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Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. panel.barchart.alpha <- function (x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio/(1 + box.ratio),
  2. horizontal = TRUE, origin = NULL, reference = TRUE, stack = FALSE,
  3. groups = NULL, col = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$col else superpose.polygon$col,
  4. border = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$border else superpose.polygon$border,
  5. lty = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$lty else superpose.polygon$lty,
  6. lwd = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$lwd else superpose.polygon$lwd,
  7. alpha = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$alpha else superpose.polygon$alpha,
  8. ..., identifier = "barchart")
  9. {
  10. plot.polygon <- trellis.par.get("plot.polygon")
  11. superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
  12. reference.line <- trellis.par.get("reference.line")
  13. keep <- (function(x, y, groups, subscripts, ...) {
  14. ! & ! & if (is.null(groups))
  15. TRUE
  16. else ![subscripts])
  17. })(x = x, y = y, groups = groups, ...)
  18. if (!any(keep))
  19. return()
  20. x <- as.numeric(x[keep])
  21. y <- as.numeric(y[keep])
  22. if (!is.null(groups)) {
  23. groupSub <- function(groups, subscripts, ...) groups[subscripts[keep]]
  24. if (!is.factor(groups))
  25. groups <- factor(groups)
  26. nvals <- nlevels(groups)
  27. groups <- as.numeric(groupSub(groups, ...))
  28. }
  29. if (horizontal) {
  30. if (is.null(groups)) {
  31. if (is.null(origin)) {
  32. origin <- current.panel.limits()$xlim[1]
  33. reference <- FALSE
  34. }
  35. height <- box.width
  36. if (reference)
  37. panel.abline(v = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  38. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  39. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  40. sep = "."))
  41. panel.rect(x = rep(origin, length(y)), y = y, height = rep(height,
  42. length(y)), width = x - origin, border = border,
  43. col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha=alpha,
  44. just = c("left", "centre"), identifier = identifier)
  45. }
  46. else if (stack) {
  47. if (!is.null(origin) && origin != 0)
  48. warning("'origin' forced to 0 for stacked bars")
  49. col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
  50. border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
  51. lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
  52. lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)
  53. alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = nvals)
  54. height <- box.width
  55. if (reference)
  56. panel.abline(v = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  57. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  58. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  59. sep = "."))
  60. for (i in unique(y)) {
  61. ok <- y == i
  62. ord <- sort.list(groups[ok])
  63. pos <- x[ok][ord] > 0
  64. nok <- sum(pos, na.rm = TRUE)
  65. if (nok > 0)
  66. panel.rect(x = cumsum(c(0, x[ok][ord][pos][-nok])),
  67. y = rep(i, nok), col = col[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  68. border = border[groups[ok][ord][pos]], lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  69. lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][pos]], alpha = alpha[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  70. height = rep(height, nok), width = x[ok][ord][pos], just = c("left",
  71. "centre"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  72. "pos", i, sep = "."))
  73. neg <- x[ok][ord] < 0
  74. nok <- sum(neg, na.rm = TRUE)
  75. if (nok > 0)
  76. panel.rect(x = cumsum(c(0, x[ok][ord][neg][-nok])),
  77. y = rep(i, nok), col = col[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
  78. border = border[groups[ok][ord][neg]], lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
  79. lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][neg]], height = rep(height,
  80. nok), width = x[ok][ord][neg], just = c("left",
  81. "centre"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  82. "neg", i, sep = "."))
  83. }
  84. }
  85. else {
  86. if (is.null(origin)) {
  87. origin <- current.panel.limits()$xlim[1]
  88. reference <- FALSE
  89. }
  90. col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
  91. border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
  92. lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
  93. lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)
  94. alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = nvals)
  95. height <- box.width/nvals
  96. if (reference)
  97. panel.abline(v = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  98. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  99. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  100. sep = "."))
