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May 15th, 2013
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  1. p1.
  2. Suwako: Sanae, you have to go to the party by yourself this time, okay? We have to house sit.
  3. Sanae: What?!
  4. Kanako: You shouldn't just hang around us all the time.
  5. Suwako: Just go out
  6. Kanako: and make friends by yourself, for once.
  7. Sanae: Even though they said that...
  8. Sanae: I don't know most of the people there.
  9. Congregation: Ah... [nondescript crowd noises]
  11. p2.
  12. Sanae: Marisa-san!
  13. Marisa: Ah, Sanae, you came! Where are the two gods?
  14. Sanae: Well... it's just me today.
  15. Marisa: Hmmm, how unusual for such drinkers to be absent.
  16. Marisa: Though with your guardians gone, you must feel much more at ease, right? Let's drink a whole lot today!
  17. Sanae: Ahahaha...
  18. ?: Kirisame~
  20. p3.
  21. Alice: I brought the liquor that we talked about.
  22. Marisa: Yay!
  23. Alice: But we really shouldn't bring this here.
  24. Marisa: Ah...
  25. Marisa: Come on, it's more fun to drink with everyone!
  26. Marisa: And uh,
  27. Marisa: We've got to liven up the place a little, you know?
  28. Marisa: So don't worry about the small matters and let's drink!
  29. Marisa: Ah... well, i'll see you later!
  30. Sanae: ......
  32. p4.
  33. Sanae: Haa... [sighing]
  34. Sanae: I got left out in the end...
  35. Sanae: Haa... [sighing]
  36. Sanae: No! I shouldn't think like this! I've got to hang in there.
  37. Sanae: I need to remember why did I came here in the first place!
  38. Sanae: ......
  40. p5.
  41. ?: Sanae?
  43. p6.
  44. Okuu: What are you doing?
  45. Sanae: Well i'm, uhhh...
  46. Sanae: ...What am i doing?
  47. Sanae: Are you alone? what about Orin-chan and Satori-san and the others?
  48. Okuu: Orin-chan? she's here.
  49. Okuu: Look ...this cat got at the sake and she's already drunk.
  51. p7.
  52. Sanae: So you're alone.
  53. Okuu: Yeah.
  54. Sanae: I see...
  55. Sanae: Okuu-chan, the drinking party is a battlefield.
  56. Sanae: Oppurtunities to build a closer relationship with others don't come often.
  57. Sanae: However, at this moment, this place is overflowing with those kinds of opportunities.
  58. Sanae: I've never talked to those people much before, but I can use this chance to get closer to them!
  59. Sanae: That's why I mustn't give up! I have to try my best!
  60. Sanae: Yes, I have to fight!
  61. Okuu: Haa... [in awe]
  62. Sanae: And so...
  64. p8.
  65. Sanae: I'll do my best, so Okuu-chan, you should do your best too!
  66. Okuu: Ah...
  67. Okuu: Does that mean you're leaving? [leaving her alone, not leaving the party]
  68. Sanae: Eh?
  69. Sanae: ...Well, maybe i'll stay over here after all.
  71. p9.
  72. Sanae: Let's drink together. Is that okay? I want to drink with Okuu-chan.
  73. Okuu: Really? Ehehe...
  74. Sanae: Is something wrong?
  75. Okuu: Nope... Nothing's wrong!
  76. Okuu: Ah...
  77. Okuu: Thank you.
  78. Okuu: Pouring your own sake is just too lonely, after all.
  80. p10.
  81. Okuu: Yes please, one more~
  82. Sanae: Too much isn't good, you know.
  83. Okuu: I'm fine, I'm fine.
  84. Okuu: Ah...
  85. Okuu: Ah... I spilled it.
  86. Okuu: Ahahahahaha! I spilled it.
  87. Sanae: Okuu-chan... are you drunk?
  88. Okuu: Of course i'm not drunk~
  89. Okuu: I can still drink more~!!
  90. Sanae: Okay, okay... don't you think you're drinking a little too much though?
  92. p11.
