

May 4th, 2014
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  1. Mounds mlg type territories
  2. Mlg type territories is a more organized type territories, because type territories is basically WL, it is also more competitive, and similar to conquest.
  3. Step 1
  4. People in the rp pm the host [who was already chosen] to enter. Then In order of highest rank to lowest rank, people pick types to be the leader of until all types, or enough have been chosen
  5. Step 2
  6. Type leaders pick people to be on their team. Then everyone picks a Pokémon of there leaders type
  7. Step 3/ miscellanies info
  8. The rp starts
  10. -only real Pokémon
  11. -you MUST listen to you leader
  13. -the arena is lumios city, but with territories encircling it, and a war zone in the middle
  14. -to capture an area, you must take its flag by 1 of these methods
  15. 1. Beat its leader well he’s in his territory
  16. 2 go in to it with no other people of that type/all beaten
  17. -territories can ally each other, but one must still have all flags to win.
  18. - Only leaders can be megas / legendries, mythicals {jirachi, celeby, etc.] are fair game,
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