  101. for (i in unique(y)) {
  102. ok <- y == i
  103. nok <- sum(ok, na.rm = TRUE)
  104. panel.rect(x = rep(origin, nok), y = (i + height *
  105. (groups[ok] - (nvals + 1)/2)), col = col[groups[ok]],
  106. border = border[groups[ok]], lty = lty[groups[ok]],
  107. lwd = lwd[groups[ok]], alpha = alpha[groups[ok]],
  108. height = rep(height,
  109. nok), width = x[ok] - origin, just = c("left",
  110. "centre"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  111. "y", i, sep = "."))
  112. }
  113. }
  114. }
  115. else {
  116. if (is.null(groups)) {
  117. if (is.null(origin)) {
  118. origin <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[1]
  119. reference <- FALSE
  120. }
  121. width <- box.width
  122. if (reference)
  123. panel.abline(h = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  124. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  125. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  126. sep = "."))
  127. panel.rect(x = x, y = rep(origin, length(x)), col = col,
  128. border = border, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha,
  129. width = rep(width, length(x)), height = y - origin, just = c("centre",
  130. "bottom"), identifier = identifier)
  131. }
  132. else if (stack) {
  133. if (!is.null(origin) && origin != 0)
  134. warning("'origin' forced to 0 for stacked bars")
  135. col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
  136. border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
  137. lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
  138. lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)
  139. alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = nvals)
  140. width <- box.width
  141. if (reference)
  142. panel.abline(h = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  143. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  144. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  145. sep = "."))
  146. for (i in unique(x)) {
  147. ok <- x == i
  148. ord <- sort.list(groups[ok])
  149. pos <- y[ok][ord] > 0
  150. nok <- sum(pos, na.rm = TRUE)
  151. if (nok > 0)
  152. panel.rect(x = rep(i, nok), y = cumsum(c(0,
  153. y[ok][ord][pos][-nok])), col = col[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  154. border = border[groups[ok][ord][pos]], lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  155. lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][pos]], alpha = alpha[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
  156. width = rep(width,
  157. nok), height = y[ok][ord][pos], just = c("centre",
  158. "bottom"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  159. "pos", i, sep = "."))
  160. neg <- y[ok][ord] < 0
  161. nok <- sum(neg, na.rm = TRUE)
  162. if (nok > 0)
  163. panel.rect(x = rep(i, nok), y = cumsum(c(0,
  164. y[ok][ord][neg][-nok])), col = col[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
  165. border = border[groups[ok][ord][neg]], lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
  166. lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][neg]], alpha = alpha[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
  167. width = rep(width,
  168. nok), height = y[ok][ord][neg], just = c("centre",
  169. "bottom"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  170. "neg", i, sep = "."))
  171. }
  172. }
  173. else {
  174. if (is.null(origin)) {
  175. origin <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[1]
  176. reference = FALSE
  177. }
  178. col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
  179. border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
  180. lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
  181. lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)
  182. alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = nvals)
  183. width <- box.width/nvals
  184. if (reference)
  185. panel.abline(h = origin, col = reference.line$col,
  186. lty = reference.line$lty, lwd = reference.line$lwd,
  187. identifier = paste(identifier, "abline",
  188. sep = "."))
  189. for (i in unique(x)) {
  190. ok <- x == i
  191. nok <- sum(ok, na.rm = TRUE)
  192. panel.rect(x = (i + width * (groups[ok] - (nvals +
  193. 1)/2)), y = rep(origin, nok), col = col[groups[ok]],
  194. border = border[groups[ok]], lty = lty[groups[ok]],
  195. lwd = lwd[groups[ok]], alpha = alpha[groups[ok]],
  196. width = rep(width, nok),
  197. height = y[ok] - origin, just = c("centre",
  198. "bottom"), identifier = paste(identifier,
  199. "x", i, sep = "."))
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
  204. environment(panel.barchart.alpha) <- asNamespace("lattice")
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