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Sep 1st, 2014
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  1. There's a disgusting noise as he cuts open your torso with the dagger, signature skull and crossbones keychain dangling from it, dripping blood onto your bare legs. You struggle to keep a straight face but your lip is quivering and the corners of your mouth twitch upwards.He makes a pleased sound and shoves his cold hand into the open wound without hesitance. Your hand clamps over your mouth to hide your gasp, but it slips through anyway. The pain is unbelievable, a burning, straining feeling in your gut, quickly wearing you thin. Your flesh cannot heal around his bloodied wrist, and he tears the hole open wider, the only present sounds being his hysterical laughter and the ripping. You struggle to breathe, trying to get out a word, any word. Before you can react, the cold metal digs into your windpipe. He giggles at the choked rasp that crawls past your lips, sinking his painted fingernails into your open throat. Then, he wraps his hands around them and pulls. He pulls out your intestines, he pulls out yoyr vocal chords, he pulls so that viscera pools at his feet. Your vision is blurring, but you can see the white of his eyes and teeth, his bangs plastered to his forehead with sweat, his face red with blood, outside and in. The sound of your intestines hitting the floor makes your eyes start to roll back in your head. Right before you pass out, he presses his lips to yours forcefully. He bites down on your lip and inhales deeply as everything goes dark.
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