
Fallout NY Reboot: Session 3: Blood Red, Mutant Green

Jul 7th, 2014
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  1. Game starts at 8:30
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. Tuesday, July 01, 2014
  5. 8:01 PM - Wing Attack Plan R has changed their name to Wing Dings all alone in the chat.
  6. 8:02 PM - il communication entered chat.
  7. 8:02 PM - il communication: yo
  8. 8:02 PM - Wing Dings all alone in the chat: ayo
  9. 8:02 PM - Wing Dings all alone in the chat has changed their name to Wing Dings.
  10. 8:03 PM - il communication: throwing something up on the dropbox
  11. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge entered chat.
  12. 8:03 PM - Doc entered chat.
  13. 8:04 PM - Wing Dings: what the fuck where did this guns and ammo come from
  14. 8:04 PM - Wing Dings: nma make this shit?
  15. 8:04 PM - il communication: nope
  16. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: no, Ciaster did
  17. 8:04 PM - il communication: I did
  18. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: beat u 2 it
  19. 8:04 PM - Wing Dings: holyshit
  20. 8:04 PM - il communication: it's far from done, too
  21. 8:05 PM - il communication: but I just wanted to, well, brag :v
  22. 8:05 PM - Wing Dings: looks official
  23. 8:05 PM - il communication: tbh it's basically a straight up copypasta
  24. 8:05 PM - il communication: aside from the cover, which I cobbled together from shit I found on GIS :v
  25. 8:05 PM - Wing Dings: :V
  26. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  27. 8:05 PM - il communication: and it's nice to see you failed to notice 'Drugs' is twice on the cover
  28. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: he did
  29. 8:05 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: apparently too lazy to change it
  30. 8:06 PM - il communication: it fits my creative vision
  31. 8:06 PM - Wing Dings: I can't read
  32. 8:06 PM - il communication: (yeah, too lazy)
  33. 8:06 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: your creative vision is a bundle of dicks that needs me to fix it
  34. 8:06 PM - il communication: the only dick in my vision right now is u
  35. 8:07 PM - Wing Dings: so you replace them with much more family friendly dildos :V
  36. 8:07 PM - il communication: burnd
  37. 8:07 PM - il communication: I like that metaphor
  38. 8:07 PM - Wing Dings: instead of the regular severed dicks
  39. 8:07 PM - Wing Dings: severed dicks
  40. 8:07 PM - Wing Dings: SEVERED DICKS
  41. 8:07 PM - Wing Dings: is that image in your brain yet?
  42. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: can we all at least agree
  43. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: courier new is a great font
  44. 8:08 PM - Wing Dings: I don't know what it looks like
  45. 8:08 PM - Doc: ok i need to eat and hook up my laptop since on my gaming comp and it doesnt have dropbox
  46. 8:08 PM - Wing Dings: its that just the one the rulebook uses?
  47. 8:08 PM - il communication: yep
  48. 8:08 PM - Doc: so you guys keep talking about dicks and shit while ill be gone for like 6 mins
  49. 8:08 PM - Wing Dings: well
  50. 8:08 PM - Wing Dings: yes actually :V
  51. 8:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: in the meantime I'll browse and judge Ciaster's pdf
  52. 8:09 PM - Wing Dings: the font looks good for when its large
  53. 8:09 PM - Wing Dings: times new roman looks like shit when its above 14
  54. 8:10 PM - il communication: browse and judge while I add bookmarks
  55. 8:13 PM - Wing Dings: some guy in skyrim has a name that means Dick Mountain in swedish or something
  56. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: nooo
  57. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: rolz you bitch why are you down
  58. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: get up
  59. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: someone revive rolz
  60. 8:13 PM - Doc disconnected.
  61. 8:14 PM - Wing Dings: I start to regret not getting their offline version
  62. 8:14 PM - Wing Dings: assuming they have an offline version
  63. 8:14 PM - Wing Dings: we'll have to settle for this
  64. 8:15 PM - il communication: goddammit, Rolz
  65. 8:15 PM - il communication: once again
  66. 8:15 PM - il communication: you betray us
  67. 8:15 PM - il communication: also yes I know I'm late
  68. 8:15 PM - il communication: too busy making shit easier for you bastards
  69. 8:17 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: don't think rolz has an offline version
  70. 8:18 PM - Doc entered chat.
  71. 8:18 PM - il communication: aight, bookmarks added
  72. 8:18 PM - Doc: and we're station
  73. 8:18 PM - Wing Dings: roll20 then?
  74. 8:18 PM - il communication: please just note that again, this is a WIP and for example melee weapons and unarmed aren't in yet
  75. 8:19 PM - Doc: (in what)
  76. 8:19 PM - il communication: peep the rebalance folder
  77. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: should we all use roll20 except for ciaster and his toaster? He can use that probably less resource intensive thing Wing sent
  78. 8:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: and I'll have to trust that he won't be a cheating god damn polefucker
  79. 8:20 PM - il communication: as long as my primary doesn't crash
  80. 8:20 PM - Wing Dings: the thing I sent was a joke
  81. 8:20 PM - il communication: we can just...
  82. 8:20 PM - il communication: roll
  83. 8:20 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: well it works
  84. 8:20 PM - il communication: with roll20
  85. 8:20 PM - Wing Dings: because it only goes up to 9 i think
  86. 8:20 PM - Sarah Salem: nah, it goes to 100
  87. 8:20 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: up to 9 sides has the dots on the dice
  88. 8:20 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: anything else has numbers
  89. 8:20 PM - il communication: yep
  90. 8:20 PM - Wing Dings: yeah but you can't add stuff to it
  91. 8:21 PM - Wing Dings: get wrekts
  92. 8:21 PM - il communication: still, it's not online
  93. 8:21 PM - Doc: aw man ciaster
  94. 8:21 PM - il communication: it could work for in-person games I guess
  95. 8:21 PM - Doc: this shit is sweet
  96. 8:21 PM - il communication: thanks
  97. 8:21 PM - il communication: I hope you appreciate the bookmarks
  98. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge:
  99. 8:21 PM - il communication: it's like 3/5 done anyway
  100. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I don't
  101. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I don't appreciate them at all
  102. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: 0/10
  103. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: shit bookmarks
  104. 8:21 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: would not click
  105. 8:21 PM - il communication: well yeah but you're an ungrateful fucker Dan
  106. 8:21 PM - il communication: :v
  107. 8:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: oh I'm the ungrateful fucker
  108. 8:22 PM - il communication: I did all that for a Perturbator album
  109. 8:22 PM - il communication: which is on Spotify
  110. 8:22 PM - il communication: :v
  111. 8:22 PM - il communication: seriously tho
  112. 8:22 PM - il communication: y'all helped me out a lot with the rebalance
  113. 8:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm still helping you out
  114. 8:22 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: but you are vehemently denying my help
  115. 8:22 PM - il communication: couldn't do it with only my lazy poley ass
  116. 8:22 PM - il communication: yep
  117. 8:22 PM - il communication: I'm overprotective af
  118. 8:22 PM - Doc: i've been playing They Bleed Pixels a lot recently, which is basically a lovecraft plaftformer/beat em up about this adorable as shit girl who ends up possesed by this evil book and shit and at night you turn into this monster thing with fuckin' sword hands
  119. 8:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: that's because you're a shit, ciaster
  120. 8:23 PM - Sarah Salem: ...sonic unleashed?
  121. 8:23 PM - Wing Dings: I've heard of it
  122. 8:23 PM - Doc: and you proceed to violently murder monster and not get hit in the face with sawblades
  123. 8:23 PM - Doc: you OWN it
  124. 8:23 PM - Wing Dings: saw the WTF is on it a while ago
  125. 8:24 PM - Doc: i have every badge but one :v
  126. 8:24 PM - Doc: trading card*
  127. 8:24 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: you know most trading card badges can be crafted like, 5 times
  128. 8:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: so get that last card and you'll only be a fifth of the way done
  129. 8:25 PM - Doc: i don't usually care about trading cards
  130. 8:25 PM - Doc: but i got all the ones i could normally drop in like, an hour
  131. 8:25 PM - Doc: and i thought "fuck it i got 60 cents i cant use"
  132. 8:25 PM - Doc: so i bought some cards
  133. 8:25 PM - Doc: and the only one i odn't have is the oen of the fucking haunted book
  134. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: k whatevs
  135. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: game time
  136. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: name changes wing, ciaster
  137. 8:27 PM - Wing Dings has changed their name to Dez.
  138. 8:27 PM - i knew she was trouble the momen: aw I can't have a full opening monologue
  139. 8:27 PM - i knew she was trouble the momen: this is bullshit
  140. 8:27 PM - Dez: just sell all the cards bitch
  141. 8:27 PM - i knew she was trouble the momen has changed their name to Det. Marlowe.
  142. 8:27 PM - Dez: if you have 60 cents you can't use then you sell your cards and it builds up mang
  143. 8:27 PM - Doc: i do sell all my cards
  144. 8:28 PM - Dez: sell em harder
  145. 8:28 PM - Dez: farm that shit
  146. 8:28 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): eventually you'll get enough to buy a cheap game on sale
  147. 8:28 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): poorfags
  148. 8:28 PM - Doc: that's hwo i bought awesome nauts
  149. 8:28 PM - Det. Marlowe: or, in other words
  150. 8:28 PM - Det. Marlowe:
  151. 8:28 PM - Dez: I have never played McPixel but I have like 10 hours in it because I just farm that shit
  152. 8:28 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): k now shhhhhh
  153. 8:29 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no more talk outside (these bitches deal with it faggots no whining)
  154. 8:29 PM - Doc: (woo, giant screen means chat+roll20+damage calculator at the same time)
  155. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ive got two screens, get at me))
  156. 8:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Previously on: FALLOUT - A POST-NUCLEAR RPG
  157. 8:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): spiders!
  158. 8:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and they died
  159. 8:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so here we are
  160. 8:30 PM - Det. Marlowe: (aight, blasting Tom Waits)
  161. 8:30 PM - Det. Marlowe: (post-apoc mood: achieved)
  162. 8:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Dez and Doc were, as I recall, poisoned. They'll feel the pain in a bit, unless they find some antidote
  163. 8:31 PM - Doc: nah we were healed
  164. 8:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not from poison mate
  165. 8:31 PM - Doc: (dez you fucker)
  166. 8:31 PM - Doc: (don't lie to a doctor like that)
  167. 8:31 PM - Dez: aw I thought docotr healed poison
  168. 8:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you can't "heal" poison
  169. 8:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it doesn't work like that
  170. 8:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah only antidotes work
  171. 8:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: or walking it off
  172. 8:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  173. 8:32 PM - Doc: stab with needle
  174. 8:32 PM - Doc: suck out
  175. 8:32 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): by the point you were doctored the poison had circulated
  176. 8:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: too late, that shit only works in the first like 15, 20 secs
  177. 8:32 PM - Doc: suck out ALL the blood
  178. 8:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: yea
  179. 8:32 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so stop whining
  180. 8:32 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Anyway, I gave out loot last time, so now it's time to search the next few rooms
  181. 8:33 PM - Dez: ladies and gentleman
  182. 8:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: oh yeah btw I leveled up last time
  183. 8:33 PM - Dez: opus magnum my
  184. 8:33 PM - Dez:
  185. 8:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: suck it y'all, I got 75 small guns
  186. 8:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: gonna continue toignobly miss everything
  187. 8:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: wing is that you
  188. 8:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: I know the answer is no
  189. 8:34 PM - Dez: nope
  190. 8:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: but I want to believe
  191. 8:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You proceed to search the next few rooms for loot and XP dispensers
  192. 8:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: time to return to my role of the official soundtrack dispenser
  193. 8:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: here, go get depressed in true fallout style
  194. 8:36 PM - Sarah Salem: ((does anyone actually click ciasters links))
  195. 8:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: (I do)
  196. 8:36 PM - Doc: (sometimes)
  197. 8:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): does anyone actually rp and not ooc
  198. 8:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: no
  199. 8:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): clearly
  200. 8:36 PM - Dez: I'm currently watching a korean man eroticlly dance
  201. 8:36 PM - Sarah Salem: ((did we start?))
  202. 8:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm trying to
  203. 8:37 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh, carry on then))
  204. 8:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Thankfully, most of the rooms you checked out were empty of critters. Inside they held a total of 2 stimpaks, 1 3 foot coil of surgical tubing, 2 rolls of bandages, and an antidote
  205. 8:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but WHO WILL GET THE ANTIDOTE?
  206. 8:37 PM - Doc: surgical tubing
  207. 8:37 PM - Doc: call it
  208. 8:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: dibs on bandages
  209. 8:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: and one stim
  210. 8:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  211. 8:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You already got a stim marlowe you greedy prick
  212. 8:38 PM - Doc: how big is a normal thing of surgical tubing
  213. 8:38 PM - Dez: I'll take the antidote because the doctor is useless
  214. 8:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: well now i have one more
  215. 8:38 PM - Dez: until she strips
  216. 8:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: building up my stim collection, you fuckers
  217. 8:38 PM - Sarah Salem: O
  218. 8:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you dont even need them that bad you're a fucking cyborg
  219. 8:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: Marlowe shall live
  220. 8:38 PM - Dez: she has the highest stripping skill of us all
  221. 8:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: ...that's true
  222. 8:38 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll take a uh, a bandages.
  223. 8:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you have the most defense out of everyone
  224. 8:38 PM - Doc: dez i already took of my doctor jacket
  225. 8:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: can never be too safe
  226. 8:38 PM - Doc: i am no wearing an undershirt, army combat vest, and a generic shirt
  227. 8:39 PM - Dez: ;o
  228. 8:39 PM - Doc: now*
  229. 8:39 PM - Doc: you guys are weird
  230. 8:39 PM - Doc: i should play more 18 year olds you guys didn't talk about HER getting naked
  231. 8:39 PM - Dez: says the guy who wore a skirt
  232. 8:39 PM - Doc: excuse me
  233. 8:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): SO SHUT UP
  234. 8:39 PM - Doc: the guy who ROCKED a skirt
  235. 8:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: I think these are called 'kilts'?
  236. 8:40 PM - Dez: youre a texan
  237. 8:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): NIGGAS
  238. 8:40 PM - Dez: shit ain't a kilt in texas
  239. 8:40 PM - Dez: sorry
  240. 8:40 PM - Doc: ((Appy chill your nips))
  241. 8:40 PM - Doc: anyway yeah i take the surgical tubing and place it
  242. 8:40 PM - Doc: where ever we put our stuff
  243. 8:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: (Dan are you srsly surprised we're derailing your game)
  244. 8:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 50% of fallout logs are ooc like damn
  245. 8:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: (this like never doesn't happen)
  246. 8:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): sorry I'm used to actual playing from Burst
  247. 8:41 PM - Doc: (
  248. 8:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: (so? rpgs are meant to be social first and foremost)
  249. 8:41 PM - Sarah Salem: ((he's come to expect a decent actual game apparently))
  250. 8:41 PM - Doc: (UGH more talk about how burst is the favourite child)
  251. 8:41 PM - Doc: ((you're gonna give fallout a complex))
  252. 8:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well yeah but it's hard to get a word in edgewise as GM when everyone's chatting
  253. 8:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: (went a bit serious for a second there but I mean it, the bullshit's just as fun as the actual game sometimes)
  254. 8:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: just type and press enter
  255. 8:41 PM - Doc: (uh, we're using online chat)
  256. 8:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: people are gonna notice when the actual GM post something
  257. 8:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: that's properly formatted
  258. 8:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: and longer than a sentence
  259. 8:42 PM - Doc: (you can get in any word you want)
  260. 8:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): half the time
  261. 8:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so anyway
  262. 8:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: *posts
  263. 8:42 PM - Dez: lets start tho
  264. 8:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The next room to hold conflict is a room with a rat orgy.
  265. 8:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: ew
  266. 8:42 PM - Doc: "Well THAT i didn't need to see"
  267. 8:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): By that, I mean there's like, 8 of the buggers in here. Along with a molerat, king of the rats
  268. 8:43 PM - Doc: "Should we even kill them? I'd hate it if some giant guy came into MY orgy and shot me"
  269. 8:43 PM - Doc: "Hold on"
  270. 8:43 PM - Doc: "I think that's the Don"
  271. 8:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You alright, Doc? Sounds like you got a bit of a blow on the ol' head there."
