

Sep 30th, 2021
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  1. As she attempts to teleport out, whatever that flash across the walls acts on her and she doesn't move at all. No teleportation. The red crystal is still loudly ringing, and before she knew it there were several lights headed over to where she was.
  3. Collapse attempts to shoot a laser at the crystal, but she knows that she is screwed.
  5. No laser appears. It seems as though the crystal has disabled her unicorn magic, but not the lights. 3 guards spot her. "You're in trouble, mare!" one shouts.
  7. Collapse sighs. "I must admit. I did not see that one coming, clever."
  9. "The last break in we had made us realize we needed to up our security. Grist, go get the law enforcement." one of them says, and Grist leaves. The other two stay behind.
  11. "Well then. I surrender. No point in fighting." Collapse said
  13. Eventually the guards arrive with horn inhibitor and cuffs ready. They tell her to stand up so they can put them on her.
  15. Collapse does what they say. "Sorry." she squeaks.
  17. The guard clicks the inhibitor to her horn and the cuffs to each of her legs, preventing her from running properly. "Well sorry isn't good enough. Move it." he says, and begins leading her out headed towards the castle
  19. (Skipped part)
  21. Eventually some guards come by and open her cell door. "You're coming with us. It's time to recieve your punishment."
  23. The guards lead her to the throne room. Only Princess Ruby is there. Princess Ruby looks like she's waiting for something from her.
  25. Princess Ruby is silent for all of the sorrys, and then nods to a guard near a door. One brings in her equipment and another brings in Glisten, then forces her to bow as well. Glisten looks confused and scared. "Why do you have all of the equipment that the recently escaped Collapse has?" Princess Ruby asks.
  27. "Because I AM collapse! I'm sorry for what I did, but you must understand! I did all the things I did so I could actually SPEAK for once, while attempting to help you and your village....Oh, and also..... I went to some ruins in the woods with Flare and there was Trixie and some orange pony who came out of a portal from the blue circle, I touched each circle... and I had dreams about the symbols...and stuff.....I recently went to an armor place....and wanted to have armor to look cool and all, while also protecting the village....I didn't have any money so I had to steal...." by the time she is done, the pony is shaking wildly and jittering, afraid indeed...." Collapse whimpers
  29. And now that that's out of the way, you're going back to where you were supposed to be!" Princess Ruby states, looking very angry. "RUBY! DON'T KILL HER!" Glisten shouts before being forced onto the ground by the guard near her. She yelps a little from the impact. "SILENCE GLISTEN! Why I thought I could trust you, I thought I could teach you to be better then those that had attacked my town before! I thought I could even care about you and give you a nice place. Your actions have betrayed me." Princess Ruby growls.
  31. Collapse sighs. "I wouldn't have problems.... if you didn't put me in that scanning device....the was horrible....I'm sorry...." tears begin falling more and more out as she falls to the ground.
  33. Princess Ruby's face distorts as she cries. She still looks angry, but she also looks like she's got a look of sympathy as well. "So what are you expecting of me? Every time we meet you've broken more and more of my rules. You're holding something within you that could potentially stop whatever you've started and you've even convinced Glisten here to stab my back. Honestly, what do you expect of me?" she asks, half growling at it. Glisten is just whimpering as she waits for her fate to be decided. She has nowhere to go if she's banished from Lumsfield.
  35. "I thought that you were going to torture me or kill me.....please...don't....but if you do....I understand.....You could banish me...." Collapse squeaks.
  37. "Thanks to Glisten here I've got more then I actually hoped to get from you, so I'll let you go. However..." she walks right up to the quivering pony and glares straight into her teared up eyes. "If you ever come back to Lumsfield. I WILL kill you." she turns back to her throne and sits on it, then looks down at them. "You are hereby both banished from Lumsfield. Never return or else." she decrees. Glisten looks up at her with eyes of terror. "B-b-both? No... nononono please I'm sorry!" she says, trying to get up before being forced onto the ground again. She yelps louder this time.
  39. She nods quickly, and goes over to Glisten. "Lets go, I'm sorry for being the cause of all this....I also have to say bye to Flare, and then we are out of here...." she says nervously.
  41. The guard lets Glisten up and she quickly scrambles to her feet, silently shedding tears. "Flare? You mean Flare Tricks?" Princess Ruby says as she narrows her eyes. The guards move about them and prepare to guide their banishment.
