
What strategy you follow to index quickly?

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. What strategy you follow to index quickly?
  2. I have a website with millions of pages ( new one and no backlinks). I want to get this website indexed in google quikly.
  3. ++++++++++++++
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  13. +++++++++++++++
  14. What strategy you suggest to follow to get indexed quickly all pages with out sandbox effect?
  15. If you are looking for some paid effects go for paid indexer link rainindexer.win. In free case go for pings maybe? Or add in some parts in posts
  16. I'm interested in this topic too.
  17. I have a lot of pages in my e-shop and want to create even more of them. And it is really important that Google would crawl and index my site as soon as possible. Maybe you know some techniques?
  18. Is link building the only way? Because it can take a lot of time..
  19. Wordpress site and pinging, works well every time.
  20. However, my site is on custom CMS so wordpress option is out. :)
  21. I heard some negative feedback about pinging - some people say that it's not worth it. On the other hand, there are a lot of free tools to use, I think I will try it as it won't hurt to do it, so thank you for the reminder about this possibility ;)
  22. But maybe there are more options?
  23. Register your site in Webmaster tool and create social media pages for your website. Share your all the pages on related social media groups or pages.
  24. It will helps you for fast indexing.
  25. I am interested in these topics as well, I still don't know how to index a site quickly.
  26. Indexing is the most important part, If a webpage, post, and image aren't indexed so there is no benefit of them but so what's to do for getting fast index.
  28. I do use Yoast SEO Plugin which really helps to get index my latest page & post.
  29. If you’ve created a new website or a blog, the first thing you need is to show up in the search result. One of the ways you can get your site or blog indexed by Google taking the “tortoise approach” i.e. just makes the start and sit back idly waiting for the result to happen naturally.
  31. Another way that can help you boost the conversion rate and social signals is to put the little more efforts and time. Most of the bloggers and web masters want to get sites indexed with no time. They’ve already added more quality content and blog on a website for faster indexing.
  33. Indexing in SEO term refers to the process of keeping a record of web pages and adding them to Google search result. Information gathered by Googlebot from crawling is processed and included in the searchable index of Google if considered for the higher quality of content.
  35. Simple Steps to Index Your Website fast on Google:
  37. Create a Sitemap
  38. Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
  39. Submit Website URL to Search Engines
  40. Create A Robots.txt File
  41. Create or Update Social Profiles
  42. Share Your New Website Link
  43. Bookmarking
  44. Create Offsite Content
  45. Check for Google crawl errors frequently
  46. If you’ve created a new website or a blog, the first thing you need is to show up in the search result. One of the ways you can get your site or blog indexed by Google taking the “tortoise approach” i.e. just makes the start and sit back idly waiting for the result to happen naturally.
  48. Another way that can help you boost the conversion rate and social signals is to put the little more efforts and time. Most of the bloggers and web masters want to get sites indexed with no time. They’ve already added more quality content and blog on a website for faster indexing.
  50. Indexing in SEO term refers to the process of keeping a record of web pages and adding them to Google search result. Information gathered by Googlebot from crawling is processed and included in the searchable index of Google if considered for the higher quality of content.
  52. Simple Steps to Index Your Website fast on Google:
  54. Create a Sitemap
  55. Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
  56. Submit Website URL to Search Engines
  57. Create A Robots.txt File
  58. Create or Update Social Profiles
  59. Share Your New Website Link
  60. Bookmarking
  61. Create Offsite Content
  62. Check for Google crawl errors frequently
  63. Hi, tappu,
  65. these steps are really useful and already done. We have a site which is live only for about two months and it already has some good positions in Google.
  66. However, as our site has A LOT of pages, I would like them all to be indexed quickly. We add new pages every day.
  67. add your site on Web master tool
  68. Adding the website to webmaster tools isn't enough. In fact I tried all the sugestions made on this thread and it didn't have a strong efect. I have multiple sites with houndreds of k of articlea and I only managed to index 110k pages in google with one site. This site has allmost 3years so it's not the desired outcome.
  69. I'm also searching for a way to quickly index masive amounts of pages to google. I think the right way is to increase the reputation of your site so google shows more of your pages. Right now I'M experimentimg with gsa blasts to test sites so i can see if it improves the number of indexed pages showong up in google. Also, google webaster tools shows it indexed 250k pages but google shows only 110k. Waiting to see other people's experience with this.
  70. Will follow this thread.
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