  272. 8:43 PM - Doc: (hey appy are we using the roll20? Cause all i see is when we fought john covered in bright pink dicks)
  273. 8:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "The 'Don'?"
  274. 8:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): we're using it for the rolz
  275. 8:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): as in the dice
  276. 8:44 PM - Doc: "The Don? Of the Mole rat Mafia?"
  277. 8:44 PM - Doc: 'Duh"
  278. 8:44 PM - Dez: "Dear god"
  279. 8:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The Don proceeds to notice the interruption, squeal in displeasure, and the rat horde charges
  280. 8:44 PM - Doc: (NOTE: Doc has 4 int. The chances of her actually beleiving in the mole rat mafia is likely)
  281. 8:44 PM - Dez: "I only heard rumors about the Molerat Mafia"
  282. 8:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): everyone roll 1d10+sequence
  283. 8:45 PM - Dez: There is an obvious sarcasm in Dez's voice
  284. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "I wasn't even aware of a regular mafia."
  285. 8:45 PM - Doc: "People think it's just a joke 'cause they talk about it in that radio show"
  286. 8:45 PM - Doc: .........9
  287. 8:45 PM - Dez: I'm not even in roll20
  288. 8:45 PM - Doc: "But it was a thing LONG before that"
  289. 8:45 PM - Det. Marlowe: 23 seq bitches
  290. 8:46 PM - Doc: "The radiation did something to those mole rats, maybe it was goverment testing, i dunno"
  291. 8:46 PM - Doc: "all know is that they're organized in their own little, primitive, tiny disturbing way"
  292. 8:46 PM - Dez: 12
  293. 8:46 PM - Dez: gg
  294. 8:46 PM - Dez: wait fuck
  295. 8:46 PM - Dez: did it wrong
  296. 8:46 PM - Doc: i think i did to
  297. 8:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Doc what is your sequence
  298. 8:47 PM - Dez: 17
  299. 8:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): just add that to the 1
  300. 8:47 PM - Doc: that's what i did
  301. 8:47 PM - Doc: wait
  302. 8:47 PM - Doc: why did i re-roll
  303. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Oh, 18 btw
  304. 8:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Why did Wing reroll too
  305. 8:47 PM - Doc: oh he's probs cheating
  306. 8:47 PM - Dez: alright 10 then
  307. 8:48 PM - Doc: 9,10,18
  308. 8:48 PM - Dez: sleuthy bastards
  309. 8:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe, Sarah, Dez, The Don, Rats 1-5, Doc, Rats 6-8
  310. 8:49 PM - Dez: all these pink dicks
  311. 8:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Doc as pro at sequence as always
  312. 8:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You're up, Marlowe
  313. 8:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: kay
  314. 8:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm gonna crouch like a frog or 50s FBI agent
  315. 8:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: and take a shot at the King
  316. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: I better not miss
  317. 8:50 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you missed, if I'm not mistaken
  318. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: just barely, so I guess I will
  319. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah the crouch is +10% right?
  320. 8:50 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aye
  321. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: but he's prolly got AC above 3
  322. 8:50 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aye
  323. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: so it's a miss anyway
  324. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  325. 8:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight, end turn
  326. 8:50 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Sarah's go
  327. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: So, how close are those rats?
  328. 8:51 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): closest is 3
  329. 8:51 PM - Doc: "So, uh, cyborg guy, syou seen competent, what with you not being a teenage girl or a perverted weirdo with a spear"
  330. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: And the others?
  331. 8:51 PM - Doc: "What's the best stance for shooting? I find myself missing. a lot."
  332. 8:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): which are you targeting so I don't need to put a distance for all of them
  333. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: The closest one, I just need to know how close the others are so I don't get swarmed :v
  334. 8:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Crouch, grab the grip with both hands, hands straight."
  335. 8:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Well they're all in a pretty small room
  336. 8:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Pull the trigger, don't yank it, and use the sights."
  337. 8:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no matter where you go you're gonna get swarmed
  338. 8:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "See - *misses* - don't do what I just did."
  339. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Fuck. I'll just move forward 2 and stab the thing then
  340. 8:53 PM - Dez: thats what they taught me in photography class
  341. 8:53 PM - Doc: "Crouching, that's what i figured. Thanks, nice to know there's at least SOMEONE here who isn't likely to stab me"
  342. 8:53 PM - Dez: still didn't help
  343. 8:53 PM - Sarah Salem: 39, hit.
  344. 8:53 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): damage
  345. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  346. 8:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): rat is dead
  347. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I shift it's corpse off the end of the hook and move back to where i was, then.
  348. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: and end my turn.
  349. 8:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Dez, you're up
  350. 8:54 PM - Dez: wait king is dead?
  351. 8:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no
  352. 8:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that was a grunt
  353. 8:55 PM - Dez: how far away is king
  354. 8:55 PM - Dez: just 3 hexes?
  355. 8:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): King is 5
  356. 8:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and surrounded by the others
  357. 8:55 PM - Dez: alright I'll sprint up and stab the king
  358. 8:55 PM - Dez: and add the last AP to my AC c:
  359. 8:56 PM - Doc: "Hey, Marlowe- Pyscho McRapeyStab, do you think he has a point with the whole "doctors bring too much attention" thing?
  360. 8:56 PM - Doc: "I mean, it makes SOME sense but there aren't a lot of slavers in New York"
  361. 8:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: "The white doesn't make for good camo, for one."
  362. 8:56 PM - Dez: 17 dmg
  363. 8:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): uh
  364. 8:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): what about hit chance
  365. 8:56 PM - Doc: "and the baby blue of my shirt does"
  366. 8:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: "And doctors are a declining commodity these days. You're lucky we found you."
  367. 8:57 PM - Dez: pass
  368. 8:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): next time to hitchance first so I don't have to tell you every damn time
  369. 8:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 12 damage
  370. 8:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The king is still up
  371. 8:58 PM - Dez: I get so hype that I keep forgetting :c
  372. 8:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): though Almost Dead
  373. 8:58 PM - Doc: "Oh, I'm LUCKY. I was a half way reasonably sane person making caps and when you guys came along suddenly i'm raving about the mole rat mafia and trying to ride a giant spider"
  374. 8:58 PM - Dez: fuck yeah
  375. 8:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Well, congrats. You're in the middle of a minefield of rats
  376. 8:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and 5 of them are about to go
  377. 8:58 PM - Dez: shit I forgot that there were 8
  378. 8:58 PM - Doc: would you call them
  379. 8:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): rats 1-3 proceed to bite twice at your legs
  380. 8:59 PM - Doc: large rats?
  381. 8:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I call out to Dez. "Was that a smart idea?"
  382. 8:59 PM - Doc: would you call them
  383. 8:59 PM - Dez: 1-3 or 3?
  384. 8:59 PM - Doc: aggressive, even?
  385. 8:59 PM - Dez: wait nvm
  386. 8:59 PM - Dez: "It seemed like it at the time!"
  387. 8:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): rat 1 hits once
  388. 8:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and that is it
  389. 8:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :T
  390. 8:59 PM - Doc:
  391. 8:59 PM - Dez: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  392. 9:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 3 damage
  393. 9:00 PM - Doc: "See? Now rats are missing at *point blank*"
  394. 9:00 PM - Dez: 3dmg before or after armor?
  395. 9:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The rats can't seem to gnaw through the raider-like armor you have in your legs, and fail to do damage
  396. 9:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): before armor faggot
  397. 9:00 PM - Doc: "It's like you adventurer types are magnets for breaking the laws of physics JUST so you can murder things"
  398. 9:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm not calculating your damn armor
  399. 9:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that's literally what the calculator is for
  400. 9:00 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Well, they're rats. Nobody would suspect them for being too intelligent."
  401. 9:01 PM - Doc: "Yeah. Large? Sure. Aggressive? Yeah. But not smart."
  402. 9:01 PM - Dez: 0 dmg :V
  403. 9:01 PM - Doc: I can sympathize."
  404. 9:01 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): rat 4 runs after Sarah and bites once
  405. 9:02 PM - Doc: I think to myself "Large aggressive rat has a nice ring to it"
  406. 9:02 PM - Sarah Salem: ((22 AC))
  407. 9:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): miss
  408. 9:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Rat 5 joins its comrades and bites Dez
  409. 9:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): both hits
  410. 9:02 PM - Dez: "These little guys don't do shit! They just kind of nibble on you."
  411. 9:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 2 and 3 damage
  412. 9:02 PM - Doc: my turn
  413. 9:02 PM - Doc: right?
  414. 9:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  415. 9:02 PM - Dez: both 0 dmg :V
  416. 9:03 PM - Doc: ok
  417. 9:03 PM - Doc: half are on sarah
  418. 9:03 PM - Doc: half are on dez
  419. 9:03 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well I forgot The Don but you can finish him
  420. 9:03 PM - Doc: the Don is alone
  421. 9:03 PM - Dez: I'm with the Don :V
  422. 9:03 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): quick, kill it before Dez can
  423. 9:03 PM - Det. Marlowe: lemme whack the shifty bastard
  424. 9:03 PM - Dez: nononono
  425. 9:03 PM - Doc: kk
  426. 9:04 PM - Doc: rolling hit chance, damage
  427. 9:04 PM - Det. Marlowe: da fink won't know what hit 'im
  428. 9:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): gg
  429. 9:04 PM - Doc: miss
  430. 9:04 PM - Doc: rolling again
  431. 9:04 PM - Doc: shooting again
  432. 9:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): damn, I was hoping you'd off him
  433. 9:04 PM - Doc: i mean
  434. 9:04 PM - Doc: i habe enough ap for two shots
  435. 9:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): then shoot again :v
  436. 9:04 PM - Doc: extra fail
  437. 9:05 PM - Dez: double g
  438. 9:05 PM - Doc: Fuck
  439. 9:05 PM - Doc: forgot to crouch
  440. 9:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 9:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): damn, I was hoping you'd off him
  441. 9:05 PM - Doc: was gonna crouch
  442. 9:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The Don goes and for god's sake it is going to damage Dez
  443. 9:05 PM - Dez: or is it?
  444. 9:05 PM - Doc: "AAaaaaaaand forgot to crouch"
  445. 9:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): What's your AC?
  446. 9:05 PM - Dez: "Spears don't need crouching."
  447. 9:05 PM - Doc: "really wish i could pull a wizard of z and get a some brains"
  448. 9:05 PM - Dez: 12
  449. 9:05 PM - Doc: "or at least an attention span"
  450. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so uh
  451. 9:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Well, you got three out of four right."
  452. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): if it matches, is that damage-dealing?
  453. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm gonna do with yes
  454. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so 1 hit, and
  455. 9:06 PM - Dez: uh?
  456. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 1 crit
  457. 9:06 PM - Dez: actually idk how ac works
  458. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah if it matches your score it's a hit
  459. 9:06 PM - Dez: 3 dmg
  460. 9:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so it literally just barely passed
  461. 9:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and now the crit
  462. 9:07 PM - Dez: pfft
  463. 9:07 PM - Dez: 4 dmg
  464. 9:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and 2 damage, armor bypassing thanks to the crit
  465. 9:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): how extraordinary
  466. 9:08 PM - Doc: congrats
  467. 9:08 PM - Dez: oh wait so its the full 9 dmg
  468. 9:08 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the last 3 rats swarm out of the room and surround the undoctor and cyborg, but are out of AP
  469. 9:08 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no, the 7 damage strike was the not-crit
  470. 9:08 PM - Dez: kick em
  471. 9:08 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so that has armor applied normally
  472. 9:08 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the 2 damage was the crit and hurt for 2 whole damage
  473. 9:09 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe's turn
  474. 9:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight
  475. 9:09 PM - Doc: "fuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
  476. 9:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: Gonna pop the one that's closest to the doc
  477. 9:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  478. 9:09 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): hey you hit something
  479. 9:09 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): congrats
  480. 9:09 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): everyone give ciaster a round of applause
  481. 9:09 PM - Doc: hey one of the shooters hit something ever :v
  482. 9:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: and 15 dmg
  483. 9:09 PM - Doc: crips
  484. 9:09 PM - Doc: cripes*
  485. 9:10 PM - Dez: melee masterrace
  486. 9:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you splatter the rat fink
  487. 9:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: rebalance biyotch
  488. 9:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): according to polish people, op=balance
  489. 9:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Sarah's turn
  490. 9:10 PM - Doc: so guns hit less but do crazy damage
  491. 9:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: the melee superiority is purely thanks to the fact that you start with higher melee weapons and unarmed
  492. 9:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: also, yep
  493. 9:10 PM - Doc: yeah, yeah
  494. 9:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: as long as it's op in my favor :B1:
  495. 9:11 PM - Dez:
  496. 9:11 PM - Sarah Salem: You know the drill, distances to rats?
  497. 9:11 PM - Dez: fucking scrub doesn't own B1
  498. 9:11 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah I know
  499. 9:11 PM - Doc: that's why john and LL were both big in armed
  500. 9:11 PM - Dez: they are right next to you
  501. 9:11 PM - Doc: unarmed
  502. 9:11 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm poor and have 30 eurocents in my steam wallet
  503. 9:11 PM - Doc: plus pysker combat was always fun
  504. 9:11 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah there's like 3 of them in melee distance
  505. 9:12 PM - Dez: psyker combat is lame
  506. 9:12 PM - Doc: are pyskers unchanged?
  507. 9:12 PM - Sarah Salem: Oh, neat. I start jamming my hook into the nearest one, then.
  508. 9:12 PM - Sarah Salem: 52, hit?
  509. 9:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): cute
  510. 9:12 PM - Dez: the coolest thing I did was infuse 50cal rounds with fire
  511. 9:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you already know it is
  512. 9:12 PM - Sarah Salem: (i have to ask sometimes :v)
  513. 9:12 PM - Sarah Salem: (also i forgot i had a 78)
  514. 9:13 PM - Dez: and then I killed of suzie because fuck psykers
  515. 9:13 PM - Sarah Salem: ow, 18 damage
  516. 9:13 PM - Doc: i remember appy had to lay down the rule of "you can't snap everone's neck with your mind"
  517. 9:13 PM - Dez: off*
  518. 9:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You gore the first rat
  519. 9:13 PM - Doc: pyskers can be pretty great
  520. 9:13 PM - Dez: if ryan didn't make them shit
  521. 9:13 PM - Sarah Salem: I boot the next rat away from me
  522. 9:14 PM - Dez: they just need more powers
  523. 9:14 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you know how to work it
  524. 9:14 PM - Doc: i made an orb sheild entirely out of knives so i can shoot them at people an defend myself
  525. 9:14 PM - Sarah Salem: 56, hit im pretty sure
  526. 9:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: ha, emotes are cheap as fuck
  527. 9:14 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well it has 6 ac
  528. 9:14 PM - Dez: :weed: gets cheaper every day
  529. 9:14 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah, hit))
  530. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: was about to check this
  531. 9:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ((who the fuck made these melee attacks))
  532. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: I really want :weed: :(
  533. 9:15 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): +16 for a kick?
