
Day One in Equestria pt 3

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. >It's been about an hour since the end of the speech, and it seems as though all went over really well. The mayor and Twilight seemed very pleased with your speech, and this was further proven by a few mares coming up to you and asking you about yourself, about where you were from, about your humming, and all sorts of general questions. Before you could really get into anything except that you were human, Twilight pulled you away from the crowd, and off to her library where the two of you have been packing for your trip to canterlot.
  2. >To keep from getting bored you hum quietly to yourself, and seeing as you only have rarity's outfit, and the shirt and jeans you came in, you finish packing pretty
  3. quickly.
  5. >Twilight on the other hand takes a while. You occasionally see her running upstairs to grab things she forgot on her last trip up.
  6. Twilight, would you like some help packing?
  7. >She stops, looks at you for a second, and answers, "Yes please, help me by carrying this stuff to the train station, it's past rarity's boutique. Don't worry about tickets, Princess Celestia included a pair with her letter."
  9. 1/?
  11. >You grab a pack of books, scrolls, and quills, heave it onto your back, and marvel at how strong the little pony must be to carry multiple packs of this type at once.
  12. >You're still humming as you approach rarity's place, and you decide to stop by and say hello and thanks again for the outfit.
  13. >You knock on the door, and wait for some form of response to signal you're allowed inside.
  14. >One never comes, and so being a curious sort of fellow, you set down the pack, and give the door knob (how do they turn a door knob with hooves?) a turn and push the door open slowly
  15. >Inside you can hear some gentle mechanical sounds from where rarity fitted you earlier, and assume she's working on something or other, and shouldn't be disturbed.
  16. >You head back out, grab a piece of paper (parchment from the feel of it) quickly scribble your thanks, and leave it on the countertop in the front room.
  17. Wait, but can she even read english?
  18. >A valid point, they can speak the same as you, but when you were trying to read the magazines in the mayor's office, it was just gibberish to you. You head back inside to grab the paper, and rationalize it to yourself by saying you'll just thank her the right way when you get back.
  20. 2/?
  22. >"Anon, hello. Wonderful speech darling, I knew you didn't need luck."
  23. >There she is standing behind the counter apparently not having noticed the note.
  24. Hiya Rarity!
  25. >You sorta blub up on the greeting, having been startled by her appearance
  26. >She chuckles a bit at the pitch your voice shoots up to, and your cheeks redden slightly
  27. Sorry to disturb you, I came over here to say thanks again for the outfit. If I'm perfectly honest with you, I hate giving speeches, and seeing this sweet piece, and modeling for you helped me relax. So thanks a lot
  28. >"Think nothing of it dear, and consider the garb a gift, I may ask you to model for me again, as I usually am stuck with actual models instead of living breathing creatures, and you can't get any feedback from a dummy. That and usually when I can convince AppleJack to model for me she complains the whole time, not like you anon, you made the process fun, and-"
  29. >She blushes a bit, it's super cute, and very apparent with her white coat.
  30. >You smile, and the both of you giggle a bit
  31. Oh Yeah! Rarity, Where's the station? I'm bringing Twilight's bags over for her as she finishes up something back at the library.
  32. >"It's just down the path continuing on in the direction you used to get here. Do be safe dear, I would hate to not see a new friend again simply because he acted brutishly in the face of the princess."
  33. Will do.
  34. >You head outside, and pick up the bags again, head off towards the station, and see that it's mostly devoid of pony. There's the ticket booth operator, and over sitting on the bench facing away is a yellow pony with a pink mane.
  35. Looks kinda familiar.
  37. 3/?
  39. >You let the bags down carefully, having broken one of the quills already on accident, and you begin humming to yourself to pass the time
  41. >Your humming attracts the attention of the pink maned pony, and she stands up from her seat
  42. >You're a bit tired, and decide that a bit of shut eye is in order as soon as you and Twilight are on the train. For now though, you settle for blinking a bit more than normal.
  43. >The sound of another person(pony?) humming catches your ear, and you turn to where you heard it coming from.
  44. >In a large nearby bush you spy movement, you look around, make sure twilight's stuff is propped up so it won't fall, and head over to investigate.
  45. >A note pops out of the bush, and a figure speeds off in the direction opposite the train station.
  46. >You grab the note and assume you won't understand what it says.
  47. >To your surprise, the letter is written in english, and merely says "Hello"
  48. How curious
  49. >You hear the train pull into the station, and turn around only to come face to face with a familiar yellow pegasus with a pink mane
  50. Aah!
  51. >You trip back into the bush, and quickly pick yourself up so as not to leave yourself vulnerable.
  53. 4/?
  55. >"What's that Anon?"
  56. Nothing, just some trash, litter bothers me, I'm sorry I don't know if I ever told you my name, and I'm pretty sure you never told me yours.
  57. >"Oh, how rude of me, I'm FlutterShy, and I heard them adress you as Anon at the speech in the town square."
  58. Right, well Fluttershy, It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
  59. >"Oh the pleasure is all mine Anon"
  60. >She said pleasure in an odd way, almost as if she were savoring the word.
  61. >An awkward silence follows, with her staring at you non-binkingly
  62. >"Anon, where are you? Are you already here?"
  63. >You hear Twilight's voice in the direction of the train, and yell out to her
  64. Yeah, Twilight, I'm coming over. Excuse me Fluttershy, I have an appointment elsewhere at the moment, and one I can't push back.
  65. >"An appointment where?"
  66. Umm.
  67. >She stares at you.
  68. An appointment with Princess Celestia.
  69. >"In Canterlot?"
  70. >Still un-blinking.
  71. Uh-huh, gotta-go.
  72. >You charge at twilight, grab the bags you left on the ground, and jump on the train as the doors are closing.
  73. >Flutter shy comes to the door, and puts her hoof against the window, and says something you can't quite make out.
  75. 5/5
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