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Nov 2nd, 2012
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  1. >Your last few months have been some of the toughest of your life
  2. >Getting displaced into a forigen world populated by small, technicolor equines is one thing
  3. >To find out that there's more dudes than chicks is another
  4. >You've made some pretty awesome bros, that's for sure
  5. >Rainbow Blitz, Bubble Berry, the list goes on. . .
  6. >But, you've desired female companionship for a while now
  7. >Be careful what you wish for, you mused
  8. >In one of your trips of Canterlot for some more esoteric material for Dusk Shine's library, you ran into Princess Highblood
  9. >Cute as a button, but rotten to the core
  10. >You really didn't want anything to do with her, but man, did she want you
  11. >And whatever Highblood wants, Highblood gets.
  12. >Royal connections, a desperate bid to further the Platinum Line, and you imagine a whole metric fuckton of whining, you found yourself betrothed to the little spoiled mare
  13. >You stood now on a balcony of a obnoxiously lavish manor, looking down toward Ponyville
  14. >You missed your simple life there, working on some of the construction and renovation work
  15. >It was on again, off again
  16. >You were a good worker, but you kind of intimidated the mares on the team
  17. >Easy come easy go, you supposed
  18. >Your eyes fell upon one iconic building
  19. >Sugarcube Corner
  20. >You wondered how Bubble Berry was doi-
  21. >Wait, Bubble Berry
  22. >That's just your ticket out of here!
  23. >A wicked grin spreads across your face as you retire to your quarters for the night
  26. >The next morning was an early one
  27. >You spent it buttering up the the royalty with her favorite breakfast, sweet talk, that sort of thing
  28. >You poured on the attention and praise, and she soaked it up like a sponge
  29. >You suggested that the two of you throw the biggest party this towns ever seen in celebration of your engagement
  30. >She loved the idea, and gave you the means to hire the best help
  31. >You told her you'd be out and about for a while, and promised to be back by sundown.
  32. >She was beside herself with excitement, and went to her own way
  33. >Probably to gossip and tell people out the future party
  34. >Whatever.
  35. >Most of the evening was spent reserving the most top shelf location in Canterlot, get the most excellent party favors, all that sort of thing.
  36. >All the was left was to hire the baking and the entertainment
  37. >You took a ride down to Ponyville via train, and exited to a the familiar hamlet, and saw familiar faces
  38. >Mandolin, Big Marcelline, Applejack, Butterscotch. . .
  39. >They were all happy to see you, but you didn't have much time to talk
  40. >You headed Sugarcube Corner, heading inside
  41. >It wasn't busy, but there was a familiar stallion there manning the register
  42. >'Just a minute! Mr. Cake dropped his contact lens, and I gotta find it!'
  43. 'Ah. . .this can't wait, though. I've only got till sundown!'
  44. >He banged his head on the cabinet, muttering a quick horsefeathers and standing upright when he heard your voice.
  45. >His pupils turned into pinpricks as the biggest smile spread across his face, and he started to shake
  46. >You sighed, bracing yourself for what was to come
  48. >You were ambushed by a speeding pink bullet as you felt his legs wrap around you and him nuzzle your neck
  49. >'OhmySolarisAnonitsbeensolongandImissedyouwe'veallmissedyouandIgottothrow a huge party now and-'
  50. >You stopped him by putting a finger on his snout
  51. 'I came for a party, but, not a homecoming one. At least, not just yet. . .'
  52. >He made a scrunchy face. 'Is it for the meanie-pants Highblood?'
  53. 'In a sense. You see. . .I've lead her to believe that I'm out and about getting stuff for an engagement party. And I am. . .so I figure, why not get the best catering and entertainment in Equestria?'
  54. >'But she's such a sourpuss! Even if I was there, I couldn't make her cheer up.'
  55. 'Ah, but here's the trick. The way I figure it is, if you show them a good ol' Ponyville party. . .the biggest, most awesome, superfantastic party ever, she'll think I'm not cut out for bein' a king, and I'm home free! Plus, catering a Canterlot event will rake in a big pile of bits. Win-win!'
  56. >He got that excitable look again and squeezed you harder. 'Oh, Anon! All that time in the Library with Dusk Shine did do something good for your noggin!'
  57. >He let you go, and was cartwheeling and bouncing all over the place
  58. >You thought he was gunna break into song, but he didn't.
  59. >You sighed happily, letting him tire out a bit before you continued talking
  61. 'Well. . .I should be going now', you said after a whole three straight minutes of bouncing.
  62. >He seemed to stop midair, letting out a gasp similar to the one he gave you when he first met Dusk Shine.
  63. >'But anon! You just got back! You can't leave again so soon. . .'
  64. 'Breaks my heart, bro, but thems the breaks. Highhorse is gunna get suspicious if I stay out too long.'
  65. >He giggle snorted at the nickname and trotted over to you, looking happy, but you could see his misty eyes
  66. >'I'm glad you came back. . .even if only for a while. I missed you so much.'
  67. >You sighed, nodding.