  43. Princess Ruby sighs angrily. "You've been helped by her as well, haven't you?" she asks. The guards don't move just yet.
  45. "No. I just stayed at her place, I was taking a nap on a bench and she woke me up and I asked to stay and thats it......"
  47. Princess Ruby whispers something to one of the guards. "You can say your goodbyes, now go." The guards start their escort to Flare's house.
  49. Flare nods and moves aside, letting her inside. The guards follow after her, making sure she doesn't try to escape.
  51. She stops. "Then how will we break it off?" | She goes into her bedroom, shutting the door for a few moments, and in those few moments she quickly flips up her bed, and takes the knife, the staff and her fly ring, putting them into the pillow sheets, then taking the other pillowsheet and puts it over the top, and tieing them together, as she opens the door they can see she has a makeshift bag, she heads down the stairs. "Okay Glisten...lets get out of here...." Collapse says, frowning.
  53. Retin approaches again and struggles in opening the cast. After a few seconds of straining the cast breaks open, the metal hilt clattering to the floor. | The guards watch her the entire time. They weren't about to let her out of their sight. They look at her suspiciously but don't question her about the things she has. Glisten looks up at her, slowly rubbing her arm with her other hand in an awkward way. "Ok..." she says and starts shuffling towards the front door.
  55. Nightmare Star thanks Retin and carefully inspects the hilt. | She takes her 'bag' and heads out the door. "Lets go." she says to Glisten but then turns to the guards. "Where are the nearest towns located?" she asks.
  57. Retin moves back and looks at the hilt as well. Even with the lasers and the slightly rough treatment it still looks perfectly fine. | Glisten starts to walk alongside her, wings dropped by her sides. The guards look back at her. "The nearest one to here would be Oasisplace, but don't you dare cause trouble over there." he states.
  59. "Wow...." she smirks as she sees it, and brings the blade next to it, and begins a binding spell. | "I won't." she says firmly and begins walking towards the forest.
  61. As the binding spell starts the metal pieces begin to fuse together, however with the strength of the red metal it takes a bit more time to bind the pieces together. It's done soon enough though. | Flare hugs her as she passes, and she also hugs Glisten too. "Take care..." she says quietly. Glisten follows beside her as she walks over to the forest.
  63. Nightmare Star shows the blade to the others. | She hugs back. After a while of walking Glisten notices her coat and mane are peeling again.
  65. The others that are still interested nod at it. "The blade looks a little wonky." Stardustel says. Clair suddenly turns to her. "No it doesn't! Shut up!" she snaps. Stardustel quickly takes several steps away, and is prepared to take several more if needed. | Glisten looks up at her. "Oh no... you're doing it again... I thought you said this was your real form or something..." she says and begins fretting her hands.
  67. "Alright Clair. Calm down." Twilight says. | "Well, I kinda lied, sorry... I didn't trust you then...but now I do...." the peeling grows.
  69. Clair snorts at Stardustel but doesn't go any further. The sudden shouting has woken up Dirnnavor who looks around. | "T-thanks..." she mutters and looks away from her until it's done. She moves her hands to her stomach as she feels a little queasy from the sight.
  71. Twilight turns to Dirnnavor, watching her movements and what she does. | After about a minute she sighs. "Take a look...." as she turns around she sees Collapse as she was before, with the same eyes minus the flickering, and a cutie mark composing of 2 concentric circles with 3 little ones in between. "Well.... I kinda want to check out those ruins again...." she begins searching for the Ruins.
  73. Dirnnavor just looks up at them all, then grabs her wings and stares at Volarius, then looks around at the rest. "Now for the next part, and the part I hate most." Dunewave states. | Glisten looks up at Collapse. "So you're... really that colour? This is your real form, the one I first saw...? Or are neither your real form...?" she asks in a worried tone as they search for the ruins. She almost misses them as she sees a glimpse of rock from behind several trees.
  75. "Yes....we should find like REALLY REALLY bad criminals....." Moondancer says. | "This is my real form....I've got something to show you." she turns towards the glimpse and heads towards the ruins.
  77. "Hey, that reminds me. How do you think that Summerstone fellow got HIS spirit blade? It couldnt've been a coincidence." Lumino states. | "Oh... O-ok, just...please don't make your skin fall off again." she says and follows her to the ruins. This part of them there aren't any circles, they're in another part nearby.
