

Jul 2nd, 2020
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  194. <div id="container">
  195. <div class="name">Eraserhead</div>
  196. <div class="title">Eraserhead</div>
  197. <div id="image"></div>
  199. <div id="content">
  200. <div style="width: 33vw; height: 19vw; overflow-y: hidden;">
  202. <a name="one"></a>
  203. <div style="width: 33vw; height: 19vw; overflow: auto;">
  204. <br>
  205. <div class="h2">Biographical Information</div>
  206. <br>
  207. <span style="float:left;"><b>Japanese Name</b></span><span style="float:right;">相あい澤ざわ消しょう太</span><br><br>
  208. <span style="float:left;"><b>Rōmaji Name</b></span><span style="float:right;">Aizawa Shota</span><br><br>
  209. <span style="float:left;"><b>Alias(es)</b></span><span style="float:right;"><a title="(イレイザー・ヘッド Ireizā Heddo)">Eraser Head</a></span><br><br>
  210. <span style="float:left;"><b>Birthday</b></span><span style="float:right;">November 8th</span><br>
  211. <span style="float:left;"><b>Age</b></span><span style="float:right;">31</span><br>
  212. <span style="float:left;"><b>Gender</b></span><span style="float:right;">Male</span><br>
  213. <span style="float:left;"><b>Height</b></span><span style="float:right;">183 cm (6')</span><br>
  214. <span style="float:left;"><b>Eyes</b></span><span style="float:right;">Black</span><br>
  215. <span style="float:left;"><b>Hair</b></span><span style="float:right;"><a title="Red during Quirk Activation">Black</a></span><br>
  216. <span style="float:left;"><b>Blood Type</b></span><span style="float:right;">B</span><br><br>
  217. <span style="float:left;"><b>Orientation</b></span><span style="float:right;">Demisexual</span><br>
  218. <span style="float:left;"><b>Relationship</b></span><span style="float:right;"></span><br><br>
  219. <span style="float:left;"><b>Status</b></span><span style="float:right;">Alive</span><br>
  220. <span style="float:left;"><b>Birthplace</b></span><span style="float:right;">Tokyo</span><br><br>
  221. <span style="float:left;"><b>Occupation</b></span><span style="float:right;">Pro Hero/Teacher</span><br>
  222. <span style="float:left;"><b>Affiliation</b></span><span style="float:right;">U.A. High School</span><br>
  223. <span style="float:left;"><b>Fighting Style</b></span><span style="float:right;">Binding Cloth</span><br><br>
  224. <span style="float:left;"><b>Japanese Voice</b></span><span style="float:right;">Junichi Suwabe</span><br><br>
  225. <span style="float:left;"><b>English Voice</b></span><span style="float:right;">
  226. Alex Organ (Season 1)<br>
  227. Christopher Wehkamp (Season 2+)
  228. </span><br><br><br>
  231. <div class="h3">Abilities</div><br>
  232. <b>Overall Abilities</b>: Eraser Head has demonstrated incredible combat prowess and ingenuity that makes him one of the most formidable teachers and Pro Heroes at U.A. High School. Eraser Head's usual battle tactic consists of canceling an opponent's Quirk and then using his Capturing Weapon in conjunction with his high agility to easily defeat or restrain his adversaries. Even without the aid of his Quirk, Eraser Head relies on his proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, excelling in close quarters combat. His overall abilities make him a pivotal combatant in situations where his opponents rely solely on the use of their Quirks, and with Eraser Head creating openings by negating their powers in the midst of battle, him. and his comrades are put into advantageous positions.
  233. <br><br>
  234. During the U.S.J. Incident, he effectively held his own against low-tier members of the League of Villains, that surrounded and outnumbered the Erasure Hero, dozens to one. Eraser Head evaded multiple attacks from opponents of various sizes and abilities before restraining them and sending them flying with calculated counter attacks. He was even able to nearly defeat Tomura Shigaraki, a highly capable villain, before Nomu intervened and overpowered the Erasure Hero. Other than Tomura, Eraser Head can effectively fend off high-level villains such as Vanguard Action Squad members, Dabi and Himiko Toga, albeit with some difficulty. He also played vital roles during the Shie Hassaikai Raid and the Jaku Hospital Raid, both of which involved large teams of heroes contending with high-class villains, with the latter raid involving the suppression of various High-End Nomus.