  534. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: (me)
  535. 9:15 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ciaster did
  536. 9:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ((strong kick is stupidly overpowered))
  537. 9:15 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): who the fuck do you think
  538. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: oh fuck you guys :v
  539. 9:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah, +16 cuz its 2xMD))
  540. 9:15 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I told you to fix it you damn pole
  541. 9:15 PM - Dez: unarmed is so OP you'd be gimping yourself for not using it
  542. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: I won't
  543. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: I like it the way it is, dammit
  544. 9:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ((that is absolutely ridiculous, and anyone's capable of it since its difficult to /not/ start with 50+ unarmed))
  545. 9:15 PM - Doc: ((as LL I took a cot o'nine tails whipe, wrapped metal around all of the whips, and made a super conductive electro whip))
  546. 9:15 PM - Det. Marlowe: unarmed already has enough problems
  547. 9:16 PM - Det. Marlowe: and disadvantages
  548. 9:16 PM - Det. Marlowe: but I'll up the cap to 75% :v
  549. 9:16 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): getting close does not make it an immediate disadvantage
  550. 9:16 PM - Doc: yeah and like the only reason i didn't make another pysker is cause i know you guys would give me shit for it
  551. 9:16 PM - Doc: the -2 base endurance is offput by the CRAZY boost to int and perception
  552. 9:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: rebalanc'd
  553. 9:17 PM - Dez: I wouldn't care honestly
  554. 9:17 PM - Doc: plus all the fun shit you can do with powers that aren't fire
  555. 9:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: guys what are other cool emotes I could get
  556. 9:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: :weed: is still outta my budget
  557. 9:17 PM - Dez: I would do a mind psyker if it was finished
  558. 9:17 PM - Dez: I should probably do it myself
  559. 9:17 PM - Sarah Salem: ending my turn now, since both rats are dead and i feel bad for being so grossly OP
  560. 9:17 PM - Dez: but fuck work
  561. 9:17 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so your shittily op kick murders the rat, and you boot it against a wall to death
  562. 9:17 PM - Doc: i could do it
  563. 9:17 PM - Doc: i mean i've always kinda wanted to help rebalance
  564. 9:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: also lol @ you guys bitching about rats being easy to kill :v
  565. 9:18 PM - Dez: kk
  566. 9:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: if you wanna finish the mind psyker, go ahead and I'll add it to the book
  567. 9:18 PM - Dez: just make fun mind powers and thats p much it
  568. 9:18 PM - Doc: and i've played plenty of pysker to get a feel for it
  569. 9:18 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ciaster, how much hp do you have))
  570. 9:18 PM - Doc: you kinda have to use your imagination
  571. 9:18 PM - Doc: like
  572. 9:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: just make sure you've got enough for at least one page, otherwise it's gonna be a bitch to overhaul
  573. 9:18 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Dez, you're up
  574. 9:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: (44)
  575. 9:18 PM - Dez: Stab the king twice
  576. 9:18 PM - Doc: you can make stuff from the ceiling fall onto people
  577. 9:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: (@ 43 rn cause I healed up just short of my max)
  578. 9:19 PM - Doc: you can shove them into other people
  579. 9:19 PM - Dez: 1 hit
  580. 9:19 PM - Doc: lift melee weapons for multi weilding
  581. 9:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 9 ac, is that 63 a hit?
  582. 9:19 PM - Dez: nah
  583. 9:19 PM - Dez: 18 dmg
  584. 9:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so, 1 hit, 16 damage?
  585. 9:20 PM - Doc: i once had double power fists and double super sledges that i kept lifted with pysker powers
  586. 9:20 PM - Dez: also I just noticed a problem with the calculator
  587. 9:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): there are no problems with it
  588. 9:20 PM - Dez: actually nvm
  589. 9:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): told you
  590. 9:20 PM - Dez: I'll just make 2 tabs
  591. 9:21 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): In any event, Dez jams his spear through The Don, killing the lesser molerat as it slumps to the floor, bleeding
  592. 9:21 PM - Doc: plus, electricity? In an android-heavy game? SUPER helpfull
  593. 9:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 2 rats go, both after Dez
  594. 9:22 PM - Dez: wait are the mind psyker and telekinetic psyker going to be combined?
  595. 9:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): another crit, and a miss on the first
  596. 9:22 PM - Doc: oh, you mean mind pysker like a mind reader?
  597. 9:22 PM - Dez: aye
  598. 9:22 PM - Doc: i didn't know you guys were working on that
  599. 9:23 PM - Doc: not much use for it tho
  600. 9:23 PM - Dez: just general mind stuff like control and shit
  601. 9:23 PM - Doc: well
  602. 9:23 PM - Doc: there's mind reading
  603. 9:23 PM - Doc: and mind lifting
  604. 9:23 PM - Dez: I don't remember if it was a concept or not actually
  605. 9:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: just make a generic brainy type
  606. 9:23 PM - Doc: telepathy versus telekenisis
  607. 9:23 PM - Doc: not how you spell it
  608. 9:23 PM - Doc: but
  609. 9:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The rat manages to squeeze its face through a gap in your armor and bite, /hard/
  610. 9:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): With an unpleasant snap, your leg cracks
  611. 9:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 4 damage c:
  612. 9:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and a broken leg
  613. 9:24 PM - Det. Marlowe: dayum
  614. 9:24 PM - Doc: so have it start out with lifting but as you level up you can sense emotions, then mind reading, and at high level have like spider sense, then REALLY high level has future telling
  615. 9:24 PM - Dez: Dez's smile upon looking at the rat's nibble at his leg turns into a face of dire constipation
  616. 9:25 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep, I'm digging this
  617. 9:25 PM - Dez: still only 1 dmg wtf
  618. 9:25 PM - Doc: mind shit or dez in pain
  619. 9:26 PM - Doc: cause i dig both
  620. 9:26 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  621. 9:26 PM - Dez: I'm going to murder u so hard
  622. 9:26 PM - Det. Marlowe: mind shit, mostly
  623. 9:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The next rat goes to attack Sarah
  624. 9:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): both misses
  625. 9:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): actually wait
  626. 9:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that 49's a hit
  627. 9:27 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): sarah takes 4 damage
  628. 9:28 PM - Doc: sarah takes her time, too
  629. 9:28 PM - Sarah Salem: ((was that a time joke))
  630. 9:28 PM - Det. Marlowe: (probably)
  631. 9:28 PM - Doc: ((that was a 'you're a slow loser' joke))
  632. 9:29 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Doc's turn now
  633. 9:29 PM - Sarah Salem: ((im talking to people that arent you atm))
  634. 9:29 PM - Doc: ((yeah, but why bother))
  635. 9:29 PM - Doc: ((why would you WANT tot alk to people that aren't me)
  636. 9:29 PM - Doc: anyway
  637. 9:29 PM - Dez: I should bring ointment to these sessions cuz everyone is getting burned
  638. 9:30 PM - Doc: how many rats are still near me and marlowe?
  639. 9:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): near you both, 1
  640. 9:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 1 near sarah and the last near Dez
  641. 9:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that last one you can imagine grinning a smug, ratty grin at having broken his leg
  642. 9:31 PM - Doc: i crouch
  643. 9:31 PM - Doc: and try shooting the one near my
  644. 9:31 PM - Doc: again
  645. 9:31 PM - Doc: sweet, actually hit it
  646. 9:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): lolno thats a miss u fag u suk scrub lrn 2 quiksc0pe
  647. 9:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): jk roll damage
  648. 9:31 PM - Doc: one sec
  649. 9:32 PM - Doc: yeah
  650. 9:32 PM - Doc: 8 damamge
  651. 9:32 PM - Doc: not bad
  652. 9:33 PM - Doc: since i crouched, do i have enough AP to shoot again?
  653. 9:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: well you crouched the last time right?
  654. 9:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: if so you're still crouched :v
  655. 9:33 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): let's go with yes
  656. 9:33 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): shoot again
  657. 9:33 PM - Doc: wow tha'ts NOT a hit
  658. 9:34 PM - Doc: turn over
  659. 9:34 PM - Doc: how much did i do after bullcrap?
  660. 9:34 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): these lil buggers dont have bullcrap, so you dealt a nice 8 damage
  661. 9:34 PM - Doc: so let me guess
  662. 9:34 PM - Doc: he's almost, but not, dead
  663. 9:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): hhmmmm
  664. 9:35 PM - Doc: and someone better at shooting or stabbing is gonna kill it next turn
  665. 9:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): nah he's dead
  666. 9:35 PM - Doc: HAHA
  667. 9:35 PM - Doc: FAKE DOCTOR, REAL KILLER
  668. 9:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Your dinky little .22 round slips clear through its eye and splatters its thinkbox
  669. 9:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): might want to consider an upgrade soon, though
  670. 9:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): That leaves 2 rats, but they went already
  671. 9:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Mar's go
  672. 9:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight
  673. 9:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: Gon' pop rat fink #1 then.
  674. 9:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: might be a hit?
  675. 9:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): what's your skill after crouching?
  676. 9:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it has 6 ac
  677. 9:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: 85
  678. 9:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: so just about
  679. 9:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: you rule that a hit?
  680. 9:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aye
  681. 9:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it matches, it hits
  682. 9:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: lol 2 1s on the dmg roll :v
  683. 9:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): q: are you targeting the one near sarah, or the one that broke dez's leg
  684. 9:38 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): will you deny dez his vengence?
  685. 9:39 PM - Dez: can I sprint with a borken leg
  686. 9:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: well, Sarah can take care of herself
  687. 9:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): nope
  688. 9:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: Dez apparently can't
  689. 9:39 PM - Dez: the rebalance doesn't say anything against that
  690. 9:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: so I'm gonna blast the one that nailed Dez
  691. 9:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no sprinting with a broken leg
  692. 9:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: also, it's common fucking sense
  693. 9:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: and also in the regular book ;v
  694. 9:39 PM - Dez: I've seen amputees that run faster than me
  695. 9:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: shoulda gotten better stats m8
  696. 9:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): says the man who bitched all last two games
  697. 9:40 PM - Dez: shoulda nerfed those fucking rats m8
  698. 9:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you murder the rat fink
  699. 9:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you have denied Dez his vengence
  700. 9:40 PM - Dez: fuck u
  701. 9:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 1 rat remains
  702. 9:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: I saved him yo
  703. 9:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: goddamn I'm so happy I got
  704. 9:41 PM - Dez: all my characters are tied together on the fact that they all want to kill they're party members
  705. 9:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh my god EVERYONE IS CRIMPING MY OG ORIGINAL GHOST STYLE
  706. 9:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: haha!
  707. 9:41 PM - Dez: their*
  708. 9:41 PM - Dez: fuck
  709. 9:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well it's Sarah's go
  710. 9:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): kill the last rat
  711. 9:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm da face Killa
  712. 9:42 PM - Doc: Well
  713. 9:42 PM - Doc: Schnitz didn't seem like the murder your friends type
  714. 9:42 PM - Dez: I'm selling my gohst emote
  715. 9:42 PM - Doc: you know
  716. 9:42 PM - Doc: for a nazi
  717. 9:42 PM - Dez: and b1
  718. 9:42 PM - Dez: ciaster made it uncool
  719. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: i kill the last rat
  720. 9:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: lol
  721. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: 84, miss, 28 hit
  722. 9:42 PM - Sarah Salem: 14 damage, its dead :v
  723. 9:43 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you kill the last rat
  724. 9:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: it's good, I still have for some more sunglasses action
  725. 9:43 PM - Doc: and batman isn't the murdering type at all
  726. 9:43 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 290 xp
  727. 9:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: aside from the bus thing
  728. 9:43 PM - Doc: bus thing?
  729. 9:43 PM - Dez: batman is stitch and stitch really wanted to murder people
  730. 9:44 PM - Dez: we had a bus
  731. 9:44 PM - Dez: they brotherhood took that bus
  732. 9:44 PM - Dez: I was asleep in said bus
  733. 9:44 PM - Doc: when did we have a bus?
  734. 9:44 PM - Dez: I drove the bus right the fuck out of there
  735. 9:44 PM - Doc: oh
  736. 9:44 PM - Doc: duh
  737. 9:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: the first campaign
  738. 9:44 PM - Doc: before me
  739. 9:44 PM - Doc: yeah
  740. 9:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: the memories
  741. 9:44 PM - Doc: batman, not stitch
  742. 9:44 PM - Dez: without any driving skill
  743. 9:44 PM - Doc: stitch seemed pretty un-murdering
  744. 9:44 PM - Doc: except
  745. 9:44 PM - Doc: you know
  746. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: speaking of times when i wasnt here
  747. 9:44 PM - Doc: when he was murdering
  748. 9:44 PM - Dez: for the rip and tear
  749. 9:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: everyone he killed?
  750. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: lets make another of those
  751. 9:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah
  752. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem: im out, have fun guys~
  753. 9:45 PM - Sarah Salem left chat.
  754. 9:45 PM - Dez: wat
  755. 9:45 PM - Doc: uh
  756. 9:45 PM - Doc: in a REALLY roundabout way
  757. 9:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he's dropping the game
  758. 9:45 PM - Doc: the 'rican just told us he was gonna be gnoe
  759. 9:45 PM - Doc: wait, the game or just for today
  760. 9:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the game
  761. 9:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he's outie
  762. 9:45 PM - Dez: oh
  763. 9:45 PM - Doc: wtf
  764. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not feeling fallout or something
  765. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he says the original fallouts have no replay value
  766. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): maybe he feels the same way about this
  767. 9:46 PM - Dez: alright lets get back to the game
  768. 9:46 PM - Doc: well shit son
  769. 9:46 PM - Doc: are we going to get another player?
  770. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): nah
  771. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): easier this way
  772. 9:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well, you just killed a buncha rats
  773. 9:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no banter while I write up loot?
  774. 9:47 PM - Doc: so what happens to sarah?
  775. 9:47 PM - Det. Marlowe: she winks out of existence, obv
  776. 9:47 PM - Dez: we kind of just bantered throughout the whole combat :V
  777. 9:47 PM - Det. Marlowe: exactly what happened to uh
  778. 9:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'll just play her until you get back to the lobby
  779. 9:47 PM - Det. Marlowe: I forgot what I was talking about?
  780. 9:47 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  781. 9:47 PM - Doc: well
  782. 9:47 PM - Doc: shit
  783. 9:47 PM - Doc: my brother
  784. 9:47 PM - Doc: ll's brother
  785. 9:47 PM - Doc: what was his name
  786. 9:47 PM - Dez: we could just do that shit
  787. 9:47 PM - Dez: yeah
  788. 9:48 PM - Dez: the native american
  789. 9:48 PM - Doc: claps with thunder
  790. 9:48 PM - Det. Marlowe: oh
  791. 9:48 PM - Det. Marlowe: oh!
  792. 9:48 PM - Det. Marlowe: that's that, yeah
  793. 9:48 PM - Dez: just don't mention him or acknowledge his existance
  794. 9:48 PM - Doc: yeah, claps with thunder was brought into the future by EAGLE hitting the NEWK
  795. 9:48 PM - Doc: then he blew up
  796. 9:48 PM - Dez: you don't have to play as sarah we can just literally make her disappear
  797. 9:48 PM - Doc: nah
  798. 9:48 PM - Doc: i don't like players just winking out of existance
  799. 9:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: it's funny
  800. 9:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Sarah, after gutting the last rat, goes silent as she looks contemplative
  801. 9:49 PM - Dez: its easier tho
  802. 9:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: especially when we pretend we have no idea who they ever were
  803. 9:49 PM - Doc: she needs to die in a comical fashion
  804. 9:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: also it's easier
  805. 9:49 PM - Doc: like
  806. 9:49 PM - Doc: dez is saying something
  807. 9:49 PM - Doc: and he accidentally guts sarah with his spear
  808. 9:49 PM - Doc: cause he's being all emotive
  809. 9:49 PM - Doc: waving the spear around
  810. 9:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: this is a hilarious motherfucking mental image
  811. 9:50 PM - Doc: can this happen
  812. 9:50 PM - Dez: Out of pure hysteria and terror, Dez flings his spear around as his pivots on one foot
  813. 9:50 PM - Dez: tumbling around, seeking vengence on the rat that rektd him
  814. 9:51 PM - Dez: ((this is IC btw))
  815. 9:51 PM - Doc: "hey, watch it meatshie..."
  816. 9:51 PM - Dez: "FOOKIN RHATS"
  817. 9:51 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Stop waving this thing around, would ya?"
  818. 9:52 PM - Dez: Dez continues to flail around and be a general danger
  819. 9:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Your broken-legged spear-waving ends with you leaving a solid, deep gash across Sarah's torso
  820. 9:52 PM - Doc: "oh FUCK"
  821. 9:52 PM - Dez: woops
  822. 9:52 PM - Dez: c:
  823. 9:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Ya did it, you dickwad."
  824. 9:52 PM - Doc: "SHIT SHIT SIHT SIHT SHIT
  825. 9:52 PM - Doc: "
  826. 9:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You fucking did it."
  827. 9:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): She backs away and clinches her gut, dropping her billhook and hissing in pain
  828. 9:53 PM - Doc: "Sarah? Sarah? I need you to listen to me sweety, just stay calm and breathe"
  829. 9:53 PM - Doc: i take my coat and wrap it around the wound
  830. 9:53 PM - Doc: "Oh FUCK what the COCK LICKING DICK you lumbering meatshield cock headed FUCKER"
  831. 9:53 PM - Dez: "EhHEy!"
  833. 9:54 PM - Dez: "Gotcha ye fackin rat"
  835. 9:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Well, Doc, let's see how lucky you are."
  837. 9:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: "And, Dez, if this girl doesn't wake up..."
