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Jun 6th, 2017
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  1. 01[08:38] (KaponE): Hello, CServices types - On behalf of the users of #wales, I would like to know why X disappeared from the channel with no notice. Generally if the Channel Manager doesn't log in for a time, a notice will be given.
  2. 03[08:38] *** MeoW (~hush@ has left #cservice
  3. [08:39] (+sonyx): k0rina tie iti traduce browserul din engleza in romana cuvintele care le stie. Singurul care are acces 75 este userul Boggy (tradus in romana inseamna mlastinos) si userul unusual 450 (tradus in romana inseamna neobisnuit). Trebuie sa tastezi /msg X remuser #asi unusual si /msg X remuser #asi boggy
  4. [08:39] (grecool`): pe chanalu ala sunt mai mult decat 1 eggdrop de protectie
  5. 05[08:39] -X- The channel #wales doesn't appear to be registered
  6. [08:39] (k0rina): da ai dreptate ca le traduce din engleza in romana
  7. [08:39] (+sonyx): KaponE are you the manager?
  8. [08:40] (k0rina): :| msc mult
  9. [08:40] (k0rina): o zi placuta
  10. 01[08:40] (KaponE): No, the manager is absent - she got a IRL boyfriend :)
  11. [08:40] (+sonyx): Cu placere k0rina :)
  12. 01[08:40] (KaponE): I 'was' 499, as is another user.
  13. 03[08:40] *** k0rina ( has left #cservice
  14. [08:40] (+sonyx): KaponE we only give out this information to the manager only. Since you're not, we can't give the info.
  15. 01[08:41] (KaponE): She is no longer on Undernet, and X left the channel without the opportunity to vote for a new Channel Manager.
  16. 01[08:41] (KaponE): ...nor any notice.
  17. [08:42] (+sonyx): I'm really sorry KaponE, still we can't. Probably that was her second failure to login, which means no notification from CService
  18. 01[08:42] (KaponE): I don't believe there was even a first notification. At any rate, doesn't the guidelines specify that a manager be chosen from one of the 499 users by vote?
  19. 01[08:43] (KaponE): X didn't change the topic or anything.
  20. 03[08:43] *** grecool` ( has left #cservice
  21. [08:43] (Saralee): morning :)
  22. [08:44] (+sonyx): KaponE first failure gets a notification by topic and 400+ ops must vote for a new manager. But that happens only if the channel is active. In inactive channels, even if it was the first failure, X is removed without notice.
  23. 03[08:44] *** Chulito ( has joined #cservice
  24. 03[08:44] *** shield sets mode: +v Chulito
  25. 01[08:45] (KaponE): Can you define 'inactive' for me?
  26. [08:45] (+sonyx): If it's the first failure and channel is active, then it surely get a chance for a new manager.
  27. [08:45] (+sonyx): it defines by its name. no activity at all in there, no active ops
  28. [08:45] (+sonyx): morning Saralee
  29. 03[08:46] *** lotr ( has joined #cservice
  30. 01[08:46] (KaponE): That surely isn't the case. Myself and the other 499 are in there 24/7
  31. 01[08:46] (KaponE): Chat there every day.
  32. 03[08:47] *** Chulito ( has left #cservice
  33. [08:47] (+sonyx): Then it might be as I first said, 2nd failure.
  34. 01[08:47] (KaponE): We don't recall the X topic, however.
  35. [08:47] (+sonyx): I can't check since you're not the manager.
  36. [08:48] (Saralee): KaponE, how many people were in the userlist?
  37. 01[08:48] (KaponE): Hi, Saralee....I believe around 10.
  38. [08:48] (Saralee): no notice is given of there are not enough people who could vote for a new manager
  39. 01[08:48] (KaponE): That makes sense.
  40. [08:48] (Saralee): it requires 7, I think..
  41. 01[08:49] (KaponE): ...and there were only 3-4 of us 400+
  42. [08:49] (+sonyx): I guess that was called an inactive channel. If I'm wrong please correct me Saralee
  43. 03[08:49] *** DeeWevoLi ( has joined #cservice
  44. 03[08:50] *** Bleep sets mode: +b *!*
  45. 02[08:50] *** [#cservice] Banned- zeo
  46. 03[08:50] *** zeo was kicked by Bleep (Banned: Please do not park in this channel (5 minute Anti-rejoin ban for 5 hours idle))
  47. [08:50] (Saralee): KaponE, pick the best person for manager and have them fill out a new application for your channel
  48. [08:50] (lotr): sonyx, wanna see my webcam ? xD
  49. [08:50] (Saralee): sonyx :) hi hi
  50. [08:50] (DeeWevoLi): =))
  51. [08:50] (+sonyx): I don't need nightmares :P
  52. [08:50] (+sonyx): hugs Saralee :)
  53. [08:50] (Saralee): heh
  54. [08:50] (lotr): hehe
  55. 03[08:50] *** toolz ( has joined #cservice
  56. 03[08:50] *** shield sets mode: +v toolz
  57. [08:50] (Saralee): hi toolz
  58. 01[08:50] (KaponE): Okay, I'll do that Saralee....the hard part if finding the 10 supporters, since there aren't 10 of us that use the channel :)
  59. 01[08:51] (KaponE): is*
  60. [08:51] (+toolz): hiya Saralee
  61. 03[08:51] *** ElRuSsO ( has joined #cservice
  62. 03[08:51] *** shield sets mode: +v ElRuSsO
  63. [08:52] (+ElRuSsO): good afternoon.
  64. [08:52] (Saralee): yeah.. I can appreicate that, maybe someday they will lower the number of supporters needed
  65. 01[08:52] (KaponE): sonyx and Saralee, thank you for your time. I'll explain what I've learned to the users. Have a good day :)
  66. [08:52] (Saralee): :) you too!
  67. [08:52] (+sonyx): Sure, take care KaponE:)
  68. [08:53] (+toolz): :)
  69. [08:54] (+sonyx): nop KaponE, not 499, but 400+ but that happens only if a vote is helding there.
  70. [08:54] (+sonyx): errrrrr
  71. [08:54] (+sonyx): I scrolled up :P
  72. [08:54] (+sonyx): *blonde*
  73. 03[08:55] *** Bleep sets mode: -b *!*
  74. 01[08:55] (KaponE): lolz
  75. 01[08:55] (KaponE): No issue. I've got an eggy in there, and that channel is not prone to takeovers.
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