
Pamela's voice

Nov 25th, 2023
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  1. Jason looked down on the feeble wretch. Then he glanced about the room, at the fire spreading over every surface, entangling the old man within an incendiary web. Jason stiffened his back, turned and promptly walked out of the building.
  3. The grass beneath his boots was instantly familiarβ€”as was the voice that suddenly called his name.
  5. "Jason!"
  7. He stopped. Listened. There it was again. Only the sound didn't enter through his ears; it came from within his mind. The voice was talking inside his head. And it was a voice he recognized.
  9. Over his shoulder, the cabin was now a bonfire in the night. And as Jason followed the voice deeper into the woods, Pa Grissom's laughter turned into screams.
  11. Friday the 13th: Carnival of Maniacs, chapter 4
  13. Jason's stride was like a heartbeat on the earth. Step by step he pounded, ignoring the hiking trails that twisted and meandered, seeking to lead him away when the next scene of slaughter lay dead ahead of him; a raven slash through the nightmare of trees. The voice had told him there were intruders at Camp Crystal Lake: two teenagers who were snooping and prying where they didn't belong. Jason trusted the voice. It was familiar. It was someone from the past. He knew that if he followed the voice, he would find the two young interlopers. And then they would die.
  15. Friday the 13th: Carnival of Maniacs, chapter 5
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