  838. 9:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): she's awake, just bleeding through your coat
  839. 9:54 PM - Doc: "Oh who the fuck are we kidding, between the blood and rust on that spear and how deep he GUTTED her she doesn't have a chance"
  840. 9:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You'll find out how tough walking without a knee is."
  841. 9:55 PM - Dez: The poison starts to kick in and Dez keels over
  842. 9:55 PM - Det. Marlowe: Alright, time for a motherfucking hero moment
  843. 9:55 PM - Det. Marlowe: I grab Sarah
  844. 9:55 PM - Doc: "Anybody got pins, needle, sewing stuf....."
  845. 9:55 PM - Det. Marlowe: and fucking book it to Terminal, hoping to find a doctor
  846. 9:55 PM - Det. Marlowe: with her falling unconcious in my arms, it's all very emotional and tense and shit
  847. 9:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  848. 9:55 PM - Doc: i stare straight ahead
  849. 9:55 PM - Dez: and tense and shit :V
  850. 9:56 PM - Doc: and shoot dez in his bad knee
  851. 9:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: imagine slow motion shots of Marlowe running through the streets of New York, leaving a stream of blood behind
  852. 9:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: not his blood
  853. 9:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: Wing, you got a spare character sheet ready? :v
  854. 9:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you're gonna shoot dez? :v
  855. 9:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: not yet
  856. 9:56 PM - Doc: wait is he almost dead?
  857. 9:56 PM - Dez: Don't worry I got a way to punish myself
  858. 9:56 PM - Doc: i just want to slightly maim him, not kill him
  859. 9:57 PM - Dez: I can do it myself bitch its apart of my character
  860. 9:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: well, .22 is perfect for that :v
  861. 9:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): your .22 probably won't even dent his damn armor
  862. 9:57 PM - Dez: I just need some bandages
  863. 9:57 PM - Doc: i have some bandages
  864. 9:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: me too but I'm currently moving away at a sprinter's pace
  865. 9:57 PM - Dez: If I'm going to be straight out of Berserk you need some kind of creepy weird shit
  866. 9:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): finish your self-harm so we can port back to terminal and get sarah medical attention then have her leave
  867. 9:58 PM - Doc: oh wait is she not gonna just straight die
  868. 9:58 PM - Dez: I'm currently KO'd
  869. 9:58 PM - Doc: well
  870. 9:58 PM - Doc: she can die
  871. 9:58 PM - Doc: she could be brought to the hospital, and stay there unconsious
  872. 9:58 PM - Doc: or she can be brought to the hospital, heal, then leave
  873. 9:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you gonna pay her hospital bills? :v
  874. 9:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: fuck yeah I am
  875. 9:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah she's just gonna go back to the vault with a "fuck this shit"
  876. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: sorry, WE are
  877. 9:59 PM - Doc: nono no no, it's ok
  878. 9:59 PM - Doc: i work there
  879. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: and by that I mean
  880. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: Dez will
  881. 9:59 PM - Doc: at least
  882. 9:59 PM - Doc: i look like i do
  883. 9:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you know
  884. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: and we'll make up for the rest if needed
  885. 9:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): all this could be in character banter
  886. 9:59 PM - Doc: well
  887. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: nah this is a silent badass moment
  888. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: also I kinda left them behind
  889. 9:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  890. 9:59 PM - Doc: one of the parties is across the city by this point
  891. 9:59 PM - Dez: like in one of my japanese animes
  892. 9:59 PM - Doc: running in slo mo like the million dollar man
  893. 9:59 PM - Doc: (cause hes a cyborg)
  894. 10:00 PM - Det. Marlowe: gotta get a vault suit fluff it as a red jumpsuit zipped halfway open
  895. 10:00 PM - Dez: it actually took me quite a while for this shit to settle in for me
  896. 10:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ok so what are we doing
  897. 10:00 PM - Dez: girl comes straight out of the vault and gets destroyed
  898. 10:00 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): going back to terminal?
  899. 10:01 PM - Dez: aye
  900. 10:01 PM - Dez: Doc can carry me C;
  901. 10:01 PM - Det. Marlowe: any update on my progress re: running to Terminal?
  902. 10:01 PM - Dez: I'm 230 lbs
  903. 10:01 PM - Doc: ok, yes or no on 'i'll kill dez if i shoot hsi bad leg"
  904. 10:02 PM - Doc: his*
  905. 10:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): probably not
  906. 10:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not like he was hurt that bad
  907. 10:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): just a broken leg
  908. 10:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: do it
  909. 10:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and your .22 could barely kill a rat
  910. 10:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: plant a .22 bullet in his fucking kneecap
  911. 10:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  912. 10:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: interparty tensio!
  913. 10:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: *tension!
  914. 10:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe grabs the bleeding and now-unconscious Sarah, sprinting out of the hospital and back to Terminal, while Doc and Dez proceed to play with each other in the hospital
  915. 10:02 PM - Doc: phrasing
  916. 10:03 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that's the joke
  917. 10:03 PM - Doc: ok, so we're looking through the glass to her room all dramatically
  918. 10:03 PM - Doc: right
  919. 10:03 PM - Dez: yeah lets just time skip this shit so we are all in the hospital
  920. 10:03 PM - Dez: at terminal that is
  921. 10:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Dez limps out of the hospital with Doc soon after and, conveniently, a little yellow cab drives by and offers you a free ride back to the town
  922. 10:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): On the way you also pick up Marlowe, and are back in town soon after
  923. 10:04 PM - Doc: the cabbie will become important later
  924. 10:04 PM - Doc: wait hold on
  925. 10:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): The cabbie is a dark-skinned man with a scruffy white beard and a cigar clamped in his teeth
  926. 10:04 PM - Doc: were we in the hospital at some point
  927. 10:04 PM - Dez: Barkley in the Future?
  928. 10:04 PM - Det. Marlowe: but but
  929. 10:04 PM - Det. Marlowe:
  930. 10:05 PM - Det. Marlowe: I was so hoping it'd be, y'know, The Cabbie :v
  931. 10:05 PM - Doc: i'm voting for barkley and renaldo to show up
  932. 10:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you mean that dude from escape from NY?
  933. 10:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh yeah
  934. 10:05 PM - Dez: Alroight so we at terminal right now
  935. 10:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I forgot that was a thing
  936. 10:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he'll be a cabbie later then
  937. 10:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah you're in terminal
  938. 10:05 PM - Doc: as a memorial for what's his face and his characters
  939. 10:05 PM - Doc: ok we're in terminal right
  940. 10:05 PM - Doc: all three of us?
  941. 10:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yes
  942. 10:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: Aight, I'm gonna scan for a hospital
  943. 10:06 PM - Doc: so sarah is still dying, got it
  944. 10:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): There's a nice, sturdy-looking hospital
  945. 10:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: Well, I bust in dramatically
  946. 10:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Placed in one of the buildings that was already on the pier
  947. 10:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: and once I'm in, I yell "Doctor!"
  948. 10:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Need a doctor here, right now!"
  949. 10:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You burst in dramatically, startling a doctor who was looking over a clipboard
  950. 10:07 PM - Doc: "I jerk my head around in instinct"
  951. 10:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "I'm a doctor," says the doctor
  952. 10:07 PM - Dez: :V
  953. 10:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Slash to the chest. Pretty deep. She's losing blood."
  954. 10:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: "This kid doesn't deserve to go like this."
  955. 10:08 PM - Doc: I whisper "you know, if i put on my uniform we could of easily placed her in a bed and called a doctor and done all of this without arousing suspicion and looking like dramatic weirdos"
  956. 10:08 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): He nods, placing his clipboard down. "Bring her here," he directs you to follow him as he walks to another room
  957. 10:08 PM - Det. Marlowe: I whisper back "Every second counts."
  958. 10:09 PM - Dez: Timeskip?
  959. 10:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: a lil' one maybe
  960. 10:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: like a few hours
  961. 10:10 PM - Dez: aye
  962. 10:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): still in town?
  963. 10:10 PM - Dez: yeah?
  964. 10:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): alrighty then
  965. 10:10 PM - Doc: "yeah, but this leads to quesstioning and why two adult men are carying around a 16 year old girl and now I"M linked to all of it and people are going to ask QUESTIONS and they're gonna realize and i'm gonna be SCREWED and YOU"RE gonna get screwed ebveen though you're pretty cool and tobe honest FUCK that other guy"
  966. 10:11 PM - Doc: i take a deep breath
  967. 10:11 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You place Sarah on a bed he points out, and he shoos you away, closing the door. You then wait around town for quite some time, all tense
  968. 10:11 PM - Dez: All tense like nigga
  969. 10:11 PM - Doc: the moment we leave the hospital i pull out my gun and shoot dez in the bad leg
  970. 10:11 PM - Doc: properally
  971. 10:11 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): there we go
  972. 10:12 PM - Dez: properly*
  973. 10:12 PM - Doc: (since this is a cinamatic thing and not a combat thing do i have to roll?)
  974. 10:12 PM - Dez: no fgt
  975. 10:12 PM - Dez: actually
  976. 10:12 PM - Dez: do roll
  977. 10:12 PM - Dez: humor me
  978. 10:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :v
  979. 10:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): just roll for fun
  980. 10:12 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight, and once she does, I'm gonna grab him by the throat and pin him up against the wall
  981. 10:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you'll hit anyway
  982. 10:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ahhahahahaha
  983. 10:13 PM - Dez: HAHA
  984. 10:13 PM - Doc: wow
  985. 10:13 PM - Doc: that's uh
  986. 10:13 PM - Dez: U FUCKING SCURB
  987. 10:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: lol
  988. 10:13 PM - Doc: i still hit right
  989. 10:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): hey, least you got that out of the way before actual combat
  990. 10:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah yeah you still hit :v
  991. 10:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: not how probability works :v
  992. 10:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it so is so shut up
  993. 10:13 PM - Dez: it's not even how fate works :V
  994. 10:14 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm GM I decree that's how probability works
  995. 10:14 PM - Dez: Alright do your edgy shit so I can do my edgy angst shit
  996. 10:14 PM - Doc: i don't look at dez during the entire process or after
  997. 10:15 PM - Doc: "Swear to god, most meatshields with a penchant for murdering shit and stealing have a tendancy to not STAB PEOPLE ON THEIR SIDE"
  998. 10:16 PM - Det. Marlowe: "If he was a proper meatshield, he'd have stabbed himself."
  999. 10:16 PM - Dez: Dez's voice goes all monotone and sad like~
  1000. 10:16 PM - Doc: "that's like, 'not being an idoit 101: if you join up with people, don't attack them!"
  1001. 10:16 PM - Dez: "And doctor's don't shoot people"
  1002. 10:16 PM - Doc: "oh cut it out with the wounded puppy bullshit"
  1003. 10:16 PM - Dez: "So do me a favor and give me some bandages"
  1004. 10:16 PM - Doc: "I know plenty of doctors who shoot people"
  1005. 10:16 PM - Dez: "I'll deal with this myself"
  1006. 10:17 PM - Dez: I stick out my hand, waiting for a roll of bandages
  1007. 10:17 PM - Doc: "you'll get this shit out of my cold dead pretty hands"
  1008. 10:17 PM - Doc: she does a flaunty wave
  1009. 10:17 PM - Dez: "Then I guess I'll just have to make due"
  1010. 10:18 PM - Dez: I pull off the head of my spear and use the shaft to drag myself into an alley
  1011. 10:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: *dick joke*
  1012. 10:18 PM - Dez: you're the only one that thinks that
  1013. 10:18 PM - Doc: ".....shit"
  1014. 10:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: alternatively,
  1015. 10:20 PM - Dez: Dez comes back with his hand tucked into a waist pouch
  1016. 10:20 PM - Doc: "i'm no use to you, and the other half of the people we know seem gone, so i'll guess i'll try to get this coat cleaned and see if there are any caps i can scrounge up doing my fake doctor crap"
  1017. 10:20 PM - Dez: ((because we all know that we have waist pouches as our inventories))
  1018. 10:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: we're like a bunch of 90s kids with fanny packs
  1019. 10:21 PM - Dez: of course
  1020. 10:21 PM - Doc: i realized a few mins back that i have no idea where LL kept her crap
  1021. 10:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: you've got a M65
  1022. 10:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: this thing's got like
  1023. 10:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: a million pockets
  1024. 10:22 PM - Doc: i designed John with a backpack and bandolier and stuff
  1025. 10:22 PM - Doc: and i have the army vest
  1026. 10:22 PM - Dez: "Now what"
  1027. 10:22 PM - Doc: but LL had leather followed by a vault suit
  1028. 10:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Maybe, while you're here in a town with a hospital, you can
  1029. 10:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh I don't know
  1030. 10:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): get Dez's fucking leg fixed
  1031. 10:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: nah
  1032. 10:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: fuck 'im
  1033. 10:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1034. 10:23 PM - Doc: why would we do that
  1035. 10:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: from a character standpoint, I mean
  1036. 10:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well he can do it himself
  1037. 10:23 PM - Dez: that's a good idea :V
  1038. 10:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: I know we're stuck with him 'cause Wing wants to play as his character but I doubt Marlowe'd help somone he saw stab a girl (accidentally but still)
  1039. 10:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): man do I need to babysit you chumps
  1040. 10:24 PM - Dez: Dez has the audacity to go back into the hospital to get treated
  1041. 10:24 PM - Doc: well
  1042. 10:24 PM - Doc: this was all my idea
  1043. 10:24 PM - Doc: but it was a lot funnier on paper
  1044. 10:24 PM - Det. Marlowe: OOC, yes
  1045. 10:24 PM - Dez: yeah I didn't think that one through
  1046. 10:24 PM - Det. Marlowe: I dunno it was kinda funny in a tribute.avi way
  1047. 10:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): on /pen/ and paper
  1048. 10:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aaayyyyyyyyy
  1049. 10:24 PM - Det. Marlowe: no
  1050. 10:24 PM - Dez: especially when this is supposed to be technically serious :V
  1051. 10:24 PM - Doc: it would of been funny if we all just said "welp." and pretended nothing happened
  1052. 10:25 PM - Dez: yeah lets all blame this on ciaster!
  1053. 10:25 PM - Doc: but then we made it all SERIOUS and ACTUALLY TOOK SOMETHING SERIOUSLY FOR ONCE
  1054. 10:25 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Dez, your hospital fee will cost you 75 caps
  1055. 10:25 PM - Doc: the audacity
  1056. 10:25 PM - Dez: fuck
  1057. 10:25 PM - Dez: 25 caps off
  1058. 10:25 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and that's being generous
  1059. 10:25 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): sell something
  1060. 10:25 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you don't have a stimpak?
  1061. 10:25 PM - Dez: nope
  1062. 10:25 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :T
  1063. 10:26 PM - Dez: "I got some spare parts if you want"
  1064. 10:26 PM - Dez: "To make up for the 25 caps"
  1065. 10:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Spare parts? I suppose I could use them to fix a few machines if they ever break down..."
  1066. 10:27 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): consider the 25 cap gap covered by 1 set of spare parts
  1067. 10:28 PM - Dez: I pull out some parts, smeared with blood and my hand missing another finger
  1068. 10:28 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): " you want me to check that out as well?"
  1069. 10:28 PM - Dez: "That would help, yeah"
  1070. 10:28 PM - Doc: did i steal his finger
  1071. 10:29 PM - Dez: nah I just dropped it
  1072. 10:29 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "I'll consider the parts as payment for this, as well, then." He proceeds to disinfect and bandage your finger up
  1073. 10:30 PM - Doc: I look at marlowe
  1074. 10:30 PM - Doc: "so"
  1075. 10:30 PM - Det. Marlowe: "So. You think she's going to make it?"
  1076. 10:31 PM - Doc: "I've seen people survive worse, and die from less"
  1077. 10:31 PM - Doc: "Oh god, if she doesn't make it.."
  1078. 10:31 PM - Doc: I lean back and look up. "Fuck. I hate this place."
  1079. 10:32 PM - Det. Marlowe: "She's gonna make it."
  1080. 10:33 PM - Dez: brb
  1081. 10:33 PM - Doc: "You really think so?"
  1082. 10:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You see her twirling that spear around?"
  1083. 10:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: "She's tough."
  1084. 10:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: "And I've seen enough tough people in my... life to know how they look like."
  1085. 10:34 PM - Doc: "You see her being a small 16 year old girl fresh from the vault?"