  79. "He probably stole it, or made it....perhaps it could be the original though...." she says. | "I won't, I promise...." she surveys the ruins carefully, trying to tell what sort of thing was here before while also looking for the circles.
  81. Lumino sighs. "The only real way to know is to ask him... and that's unlikely." he says. "Or mindread him, right Twilight?" Clair says, quirking an eyebrow at her. | Glisten looks around with curiosity and fear as she looks around. They're really old, but she thinks it might've been some sort of temple or shrine judging from the way thick pieces of stone dot the ground every so often, in even spaces.
  83. "I need alot of force to do so, I only managed to figure out his name, and such, and that took quite a bit of magic...." | She tells this to Glisten and keeps searching for the circles.
  85. Glisten nods, occasionally flap-jumping onto the rocks around the place as she follows. Collapse spots the circles once again.
  87. "Well. He resisted. Maybe next time someone or more could help me...." she nods. | Collapse leads her to the circles, she goes to the purple one, attempting to remember if the metal is the same shade of purple or not.
  89. "Ok, tell me and I'll help you with the spell then." Dunewave states. Dirnnavor watches him carefully, which causes him to look back at her. "What?" he asks. Dirnnavor looks at the door instead. "We're done here. Let's go." she states. | Glisten looks astonished at the circles. "So... so these are just here and none of those in the entire town has found there??" she asks jaw dropping. Collapse remembers that the purple that came from the metal was far far darker then the purple circle, almost to the point of black, but not quite getting there.
  91. "Okay." she says to them both, and they begin heading out. | "Well. None in Lumsfield. Only here for some reason...." she says, and places a hoof on the purple one and drains just a bit of magic from it to see what happens.
  93. Dunewave activates a cloak around them and Vorelatex creates a portal through the door again. It's still dark outside, thankfully none of the citizens decided to take a look. Almost miraculous. | As she attempts to drain some of the magic from the circle, it refuses to give any to her.
  95. Twilight thanks Dunewave. "Lets go look for a jail...." Moondancer states quietly. | She attempts to do the same to the dark green one.
  97. Nebularion looks up confused. "Somepony is touching something of mine." he says. Retin looks up too. "Umm, I can feel that too." she says. "Nothing from me." Lumino states, and all the rest of the spirits say they don't feel it either. | The same thing happens. It resists any attempt to drain from it.
  99. "What do you mean?" Twilight questions. | She touches the blue one, expecting the same result.
  101. Stardustel looks up as well. "H-hey! I can feel it as well just now. I didn't before but it's happening to me!" she states. Nebularion looks to Twilight. "Something is toying with something of mine. Like they're trying to do something to it." he explains. | She gets the same result. "What are you doing...? Do you know what they are?" Glisten asks, looking nervous as she pokes the edge of one of the circles with a claw.
  103. "Should we portal back and see whats doing it?" Twilight asks. | She stops. "Well, I have no clue. But the blue one is used as a sort of portal, I saw some blue pony and orange pony come out of it. The Blue one's name is Trixie...the orange one, no clue."
  105. "I guess you already worked out what I just did too. Sure, let's pay them a visit." Nebularion says and starts to draw a purple circle on the ground. "It'll fade after one use like all the others you've used. No mess." he states and he activates the portal. | "So these are... portals to elsewhere?" she asks. "Well how do you activate the- WOAH!!!" she jumps back as the purple one starts to form the
  108. They nod, and go in once its ready. | She jumps back, and sets her bag down, quickly putting on her fly ring, and holding the staff and the knife, hiding the bag behind a rock and then backing up. "You should hide, if anything happens. I can fight." she says.
  110. Nebularion jumps in followed by Retin, Dunewave and the rest. | Glisten runs in a panic over to the closest tree and hides behind it, peeking out when they both see Starlight fly out of the portal followed by the rest. "Hmph, found them." Nebularion says to Starlight.
  112. They jump in. She backs up. "Hey, what is with these things? Some sort of portals? Seems like it, I saw Trixie and some orange pony fly out of it, is everything okay...?" she asks Starlight / Nebularion.
  114. They all come flying out one after another. Nebularion locks Collapse in a barrier. "Quit asking questions. Wait hold on, Trixie was here? Damn." Nebularion says and turns to the others, telling them what she said. Glisten is confused, but when she notices who's arrived she rushes out of her hiding spot. "DUNEWAVE! GUYS!!!" she shouts happily, pleased to see them.