  235. <br><br>
  236. <ul>
  237. <li><b>Binding Cloth</b>: Shota developed a unique fighting style that involves his Capture weapon, by ensnaring and/or immobilizing his opponents, as well as using it for mobility such as swinging onto objects. As highly proficient he is at using this fighting style, Shota stated that it took him six years to develop it. This style of combat synchronizes well with his Erasure Quirk, as he can nullify the Quirks of his opponents while being to restrain and defeat them.
  238. </ul>
  239. <b>Keen Intellect</b>: Eraser Head had been seen to have keen observation and evaluation skills. He can easily evaluate his student's personalities and their mental state. He is an expert on collaborating his equipment and Quirk with one another. In battle, Eraser Head uses goggles in conjunction with his Quirk to prevent enemies from figuring out who he's looking at, and keep them guessing. He also quickly creates strategies for dealing with different types of enemies, even those who are immune to his Quirk. In addition, he can meticulously discern the mechanics behind people’s abilities after witnessing them performed once.<br><br>
  241. <div class="h4">Quirk</div>
  242. <br><br>
  243. <b>Erasure</b> (抹まっ消しょう Masshō?): Shota's Quirk gives him the ability to nullify another person's Quirk by looking at the user.
  244. <br><br>
  245. After sustaining grievous injuries at the U.S.J., Shota can't use his Quirk for as long and must rest longer between erasures.
  246. <br><br>
  247. While powerful, this ability has many drawbacks:
  248. <ul>
  249. <li>Erasure deactivates if Shota blinks or if his line of sight is obstructed.
  250. <li>His Quirk gives Shota a bad dry eye, forcing him to blink more often when he uses the power continuously.
  251. <li>Mutant-Class Quirks are immune to erasure.
  252. <li>Erasure makes Shota's hair stand on end while it is active, allowing his enemies to see when his Quirk is active or not.
  253. <li>This Quirk has no offensive potential.
  254. </ul>
  256. <h2>Stats</h2>
  257. <p><i>Ultra Archieve</i></p>
  258. <span style="float:left;"><b>Power</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●○○</span><br><br>
  259. <span style="float:left;"><b>Speed</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●○</span><br><br>
  260. <span style="float:left;"><b>Technique</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●●</span><br><br>
  261. <span style="float:left;"><b>Intelligence</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●○</span><br><br>
  262. <span style="float:left;"><b>Cooperation</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●○○</span><br><br>
  264. <p><i>Ultra Analysis</i></p>
  265. <span style="float:left;"><b>Power</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●○○○</span><br><br>
  266. <span style="float:left;"><b>Speed</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●○○</span><br><br>
  267. <span style="float:left;"><b>Technique</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●●</span><br><br>
  268. <span style="float:left;"><b>Intelligence</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●○</span><br><br>
  269. <span style="float:left;"><b>Dry Eyes</b></span><span style="float:right;">●●●●●●</span><br><br>
  271. <h1>Equipment</h1>
  272. <b>Eye drops</b>: Shota carries a small green case of eye drops with him. He uses them to treat the dry eye caused by keeping his eyes open too long.
  273. <br><br>
  274. <b>Capturing Weapon</b> (捕縛武器 Hobaku Buki?): Eraser Head's weapon of choice is a cloth made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nanofibers.
  275. <br><br>
  276. <b>Eraser Goggles</b>: Eraser Head can be recognized by the gold goggles he wears around his neck, hidden by his scarf. He only puts them on in a fight because they complement Shota's Quirk. The goggles hide his line of sight, preventing enemies from effectively determining whose Quirk has been erased. He received these goggles during his school years from Oboro Shirakumo.
  277. <br><br>
  278. <b>Caltrops</b>: Eraser Head used caltrops in the practical battle against Team Todoroki & Yaoyorozu. They were effective when used in combination with the capturing weapon. After suspending Shoto in mid-air with the capturing weapon, Shota threw caltrops beneath Shoto so he couldn't land safely in case he escaped his restraints.
  279. <br><br>
  280. <b>Knife</b>: Eraser Head has a large knife. It's useful to cut off his Capturing Weapon should it become stuck to something. He can also use it in combat.
  281. </div>
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