
Brethren Afore Harlots (One Shot)

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. >Day Brethren Afore Harlots in Equestria
  2. >Be Sir Anon the Stalwartly
  3. >You are off duty today from slaying daemons and generally giving evil doers what-for
  4. >Life in Ponyville is certainly crazy, but it comes with its own merits
  5. >Stepping out into the cool morning air, you find your kindly friend tending to her flower bed
  6. "Hail, Fluttershy! How grows the petunias?"
  7. >"Oh, Sir Anon! They're doing well ever since you saved them from that bunny stampede."
  8. >You laugh a hearty laugh and rest one leg on a stump
  9. "Of course, my dear! Of course! It is but my simple duty to protect the denizens of this wondrous place!"
  10. >Fluttershy trots happily to you and you place your hand out so that she may touch her nose to you
  11. >She really enjoys the simple greetings in life
  12. >"How did the fight against the Jabberwock go?"
  13. "He was certainly a worthy foe, but he ended up on the wrong end of my mighty spear!"
  14. >You make a thrusting motion upward and then a pulling motion back down
  15. "He shan't threaten your animal companions any longer!"
  16. >Fluttershy sighs lightly in parts sadness for the lose of life and parts ease
  17. >"So, I see you aren't in your armor, are you on vacation?"
  18. "Vacation? Perhaps! But, should evil arise, I will be thrust back into action at the moment's notice!"
  19. >"Oh, good, I was thinking of going into town today. Care to come with?"
  20. "With a friend as you at my side? I cherish the thought!"
  21. >With that, you two set off down the road from her cottage
  22. >You arrive in the market place without much evil raising its ugly head on the way
  23. >"That walk made me a little thirsty. I'm going to get a drink."
  24. >A drink would be an excellent way to start the venture through the market!
  25. >You follow your yellow friend to a nearby bar and she orders a sodas
  26. "My good fellow! I would request of you a stiff cider!"
  27. >The pony quickly mixes up a drink and passes it your way
  28. >A sip burns your throat and leaves the aftertaste of cedar wood fermentation on your lips
  29. >"Oh, Anon, I think that mare down there is watching you?"
  30. "Hmm? What makes you think that?"
  31. >"She pointed to you and then giggled with her friends. Oh my, maybe she likes you?"
  32. "Of course she likes me! Everyone does."
  33. >"No, silly, I mean, likes-you likes you."
  34. "Perish the thought, my dear. I have eyes for but one pony in this great nation."
  35. >"Anon, I never knew. Who is it?"
  36. >Fluttershy's cheeks grow as rosy as the gardens of her home
  37. >You take a swig of the potent drink before speaking again
  38. "I have seen her but once while slaying a hydra. Her mane shined like the night sky, her eyes were as blue as the mighty ocean, and her coat, as pale as porcelain! Never have I witnessed such radiance, such magnificence! Alas, I never learned her name. A pony like that was truly a rarity."
  39. >"Oh, you mean Rarity?"
  40. "Yes, that is what I said. She was truly a rarity to behold."
  41. >"No, no, I have a friend who sounds just like that! Her name is, 'Rarity'."
  42. "I see... Does she live far?"
  43. >"Not at all! Oh, how wonderful, I never knew you had feelings for somep0ny."
  44. >The alcohol sticks warmly in your gullet before traveling upwards to your head
  45. >"Let me just pick up some tomatoes really quick and we can go see her in a little while, that is, if you want?"
  46. "Certainly, my incredible friend, certainly!"
  47. >You smile at her as she walks on
  48. >Fluttershy finds her tomatoes quickly enough and meets with you
  49. >"Look, Anon! Only ten bits for three tomatoes. I am surprised at how cheap vegetables are today."
  50. >You laugh, more about her calling the humble tomato a vegetable and not a fruit than anything
  51. >In your infinite wisdom, you forgive him in your head
  52. "Lead on, my compatriot!"