  1086. 10:34 PM - Doc: "You say a doctor's coat is bad news, try a vault suit"
  1087. 10:35 PM - Dez: back
  1088. 10:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Some people just are born this way. Some are made, like me. Some just aren't. My guts tell me she's the first cathegory."
  1089. 10:35 PM - Doc: "It's like a big warning sign to the universe that says 'I'm an unlucky son of a bitch! Kill me! Kill me!"
  1090. 10:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: "And you seriously believe that?"
  1091. 10:36 PM - Dez: Alright so I'm all healed up n shit right?
  1092. 10:36 PM - Doc: "I've seen it"
  1093. 10:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  1094. 10:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: "I've seen tons of people who came out of the vaults and did alright. Back in California, for one."
  1095. 10:37 PM - Doc: "Nothing good happens to the vaults, expect those who hit it big"
  1096. 10:37 PM - Doc: "Like that kid from 101"
  1097. 10:37 PM - Dez: I come out of the hospital and return to the party
  1098. 10:37 PM - Doc: "What happened in california?"
  1099. 10:37 PM - Dez: "Did you find a job."
  1100. 10:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Well, that's just the matter of life, right? Either you hit it big or you eat dirt somewhere in a dark danky corner of the world."
  1101. 10:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: "California was... interesting."
  1102. 10:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Maybe sometime I'll tell you more about it."
  1103. 10:38 PM - Doc: I pause and look at him
  1104. 10:38 PM - Doc: "We're the dirt eaters, aren't we"
  1105. 10:38 PM - Dez: "Did you find a job."
  1106. 10:38 PM - Doc: "we're not some big, fantastic group of heroes of some shit that are gonna save the wasteland"
  1107. 10:38 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Not for a hundred years, won't be for a hundred more."
  1108. 10:38 PM - Doc: "we're just'
  1109. 10:38 PM - Dez: wait nvm thought you were talking to me
  1110. 10:39 PM - Doc: "Drifters, i guess"
  1111. 10:39 PM - Doc: I smile a bit
  1112. 10:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: "I am not a dirt eater. I was given a second chance at life, to help people."
  1113. 10:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: "For fuck's sake, I was built to be a cop."
  1114. 10:39 PM - Doc: "I guess the only thing that makes you a dirt eater is if you open your jaw and swallow"
  1115. 10:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: "And I'm gonna keep helping people until the day my bones finally rust away in the wastes."
  1116. 10:40 PM - Dez: Dez leaves and looks around Terminal to find some work
  1117. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: "This is what I was made for, but it's also what I choose."
  1118. 10:40 PM - Doc: "That's all we can do, really"
  1119. 10:40 PM - Doc: "try to help people"
  1120. 10:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Well, you never did finish clearing the hospital
  1121. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: we didn't?
  1122. 10:40 PM - Dez: rly
  1123. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: we did off the boss spider
  1124. 10:40 PM - Dez: I thought we did :V
  1125. 10:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): nope, there's the basement left
  1126. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: and the Don
  1127. 10:40 PM - Doc: phooey
  1128. 10:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): though
  1129. 10:40 PM - Doc: we can lock up the basement
  1130. 10:40 PM - Doc: problem solved
  1131. 10:40 PM - Dez: fuck it I'll go back to the hospital
  1132. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight, nice
  1133. 10:40 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I guess we can pretend it's empty
  1134. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: but but
  1135. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: loot
  1136. 10:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: anyway
  1137. 10:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): best not continue the grind with more spiders
  1138. 10:41 PM - Dez: alright then back to hurting for work
  1139. 10:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: suitably sad but also shit's happening song:
  1140. 10:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe might want to go collect
  1141. 10:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight
  1142. 10:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: wonder if I could get Sarah's $$$
  1143. 10:41 PM - Doc: :V
  1144. 10:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: give it to her when she wakes up
  1145. 10:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: (if)
  1146. 10:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: (but hopefully when)
  1147. 10:42 PM - Doc: fitting music
  1148. 10:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: anyway, I'm gonna head over to whatshisname again
  1149. 10:42 PM - Dez: bitch you want sad
  1150. 10:42 PM - Dez:
  1151. 10:42 PM - Doc: i stand up
  1152. 10:42 PM - Dez: gets some animu in that shit
  1153. 10:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah Sinnerman's sad in that powerful way not that sulking way
  1154. 10:42 PM - Doc: "That's what we're gonna do, isn't it"
  1155. 10:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: it's a great song
  1156. 10:43 PM - Doc: "we're not gonna help everyone, we're not gonna make a diffrence"
  1157. 10:43 PM - Dez: the only thing that seems to get me crying is hideo kojima and anime for some reason
  1158. 10:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm quoting that
  1159. 10:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: somewhere
  1160. 10:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: I dunno where yet
  1161. 10:43 PM - Doc: "But we're gonna help people. All the dirt eaters out there, all the people we can"
  1162. 10:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: but it's definitely gonna be quoted :v
  1163. 10:43 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe heads to the nice-looking shack with the water purifier on its side. You two gonna follow him?
  1164. 10:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: Is Senor Whoopsistabbedyou around?
  1165. 10:44 PM - Dez: no
  1166. 10:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight nvm
  1167. 10:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm gonna handle that after collecting my pay
  1168. 10:44 PM - Doc: I follow marlowe
  1169. 10:44 PM - Dez: I'm out and about looking for more work
  1170. 10:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe heads into Will's shack, then, Doc following soon after
  1171. 10:44 PM - Dez: hell we just found the fucking like
  1172. 10:44 PM - Dez: story thing
  1173. 10:44 PM - Dez: the um
  1174. 10:44 PM - Doc: plot
  1175. 10:44 PM - Dez: nonono
  1176. 10:44 PM - Doc: driving force
  1177. 10:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Will looks up from his desk, where it seems like he's counting caps and filing through papers
  1178. 10:44 PM - Dez: aye
  1179. 10:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: "The hospital's clear."
  1180. 10:45 PM - Dez: the motiation to go around doing adventures and jobs
  1181. 10:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Eh? Leave with one lady, come back with another?"
  1182. 10:45 PM - Doc: that was kinda the point
  1183. 10:45 PM - Dez: get dosh and keep Sarah alive
  1184. 10:45 PM - Det. Marlowe: "The girl couldn't make it here, so I'd like to collect for her too if you don't mind."
  1185. 10:45 PM - Doc: that whole exchange was to kinda set the mood for the game
  1186. 10:45 PM - Det. Marlowe: "If you do, she's in the hospital. For your sake, I better hope you pay her her due."
  1187. 10:45 PM - Doc: "Should i collect for her, being the third party and all?"
  1188. 10:45 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  1189. 10:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Couldn't make it? Where is she?"
  1190. 10:46 PM - Doc: "The big creepy guy kinda stabbed her"
  1191. 10:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "I don't think I'd trust a third party with someone's caps."
  1192. 10:46 PM - Doc: "Molerat bites his leg, he spazes/"
  1193. 10:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Creepy guy? Stabbed her? Is she dead?"
  1194. 10:46 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Suit yourself. We're counting on you being honest here, remember."
  1195. 10:46 PM - Doc: "it's ok"
  1196. 10:46 PM - Doc: i put on my bloody coat
  1197. 10:47 PM - Doc: "i'm a doctor. trust me on this."
  1198. 10:47 PM - Det. Marlowe: "She's still kicking, but not well."
  1199. 10:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): He scratches his head, looking at Marlowe. "I can't tell if she's insane," he points at Doc, "or you're insane for traveling with her."
  1200. 10:47 PM - Doc: "her vitals are hanging by a thread, internal bleeding is slowly decreasing but it's still happening"
  1201. 10:47 PM - Dez: internal bleeding :V
  1202. 10:48 PM - Dez: more like super external bleeding
  1203. 10:48 PM - Doc: "internal and external, for that matter"
  1204. 10:48 PM - Det. Marlowe: "A little bit of both?" I flash him a semi-smile, or at least the closest thing I can manage.
  1205. 10:48 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Well, when you see the other girl, tell her I've got her caps. Either way, here's yours." He chucks you a bag. +300 caps
  1206. 10:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: *cash register sound effect*
  1207. 10:49 PM - Dez: money-eh
  1208. 10:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: cash rules everything around me
  1209. 10:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: (cream) get the money
  1210. 10:49 PM - Dez: mone-aye
  1211. 10:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: dolla dolla bills y'all
  1212. 10:49 PM - Det. Marlowe: anyway
  1213. 10:49 PM - Doc: "the only reason i'm not in the hospital right now is cause the entire staff is working on it and i had to clear out the hospital to find some more supplies"
  1214. 10:50 PM - Doc: "that's where i met those three, and why i'm staying with them" i bluff
  1215. 10:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: why would you
  1216. 10:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: like, what does he care :v
  1217. 10:50 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he doesn't give a fuck :v
  1218. 10:50 PM - Det. Marlowe: you could just y'know not tell him anything
  1219. 10:50 PM - Doc: ssshhh
  1220. 10:50 PM - Doc: she thinks she's on a roll
  1221. 10:51 PM - Det. Marlowe: unless you're doing a thing where your big mouth keeps getting you in trouble in which case it's pretty character appropiate
  1222. 10:51 PM - Det. Marlowe: ah so you are
  1223. 10:51 PM - Doc: adreniline from realizing what she's doing plus dramatic "i'm a doctor"
  1224. 10:51 PM - Doc: I look at marlowe "I'm doing that thing where i should stop talking aren't I"
  1225. 10:51 PM - Det. Marlowe: yay for doing stuff that's counter to your interests in the name of roleplaying :hf: I do that all the time :v
  1226. 10:51 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Right about now, yeah."
  1227. 10:52 PM - Doc: Well, Doc does that because I do that
  1228. 10:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1229. 10:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "...riiight. In any case, good work on the hospital. If you're interested, I've got another job for you."
  1230. 10:52 PM - Doc: so it's much easier to roleplay
  1231. 10:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: "We might be."
  1232. 10:53 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Since it sounds like your other friend is out of commission, we're still looking for someone to fix our broken purifier. I was told about one guy who could help us out, but he's quite some ways away, and refuses to come here without protection, since the route here crosses gang territory."
  1233. 10:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Think that counts as 'helping people', Doc?"
  1234. 10:54 PM - Dez: After looking around and finding absolutely nothing I end up where the party is
  1235. 10:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: "What's the pay?"
  1236. 10:54 PM - Doc: "Fixing the purifier? I'd say so"
  1237. 10:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "This one's probably a bit more dangerous, so say 600 a head."
  1238. 10:55 PM - Dez: Dez ignores the party and asks the guy for work
  1239. 10:56 PM - Doc: "Like, per person, or person we murder? 'a head' is kinda vauge"
  1240. 10:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you walk in hearing, "600 a head."
  1241. 10:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Per person, as in each of you."
  1242. 10:56 PM - Doc: "That's a relief"
  1243. 10:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "That goes for all three of you."
  1244. 10:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: "I think you mean 'two'."
  1245. 10:57 PM - Dez: "I'll be joining this one too"
  1246. 10:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: I turn around and notice Dez.
  1247. 10:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Doc, think you can shoot him again?"
  1248. 10:57 PM - Dez: "Not my fault I can't find any other runs."
  1249. 10:57 PM - Doc: "Jesus cripes do i have to shoot you AGAIN to get you to take a hint?"
  1250. 10:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "There'll be no shooting in my shack."
  1251. 10:58 PM - Dez: "I cut up one girl, I can do it again."
  1252. 10:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Fine, we'll take him outside first."
  1253. 10:58 PM - Doc: "I shot you in your broken leg too! That's like an industrial strength 'go away!'"
  1254. 10:59 PM - Doc: "And look, i know you think this whole "creepy pesudo-rapist' thing makes you scary, but c'mon, i once preformed a brain transplant with no medical training what so ever. I
  1255. 10:59 PM - Doc: m not exactly scared of you"
  1256. 10:59 PM - Doc: "Even if you DO have a tendancy to stab things"
  1257. 10:59 PM - Dez: Dez ignores them and asks the head "So where do we pick this guy up."
  1258. 11:01 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "He runs a repair shop some ways away, mostly fixes up the taxis for the YellowCab company."
  1259. 11:01 PM - Doc: "you know, it's kinda strange that cabs are still around after the war"
  1260. 11:02 PM - Doc: "and that one offered to take us as soon as we left the hospital"
  1261. 11:02 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Trust me, these fuckers last forever."
  1262. 11:02 PM - Doc: "and that anyone has a working car anymore"
  1263. 11:02 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "They're actually a caravan company, for the most part. They do ferry passengers, though."
  1264. 11:02 PM - Doc: "see that makes more sense"
  1265. 11:03 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Let me get this straight."
  1266. 11:03 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You're paying us six hundred to take a cab there and back."
  1267. 11:03 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Those yellow bastards armor up their cars so much it could probably stand up against a deathclaw."
  1268. 11:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Oh, you're not getting a cab. Unless you pay for one, that is."
  1269. 11:04 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "We don't control the cabs, and we sure don't have any vehciles to loan out to random wasters who probably haven't been in the city for more than a day."
  1270. 11:04 PM - Doc: "And a cab all the way through gang territory is gonna be expensive"
  1271. 11:05 PM - Doc: (hey, i wasn't on the boat. i've been in ny for a while)
  1272. 11:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "You can bet your bottom dollar on that. Then give that dollar to the cabbie."
  1273. 11:05 PM - Det. Marlowe: Alright then, plan B."
  1274. 11:05 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): he dont know that
  1275. 11:05 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Where's the nearest gun store?"
  1276. 11:05 PM - Doc: "don't shoot anyone, don't shoot anyone..." i whisper
  1277. 11:05 PM - Det. Marlowe: "I need to stock up."
  1278. 11:05 PM - Doc: "god dam- oh wait, nevermind. that makes sense"
  1279. 11:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Gun store? Check out Gunz and Booletz, run by ol' Gorgutz. Watch out though, he's a bit... different."
  1280. 11:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Mostly harmless, though."
  1281. 11:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: he's still around
  1282. 11:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: yessssss
  1283. 11:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: my G
  1284. 11:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): have to have him
  1285. 11:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): cant NOT have him
  1286. 11:06 PM - Doc: is he still large and green
  1287. 11:06 PM - Doc: shit
  1288. 11:06 PM - Doc: he was green right
  1289. 11:06 PM - Det. Marlowe: is that a question
  1290. 11:06 PM - Doc: fuck
  1291. 11:06 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): very large, and very green
  1292. 11:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: are any of these questions
  1293. 11:07 PM - Doc: phew
  1294. 11:07 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): is doc allergic to muties
  1295. 11:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: Gorgy ain't Gorgy if he's small or pink or both
  1296. 11:07 PM - Doc: i'm just saying, i thought tom was a human for two or three sessions
  1297. 11:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1298. 11:07 PM - Doc: i have a tendancy to not notice small details
  1299. 11:07 PM - Det. Marlowe: that just means you're tolerant c:
  1300. 11:08 PM - Det. Marlowe: man
  1301. 11:08 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'm still proud of these old ammo icons
  1302. 11:08 PM - Doc: i thought the guy from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxxy was "ford perfect" instead of "ford prefect" until it was said out loud in the bbc miniseries i watched
  1303. 11:08 PM - Det. Marlowe: hunting these motherfuckers down wasn't easy
  1304. 11:08 PM - Doc: two years later
  1305. 11:08 PM - Doc: i read the book like twice a year
  1306. 11:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: prolly gonna replace the renders from NV with actual ammo boxes too
  1307. 11:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: also that's like a mental typo, that's nothing
  1308. 11:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: I keep forgetting the names of the characters in books I read
  1309. 11:09 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1310. 11:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so then
  1311. 11:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: let's hit up ol' Gutz
  1312. 11:10 PM - Doc: should we keep going?
  1313. 11:10 PM - Doc: kk
  1314. 11:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: hell yea
  1315. 11:10 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): want to stop?
  1316. 11:10 PM - Doc: nah spon
  1317. 11:10 PM - Doc: son
  1318. 11:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: at least let's do shopping
  1319. 11:10 PM - Det. Marlowe: gonna pawn the battery
  1320. 11:10 PM - Doc: shopping time!
