
Fat Anon Ponies in Equestria

Sep 6th, 2014
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  1. >anons brought into Equestria as ponies
  2. >everyone is invited to a special guests' banquet by the princesses
  3. >piles upon piles of food brought out by servants
  4. >anons indulge into the feast in a celebratory stupor, unaware of the magic in the food abating their sense of fullness
  5. >their stomachs stretch and groan in a chorus of borborygmi, but the guests are none the wiser
  6. >they just laugh, praising the food and the generosity of their princess
  7. >amidst the good cheer, Celestia wears a warm, gracious smile >inside, she's suppressing her excitement toward all the adorable, squishy new ponies who will be grouped together and become her new bed
  8. >the amount they grow is proportionately related to the amount they complain and try to resist
  9. >the more compliant anons are allowed to remain at simply a chubby, manageable size, taking up positions as butlers and maids who happen to stretch their uniforms a little tightly
  10. >unless of course they willingly state a request to grow larger, in which case they are given special treatment to help them grow as large as possible
  11. >however, the more outspoken ones are subjected to greater amounts of feeding, whether they want it or not
  12. >if they still don't shut up, their mouths are sealed around tubes that produce a constant flow of blended food straight to their stomachs
  13. >only when they buckle to the pressure and admit their submission as blobby, immobile masses of flesh and fuzz are they given relief
  14. >but by then, they might be too large to serve any purpose other than as royal furniture for guests...
  15. >resisters are obligated to perform lowly positions in the castle, commonly in the way of seating and bedding since they're too large to do much else
  16. >the willing ones are respected enough to be given their own property and are considered upper-class citizens
  17. >their rooms/homes are frequently expanded to compensate for their bellies as they take up more floor space
  18. >Equestrian royalty provide them harems of feeders and a constant cycle of caretakers
  19. >ponies from far and wide revere them as Buddha-like symbols, visiting to give belly rubs and food offerings of their own
  21. >The low status blobs are sometimes used as "garbage disposals" where the uneaten food is collected and fed to them instead of tossed away
  22. >They are still fed normally, but with low quality food and most times through hoses where it is hard to taste anything
  23. >They have set meal times they are forced to adhere to instead of the freedom the privileged ones have
  24. >Unused blobs are stored in a warehouse near the castle where the most basic care is given. Then switched out with the others "working" in the castle every once and a while
  25. >Sooner or later, some even grow too large to be of use in the castle and are transported to other parts of Equestria to be a town's sole food disposal unit. They are usually left in an open field so worries about space and housing is not an issue
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