
Bobby Sw00sh (Nobella)

Apr 2nd, 2015
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  1. Name: Bobby Alexander SW00SH
  2. Age: 46
  6. Appearance: Weighing in at 6'4 and 205 pounds, Bobby is undeniably at the peak of his physical health and this shows through most aspects of his appearance which does not include his completely bald sparkling head which is a result of early balding during his young adult years.
  8. Besides that, Bobby has a charming and easily identifiable face because of an extremely sharp jaw line, sharp and clear blue eyes, and a wide mouth filled with near perfect teeth that he had worked on as soon as he had the money too. His wide mouthed and often sincere looking smile can be seen from miles away when he grins.
  10. Due to intense bouts of exercise on a daily basis since he was a young man and extreme farm work setting the foundation of his adult fitness, Bobby's body is a perfectly oiled machine. He has a reach far longer than most average men and it's part of the reason along with his quick foot work as to why he was so successful in the ring. His arms and legs especially happen to be toned and defined well above normal fitness standards and coupled with his mere size and bulk are quite intimidating to anyone passing by.
  12. His usual outfits consists of solid colored crew shirts and comfortable work jeans with matching comfortable and hardy work boots. When out of the public eye he more than often enjoys just bumming it in sweats or jumpsuits, especially when working out or before fights. As of recent, he's always going to be carrying around a rather iconic leather cowboy hat as well.
  16. Personality: Bobby's a simple kind of guy but is in no way unintelligent. It just happens that due to his background, he comes towards situations straight forwardly and often lets his moral compass and past experiences drive his decisions over whether the decision is detrimental to his own safety or is unnecessarily difficult.
  18. He was brought up on ideals such as fighting and working for everything he wants for himself and the people he cares about and to put in 100% into anything he involves himself with and he's embraced and has followed these ideals all his life and plans to continue doing so until death. It's for these reasons that he is deeply committed to his family yet is completely willing to sacrifice his life for his current job if that is what it takes to put in the 100% that he was taught to put into anything he does.
  20. He can come off as a bit simple during conversation, but most people can immediately gather that everything he does is for good reasons and that he is quick to make friends with most people. While his strong moral compass for right and wrong might cause the occasional conflict while talking to strangers, Bobby is smart enough to not go out of ihs way and cause a scene unless he knows he can do something about what he has a problem with.
  24. Homeland: Bobby hails from Floria.
  28. Any training in the Arcane arts?: In preparation for the trip, Bobby had received very rudimentary training in mana manipulation for the sole purpose of complimenting his already pretty impressive physical capabilities such as enhancing the force of his raw strength, giving him quick bouts of needed energy in physically exhausting situations, and allowing him to buffer his body against other forces to protect against the force of other physical blunt forces such as the recoil of his lumberjack.
  32. Background
  34. TLDR Version: Bobby was born to ranchers and worked in the ranch until he was old enough to attend a nearby university where he found talent in boxing and was eventually recruited into the boxing industry where he made it big and eventually attained the title where thereafter he found a wife, made some babies, and retired, only to feel restless and head out on one last job to get it out his system so he can settle down.
  38. Bobby comes from humble beginnings and was born on a moderately sized ranch out in the prairies of Floria to a father who handled most of the barn work and tended to the cattle and to a mother who handled the house hold and had a small peach crop which she sold to help maintain the upkeep of the property.
  40. Raised with a pretty strict upbringing, from the age he could walk Bobby was expected to help his father out in the fields and that lead to him quickly developing a strong work ethic as his father demanded that he understand only a few simple things to get along with him and to get further in life. Those things would stick with Bobby for the rest of his life and happened to be the importance of working hard, the importance of honesty, and the importance of doing his absolute best at anything and everything he'll do throughout his life.
  42. While his father instilled into Bobby what it meant to be a man, his mother softened the lessons by teaching Bobby how to read and write despite his dad's disapproval. In his free time, Bobby would learn how to cook, tend to the house-chores, and get a very basic understanding of business from accompanying his mother when she went to the nearest town to sell her peaches and peach themed dishes once a year.
  44. It was only during these trips did Bobby have any real interaction with people outside of his ranch. Having spent so many years with just his parents, he had adopted a lot of his father's seclusive mannerisms and came off as a bit blunt and ill-mannered when he did come into contact with others of his age. It was only near his 18th birthday did his mother announce that she had saved up enough money from her peach business to enroll him in the town's small university where she hoped he might have a more fulfilling life than what she and his husband were living and to make his mother happy Bobby complied and thrust himself into his studies with everything he had.
  46. It was during his second year in the town, where he had made few friends and instead focused on a bunch of arbitrary classes, did his dad one day suggest while he was back on the ranch during a break for Bobby to involve himself in some form of sport so that he doesn't get soft while he's over there and the two sports that his father immediately suggested was wrestling and boxing which Bobby got involved with immediately and found a knack for the latter while becoming somewhat decent at the prior.