  1321. 11:10 PM - Doc: with all the money
  1322. 11:10 PM - Doc: i
  1323. 11:10 PM - Doc: dont have
  1324. 11:11 PM - Doc: :C
  1325. 11:11 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You head on down to Gunz end Booletz. It's located in one of the pre-war buildings that are still somehow standing, the sign out front made of poorly cut sheets of corrugated steel having been drilled into the solid stone wall above the door
  1326. 11:11 PM - Det. Marlowe: shoulda looted errythang :v
  1327. 11:11 PM - Doc: you guys took everythang
  1328. 11:11 PM - Doc: and i didn't get any caps
  1329. 11:12 PM - Dez: Dez sits out front since he's got nothing to buy
  1330. 11:12 PM - Doc: and i spent all of my starting caps on good armor and a shitty gun
  1331. 11:12 PM - Dez: I balanced it out
  1332. 11:12 PM - Det. Marlowe: hey, me too but I actually bought a good gun :v
  1333. 11:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You enter the shop, and the inside holds all manner of weapons and ammo, locked in racks and behind glass cases that are probably very thick. There is a counter with a little bell to ring, but no shopkeep
  1334. 11:12 PM - Dez: I have a good weapon and armor
  1335. 11:12 PM - Dez: and nothing else :V
  1336. 11:12 PM - Det. Marlowe: aight
  1337. 11:12 PM - Det. Marlowe: imma ring the bell
  1338. 11:12 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): should I give the other two guys courtesy caps, ciaster?
  1339. 11:13 PM - Dez: no
  1340. 11:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: why are you asking me
  1341. 11:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): cuz you got caps
  1342. 11:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: but the answer is no, not really
  1343. 11:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: well yeah it wouldn't make sense for them to have capse
  1344. 11:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you'd give the most unbaised answer :v
  1345. 11:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: but it'd be nice if Doc had some of that med stuff she was scavenging
  1346. 11:13 PM - Det. Marlowe: and Dez should probably have some of that non-med stuff he was scavenging
  1347. 11:13 PM - Doc: yeah
  1348. 11:13 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you mean like, stims?
  1349. 11:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: maybe
  1350. 11:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: you're the GM :v
  1351. 11:14 PM - Doc: i got a couple of things of surgical tubing and a stimpack from combat
  1352. 11:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: and I added a whole fuckin' ocean of random items
  1353. 11:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah I mean like a bonus to that
  1354. 11:14 PM - Doc: but i should have stuff from my previous looting
  1355. 11:14 PM - Doc: offscreen looting
  1356. 11:14 PM - Det. Marlowe: yup, that's what I meant
  1357. 11:14 PM - Doc: if you will
  1358. 11:16 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aight, fine then, you scavenged a first aid kit with 2 uses left
  1359. 11:16 PM - Doc: WOOOOOOOO
  1360. 11:16 PM - Doc: ciaster a bro
  1361. 11:16 PM - Dez: scrub
  1362. 11:17 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): now I feel bad for Wing :v
  1363. 11:17 PM - Doc: well
  1364. 11:17 PM - Dez: I'm a walking first aid kit with 2 used
  1365. 11:17 PM - Dez: uses*
  1366. 11:17 PM - Doc: he DID murder someone
  1367. 11:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: wow we might actually survive this :v
  1368. 11:17 PM - Doc: wait no, that was my idea
  1369. 11:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah but it was your idea :v
  1370. 11:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  1371. 11:17 PM - Doc: and then i shot him
  1372. 11:17 PM - Doc: ....huh
  1373. 11:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: we really need some super redeeming event for Dez
  1374. 11:17 PM - Det. Marlowe: so we can resume actually working as a party :v
  1375. 11:17 PM - Doc: i dunno
  1376. 11:18 PM - Doc: i like this party
  1377. 11:18 PM - Det. Marlowe: especially since 3 people are the sweet spot with rpging
  1378. 11:18 PM - Dez: #FreeDergein
  1379. 11:18 PM - Doc: they're diffrent
  1380. 11:18 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Aight Wing, let's say you pulled 2 spare parts and 1 electronic parts from various machines in the hospital
  1381. 11:18 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): fair enough?
  1382. 11:18 PM - Dez: k
  1383. 11:18 PM - Doc: they're much less "band of adventurers" and more "guys who stick together just barely"
  1384. 11:18 PM - Doc: kinda feels like a deconstruction
  1385. 11:18 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Now then, back to shopping
  1386. 11:19 PM - Dez: Wait Sarah had repair tagged right?
  1387. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Marlowe rings the bell, and it tings lightly
  1388. 11:19 PM - Doc: especially with my going "ugh, quote unquaote adventureres" all the time
  1389. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  1390. 11:19 PM - Dez: Can I switch from traps to repai
  1391. 11:19 PM - Dez: r
  1392. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Anyone here?"
  1393. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): sure
  1394. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but traps are fun :c
  1395. 11:19 PM - Dez: because traps is useless
  1396. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: no it's not
  1397. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I told you I was gonna make it useful
  1398. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: IEDs son
  1399. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it's pnp you can literally make anything
  1400. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: broken glass
  1401. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: tripwires
  1402. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: string some wire across the street
  1403. 11:19 PM - Doc: what if
  1404. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: in the path of some bikers
  1405. 11:19 PM - Det. Marlowe: heads will roll
  1406. 11:19 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): rig up something you can throw out the back of a moving vehicle
  1407. 11:20 PM - Dez: ehh i dunno
  1408. 11:20 PM - Doc: the bell was hooked up to the 15 bullhorns gorgutz had hidden around the shop
  1409. 11:20 PM - Dez: actually whatever
  1410. 11:20 PM - Det. Marlowe: but repair's good too
  1411. 11:20 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1412. 11:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well, you can switch it to repair if you want
  1413. 11:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but you can only decide now
  1414. 11:20 PM - Doc: and fired fireworks from the top of the building just because just because
  1415. 11:20 PM - Dez: youre just going to place around a bunch of traps around to fuck me over if I don't take it :V
  1416. 11:20 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :v
  1417. 11:20 PM - Dez: Can traps just be general explosives?
  1418. 11:20 PM - Det. Marlowe: they are
  1419. 11:20 PM - Dez: So I can mortar shit
  1420. 11:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: always been
  1421. 11:21 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that's big guns tho, wouldn't it be?
  1422. 11:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: no way you'll find an actual mortar unless Dan ignores me
  1423. 11:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: also yeah, that's BG
  1424. 11:21 PM - Det. Marlowe: since it's well a big gun :v
  1425. 11:21 PM - Dez: whatever I'll leave it on traps
  1426. 11:21 PM - Dez: just make ever doorway a walking death traps
  1427. 11:21 PM - Dez: that makes no sense
  1428. 11:21 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): should I give you each a 4th tag skill to cover Sarah's absence?
  1429. 11:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but no tag perk later
  1430. 11:22 PM - Dez: and I'm not going to correct it
  1431. 11:22 PM - Dez: alright sure
  1432. 11:22 PM - Dez: traps and repair woop woop
  1433. 11:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): what about the other two?
  1434. 11:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you guys agree with that?
  1435. 11:22 PM - Doc: i like it
  1436. 11:22 PM - Dez: Melee, Doctor, Repair, and Traps
  1437. 11:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: I don't mind
  1438. 11:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: but I'm not sure what I should tag :v
  1439. 11:22 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): speech?
  1440. 11:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: nah
  1441. 11:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: oh, I know
  1442. 11:22 PM - Det. Marlowe: Unarmed
  1443. 11:22 PM - Doc: i'm going with unarmed
  1444. 11:22 PM - Doc: yeah
  1445. 11:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :v
  1446. 11:23 PM - Doc: i already have 50
  1447. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: wanna try some of my fun shit
  1448. 11:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not that hard to get :V
  1449. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah me too
  1450. 11:23 PM - Doc: i GUESS i should do barter
  1451. 11:23 PM - Doc: but it's pretty low
  1452. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: you start at 50 :v
  1453. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah barter'd be good
  1454. 11:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): damn, someone is actually getting barter
  1455. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: especially since me and Dan cooked up a rule
  1456. 11:23 PM - Det. Marlowe: that's actually making it useful :v
  1457. 11:23 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): assuming that's not how it's supposed to be in the first place
  1458. 11:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ANYWAY, that business now taken care of
  1459. 11:24 PM - Doc: so should i do barter?
  1460. 11:24 PM - Doc: i want to suck less in combat
  1461. 11:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): your choice
  1462. 11:24 PM - Doc: asking the party
  1463. 11:24 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ah
  1464. 11:24 PM - Doc: :v
  1465. 11:24 PM - Det. Marlowe: well, barter'll let you buy more shit for less
  1466. 11:24 PM - Doc: yeah, and that helps out everyone
  1467. 11:25 PM - Det. Marlowe: that means you can get something that's not an intentionally dinky .22 and also sometthing for everyone
  1468. 11:25 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  1469. 11:25 PM - Doc: but so will getting spiked boots and kicking someone in the face
  1470. 11:25 PM - Det. Marlowe: plus you'll get more for my battery :v
  1471. 11:25 PM - Doc: i'll do barter i guess
  1472. 11:25 PM - Doc: what determines barter?
  1473. 11:26 PM - Doc: from 32 to 52
  1474. 11:26 PM - Doc: i like
  1475. 11:26 PM - Det. Marlowe: CHR and something else
  1476. 11:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oi, you cant change special here
  1477. 11:26 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm just giving you a new tag
  1478. 11:26 PM - Det. Marlowe: lemme look up the formula
  1479. 11:26 PM - Doc: i know
  1480. 11:26 PM - Doc: but i just want to know why it's so low
  1481. 11:26 PM - Dez: Ladies and gentlemen who actually read these logs
  1482. 11:26 PM - Dez: ^ powergaming at it's finest
  1483. 11:26 PM - Doc: aka no one
  1484. 11:26 PM - Doc: i go through them for old times sake
  1485. 11:27 PM - Det. Marlowe: ah it's 20%+(CHRx2)
  1486. 11:27 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah me too, sometimes
  1487. 11:27 PM - Doc: ah, makes sense
  1488. 11:27 PM - Doc: 8 chr
  1489. 11:27 PM - Det. Marlowe: it's nice feeling like you share that stuff with the world, at least :v
  1490. 11:27 PM - Doc: so yeah it works
  1491. 11:27 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep, you're our talky/barter monster now
  1492. 11:27 PM - Doc: yeah, i love the write ups in the fallout/pnp threads
  1493. 11:28 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I try
  1494. 11:29 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): All is silent in the store for a moment after you ring the bell, then a series of slow, rythmic thumps that shake the store and all its stock. Finally, from a doorway behind the counter, an incredibly large, imposing, hulking green figure stomps through. You note that the tiny doorway has a convenient hole in the wall above and to the sides of it that perfectly fits the mutant's massive size
  1495. 11:29 PM - Dez: :V
  1496. 11:30 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Wuzzat? A buncha 'umies in my store?"
  1497. 11:30 PM - Doc: "........hey marlowe, can ypu hold me before we both die painful deaths by i persume giant green boot curbstomping us in the skull?"
  1498. 11:30 PM - Doc: "I'm a weeeeee bit terrified"
  1499. 11:31 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Well, he's not trying to shoot us with a giant laser just yet."
  1500. 11:31 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "I can hears ya, ya know."
  1501. 11:31 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Sorry."
  1502. 11:31 PM - Det. Marlowe: "We're looking for guns. Looks like... *I look around* we came to the right place."
  1503. 11:32 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Ya come to buy shootas, ya come to da roight place, 'umie."
  1504. 11:32 PM - Doc: "Is this 'humie' hell or gun heaven?"
  1505. 11:33 PM - Det. Marlowe: "You're good at negotiations, Doc. Mind dealing with the propietor?"
  1506. 11:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: I shove the battery I got from the hospital in her hands.
  1507. 11:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: "Oh, and try to get as much for this as possible."
  1508. 11:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: ok no
  1509. 11:34 PM - Doc: "I'll try."
  1510. 11:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: can we just have it so the person with the highest barter's barter skill counts when trading
  1511. 11:34 PM - Det. Marlowe: as long as they're here
  1512. 11:35 PM - Doc: "To, you know, not run out in fear. selling things comes first"
  1513. 11:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: it'll just get tedious otherwise, I think
  1514. 11:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: having to roleplay every time we wanna buy or sell some shit
  1515. 11:35 PM - Doc: hey, i loike doing something
  1516. 11:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah me too
  1517. 11:35 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  1518. 11:35 PM - Doc: dez is actually putting points in medicine and doctor
  1519. 11:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: but not the same thing over and over :v
  1520. 11:35 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah that's a different thing
  1521. 11:35 PM - Doc: and the gm is making it hard to heal with luck/gambling/preformance/wahtever
  1522. 11:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: we're never gonna be trading under fire or anything like that
  1523. 11:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: if we do get separated then yeah that shouldn't work
  1524. 11:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: but if you're with us it should
  1525. 11:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): healing with fake healing doesn't even make sense though
  1526. 11:36 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you could just stat into real healing and pretend it's fake
  1527. 11:36 PM - Doc: no, it's not fake healing
  1528. 11:36 PM - Doc: i'm a fake DOCTOR
  1529. 11:36 PM - Det. Marlowe: maybe roleplay helping us with the barter stuff instead
  1530. 11:36 PM - Doc: i just don't know how i do things
  1531. 11:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but you want to "heal" with the "entertainment" skill
  1532. 11:37 PM - Doc: it's like how in new vegas if you have high luck you can do a heart transplant with ceaser and at the end say "i have no idea how i did that"
  1533. 11:37 PM - Doc: that was ciaster's idea
  1534. 11:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that's just a fluke
  1535. 11:37 PM - Det. Marlowe: wait, what? :v
  1536. 11:37 PM - Doc: i asked him and he said "well it's like a preformance and a gamble sooo"
  1537. 11:37 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you can't fluke every time
  1538. 11:38 PM - Dez: back
  1539. 11:38 PM - Doc: i guess
  1540. 11:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): that's just like, trying to minmax to the ultimate, attempting to condense 2 tags of FA and Doc into one
  1541. 11:39 PM - Doc: FA?
  1542. 11:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1543. 11:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and trying to shoehorn your luck into everything too
  1544. 11:39 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): first aid
  1545. 11:39 PM - Doc: ah
  1546. 11:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah, that makes it just a bit powerful
  1547. 11:39 PM - Det. Marlowe: *bit too
  1548. 11:39 PM - Doc: true
  1549. 11:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: luck's already good as hell without that
  1550. 11:40 PM - Det. Marlowe: it'd be nice if you could have it count when it really, really matters though
  1551. 11:40 PM - Doc: but i don't "shoehorn my luck into everything", i'm just used to luck being CRAZY op like it is in the games
  1552. 11:40 PM - Dez: I love how streamlining in games can be summed up with the transition of skills from Fo1/2 to NV
  1553. 11:40 PM - Dez: good streamlining that is
  1554. 11:41 PM - Dez: and going from daggerfall to morrowind
  1555. 11:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): sure, you could probably try your "entertainment" doctoring skill when there are super important things to try
  1556. 11:41 PM - Dez: holy fuck daggerfal had so many uselss skills
  1557. 11:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but not for every damn thing
  1558. 11:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so then, I believe you were interested in purchasing things
  1559. 11:41 PM - Doc: eh, i think guns could of afforded to stay seperate, but yeah each fallout made thigns better
  1560. 11:41 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): tell me what you're looking for and I'll yea or nay it
  1561. 11:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah
  1562. 11:41 PM - Det. Marlowe: at everything
  1563. 11:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: I'd love to sell my battery
  1564. 11:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well, it's not fully charged
  1565. 11:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: through Doc to use her Barter skill ofc
  1566. 11:42 PM - Dez: battery battery
  1567. 11:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah, I figured as much
  1568. 11:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): full charge MF cell is 1200
  1569. 11:42 PM - Dez: darkness imprisoning me
  1570. 11:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  1571. 11:42 PM - Dez: ra ra ra
  1572. 11:42 PM - Dez: agony
  1573. 11:42 PM - Dez: is all that I see
  1574. 11:42 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): say this thing has 10 in it
  1575. 11:42 PM - Dez: ro ro ro rar ra ra
  1576. 11:42 PM - Doc: do i need to do some roleplaying?