  53. >You head down the lane and to a larger section of town
  54. >Stopping in front of some large building, you peer over to Fluttershy
  55. "This is where the majestic creature lives?"
  56. >"Um, yes. Just for a heads-up, Rarity really like jewelry and white roses. She's very ladylike, really."
  57. >You grade this information through your head and smile
  58. "A true damsel!"
  59. >"yes, exactly."
  60. >You rap on the door with a balled fist quickly and await
  61. >Before your very eyes, the door opens and the mare of your dreams appears
  62. >"Um, yes, hello. Can I help you?"
  63. "M'lady! My name is Anonymous and I have come to ask you for the honour of going out with you this evening?"
  64. >You sit upon one knee with your hands help up to her and your best smile plastered to your face
  65. >"Oh, uh... That sounds... lovely! But, oh goodness, would you look at the time. I really must be going..."
  66. >The love of your life closes the door on you with little ceremony
  67. >Dragging yourself to your feet, you turn and walk from her doorstep
  68. >A tear nearly fills your eye, but you do not cry!
  69. >"Oh, poor Anon. Don't worry, maybe Rarity just needs to warm up to you?"
  70. "You are right, my friend. I must move slower and with more grace!"
  71. >"I could, um... you know, talk to her, if you want?"
  72. >You smile widely and nod your head
  73. "Yes, yes, that would certainly help!"
  74. >You step back and watch as Fluttershy approaches the door
  75. >A soft knock catches your ears and you watch the door open again
  76. >Fluttershy begins speaking and waving her hoof back and forth
  77. >She points to you and smiles before returning to her friend
  78. >Rarity's magnificent eyes light up as she stares at you
  79. >Fluttershy smiles before trotting back to you with a triumphant grin
  80. >"Hey, Anon, she said she would love to date you if she could see your cutie mark."
  81. "Fluttershy, you know I have none!"
  82. >"Don't worry, I got a plan!"
  83. >Fluttershy produces a marker from her saddle bag and tells you to get behind the brush
  84. >You do so and lower your pants just enough to see your side
  85. >Your otherwise shy friend makes a few quick marks on you look down at your new, "cutie-mark"
  86. "A bull's-eye?"
  87. >"Um, yes, it stands for, um... Being focused?"
  88. "That sounds a lot like me, yes. Thank you!"
  89. >You run your hand through her hair and she blushes
  90. >"G-go get her, champ!"
  91. >You valiantly stride to the awaiting mare at the doorstep and she forcefully pulls you in
  92. "Hello, once more! I am glad you have given me the chance to..."
  93. >"Shh, shh, that is not important right now, darling. Let me see -it-!"
  94. "My cutie-mark, correct?"
  95. >"Yes, yes!"
  96. >You pull down your trousers enough to display the drawn mark and smile
  97. "I take it that the lady appreciates a focused gentleman?"
  98. >You hear a laughter and feel a tug at your pants
  99. >A hoof pushes you forward and you land on your hands and knees
  100. "M'lady! What is the meaning of..."
  101. >You are cut off by a sharp smack across your butt and you turn your head to see Rarity standing behind you
  102. >"Fluttershy knows me too well! A stallion who enjoys submission. What luck!"
  103. "W-wait, madame! I was here to..."
  104. >You feel a tight collar wrap around your neck and you are yanked to one side
  105. >"Darling, struggling only makes my little toy harder. Now be a good dear and bend over."
  106. >The last thing you see before you are violently loved by your beautiful object of desire is Fluttershy winking at you from the window
  107. >She holds up a small sheet of paper with some scribble on
  108. >It reads simply, "The safety word is, 'Banana'."
  109. >Without another word, a tongue presses into your backside and lubes you up
  110. >You try not to grunt as the expert mouth swabs you deeply
  111. >Tonight, you fear that you will be the one on the wrong end of the spear
  112. >Damnable Fluttershy!
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