
Rose Cross Guard Tournament Rules

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. Greetings Rose Cross Order members! It's the last of the month and we are just a week away from the tournament! (December 6th at 19:00 aka 7:00PM Central Time - 17:00/5:00PM Pacific, 20:00/8:00PM Eastern) Through much deliberation there has been a final decision made on tournament rules and guidelines!
  2. Each match will be judged and in turn, the judges will have 3 days to go over what they have witnessed and will review the combat log!
  3. The rules of the tournament are as follows:
  4. 1. Both opponents must agree upon the terms of the match and agree that the winner shall advance in the tournament.
  5. 2. This is not an authorized Kill Zone. You are not permitted to kill your opponent and the match is over when one combatant yields or is knocked unconscious. OR DEEMED OTHERWISE BY THE JUDGES!
  6. 3. You must describe your character (garb,armor, species, etc) and weapons (magic as well) in detail. This will prevent the change of such things later on in the match (unless posted in rp) as well as give a fair chance for a combatant to learn about an opponent.
  7. 4. Absolutely no god moding. A judge will step up and speak if they see what they consider god moding. You will be warned the first time, however if the judges catch god moding 3 times, they will call the fight.
  8. 5. Be respectful. Give your opponent time to post in full. Do not use foul language. Do not argue with the judges; their call is final.
  9. 6. Both participant must state that they are ready before the fight begins.
  10. 7. No booting any one participant. However if both are booted, the fight ends in a draw.
  11. 8. Keep any OOC conversation to a bare minimum
  12. 9. If you are a shapeshifter, you are only allowed to shapeshift 4 times.
  13. 10. No powerplaying. Please reference the post I have made on the T1 thread of the forums of the Rose Cross group page.
  14. 11. Use (c) for continuing an attack and (e) for ending an attack to help with clarification on your attack posts. For example: He started towards the other warrior (c) and struck the man upside the head with the dull side of the blade. (e)
  15. 12. No auto-hitting. They opponent must accept the hit, block/defend or dodge. It will count against you.
  16. 13. If you crash, you only have 3 mins too log back on or you forfeit the match,if you have to leave due to a RL issue, you must step up and say so but it is also a forfeit of the match
  17. 14. You have to prep your spell in a separate post before actually casting it. The more powerful the magic, the more preparation it will take.
  18. 15. There will be no auto-healing in this tournament. Period.
  19. 16. Power-up items are allowed. Only two items per match and can only be used once.
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