  1577. 11:42 PM - Det. Marlowe: I kinda wanna keep it so I can hit someone with it over their head and say something about 'assault and battery'
  1578. 11:42 PM - Dez: fuck metallica
  1579. 11:43 PM - Doc: i like roleplaying for speech and barter
  1580. 11:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: but on the other hand
  1581. 11:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: I don't
  1582. 11:43 PM - Doc: it works out
  1583. 11:43 PM - Dez: yeah I hate that shit
  1584. 11:43 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): want to?
  1585. 11:43 PM - Det. Marlowe: also metallica sucks and I don't get why people like them
  1586. 11:43 PM - Dez: nobody like metallica anymore
  1587. 11:43 PM - Doc: cause people have a diffrent taste in music than you
  1588. 11:43 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so that's 240 for the face value of the battery, what's you skill?
  1589. 11:43 PM - Doc: 52
  1590. 11:44 PM - Dez: Lar Ulrich was in a fucking romantic comedy
  1591. 11:44 PM - Dez: the most unmetal thing like wtf
  1592. 11:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: true I guess but they're just the most generic quasi-metal thing possible
  1593. 11:44 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you'd get 137 caps for the battery after bartering
  1594. 11:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: wow!
  1595. 11:44 PM - Det. Marlowe: yeah I'm goin for it
  1596. 11:45 PM - Doc: do i have to do some
  1597. 11:45 PM - Doc: you know
  1598. 11:45 PM - Det. Marlowe: shkchng*
  1599. 11:45 PM - Doc: bartering
  1600. 11:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'd say Barter is a passive skill, until certain dialogue options come up
  1601. 11:45 PM - Doc: i just want to have more characters interact with gorgutz to be honest
  1602. 11:45 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well sure, you can talk it out
  1603. 11:46 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): everyone love gorgy
  1604. 11:46 PM - Det. Marlowe: gorgy owns
  1605. 11:46 PM - Doc: "Hey, Tall Dark and Likely to Murder Us, how do you keep all the energy weapons in this place running?"
  1606. 11:47 PM - Dez: doc is a bitch
  1607. 11:47 PM - Dez: confirmed
  1608. 11:47 PM - Dez: confirmed
  1609. 11:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Ya means dem tings dat shoot lazers?"
  1610. 11:47 PM - Doc: Doc is terrified and has a habit of pointing out when she thinks someone is likely to murder her
  1611. 11:47 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Yeah, I gots sum o' dem."
  1612. 11:47 PM - Doc: "uh, yeah, de pew lazer gunz"
  1613. 11:48 PM - Doc: "Do you need ta' power any dead ones?"
  1614. 11:49 PM - Doc: "'Cause we gotz this-dis prime Battery right here, makes alllll the guns pew laser even better"
  1615. 11:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Ya got a point to dis, 'umie?"
  1616. 11:49 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Lemme see dat."
  1617. 11:49 PM - Doc: i hand him the battery
  1618. 11:49 PM - Dez: hold on
  1619. 11:49 PM - Dez: not yet
  1620. 11:49 PM - Dez: Dez walks in
  1621. 11:50 PM - Doc: to look at
  1622. 11:50 PM - Doc: "oh christ" i mutter
  1623. 11:51 PM - Doc: "Look, we need ta buy some gun shootas, and we wonderin' if wer interested in the battery. Rare, nice thing, worth some caps if you've got good enough gunz. Do ya?"
  1624. 11:52 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "You want to sell dis ting?"
  1625. 11:52 PM - Doc: "Yah"
  1626. 11:52 PM - Det. Marlowe: ok I just decided Gorgy's speaking in a Jamaican accent
  1627. 11:53 PM - Doc: nah son
  1628. 11:53 PM - Det. Marlowe: I know he isn't but I can't get this out of my head now
  1629. 11:53 PM - Doc: well shit
  1630. 11:53 PM - Doc: thanks a lot
  1631. 11:53 PM - Det. Marlowe: like this giant green dude being all "Ey mon wanna buy dat gun no?"
  1632. 11:53 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): He sniffs it. "Itz not fully juiced. I'll gives ya a hunnet firty seven capz."
  1633. 11:53 PM - Doc: he went from giant troll ork with a voice like a gravel road that smokes 40 packs a day to bob marley
  1634. 11:53 PM - Dez: Fun Fact: I almost played as a jamaican mutie
  1635. 11:53 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): then you decided on fisto
  1636. 11:53 PM - Dez: He used steel drums as his weapons
  1637. 11:53 PM - Dez: nah
  1638. 11:53 PM - Det. Marlowe: aw, shoulda
  1639. 11:54 PM - Dez: I did fisto first
  1640. 11:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: muties are awesome
  1641. 11:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh ye
  1642. 11:54 PM - Dez: then fisto died
  1643. 11:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: jamaicans are pretty cool too
  1644. 11:54 PM - Dez: and then I made the mutie
  1645. 11:54 PM - Doc: "Ah, ya see? You'z a smart gun mutie. We'll take it."
  1646. 11:54 PM - Dez: then the game ended
  1647. 11:54 PM - Det. Marlowe: rip fisto
  1648. 11:54 PM - Dez: because your friends were being twats
  1649. 11:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  1650. 11:54 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but hey, you're playing now
  1651. 11:55 PM - Dez: ye
  1652. 11:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): heh, if you remove DT/DR values and put the original cap value in for damage value, my damage calculator makes a good makeshift value calculator
  1653. 11:55 PM - Dez: :V
  1654. 11:55 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): using the damage mod % field for barter difference
  1655. 11:55 PM - Dez: told you that damage mod would be useful
  1656. 11:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): glad I managed to get the damn thing working
  1657. 11:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: you crafty bastard you
  1658. 11:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: also I can't believe that problem was that banal :v
  1659. 11:56 PM - Det. Marlowe: then again, that seems to be the case with coding in general, it's always a fuckin' curly bracket or something
  1660. 11:56 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): put in 2 numbers and click a button, or type a lot of numbers and add symbols?
  1661. 11:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm doing the button
  1662. 11:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh
  1663. 11:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you mean the actual code issue
  1664. 11:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yeah that
  1665. 11:57 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but hey my workaround, uh, works
  1666. 11:57 PM - Det. Marlowe: wait so you didn't fix it the way your friend told you to after all?
  1667. 11:57 PM - Doc disconnected.
  1668. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): nope c:
  1669. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): fuck that jazz
  1670. 11:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: I mean if it does work it works but still gotta do it the right way
  1671. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I looked at the code once, meaning to fix it, and went "fuck it"
  1672. 11:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: also potato's AWOL
  1673. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so I noticed
  1674. 11:58 PM - Dez: holy fuck what the hell
  1675. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so you sold the battery for 137 caps
  1676. 11:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: yep
  1677. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): who gets the money? :v
  1678. 11:58 PM - Det. Marlowe: me
  1679. 11:58 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Doc did the bartering though, give her a tip at least
  1680. 11:58 PM - Dez: kill la kill what the fuck with that bath incest or whatever
  1681. 11:59 PM - Doc entered chat.
  1682. 11:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: how much would a shotty cost me using Doc's barter skills
  1683. 11:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): which shotty?
  1684. 11:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: the double barrel
  1685. 11:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: I could just about afford a shotty and a box of shells if not for the barter thing
  1686. 11:59 PM - Det. Marlowe: unless Doc's actually better than our jamaican friend
  1687. 11:59 PM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): what's the price?
  1688. Wednesday, July 02, 2014
  1689. 12:00 AM - Det. Marlowe: 400 for the shotty+60 for the shells
  1690. 12:00 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): no, if she was better, she would have gotten more than 240 for the battery
  1691. 12:00 AM - Det. Marlowe: coincidentally I happen to have 460 caps
  1692. 12:00 AM - Det. Marlowe: hm
  1693. 12:00 AM - Det. Marlowe: dang
  1694. 12:00 AM - Det. Marlowe: aight how about I pawn my fingerless gloves too :v
  1695. 12:00 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): shotty alone costs 572
  1696. 12:00 AM - Doc: I whisper to marlowe "Did you see that? I bartered with him, and he probally doesn't apreciate how rockin' my bod is!"
  1697. 12:01 AM - Doc: "Then again i probally look like shit right now, covered in blood and spider hair"
  1698. 12:01 AM - Det. Marlowe: "You go, Doc."
  1699. 12:01 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): man you'll get like 10 caps for the gloves
  1700. 12:01 AM - Det. Marlowe: man
  1701. 12:01 AM - Det. Marlowe: how much would the sawn-off run me?
  1702. 12:01 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and Gorgy don't want the,
  1703. 12:01 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): price?
  1704. 12:02 AM - Det. Marlowe: 350
  1705. 12:02 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 500 flat
  1706. 12:02 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah that's a no-no
  1707. 12:02 AM - Det. Marlowe: aight 44 bullets should be enough for now
  1708. 12:02 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Sorry, Gorgy has a pretty nice Barter skill :v
  1709. 12:02 AM - Det. Marlowe: + the full mag so really 61
  1710. 12:02 AM - Det. Marlowe: well it makes sense, yeah
  1711. 12:03 AM - Det. Marlowe: I like the added difficulty
  1712. 12:03 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): only sells in boxes, no individual bullets
  1713. 12:03 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): deal w/ it
  1714. 12:03 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Gorgy's a high roller
  1715. 12:03 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah I know I was checking whether what I have right now can last long enough
  1716. 12:03 AM - Det. Marlowe: it can :v
  1717. 12:03 AM - Dez: Hey!
  1718. 12:03 AM - Det. Marlowe: plus I tagged unarmed
  1719. 12:03 AM - Dez: There's the High Roller!
  1720. 12:03 AM - Det. Marlowe: so I can always kick a raider in the face or whatnot
  1721. 12:03 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): with your soon to be nerfed kicks
  1722. 12:04 AM - Det. Marlowe: nyah there's the nyah there's the nya-ny-ny-ny-ny-nyah there's the high roller
  1723. 12:04 AM - Det. Marlowe: I already nerfed them :v
  1724. 12:04 AM - Det. Marlowe: removed the 2xMD
  1725. 12:04 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): oh?
  1726. 12:04 AM - Det. Marlowe: yea
  1727. 12:04 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): shocker
  1728. 12:04 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): proud of u
  1729. 12:04 AM - Det. Marlowe:
  1730. 12:04 AM - Dez:
  1731. 12:04 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you BOUGHT your way into the club
  1732. 12:04 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I EARNED it
  1733. 12:05 AM - Dez: Stitch is now less OP
  1734. 12:05 AM - Det. Marlowe: did you earn it :v
  1735. 12:05 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yes
  1736. 12:05 AM - Dez: meaning Brick is now less OP
  1737. 12:05 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): now shush, do you want to buy anything or not
  1738. 12:05 AM - Dez: CLUB STATUS REDACTED
  1739. 12:05 AM - Det. Marlowe: ah so you're just taking the piss, I was worried I'd wasted 3 eurocents
  1740. 12:05 AM - Det. Marlowe: hm
  1741. 12:05 AM - Det. Marlowe: nah
  1742. 12:06 AM - Det. Marlowe: the BHP and the 61 bullets are gonna have to suffice for now
  1743. 12:06 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I really think Doc should get a better gun
  1744. 12:06 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the .22 did piss against rats, it's gonna do even less to humies
  1745. 12:06 AM - Doc: yeah
  1746. 12:06 AM - Doc: I turn to the others
  1747. 12:06 AM - Doc: well
  1748. 12:06 AM - Doc: more like just marlowe
  1749. 12:07 AM - Doc: "Hey, any ideas for a gun? Especially since i'm piss poor"
  1750. 12:07 AM - Doc: "i'll probally sell the .22 and the ammo i have for it"
  1751. 12:07 AM - Doc: "Hey Gorgutz! I Gotz dis tiny gun that do noting, can i sell?"
  1752. 12:07 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Get a thirtyeight. Smith & Wesson, if you can. Solid build quality, cheap ammo, lasts for ages."
  1753. 12:08 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Show me."
  1754. 12:08 AM - Doc: I pull out my gun, eject the mag, put it and the ammo on the table
  1755. 12:08 AM - Doc: "Don't ask where i was hiding 50 rounds of .22"
  1756. 12:08 AM - Det. Marlowe: in a box in one of your jacket's pockets? :v
  1757. 12:09 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): He grasps the wee little peashooter in a massive, 3-pronged, mechanical claw, looking it over. It looks like a baby rat stuck on the claw of a matriarch deathclaw with the size difference
  1758. 12:09 AM - Det. Marlowe: seriously the m65 is a fuckin' maze of pockets
  1759. 12:09 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "You call dis dakka?"
  1760. 12:09 AM - Doc: "Nah my mutie friend"
  1761. 12:09 AM - Doc: "Iz not dakka"
  1762. 12:09 AM - Doc: I whisper "what the fuck is dakka"
  1763. 12:10 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): do you have the revolver or the automatic?
  1764. 12:10 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Bang, boom, splat. Gunfire. Muties love it."
  1765. 12:10 AM - Doc: automatic
  1766. 12:11 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): a box of 50 .22s and the .22 automatic?
  1767. 12:11 AM - Doc: yes
  1768. 12:11 AM - Doc: with my barter, that's.....
  1769. 12:11 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you'll get 66 caps
  1770. 12:11 AM - Doc: what
  1771. 12:11 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the .22 automatic is 90 caps, a box of 50 25
  1772. 12:12 AM - Doc: so barter is the percentage of the actual worth
  1773. 12:12 AM - Doc: you get
  1774. 12:12 AM - Det. Marlowe: pretty much, yeah
  1775. 12:12 AM - Det. Marlowe: I think so at least
  1776. 12:12 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the difference between your and their barter skill is the value you calculate onto the price
  1777. 12:12 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): with floor and ceiling of 50
  1778. 12:13 AM - Doc: and since i have 52 barter, i sell thigns at about half the price they're actually worth?
  1779. 12:13 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you get -43
  1780. 12:13 AM - Doc: ???
  1781. 12:13 AM - Doc: so it's my barter versus theirs
  1782. 12:13 AM - Det. Marlowe: gorgy's got 95 barter looks like
  1783. 12:13 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah
  1784. 12:13 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Gorgutz has 95 Barter
  1785. 12:13 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but since you bought a shit weapon to start
  1786. 12:13 AM - Doc: and there's no way i can lower that, cause there is no way to intimidate a mutie like him
  1787. 12:13 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): let's say he gives you a 1:1 value, just so you can buy some real dakka
  1788. 12:13 AM - Doc: and he's a gunsexual
  1789. 12:14 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so 115 caps
  1790. 12:14 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but didn't you fire a bunch of rounds?
  1791. 12:14 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): how is it still a box of 50
  1792. 12:14 AM - Det. Marlowe: I like to think gorgy's basically mr. torgue from borderlands
  1793. 12:14 AM - Det. Marlowe: probably didn't reload :v
  1794. 12:14 AM - Doc: i fired a magazine
  1795. 12:14 AM - Doc: cause it's
  1796. 12:14 AM - Doc: wait, not even that
  1797. 12:15 AM - Doc: a magazine is 12 rounds
  1798. 12:15 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well, whatever
  1799. 12:15 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): 115 caps
  1800. 12:15 AM - Doc: i've attacked like 4 time, each a double shot
  1801. 12:15 AM - Doc: so yeah 115 is just the simplier number
  1802. 12:15 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): get some cash off the other two plebs and buy a real weapon
  1803. 12:16 AM - Det. Marlowe: get a .38 and two boxes of hollowpoints would be my advice
  1804. 12:16 AM - Doc: "Yo Mar, don't suppose i get a seller's cut from tha battery? Trying to be a bit less worthless when it comes to fighting"
  1805. 12:16 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not to mention you can probably pawn something
  1806. 12:17 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Sure, as much as you need to afford a better gun."
  1807. 12:17 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Twenty-twos are good, but not when your target isn't a rat or with his back to you."
  1808. 12:17 AM - Doc: "'re up to something aren't you"
  1809. 12:18 AM - Doc: brb
  1810. 12:18 AM - Det. Marlowe: when Doc finally upgrades I'm totally asking her for the gun and carrying the .38 as a backup, assuming she gets the snubnose
  1811. 12:18 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): :v
  1812. 12:19 AM - Det. Marlowe: can't be a proper PI without a small revolver in my sock
  1813. 12:19 AM - Doc: back
  1814. 12:19 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): man I can't get over how awesome my damage calculator is I'm so happy with it
  1815. 12:20 AM - Doc: "I mean, you're being freakishly nice, and your group consisted of a potential rapist/child stabber and a violent out of the vault 16 year old"
  1816. 12:20 AM - Det. Marlowe: same but with the book
  1817. 12:20 AM - Doc: "and bam, ONE sane guy?"
