
Orange Is The New Blegh

Jun 8th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Who posts first?))
  2. iKamal: [-pokes church- he got here first XD]
  3. ChurchAeki: (Lmao)
  4. ChurchAeki: The Police would open the jail cell and push Charles in after uncuffing him; this wasn't his first time seeing the inside of a cell and he knew it wasn't his last either obviously as he was back in one. "You get on phone call in an hour." The officer says before locking the cell and walking off leaving Charles by himself, he moved over to the bed and sat down, lifting up his shirt to see he had ripped his stitched and sighs. It wasn't that bad but he would need to get them restitched if he didn't want the wound to get infected; though for now he would wait and pull his shirt back down as he laid down in the bed looking up to the ceiling.
  5. Tsaaq: Libi drove up to the police station, stopping abruptly as she pulled into a parking space. "We're here." She declared before leaning her head out the window then glancing back to Kam.
  6. iKamal: She grabbed the pregnacy test and opened the door. she had gotten babywipes too."Hey keep a look out for me" she pulled her pants down and leaned agianst the hearse and pised on the stick. she put the cap on and sat in the hearse looking at Libi and using the baby wipes to clean ehr hands and handed the pack to libi"want to use that to clean up?" she read the box of the pee stick and sighed seeing how long she had to wait."Maybe he will calm down after knowing this shit..." she looked at libi"can I use your phone?"
  7. Tsaaq: She leaned dramatically as she looked every which way before looking towards Kam. "I wanna pee on stuff." She whined a bit before she got back into the car. She took the baby wipes and shrugged, wiping her already cut chin. She didn't really feel it so the sting that came from doing that was uncalled for. "Fuck." She muttered before turning to Kam. "Sure." She shrugged as she pulled it from her bag and passed it to the other female.
  8. iKamal: Kam took the phone from Libi and dialed Rufus's number seeing as she remembered it just in case of emergenc like this. She figured Greg would bail as usual. she looked at Libi and saw a cop car parked."go pee on that but you might get locked up." she chuckled while waiting for someone to pick the phone up.
  9. Tsaaq: Her eyes went to the cop car then she hook her head. "Nah. I don't Quinn's dad would like that." She muttered and leaned back in the driver's seat. "Who are you calling?" She asked sluggishly as she turned to Kam. She wanted to finish off whatever liquor she had but seeing as she was in the driver's seat in a police station parking lot she decided against it.
  10. ChurchAeki: Rufus would hear his phone ring again, picking up his deep italian accent come throught the phone. "Rufus Vercas speaking, who is calling?" Meanwhile Charles would toss in his cot as his ripped stitches started to annoy him, until he called out for a guard. "Hey can I get some help here....." One of the guards would walk up to the ceil door and Charles ould be standing there with his shirt up showing him his wound. "So what do I do about this." He says in a smartass tone.
  11. iKamal: [my playby is on tv XD]
  12. iKamal: "hey Rufus it's Kamisha...Charles is in jail. I'm at the jail now...Greg tried to get him out of the situtation but charles didn't want to leave so Greg picked him up by the time he got him in the car the cops showed up. He is going to need a lawyer." she looked at the pregnancy test seeing only one line as a sign she wasn't pregnant and she let out a sigh of relief almost showing libi the test.
  13. Tsaaq: Libi shut her mouth once Kam started talking. She crossed her arms over her chest while staring up at her rearview mirror. She would glance down at the pregnancy test and smirk. "Yus, hot tubs, vodka and sushi for Kamisha." She whispered under her breath, giving her horn a small honk. Libi went back to being quiet so she could wait for Kam to finish the car.
  14. ChurchAeki: Rufus almost forgot the girls name who he left in charge of his son. "Kamisha?....Oh yes...the one my son got shot over..." Rufus was an asshole without even trying to be one. "He is in jail again? For what reason this time, I need this information when I call up the lawyer. What did he do and to whom?" Back to the inside of the Jail, Charles was escorted to a small room, with a clinic bed in it and a few tools; a guy in white lab coat would walk in and said not a words to Charles as he washed his hands, pulled gloves on and went to work on the wound.
  15. iKamal: "we were at a resturant and he got into an arguement with my friend libi and choked her and her granddad called the cops." she sighed and rubbed her forehead."I'm about to walk into the jail." she really didnt want to tell him about the whole baby situtatuion. she got out of the car taking the pregnacy test with her. she covered the phone."you staying here libi?"
  16. Tsaaq: "Eh... I've got a few friends in there I can bother I think." She said as she began to get out of the hearse. She slammed the door closed and locked the door behind her. "Come on." She said.