  68. 'Yeah. . .I am too. But I'll be back for good soon enough. The party is going to be in a month. Think you can last that long?'
  69. >'Yeah. . .yeah, I can.'
  70. >He seemed heartbroken, and it was tearing you apart
  71. 'Bubble Berry. . .you know you are my bro, and so is Rainbow Blitz. But. . .I'm not into stallions. Always know, though, that I do love you, just not in that way.'
  72. >He was silent for a while, simply nodding
  73. 'Come on. Let's see a smile. You've got a lot of planning do, and a lot of tricks to cook up for Snothorn, huh?'
  74. >He got back his characteristic enthusiasm and nodded vigorously, pulling you into a hug again
  75. >You said your goodbyes and left the bakery, but not before hearing the quiet sound of glass breaking, and perhaps the loudest swear you've ever heard in a while
  76. >You were laughing the whole train ride back about that.
  78. >You returned to the Platinum Manor but minutes before Artemis rose the moon
  79. >Highblood was nothing if not a stickler for punctuality
  80. >The servants said she was waiting in her bedroom for you
  81. >Panic.jpg
  82. >You reluctantly headed up there, and opened the door cautiously
  83. >She was leaning forward in a somewhat 'seductive' pose, her face contorted and scrunched, but not in a cute way.
  84. >She lacked her usual dress and Platinum line necklace she loved so much, and they were strewn about on the floor
  85. >'M-mm. .. we-welcome home, d-d-ear. . ' She said, sounding strained and trying ever so hard to sound sultry.
  86. 'And. . .how long have you been like that?'
  87. >She let out an annoyed sigh and flopped down on the bed. 'Ever since I got home in the evening. . .you do now how RUDE it is to keep a princess waiting, don't you!?'
  88. >You sighed.
  89. 'Of course. A Thousand apologies your majesty. Forgive this poor and simple creature for his tardiness.'
  90. >You said it in the most convincing way possible, despite screaming internally in anger.
  91. >She seemed pleased at this and sat on her haunches, looking at you with a smirk.
  92. >'As it should be. I'll have to get you a tutor when we are wed. . .speaking of, how did your scampering about the city go?'
  95. >You walked over to the bed, sitting next to her as she wormed her way under your warm
  96. >Her embrace wasn't a welcome one, but not entirely bad
  97. >You'd prefer Ponyville mares. In both your arms.
  98. 'Reserved the ENTIRE Guilded Rose for us, got the finest silk and diamond encrusted widgits for party favors, and got THE best entertainment and catering in Equestria.'
  99. >'Ooooh, you spoil me! Who's going to be feeding and entertaining us.'
  100. 'Now, a good magician doesn't keep his secrets. I've had a tiring day, so I need to get some sleep.'
  101. >You stood, but before you felt a hoof on your shoulder
  102. >'Anon. . .can I ask you something?'
  103. 'Yes, lovey mare over there?'
  104. >'There. .. there will be lots of money at the party, right?'
  105. 'Enough bits you can swim in, love.'
  106. >She squee'd with happiness and dismissed you.
  107. >You breathed a sigh of relief. You were worried she would have said something to make you feel bad about breaking this engagement!
  108. >You laughed to yourself, and went to sleep
  109. >Your dreams were filled with lots of pink and pastry.
  112. >The next weeks were a whole bunch of planning and preparing
  113. >Highblood, in her unlimited snootiness, demanded the party favors be more extravagant, and the party venue get more and more ridiculous layouts
  114. >Royalty usually wouldn't get away with this, but what Highblood wants, Highblood gets. . .
  115. >she'd been dolling you up in all sorts of ridiculous outfits as well, but eventually you convinced her with a large amount of buttering up and belly rubs that a white tux would be fine
  116. >Didn't prevent her from garnishing it with ALL THE GEMS
  117. >While Highblood organized her end, you were corresponding with Bubble Berry by means of letters
  118. >Barbera, bless her dragon-y soul, had found away to send letters to you via dragonfire
  119. >The catering would be top shelf, and you told them to serve smaller portions on bigger plates and garnish the crap out of them
  120. >Sell more, use less, and it looks fancy. They'll hardly be able to tell the difference.
  121. >The pieces were in place, the the party was today.
  122. >You stood on the balcony again, looking down at Ponyville.
  123. 'Make it a night to remember, Bubble Bro.'
  124. >You smiled, and headed out to the shindig
  127. Music:
  128. >The party was. .. anything but, to say the least.
  129. >So many snooty ponies in one place.
  130. >So many ponies Highblood showed you off too.
  131. >You think she was more so showing off the Solaris-damned suit, than anything else.
  132. >Your ruse with the food had worked, and you only heard a few complaints about the quality of the food
  133. >Highblood never let them the end of it for their quips
  134. >The party venue was guilded, encrusted with gems, had rivers and fountains of liquid silver. . .
  135. >You could fee the collective poverty of your old world weeping at the egregious waste of money that was going on here
  136. >You grinned and bared it, for as the sun set down, the party gathered around the stage of the venue for the entertainment
  137. >The lights dimmed, and the light crews did their thing as you took the stage
  138. 'Fillies and Gentlecolts! Thank you all for coming out here tonight! We have a very special guest here tonight. . .'