  1818. 12:20 AM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1819. 12:20 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Someone's gotta be."
  1820. 12:21 AM - Doc: "Swear to god by the time this is done i'm either gonna have to shoot you or fuck your brains out. Or both, i'm not picky"
  1821. 12:21 AM - Det. Marlowe: "I don't have a family, I don't even know if I was a real person before... least I can do is help people."
  1822. 12:21 AM - Doc: "Hey gorgutz? You got some dakka or all the dakka?"
  1823. 12:22 AM - Det. Marlowe: argh I wanna upgrade and fuckin rip people apart with a MAC-10 or something :v
  1824. 12:22 AM - Dez: Doc is one of them chromebumpers eh
  1825. 12:22 AM - Dez: toasterfucker ect
  1826. 12:22 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Wot kinda dakka ya lookin for?"
  1827. 12:22 AM - Doc: "toaster fucker"
  1828. 12:22 AM - Det. Marlowe: hasta la vista, baby
  1829. 12:22 AM - Det. Marlowe: did you just say that IC
  1830. 12:22 AM - Doc: no
  1831. 12:22 AM - Dez: "Excuse me?"
  1832. 12:22 AM - Doc: not IC jerkbutt
  1833. 12:22 AM - Dez: "I didn't say anything"
  1834. 12:23 AM - Dez: heheheheuheh
  1835. 12:23 AM - Det. Marlowe: use apostrophes then when you're quoting someone OOC :v
  1836. 12:23 AM - Det. Marlowe: like 'this'
  1837. 12:23 AM - Dez: yeah faggot
  1838. 12:23 AM - Doc: "Handgun, one that won't blow my arm off, not too expensive"
  1839. 12:23 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so what gun you want?
  1840. 12:23 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): the .38?
  1841. 12:23 AM - Dez: .223
  1842. 12:23 AM - Doc: let me check the book
  1843. 12:23 AM - Doc: sheet
  1844. 12:23 AM - Doc: whatever
  1845. 12:23 AM - Dez: or that 7.62mm caseless semi auto with a 16 round mag
  1846. 12:24 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I don't think he can afford that
  1847. 12:24 AM - Dez: sorry not 16
  1848. 12:24 AM - Doc: was that a terminator refrence?
  1849. 12:24 AM - Dez: 48
  1850. 12:24 AM - Dez: no
  1851. 12:24 AM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1852. 12:24 AM - Doc: i'll go with the snubnose
  1853. 12:24 AM - Dez: its an actual gun
  1854. 12:24 AM - Det. Marlowe: nah, that would be
  1855. 12:24 AM - Dez:
  1856. 12:24 AM - Dez: and it looks swag
  1857. 12:24 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): .38 snubnose?
  1858. 12:24 AM - Doc: i mean the scene in the first one in the gun shop
  1859. 12:24 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): aight
  1860. 12:24 AM - Doc: yep
  1861. 12:24 AM - Doc: and some .38 ammo
  1862. 12:25 AM - Det. Marlowe: A P H A S E D P L A S M A R I F L E I N T H E 4 0 W A T T R A N G E
  1863. 12:25 AM - Dez: my comp is more than 40 watts
  1864. 12:25 AM - Dez: i think
  1865. 12:25 AM - Det. Marlowe: fuck I should add that as a big energy weapon :v
  1866. 12:25 AM - Det. Marlowe: well, them was the 80s
  1867. 12:25 AM - Doc: yeah
  1868. 12:26 AM - Dez: my psu can turn into A P H A S E D P L A S M A R I F L E
  1869. 12:26 AM - Doc: kind of hard not to make pop culture refrences for things that don't exist in this universe
  1870. 12:26 AM - Doc: i almost made a wonder twins joke
  1871. 12:26 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): "Just to give ya a dakka with more dakka, gimme dis ting," he points at the .22 and the bullets, "and fer one hunnet and seven more capz, I'll give ya dis," he puts a .38 Snubnose and a box of FMJ on the counter
  1872. 12:26 AM - Det. Marlowe: I already added a goddamn Star Wars stormtrooper rifle, fuck subtlety :v
  1873. 12:27 AM - Dez: does this gun not look rad as fuck
  1874. 12:27 AM - Doc: "Hunnet and sen-seven?" I look at marlowe
  1875. 12:27 AM - Doc: wait,
  1876. 12:27 AM - Doc: so gun,ammo AND caps for snubnose and ammo
  1877. 12:27 AM - Det. Marlowe: i almost said 'yeah the vag is great'
  1878. 12:27 AM - Det. Marlowe: (it is)
  1879. 12:28 AM - Doc: or gun becomes caps and add 107 for gun/ammo
  1880. 12:28 AM - Det. Marlowe: that one I think
  1881. 12:28 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): You pay 107 caps, the gun and ammo, and you get the .38
  1882. 12:29 AM - Doc: but
  1883. 12:29 AM - Det. Marlowe: man I really should add the VAG-72 but I don't wanna fuck up my formatting
  1884. 12:29 AM - Doc: the gun is worth 150 as a base cost
  1885. 12:29 AM - Det. Marlowe: I should add a Gyrojet too
  1886. 12:29 AM - Doc: 107+ the 115 of the caps
  1887. 12:29 AM - Doc: wait
  1888. 12:29 AM - Doc: including ammo
  1889. 12:29 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah but gorgy's barter skill
  1890. 12:29 AM - Doc: yeah that makes sense
  1891. 12:29 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): including ammo
  1892. 12:30 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): both the .22 for sale and the .38 for purchase
  1893. 12:30 AM - Doc: "Mar, if i borrow 107 caps i'll get you 150 when we get payed. Deal?"
  1894. 12:30 AM - Det. Marlowe: "Eh, it's a deal. Always good to have a better gun backing you up."
  1895. 12:30 AM - Dez: gyrogets would but fucking nuts
  1896. 12:30 AM - Dez: they're rare now
  1897. 12:30 AM - Dez: in the wasteland
  1898. 12:31 AM - Dez: fook mate shit would explode the economy
  1899. 12:31 AM - Doc: I look at Gorgutz, take the caps and dump 'em on the table with the gun and ammo
  1900. 12:31 AM - Doc: "Lods of dakka, for beginer, eh?"
  1901. 12:32 AM - Det. Marlowe: nah the gyrojets honestly kinda sucked balls :b
  1902. 12:32 AM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1903. 12:32 AM - Det. Marlowe: but they're such a fallouty piece of tech
  1904. 12:32 AM - Det. Marlowe: I can't believe I forgot about them
  1905. 12:32 AM - Dez: they suck but they are rare as shit
  1906. 12:33 AM - Dez: so they would be x10 as rare in a post apoc situation
  1907. 12:33 AM - Dez: nvm tho
  1908. 12:33 AM - Det. Marlowe: this is an alt universe :v
  1909. 12:33 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): goods and caps are exchanged, and you now possess a new, less shit gun
  1910. 12:33 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): congrats!
  1911. 12:33 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'd say we should stop here before we head out into raider territory
  1912. 12:34 AM - Dez: that was like a fucking economics class mang
  1913. 12:34 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah me too
  1914. 12:34 AM - Det. Marlowe: :v
  1915. 12:34 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): next session should be better
  1916. 12:34 AM - Det. Marlowe: them's the problems with introducing new mechanics
  1917. 12:34 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): human enemies
  1918. 12:34 AM - Det. Marlowe: you gotta, actually, introduce them :v
  1919. 12:34 AM - Doc: no, real life economics is MUCH more interesting
  1920. 12:34 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): doing things
  1921. 12:34 AM - Doc: oh shit
  1922. 12:34 AM - Doc: sorry
  1923. 12:34 AM - Doc: that wasnt a dig
  1924. 12:34 AM - Doc: i just really like advertising and marketing and economics and such
  1925. 12:34 AM - Det. Marlowe: hell yea gonna kick a fucker in the balls and shoot another in the face
  1926. 12:34 AM - Doc: :v
  1927. 12:35 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): guess I'll log this
  1928. 12:35 AM - Det. Marlowe: also, here's hoping the book'll be finished by then!
  1929. 12:35 AM - Doc: gonna shoot a guy and then shoot another guy an shit
  1930. 12:35 AM - Det. Marlowe: well, now you've got an actual, working gun :v
  1931. 12:35 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well I still need to go through your shit and give it my approval
  1932. 12:35 AM - Det. Marlowe: you mean you didn't already
  1933. 12:35 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you went with my burst, fa and target shot changes
  1934. 12:35 AM - Det. Marlowe: this shit's been around for like half a year
  1935. 12:35 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm not done
  1936. 12:35 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah I did
  1937. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: it's cool, I can always change it around cause I've got the .doc
  1938. 12:36 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well yeah but I wasn't looking at it when we weren't doing a Fallout game
  1939. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: alright
  1940. 12:36 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I'm not gonna change weapon stats for the most part anyway
  1941. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: anyway it's early
  1942. 12:36 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): mostly mechanics
  1943. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: yeah that's cool, I know my mechanics can be clumsy at times
  1944. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: and that's putting it nicely :v
  1945. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: anyway me -> sleep
  1946. 12:36 AM - Det. Marlowe: see ya guys
  1947. 12:36 AM - Doc: i dig the changes
  1948. 12:37 AM - Doc: see ya nerd
  1949. 12:37 AM - Doc: slash waifu i guess
  1950. 12:37 AM - Dez: bye waufy
  1951. 12:37 AM - Dez: u ne berd
  1952. 12:37 AM - Dez: nerd
  1953. 12:37 AM - Dez: fuck
  1954. 12:37 AM - Doc: gg
  1955. 12:37 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): WH
  1956. 12:37 AM - Doc: i dunno i felt lie i kept on accidentaly flirting with marlowe
  1957. 12:37 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): wh
  1958. 12:37 AM - Doc: kinda weird
  1959. 12:37 AM - Dez: Doc needs a ufcking bane
  1960. 12:37 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): gg
  1961. 12:37 AM - Dez: name
  1962. 12:38 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): bitch? c:
  1963. 12:38 AM - Dez: that fits
  1964. 12:38 AM - Doc: nah
  1965. 12:38 AM - Dez: Chingchong
  1966. 12:38 AM - Doc: wow
  1967. 12:38 AM - Doc: congrats
  1968. 12:38 AM - Dez: wat
  1969. 12:38 AM - Dez: did i instipe u?
  1970. 12:38 AM - Det. Marlowe disconnected.
  1971. 12:38 AM - Doc: you've offically moved down on the ladder of "I shouldn't shoot you again"
  1972. 12:38 AM - Dez: inspire
  1973. 12:39 AM - Doc: gm is he drunk
  1974. 12:39 AM - Dez: no im 15
  1975. 12:39 AM - Dez: im not bad boi
  1976. 12:39 AM - Doc: not sure if actually 15
  1977. 12:39 AM - Doc: wait
  1978. 12:39 AM - Dez: fy i i dated an asian girl its not racist
  1979. 12:39 AM - Doc: yeah i never knew how old you were
  1980. 12:40 AM - Doc: i'm the same age as data, the pole is two years ahead of us, and appy is in college somewhere
  1981. 12:40 AM - Dez: wait
  1982. 12:41 AM - Dez: potates u 15 too rite
  1983. 12:41 AM - Doc: yeah
  1984. 12:41 AM - Dez: mkay just getting my logic straight
  1985. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): god damn
  1986. 12:41 AM - Doc: shit is half of our group 15 year olds
  1987. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): u babbies
  1988. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): so tiny
  1989. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): young
  1990. 12:41 AM - Dez: yep
  1991. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): small
  1992. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): wee ones
  1993. 12:41 AM - Doc: now appy
  1994. 12:41 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): it's no wonder I gotta babysit you all
  1995. 12:41 AM - Doc: no need to talk to your crotch like a crazy person
  1996. 12:42 AM - Dez: ahahu
  1997. 12:42 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): -500 xp
  1998. 12:42 AM - Dez: SCRUB
  1999. 12:42 AM - Doc: now that i think about it the two older guys do kinda act like older siblings/babysitters
  2000. 12:42 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Gorgy's Barter skill is also doubled now
  2001. 12:42 AM - Doc: what with them being the GMs and changing the rules
  2002. 12:42 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): who's the other older one?
  2003. 12:42 AM - Doc: ciaster
  2004. 12:42 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): ah right
  2005. 12:42 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): how old is he?
  2006. 12:42 AM - Doc: he's a senoir now i think
  2007. 12:43 AM - Dez: halo
  2008. 12:43 AM - Dez: senior
  2009. 12:43 AM - Doc: yeah yeah
  2010. 12:43 AM - Dez: snoir~
  2011. 12:43 AM - Doc: i have a speech impediment that happens to translate well into typing due to shaky hands and a tiny keyboard
  2012. 12:43 AM - Dez: and you and data act like simbling
  2013. 12:43 AM - Doc: 2rude
  2014. 12:43 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): simbling
  2015. 12:44 AM - Doc: yeah data and i are either secret cousins or secret gay lovers
  2016. 12:44 AM - Doc: i cant tell
  2017. 12:44 AM - Dez: both
  2018. 12:44 AM - Dez: hawt
  2019. 12:44 AM - Dez: jk
  2020. 12:44 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): gaaaay
  2021. 12:44 AM - Dez: dont pee ur pants or nothing
  2022. 12:45 AM - Doc: kinda weird to think data left
  2023. 12:45 AM - Dez: aye
  2024. 12:45 AM - Doc: luckily his character is in a spot where she can come back
  2025. 12:45 AM - Doc: this is all magical girl's fault
  2026. 12:45 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): yep
  2027. 12:45 AM - Doc: making the GM expect no OOC
  2028. 12:45 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): all magical girl's fault for being great
  2029. 12:46 AM - Doc: hey at least we don't split the party or have bullshit love triangles
  2030. 12:46 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): either way Data said he ain't coming back, so it's just you lot
  2031. 12:46 AM - Dez: i loved CP
  2032. 12:46 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): christ its more like fucksagonicals that they split into
  2033. 12:46 AM - Dez: you don't see me complaining about how much none of these campaigns are like cp
  2034. 12:46 AM - Doc: eh, CP was ok
  2035. 12:47 AM - Doc: i guess it's cause i played a character that was intentionally the most generic guy possible
  2036. 12:47 AM - Dez: I liked its set up
  2037. 12:47 AM - Doc: but i just didnt get as into it as i did early fallout
  2038. 12:47 AM - Dez: the ability to go ocean's 11 on shit was nice
  2039. 12:47 AM - Doc: i guess early fallout will always have that first PNP magic
  2040. 12:47 AM - Dez: but yeah character/story wise we all fucked up
  2041. 12:47 AM - Doc: but i'm liking this new session
  2042. 12:48 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): not only character and story wise
  2043. 12:48 AM - Doc: yeah appy's character was a DICK
  2044. 12:48 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): but system wise too
  2045. 12:48 AM - Dez: yeah
  2046. 12:48 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): you mean Entropy was a dick?
  2047. 12:48 AM - Dez: it could have been super good
  2048. 12:48 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well yeah, that's his gig man
  2049. 12:48 AM - Doc: well yeah
  2050. 12:49 AM - Doc: but one time during combat you literally just sat down after killing a guy and said "you guys can handle it"
  2051. 12:49 AM - Dez: but I feel like if we go back to it then it won't have the magic that it first had when we planned out that whole shit with the warehouse and the car dealership
  2052. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): well, that was the halloween shit
  2053. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and we were 1v1ing our dupes
  2054. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I killed Elvis, you guys dealt with your own
  2055. 12:49 AM - Doc: suprised you remembered what i was talking about
  2056. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): I remember things
  2057. 12:49 AM - Doc: i think i fought dirty harry
  2058. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): Data does not
  2059. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): at all
  2060. 12:49 AM - Dez: I fought Mad Max
  2061. 12:49 AM - Fallout: A Post-nuclear RP(GM): and it annoys the absolute everliving fuck out of me
  2062. 12:49 AM - Doc: i one shotted him with a shotgun and said "guess your luck ran out"
  2063. 12:50 AM - Doc: it was 2cool
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