

Aug 25th, 2019
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  1. on join:
  2. if {%player%.tartak} is not set:
  3. set {%player%.tartak} to 1
  4. if {%player%.drewno} is not set:
  5. set {%player%.drewno} to 0
  6. on break log or acacia wood or dark oak wood:
  7. if "%region at event-block%" contains "tartak1":
  8. add 1 to {%player%.drewno}
  9. if {%player%.drewno} is 10000:
  10. set {%player%.tartak} to 2
  11. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 2!" to player
  12. if {%player%.drewno} is 75000:
  13. set {%player%.tartak} to 3
  14. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 3!" to player
  15. if {%player%.drewno} is 200000:
  16. set {%player%.tartak} to 4
  17. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 4!" to player
  18. if player has permission "":
  19. chance of 2%:
  20. give 1 stick named "&7&lChrust" to player
  21. stop
  22. else:
  23. chance of 1%:
  24. give 1 stick named "&7&lChrust" to player
  25. if "%region at event-block%" contains "tartak2":
  26. if {%player%.tartak} > 1:
  27. add 1 to {%player%.drewno}
  28. if {%player%.drewno} is 75000:
  29. set {%player%.tartak} to 3
  30. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 3!" to player
  31. if {%player%.drewno} is 200000:
  32. set {%player%.tartak} to 4
  33. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 4!" to player
  35. if player has permission "":
  36. chance of 2%:
  37. give 1 pumpkin seeds named "&e&lTrociny" to player
  38. else:
  39. chance of 1%:
  40. give 1 pumpkin seeds named "&e&lTrociny" to player
  41. stop
  42. else:
  43. cancel event
  44. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie masz dostepu do tego tartaku!" to player
  45. if "%region at event-block%" contains "tartak3":
  46. if {%player%.tartak} > 2:
  47. add 1 to {%player%.drewno}
  48. if {%player%.drewno} is 200000:
  49. set {%player%.tartak} to 4
  50. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eOdblokowales tartak 4!" to player
  51. if player has permission "":
  52. chance of 2%:
  53. give 1 dye:14 named "&6&lZywica" to player
  54. stop
  55. else:
  56. chance of 1%:
  57. give 1 dye:14 named "&6&lZywica" to player
  58. else:
  59. cancel event
  60. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie masz dostepu do tego tartaku!" to player
  61. if "%region at event-block%" contains "tartak4":
  62. if {%player%.tartak} > 3:
  63. add 1 to {%player%.drewno}
  64. if player has permission "":
  65. chance of 2%:
  66. give 1 leather named "&8&lKora" to player
  67. stop
  68. else:
  69. chance of 1%:
  70. give 1 leather named "&8&lKora" to player
  71. else:
  72. cancel event
  73. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie masz dostepu do tego tartaku!" to player
  75. on pickup:
  76. if "%region at player%" contains "tartak2":
  77. if {%player%.tartak} < 2:
  78. cancel event
  79. if "%region at player%" contains "tartak3":
  80. if {%player%.tartak} < 3:
  81. cancel event
  82. if "%region at player%" contains "tartak4":
  83. if {%player%.tartak} < 4:
  84. cancel event
  86. command /tartak [<player>]:
  87. executable by: console and player
  88. trigger:
  89. if player-arg is set:
  90. if player has permission "tartak.admin":
  91. if {%player-arg%.tartak} is set:
  92. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eGracz %player-arg% ma dostep do tartaku %{%player-arg%.tartak}%" to player
  93. else:
  94. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie odnaleziono gracza" to player
  95. stop
  97. else:
  98. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eMasz dostep do tartaku %{%player%.tartak}%" to player
  99. else:
  100. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eMasz dostep do tartaku %{%player%.tartak}%" to player
  102. command /tartakustaw [<player>] [<number>]:
  103. executable by: console and player
  104. trigger:
  105. if player has permission "tartak.admin":
  106. if player-arg is set:
  107. if number-arg is set:
  108. set {%player-arg%.tartak} to number-arg
  109. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eUstawiles %player-arg% dostep do tartaku %number-arg%" to player
  110. else:
  111. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &ePodaj wartosc od 1 do 4" to player
  112. else:
  113. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie masz permisji!" to player
  115. command /drewnoustaw [<player>] [<number>]:
  116. executable by: console and player
  117. trigger:
  118. if player has permission "tartak.admin":
  119. if player-arg is set:
  120. if number-arg is set:
  121. set {%player-arg%.drewno} to number-arg
  122. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eUstawiles %player-arg% %number-arg% zniszczonego drewna" to player
  123. else:
  124. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eNie masz permisji!" to player
  126. command /drewno [<player>]:
  127. executable by: console and player
  128. trigger:
  129. if player-arg is set:
  130. if player has permission "tartak.admin":
  131. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eGracz %player-arg% zniszczyl %{%player-arg%.drewno}% drewna" to player
  132. stop
  133. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eZniszczyles %{%player%.drewno}% drewna" to player
  134. else:
  135. send "&7[&8TARTAK&7] &eZniszczyles %{%player%.drewno}% drewna" to player
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