  116. She sighs, and frowns within the barrier. The others approach Glisten and greet her.
  118. Glisten jumps up and wraps her arms around Moondancer's neck, and then her wings too. Her legs dangle down not touching the ground but she doesn't care. "I missed you so much! And I had nowhere else to go!" she cries.
  120. Moondancer hugs her back and snuggles her. "No point in asking this one. Lets see what she knows." Twilight says, and performs a mind read on Collapse, and begins reading her mind, Collapse's body stiffens up and she stands involuntary. "Wow. Didn't think she would be this powerful." she smirks.
  122. Glisten lets go and hugs Dunewave, then Stardustel, then any of the others she's seen before. Lumino walks up to Twilight. "Well then, how much power does she have then? Not enough to break out of Nebularion's barrier. Or she doesn't want to try." he states, looking up at her. "What...?" Dunewave asks Dirnnavor.
  124. "Shes able to drain life out of things, shes good a stealing, a bit greedy though. Plus her 'Fly Ring' as she calls it allows her to fly with superb maneuverability and dodging." she says. "Well, I'm up to the challenge." Collapse says, and a black glow begins rotating around her horn.
  126. Lumino nods. "So she could kill us all right now if she wanted? Well, your mortal forms at least. We would survive..." he says. Nebularion smiles. "Well, I've always wanted to try this, just to see if this works." the barrier suddenly turns solid. They can't see her inside the barrier anymore, however on the inside purple lights started to glow brighter and brighter around her.
  128. "If she wanted, probably....theres also something about a purple metal....know anything about that Nebularion?" she says. The black beam fires up, and smashes against the barrier, sending out pulses that seem to gradually weaken the barrier, cracks start to form. She doesn't mind the purple.
  130. Nebularion is busy concentrating with a smile on his face and so he doesn't reply to Twilight's question. As the cracks form the rest can see the purple light from inside. The purple lights flash and suddenly Collapse is blinded, numbed, nauseated and cut off from her magic from the flash. "Cool, I can Arcanist Bloom inside my own shields. The cracks really let me know, thanks!" he says, and makes it transparent again after the light fades away.
  132. "YOU BETTER HEAL ME RIGHT NOW YOU IDIOT! YOU BETTER NOT DO THAT AGAIN OR ELSE YOUR LIFE IS MINE!" Collapse shouts loudly from within the barrier. Twilight can't help but understand.
  134. Nebularion sighs. "What do you think Twilight? You read her mind, think she can be trusted to not go all berserk on us?" he asks. Glisten rushes over to Collapse and stands in front of the barrier and looks at the group, arms bend back to touch the barrier. "Guys! Don't hurt her! She's my friend!!" she cries.
  136. "I guess she can be trusted. She only seems to get angry when she gets hurt." Twilight says. "Let me go." Collapse scowls.
  138. The barrier drops, but the arcanist bloom still remains in her mind. Every time she thinks about it it makes her wants to throw up. "Think I should get rid of what I did to her as well?" Nebularion asks the others.
  140. "Yes....but next of us could do something to her and blame it on Summerstone, then he'll be toast." Moondancer says. Collapse falls to the ground and hugs Glisten.
  142. Nebularion nods and starts to walk over to Collapse. Glisten hugs Collapse back. "Thank you..." she says quietly to the others. Stardustel sort of wants to join in too but she knows it's not her hug to join in on.
  144. Collapse goes over to Stardustel. "Hm...You look like Azure." she simply states, ignoring Nebularion.
  146. Stardustel points at herself. "That's because I am Azure! How do you know my name?" she asks excitedly. Nebularion waits her turn, thinking about removing the image of the arcanist bloom... right after making her think about it one more time.
  148. "I met Flare Tricks, your mother, I presume......" she says. "You know, if you piss her off enough, she won't help us." Starlight says to Nebularion mentally.
  150. Azure smiles. "You've met my mother! Oh! I've got so much to tell her! So..." she turns and looks at her metal leg. "...much..." she sighs. "I'll just tell her that I needed her to focus on it. I want to see how strong her mind is." Nebularion replies.
  152. "What happened there? Gah, did you hit it very fast like some certain pegasus did...?" she sighs. "Why?" (Quick question: How did the dark spirit get his cutie mark?)