  48. It was during his college matches, that a scout for the local boxing industry noticed him and saw potential in the tall ranching cowboy that knew how to move quick and hit hard and he was offered a full ride through the rest of his two years in the college if he dropped wrestling to focus on box and agreed to join the boxing industry once he finished.
  50. When Bobby did graduate, he chose his own father as his manager and quickly moved through the rookie division of the boxing industry gathering a strong following of loyal boxing fans who listened to the electrifying fights through their radio sets as announcers described the scene of a large, balding young lad, tear through his opponents with quick blows and deliver humble southern accent accentuated speeches at the end of the fights in a good natured manner while wearing a stylish leather cow-boy hat that his old pa had given him. It was due to his straightforward and honest personality, that word started to spread about him and the boxing industry began to slowly blow up gathering more listeners for every one of Bobby's fight as he grew bigger and more talented with age.
  52. It was at this time that the boxing industry as a whole recognized that Bobby was bringing change to the sports entertainment business as a whole as a new type of athlete and they began to showcase him as the golden boy of the sport and tour him through the country as he began to take on fights with other well known and influential fighters which just became more numbers to add onto his seemingly unbeatable win streak.
  54. With his dad at his side, Bobby didn't let the fame get to his head in the slightest and grew into a well mannered and well spoken man from a small ranch who happened to gain the love, respect, and admiration of just about every household with a radio set and later on a television. When he did eventually receive the title fight against the current boxing champion of the world, it was just around the time that Kane's war against the world began to die down and the night of the fight, families all around the world turned to him as a way to forget the horrors that Kane and his apostles had been forcing upon them.
  56. When Bobby did win the fight after a narrow victory, he began to take less of an initiative in the business and allowed his fame to slowly die down as the industry itself grew as new athletes entered the scene with the same energy he had several years ago but with more up to date training and fighting methods backing them. Bobby instead took this time to begin dating a fan and a state diplomat before she retired at least, named Lani who he eventually would marry in the same year that both his parents passed away due to natural causes and left him their remaining fortunes and property.
  58. It was on said property that Bobby sired two kids, a girl first and then a boy, and decided not to renew his contract with the boxing company and instead choose to peacefully retire with the belt instead of fighting into older age and losing it as he started to descend from his prime fighting days.
  60. Five years into his retirement where he raised his kids, loved his wife, and attempted to run the ranch as his dad had once did he acknowledged that he was still restless and until then he could never really settle down with his family. It was for this reason that he looked to work in the government and thanks to his wife's former contacts he managed to get a promised body guard position on the next available ship to one of the non-fully explored sky islands which he accepted and proceeded to spend the next two years preparing for.
  62. This lead to him having his family come to terms with him going on a trip for a while as well as having him go out to get some bigger toys to work with while he was on the job. Using his wife's contacts and a lot of the fortune from his hard-hitting days he managed to find someone who had the ability to transform his first pair of boxing gloves into an artifact for him and also purchased the biggest baddest gun artifact he could find.
  64. On the day before he left, his son had handed him back the cow-bay hat that Bobby had given to him as his dad had done in his own child hood. His son told him that he'd need it again since he was going back out into the world and his wife in turn told Bobby to take an old katana that they had mounted up over their fireplace for aesthetics purposes although it was quite 100% genuine and said that it would give him good luck despite him having almost no idea on how to use it.
  65. Artifacts
  69. Below this you will keep track of your current artifacts.
  71. Boxing Gloves: Bobby had his first pair of OCEAN BLUE boxing gloves transformed into an artifact to accentuate his already honed boxing abilities. By rotating his fist in one direction while swinging, it'll pull whatever he's swinging at (as long as it's in a reasonable distance) towards his fist to make his blow land harder. Likewise, by then twisting the opposite direction the gloves will then repel whatever his fist made contact with in the opposite direction with the force of the initial swing backing it.
  73. Lumberjack: Bobby fell in love with this gun the first time he read the description of it and saw photographs of it. The Lumberjack happens to be a custom, hand made wood and iron hand-cannon which a barrel so huge and long that it'd look pretty silly in anyone who didn't have hands as large as Bobby's. The seller cautioned Bobby that the recoil enough had broken his wrist the first time he fired it and that Bobby would need some kind of magical reinforcement to shoot it w/o fear of harm which prompted Bobby to research basic mana manipulation to help him effectively use it. While not the best shot in the world, he plans to rely on it in up close and personal fights where just simply swinging the thing's barrel into something will most likely do the trick.
  74. It's artifact abilities comes from the fact that when holstered, over a period of 24 hours, six bullets will form in the holster around the gun along with one already pre-loaded into the chamber. The bullets themselves are likely the size of a large man's penis and were almost definitely not made to combat humans but some kind of much larger and dangerous prey.
  77. Thaumaturgical knowledge: Nope.
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