

Nov 5th, 2016
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  1. SConfig = {} --Don't change the name of this!
  3. SConfig.Website = "" --The link to your website
  5. SConfig.Bars = true --Enable coloured bars on the player row in the scoreboard
  6. SConfig.BarsColorRank = false --Set to false to make the bar's colour that of a player's job...
  7. --...true to make them rank based (see rank table below)
  9. SConfig.RowFade = 4 --The speed of which to fade in when the player's mouse hovers over a row
  10. SConfig.RowAlphaMin = 0 --The minimum alpha value of a player row (the background colour of the player's team)
  11. SConfig.RowAlphaMax = 150 --The maximum alpha value of a player row
  13. SConfig.Rank = true --Set to false to disable the rank column
  15. SConfig.Ranks = {} --The table for the scoreboard's ranks
  16. --Used for displaying nice names and colours depending on a player's usergroup
  17. --Example usage:
  18. --SConfig.Ranks["groupname"] = {"Nice Name", Color("255, 255, 255")}
  19. SConfig.Ranks["superadmin"] = {"SuperAdmin", Color(184, 55, 255)}
  20. SConfig.Ranks["admin"] = {"Admin", Color(52, 105, 37)}
  21. SConfig.Ranks["moderator"] = {"Moderator", Color(225, 0, 132}
  22. SConfig.Ranks["trial-staff"] = {"Trial-Staff", Color(244, 162, 115)}
  23. SConfig.Ranks["developer"] = {"Developer", Color(164, 244, 252)}
  24. SConfig.Ranks["owner"] = {"Owner", Color(255, 0, 0)}
  25. SConfig.Ranks["founder"] = {"Founder", Color(112, 176, 72)}
  26. SConfig.Ranks["staff-manager"] = {"Staff-Manager", Color(80, 119, 174)}
  27. SConfig.Ranks["server-manager"] = {"Server-Manager", Color(80, 119, 174)}
  28. SConfig.Ranks["community-manager"] = {"Community-Manager", Color(80, 119, 174)}
  32. SConfig.Columns = {} --The table for holding the columns you want
  34. --The header for the column is the part inside the first set of brackets, this goes above all of the values
  35. --The first value inside the curly braces is how far along the scoreboard you want the column to be, 0.5 being halfway
  36. --The second value is the colour of the text in the column
  37. --The third is a function which returns what you want to be shown in the player row (ask your developer about this if you're unsure)
  39. --Example usage:
  40. --SConfig.Columns["Level"] = {0.35, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return ply:GetLevel() end}
  41. SConfig.Columns["Rank"] = {0.5, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return ply:GetUserGroup() end}
  42. SConfig.Columns["Team"] = {0.65, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return team.GetName(ply:Team()) end}
  43. SConfig.Columns["Karma"] = {0.65, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return math.Round(ply:GetBaseKarma()) end}
  44. SConfig.Columns["Score"] = {0.75, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return ply:Frags() end}
  45. SConfig.Columns["Deaths"] = {0.825, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return ply:Deaths() end}
  46. SConfig.Columns["Ping"] = {0.9, Color(255,255,255,200), function(ply) return ply:Ping() end}
  48. SConfig.Criteria = "Score" --The default column to sort by, should be one of the table values above(eg: "Team, "Rank")
  50. SConfig.TrayLinks = {
  51. button1 = {name = "TTT Server #1", IP = ""},
  52. button2 = {name = "TTT Server #2", IP = ""},
  53. button3 = {name = "DarkRP Server #1", IP = ""},
  54. button4 = {name = "DarkRP Server #2", IP = ""}
  55. }
  57. --Below are all the fonts that can be edited to your liking if you wish to do so.
  58. surface.CreateFont("SScoreText", {font = "Open Sans", size = 22, weight = 0}) --General font used for player rows and headers
  59. surface.CreateFont("SSCoreButtons", {font = "Open Sans", size = 28, weight = 0}) --Font used on button panel's buttons
  60. surface.CreateFont("SScoreLabel", {font = "Open Sans", size = 20, weight = 0}) --Font used for information panel's labels
  61. surface.CreateFont("SScoreTime", {font = "Open Sans", size = 74, weight = 0}) --Font used to display clock
  62. surface.CreateFont("SScoreInfo", {font = "Open Sans", size = 48, weight = 0}) --Large font used for information
  63. surface.CreateFont("SScoreSubInfo", {font = "Open Sans", size = 36, weight = 0}) --Font used to display gamemode and players
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