  154. "Uhh... hehe... no I didn't, it was way way worse... I didn't get out of the way of a big laser beam in time and well..." she taps it with one of her other legs and it makes a metal clanking sound. "Just curious." he says. (It was given to him when he because the dark spirit. Similar to the rest.)
  156. She frowns. "Sorry to hear that...big laser beam? What happened?" Twilight turns to her. "Summerstone, the orange pony you saw with Trixie, hes evil, hes corrupt, hes the threat we are trying to stop. He made Trixie his slave basically...." Collapse quirks an eyebrow. "Really?" Twilight nods. "Fine...but if I die, its your fault." she sighs. (Cool)
  158. "Yeah... basically that... He fired a big laser at everypony and I was hit real bad." she says. Dunewave steps up. "We're going to fully replace it when we get the time, but right now we have bigger problems to deal with. No offense Azure." "None taken." Azure replies. Nebularion clears his throat. "So, want me to properly heal you?" Nebularion asks Collapse.
  160. She turns towards Nebularion. "Yes.....your so pretty...honestly...." she sort of admires Nebularion / Starlight and takes a glance at her soft pink hooves.
  162. Nebularion mentally sighs as she glances at her pink hooves. They definitely look soft, and washed a bit ago too thanks to the water they all swam through. "Alright, think about when that big purple flash hit you." he tells her.
  164. "I mean.... I don't mind being admired...." she says to Nebularion, the others just watch. And Collapse does so.
  166. Collapse immediately starts feeling nauseous again while Nebularion's horn glows. Dunewave quirks an eyebrow Collapse admiring Starlight.
  169. She keeps thinking about it, and doesn't care about the feeling and resists it, and gets closer to Starlight.
  171. The magic releases itself on Collapse, engulfing her head in a purple mist as he begins going through her mind, latching onto it and sort of holding it in place as he erases the thoughts of the arcanist bloom. Collapse can do nothing, and she feels nothing. She can't feel herself as her front hooves are actually lifted off the ground from the magic. Stardustel backs away. "T-that's what he did to me and my mother..." she whimpers.
  173. She is just simply there while he does this. Twilight gets close to Stardustel and pats her, attempting to comfort her.
  175. He finishes, completely wiping the memories of the arcanist bloom from her mind. "Ah, that probably wasn't necessary, but that magic is rather sticky. Regular mind wipe probably wouldnt've done it." It takes a little for Collapse to regain control over her mind again, so for the time being she just falls to the ground, semi-conscious.
  177. Collapse groggily gets up from what just happened, looking at Starlight / Nebularion again. "We should probably get going with the blade thing...." Nightmare Star says.
  179. Nebularion props her back up with a touch of telekinesis then turns to Nightmare Star. "Yep, though I believe somepony needs to catch up on somepony else?" he says. Stardustel excitedly tiptoes, ready to race back to Lumsfield. "Can I? Please??" she asks, giving them the filly eyes.
  181. Collapse just simply lays there, looking at Starlight's hooves, Starlight smirks sly, as if inviting her. "Go ahead, but be fast." Twilight says.
  183. Stardustel flaps her wings and takes off towards Lumsfield. Nebularion doesn't bother to react and lets Starlight take over once again. After an hour, Stardustel doesn't return.
  185. Collapse inched over and gently touched Starlights hooves about 5 minutes in. Twilight is worried. "We need to go check this out, cloaked...." she says.
  187. "Alright, let's do that, it's been far too long anyway for just a quick chat." Lumino says, then prepares to head on over to Lumsfield, cloak at the ready.
  189. They begin heading to Lumsfield. Collapse gently touches Starlight's wings. Starlight sighs. "Not now, later." Collapse nods.
  191. Lumino triggers his cloak over the group as they reach Lumsfield, and sets down just outside of Flare's house. They can see movement of 1 white pony and 1 white unicorn inside.
  193. They sneak into her house quietly, to listen to what is going on.
  195. Before they manage to sneak through the front door it's suddenly blocked by the flank of Flare Tricks. "I told you no!" she shouts, almost pleading. "They're waiting!!" they hear Azure shout back.
  197. They move back a bit. "Must be her motherly instinct.' Twilight says mentally to the group. (night)
  199. "Clearly. We must've pushed her too far..." Dunewave says mentally too. "Well what are we going to do? Surely we can't just burst in and take her." Lumino asks, and gets a head shake by Retin. "Perhaps let me handle it? I'm a mother to... thousands. Plus a few non-minion types..." she suggests quietly.
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