for you forever." He laughed. "Through good and bad. Cause I'm not a pussy." He kissed her forehead before kicking the bedroom door open and then putting her on the bed once they were inside.
  27. Covet: Cadence laughed and held on to him as they went back to the bedroom, and was dropped onto the bed, She dragged him down with her, by his shirt wrapping up on him because she was about to get her romantic freak on, after pizza and good conversations.
  28. Tsaaq: ((Lol.))
  29. Covet: [That's apparently what does it for her... XD]
  30. Tsaaq: ((Pizza and good convos.))
  31. Covet: [Yep.. but mostly Pizza.. because Pizza]
  32. Tsaaq: ((Food makes this bitch horny.))
  33. Covet: [We've discussed this... she has problems.. okay.. .Food makes her horny, being tied down and choked gets her off.. .don't ask questions. XD]
  34. Tsaaq: ((FINE.))
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