  139. >Cue drum roll, and the curtians opening to reveal. . .Bubble Berry.
  140. >He was in his music suit, the one he used to chase off the Parasprites, but it had been kicked up to 11, and a position for a copoilet
  142. >You tore off your tux, some how, revealing your casual 'rags'
  144. >You hoped in next to him and smiled, looking out in the crowd
  145. >Before you started, you could see Highblood turning neon white and screaming externally
  146. >The next seven minutes were awesome. That's the only way you can describe it.
  148. >After the song finished, fireworks went off on the stage, a sonic rainboom went off directly overhead, and the instruments spewed out candy and confetti to the stunned crowd
  149. >You and Bubble Berry were exhausted and panting from the music, and you shot him a coy grin
  150. >Your bride-to-be was on the stage in an instant, and was livid
  152. 'I do, babe. Best music ever. People who played this in my world were considered gods! Maybe even something higher!'
  153. >'AEGH! I thought I could CHANGE you into something passible for a husband! But you are still that crude, inconsiderate, lowbrow, apething I met in the street all that time ago!'
  154. >She spat her words with venom, but you waved them off.
  155. 'Yeah yeah, weddings off I'm guessing?'
  156. >She seemed to explode at that. 'YOU BETTER BELIEVE ITS OFF, MONKEY!'
  157. >She stormed off stage. You could feel a twinge of regret, but considering her, she'll probably buy a husband or something eventually.
  158. 'Well, folks. Sorry to waste your time tonight. It was all an elaborate ruse, I'm afraid. Never really liked her, to be honest!'
  159. >The crowd seemed to snap back into reality after that
  160. 'Well, you can pick up your diamond plated party favors on the way out. . .'
  161. >'Are you kidding! I simply must know the name of the bakery who prepared tonights dinner! It was astounding!' Offered a mare.
  162. >'The music was not quite to my taste, but I am curious to see how such a device works!' Offered another.
  163. >'I say, that style of yours is rather unique. . .bold, even! Who made you those clothes, human?'
  164. >You looked back at Bubble Berry, reigning in his excitement if only just
  165. 'Well. . .in no particular order. . .'
  167. ~~~
  168. >You were back in Ponyville, living with Dusk Shine in his library
  169. >Life was simple
  170. >Grass grew, pegasus flew, Solaris raised the sun, and you build things for ponies
  171. >Bubble Berry had his . . .incidents of flirting, but he had since reigned it in
  172. >You were back where you started, but. . .
  173. >That also meant no female companionship, still
  174. >Hearts 'n' Hooves day rolled around, and you spent it in the bottom of a cider glass in your favorite watering hole, The Sour Apple
  175. >Barkeep didn't ask any questions, so long as you had the money
  176. >You heard the doors swing open, and in strolled a mare
  177. >You seemed to perk up as she sat next to you, ordering a hard cider.
  178. 'Popular drink today, huh?'
  179. >'Yeah. . .you that human on the construction team?'
  180. 'Yup. Good pay. Out of doors. Really good work out. '
  181. >'Mmmh. . .' She said, trailing off as her drink arrived.
  182. >there was an awkward silence as you could feel the spaghetti spilling, but you decided to man up.
  183. 'What's pretty mare doing here all alone on a Hearts 'n' Hooves day, anywho?'
  184. >She blushed a bit. 'I'm not that pretty. . .and, I don't mind being alone.'
  185. 'Well. We're both here. Why not make it a date.'
  186. >She smiled a bit. 'Sure. Beats getting sloshed alone.'
  187. 'Yeah. What's your name?'
  188. >'Toffee.'
  189. 'Anon. Nice to meet you.'
  190. >She took a drink of her cider, sighing happily. 'So. . .you were engaged to Highblood?'
  191. 'Yeah. Took some cleverness to do so, but I managed.'
  192. >'Guessing that Sonic Rainboom a few months back had something to do with it, huh.'
  193. 'Yup.'
  194. >'Sounds like quite a story.'
  195. 'You don't know the half of it. . .it was, a night to remember.'
  196. >As you told your story, you could see her becoming more enthralled and interested, and it wasn't just the liquor doing that
  197. >You told her some silly stories about your time in Ponyville, as did she
  198. >You laughed, you smiled, and you enjoyed each others company
  199. >Before you knew it, Artemis had risen the moon, and you had to go your separate ways
  200. >'Anon. .. your really neat. I think I might just be falling for you.'
  201. 'If I can seduce royalty, no mare is immune to my charm.'
  202. >She gigged, nudging you a bit. 'Well. . .maybe we could get to know each other better. Want to come over to my house and make some sweets together? or, whatever you want to do.'
  203. 'I'd like that a whole lot, Toffee. I really would.'
  204. >'It's a date, then, officially.'
  205. >She waved and trotted off as you stood there with the biggest grin on your face.
  206. >Life here wasn't so bad, after all. . .
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