  93. Okuu: Why? It's strange if you don't drink when you're at a place for drinking sake.
  94. Sanae: Okuu-chan... umm...
  95. Okuu: ...Hnn? [drunken "Hmm" -- maybe "Mmm?"]
  96. Sanae: O... O... [stuttering when saying "Okuu"]
  97. Okuu: Oh?
  98. Sanae: Girls should not make such gestures!
  99. Okuu: Eh?... Eh?
  100. ?: Feeling a bit lively, are we?
  102. p12.
  103. Sanae: Sakuya-san.
  104. Sanae: Yeah, i guess you're right. Okuu-chan and I are together...
  105. Sanae: They look pretty lively over there as well.
  106. Sakuya: Indeed, they do.
  107. Okuu: Let's have a drink together.
  109. p13.
  110. Sakuya: Right now?
  111. Okuu: I've never seen Sakuya-san drinking before.
  112. Sakuya: It's because I'm more comfortable when I'm doing house chores.
  113. Okuu: It's no good to be doing that at a time like this. Come here and have a drink with us.
  114. Sakuya: Y-You think so?
  115. Okuu: Relax, Relax.
  116. Sakuya: W-Well then...
  117. Sakuya: Ah...
  118. Okuu: Pouring your own sake is just too lonely, don't you think?
  119. Sakuya: That's not much of a worry for me, but thanks.
  121. p14.
  122. Okuu: I'm really glad you decided to stay, sanae. I'm not familiar with being above ground, since I don't come up here much.
  123. Sanae: ...I'm sure the same goes for everyone, at first.
  124. Sakuya: I know what you mean. Marisa and the others like to socialize too much.
  125. Sakuya: Still,
  126. Sakuya: What a strange pairing, I didn't know you two got along.
  127. Sanae: Well, that's because Okuu-chan manages our fusion reactor.
  128. Sanae: She takes care of the monitoring and controls of the furnace almost all by herself.
  129. Sanae: Kanako-sama and the others are always cheering for you and complimenting you, you know.
  130. Okuu: Really? But there are still a lot of things i don't know...
  131. Sakuya: You're amazing.
  133. p15.
  134. Sakuya: All the youkai and fairies just pretend to be hardworking.
  135. Sakuya: There's hardly anyone who does their work properly and works as hard as you.
  136. Sakuya: So I do think that you're amazing.
  137. Okuu: Y-You really think so?
  138. Sanae: Plus, Okuu-chan is cheerful and honest. I don't think you could ever find another youkai as good as this girl.
  139. Okuu: Is that so... Ehehehe.
  140. Sanae: How nice it would be if every youkai was like you.
  141. Okuu: Stop, you're exaggerating!
  142. Marisa: It's true...Okuu is certainly doing well.
  144. p16.
  145. Sakuya: Ah, the drunkard has arrived.
  146. Marisa: What?!
  147. Marisa: Everyone else passed out.
  148. Marisa: You girls don't join often, and they just had to get knocked out so quickly.
  149. Sanae: Marisa-san is disgraceful.
  150. Marisa: eh?
  151. Sakuya: There's no use saying that to a drunkard.
  152. Marisa: I'm not a drunk! I'm not a drunk!
  154. p17.
  155. Marisa: Hey Sanae... Is it difficult to join us, as an outsider?
  156. Marisa: It would be better if everyone was more considerate of newcomers.
  157. Marisa: But you know, most of these girls just wouldn't notice something like that.
  158. Marisa: So...
  159. Marisa: Next time, Let's all drink together.
  160. Sanae: Thank you, I'm happy just to hear that.
  161. Sanae: Although everyone is already... [knocked out]
  163. p18.
  164. Sanae: ...I guess she just says what she wants and goes right to sleep, huh?
  165. Sakuya: It can't be helped, I suppose.
  166. Sakuya: I'll go lay her on the futon.
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