  17. ChurchAeki: Rufus arched a brow on the other side of the phone. "He put his hands on another woman? What did she do?" Rufus pushed the question to side and sighs. "I'll be there, I'll ask him myself...I'll bring the lawyer as well." He didn't say goodbye he just hung up the phone and called up the lawyers as he got ready to go to the police station.
  18. iKamal: KAm haded libi her phone"I wouldn't call that number back if I was you." she walked with libi inside and went to the front desk."I'm here for my husband...I would like to see him." she took a deep breath and gave them charles full name and let them search her and walked through the scanners and they took her to a room for visitation and she sat down waiting for him to come and see her.
  19. Tsaaq: Libi raised an eyebrow as she took the phone and looked through her call list while following behind Kam. "Hey jerkass." She greeted the guy at the desk, smirking as she leaned forward. "Shhh it's okay. It's just me." Libi glanced away from him as Kam walked off. She turned back to the officer and stuck her tongue out at him. The officer just stared blankly at her. "It's not illegal to have some fun is it?" She asked sarcastically.
  20. ChurchAeki: Charles was being lead back to his cell when a officer approached his escort and him in the hall, the officer would whisper to the escort and the escort looked to Charles before taking him by the arm. "Seems your wife is here...Mr. Vercas." Charles arched a brow "My wife?" He walked with the two until they brought him into the visitor area, sitting him down in from of Kam. "You have twenty minutes." The officer says before leaving the two. Charles looked at Kam and shook his head. "I see who you picked over our kid..." He says as he leaned back against his chair.
  21. iKamal: She looked at Libi and chuckled some. she looked back and charles was being sat infront of her. she slammed the test infront of him."I'm not pregnant.." she leaned back and crossed her ams over her chest. she looked him over abit.I called your father. He is on his way down here with the lawyer. If you are luck I am sure Libi will get her grandfather to drop the charges."
  22. Tsaaq: "Pfffft." She sputtered her lips and went to sit on one of the benches where some people were, crossing her legs and she pouted. "Fine... Be boring." She said loudly before looking back and forth at the people in the station.
  23. ChurchAeki: Charles would look at the test she slammed on the table and then at her face seeing her relieved. He looked at the test one more time before getting up from the table. "I want to go back to my cell..." He says as a guard would come to retrieve him. "Thanks for the information Kam." He says as he was lead away.
  24. iKamal: She rolled her eyes."Really Charles...You aren't going to talk to me." she stood up."Fine I'll see you at home then...Hubby." she turned and picked up the test and tossed it in the trash. she made her way over to Libi."Charles's dad is gonna be here soon you can leave if you want I'll call a taxi or something and you can keep the booze."
  25. Tsaaq: Libi got up from her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't need a taxi. I have the hearse..." She replied. "That was pretty fast. I thought you guys had like twenty minutes."
  26. ChurchAeki: Charles would be let back into his cell and he laid on his bed, placing his hand on abdomen; he thought over what had happened and then the lost of the idea of him being a father. His depression would return as he rolled over on his side; meanwhile Rufus would enter the Police station with his family at his side. "I'm here for my son, Charles Vercas, I have his lawyer me." The officer would sigh and mumble. "This guy gets a lot of visitors without making one phone call..." The officer would escort the the visiting area, before going off to get Charles.
  27. iKamal: She shrugged her shoulders."He doesn't want to talk to me so I'm nto going to force hi mand I meant I was going to get a taxi goof not you." she chuckled. she sighed seeing charles dad come in."we better get out of here. I think I am going to stay at my mammie's tonight. I haven't seen her in awhile."
  28. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Ohhhhhh." Libi said in realization. "Oh shit. Okay." She muttered, watching the man walked into the police station. "Whatever, he'll come around once he wants to fuck something. They always do." She said, she began to walk towards the door. "Well... I guess I'm going to the apartment then. I'd invite you but... You said you haven't seen the mammie in a while."
  29. iKamal: Kam thought for a moment."nah your apartment sounds better....I don't get cursed for drinking there." she thought for a moment. she chuckled and played with her hair some.
  30. Tsaaq: Libi waved for the other female to follow her. "Alright come on." She called out. "See you boys around!" Libi waved at the officers and made her way out to the parking lot. "It was a long fucking day." She sighed.
  31. ChurchAeki: (See you guys)
  32. Tsaaq: ((Byyyyeee.))
  33. Tsaaq: iKamal: mani!
  34. Tsaaq: Heyyyy.
  35. iKamal: whatcha
  36. Tsaaq: doin
  37. Tsaaq: Reveiwing books on amazon
  38. Tsaaq: lol.
  39. iKamal: im recruiting people for the rp they keep asking me if its
  40. Tsaaq: ((WHYYYY((
  41. Tsaaq: ((I tried to click copy and it pasted -.-))
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