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Have Sword Will Travel Full Movie Download Mp4

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  39. Ying Ke-Feng, head of Peerless Manor, is an expert swordsman whose escort business transports 200,000 taels of silver to the capital each year. This year, however, he is afflicted with an infirmity that renders him unable to use his sword. Rather than give up this important commission and let the martial world know of his precarious health he means to entrust the consignment to two young knights in his manor, Hsiang Ting and Yun Piao-Piao. As it happens, these two are also betrothed; clearly they have their swordsmanship in common. At Peerless Manor, everyone is suspicious of malevolent strangers who may be sniffing around the silver transport. So when Le I appears astride a high-quality charger but otherwise clearly down on his luck, Hsiang Ting thinks Le I may be a spy for the bad guys in the Flying Tiger Manor. It doesn't help that Le I and Yun Piao-Piao hit it off right away. Even or especially when Le I saves Yun Piao-Piao from a Flying Tiger thug, Hsiang is not assuaged. Yun Piao-Piao is torn, though it seems that a certain sisterly compassion finally wins the day when she arranges to reunite Le I with his horse. It's a cute horse, and Le I seems rather attached ... When the silver convoy passes by a pagoda that happens to house the Flying Tiger gang, Chiao Hung, the Flying Tiger chief, tries to steal the shipment. To win the day, Hsiang and Le must fight together, despite their mutual disaffection.
  40. I&#39;ve been disappointed by a variety of Chang Cheh films in the past, including the overly-vaunted American-guy&#39;s kung-fu favorite &quot;5-Venoms&quot;, but this flick is just WAY MORE tastier; in fact, it may very well be my Chang Cheh favorite thus far, next to Boxer From Shantung. The coolness of character Lo Yi (played by the then VERY young Jiang Dawei aka:David Chiang) and his dominating ability (as well as those of his fighting-skills/girl-friend rival Siang, played by the then VERY young Di Long aka:Ti Lung), and the burning-cool chivalry between him and young master Siang make you wanna brandish a sword and act all cool in front of your mirror; just like how a movie like The Good, The Bad, &amp; The Ugly would make you wanna grab a gun and act cool with it. Lo Yi inadvertently becomes part of a security force transporting and protecting a big load of gold being transferred from Luoyang town to government reserves in Kaifeng, and his presence ultimately proves vital as an overpowering number of bandits ambushes the goverment caravan. This movie also has one of the MOST INTENSE &amp; MOST POIGNANT HEARTBREAK SCENES to EVER adorn the silver-screen..... that&#39;s the scene where Lo Yi discovers that the girl he most desires and love (female bodyguard Yun Piaopiao, played by the then VERY young Li Jing aka: Li Ching) is engaged to his semi-friendly rival Siang. Lo Yi then envisions his bitter death in a bloody fight scene that culminates in grueling slow motion, a scimitar that penetrates through his bosom; and then the heart-wrenching vision of Yun Piaopiao and master Siang galloping away on their steeds into to sunny green hills. Needless to say, the former premonition all comes true (except that the scimitar impales his lower abdomen, for a slower and even more dramatic broken-hearted death; almost like a self-fulfilled prophecy of hopeless end that is nothing short of bittersweet bloodbath. Very touching movie that&#39;s certainly a classic Shaw Brother&#39;s artsy-martial-arts flick with an underlying message of love..... oh, did I mention lots and lots of hard death and gallons and gallons of classic bright red SB studio blood? Definitely an all-time classic from 1969!! 4+ stars outta 5!!!<br/><br/>Johnny Chan 22 Feb. &#39;04
  41. Not surprisingly due to the title, this Shaw Brothers film features TONS of magnificent swordplay. In fact, it&#39;s among the best of the genre when it comes to the choreography in the fight scenes--it&#39;s top notch. And, while I am not a huge fan of &#39;wire-fu&#39; (making characters fly about in impossible ways using invisible wires and lifts), these were also handled well. The only shortcoming is a typical one--as the plot is a bit simple and the characters a bit one-dimensional...or at least most of them.<br/><br/>Master Ying Ke-Feng is an incredible swordsman--so incredible that he&#39;s entrusted with the job of transporting silver. However, what his enemies don&#39;t yet know is that he is ill and cannot do the job. So, he has his two best students, Siang (who is a bit of an idiot) and Piau Piau lead the procession. Not surprisingly, there are a group of baddies (the Flying Tiger gang) who plan on intercepting the shipment. The balance could be shifted one way or the other if an amazing swordsman, Lo (David Chiang), joins either side. As for the baddies, they are quite eager to procure his services. But Lo is a terrific guy--and seems very captivated by the beautiful Piau Piau. What will happen in the end? Yup...a giant free-for-all battle between good and evil! Throughout most of the movie, Siang behaves stupidly--distrusting and mistreating poor &#39;ol Lo at every turn. This became a bit tiresome after a while, but the initial one-upsmanship scene between them (involving candles and chopsticks) is a classic--and a lot of fun to watch. Perhaps this is because Siang is also in love with Piau Piau and is worried Lo might put the moves on her. All I know is that it&#39;s hard not to like Lo--and pretty easy to dislike Siang--even if he is playing for the good guys. Overall, the film works exceptionally well because Lo is a cool character (with some depth) and the fight scenes are done so well. This one packs a few surprises at the end as well--making it a must-see for lovers of the genre.
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