
{NSFW} Feral Zendak #1

Jul 7th, 2019
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  1. khi held Zendak, his hands holding the wirey rouge close. the scent of his hair filling Khi's nose. Zendak pulled back, grinning.
  2. "ready?"
  3. "Yeah. you sure, Zen?"
  4. "yup." he looked at the thick leather collar in his hands. "it was really good last time, and I really want to do it again." he looked up at Khi's Face. "no shame to them..." he grabbed at Khi's cock, soft and warm in his grip. "but R&R can't match a feral desire."
  5. "okay Zen." he grinned along with the smaller boy. "But let me prepare you first this time!"
  6. "Good idea! sorry about last time, still."
  7. "Go lay down." he slapped Zendak’s ass, the firm cheeks felt good in his hand.
  9. Khi rummaged through some drawers till he found a vial of lube, the blue oil getnyl glowing. he dipped his finger in, rubbing it in till he felt the faint numbing. he turned towards the bedrooms, setting a few gold on the counter behind him before sprinting to the back room.
  11. Zendak stripped quickly. his clothes a haphazard pile in the corner of the room, crawling onto the bed and laying with his chest into the mattress. He took a small vial of oil and dipped his fingers in, gently rubbing it in till his fingers glistened. Slowly he worked his fingers into himself, the oil cold as he added more, working his fingers deeper as he prepared for Khi.
  14. “Zen, you rea..” Khi stopped talking as he entered the room, greeted by Zendak moaning into the bed as both his hands gently played across his rear. He grinned, setting his own vial down. “I thought I told you to let me get you ready?”
  15. “Just a head start! You still have clothes on.”
  16. “No I don't!” Khi quietly slipped out of his shirt, his kilt following after.
  17. “I heard the fabric!”
  18. “Fine, but its my turn to play.”
  20. Khi slapped Zendak’s ass hard, the sound echoing across the room as Zen let out a whimper, ears pulling close to his head before springing back. The soft hands falling away to grip the bed by his head, face turned to see Khi take position by his rear.
  22. Khi shoved his thumb into Zendak, the oil letting him in with ease. Tugging up he pulled the tight hole open slightly, a low moan escaping him as we saw the opening. He moved the vial of lube close, tipping the contents into the boy, stopping with just enough to coat his cock.
  24. He slipped his cock between the cheeks, rubbing it in gentle thrusts until he felt it stiffen. His glans slipping into the hole, the sharp intake of breath letting him know he was in. he leaned over Zendak, his hand grabbing a fist full of hair and pulling his head up.
  26. “I love you Zen, but im going to make fuck you till my cock is all you can dream.”
  27. “Try it big boy!”
  28. “Hush…” khi pushed Zendaks face into the matress. “Put it on!”
  30. Khi held him down as the hands closed a leather collar around his throat. The soft pliable body beneath him went limp, the ears dropping low to his eyes, then tensed as the feral nature of the drow took over. He shoved back hard into Khi, yipping gowl and he sank Khi’s cock into himself. Khi groaned with the feeling as the tight warmth engulfed his cock. He pushed back, feeling Zen buckle under his strength.
  32. They fell flat on the bed, his shaft buried fully into the boy as he howled, the sound muffled by the matress as Khi held his face down. He grabbed at Zendak’s ass, pushing the cheek aside to watch as he pulled himself out. The viscous lube gathering around the hole as the head of his cock came free. He stroked in, feeling the residual warmth.
  34. “Thank you Zen, it's nice to unwind. Be rough…” he shoved himself into Zendak. The head breaking free of his hand as he howled. A light panting yiping as he began thrusting.
  36. His hand dug into the boy thighs as he gripped him, holding him in place as he pushed with force into him. His right hand spun in the pink hair, grabbing a fistfull and pull hard, the rogues back arching from the force. He moved his left hand from the thigh, slapping the now exposed belly.
  38. “Mmmm” He grunted as he pushed hard, unable to feel the movement with his hand. “Bendy Zen. Maybe after this no one else will fit in you? Raze will understand i’m sure.” he slammed into him, laying them flat on the soft bed again.
  40. He watched Zendak’s hands scrabbling at the edge of the bed, gripping it tight as he tried to pull away from Khi. a hard panting from him as he tried to move. His feet dug into the mattress as he tried to push off, the tall ears twitching and shaking.
  42. “Not so fast!” Khi exerted his weight onto Zendak, Holding the smaller boy down. “You don’t get away like last time. You can go wild after I breed you.” Zendak hissed at him. “Oh stop that!”
  44. Khi thumped into him, the bed creaking, as Zendak yipped again, the sound trailing into a low moan as the slow thrusting resumed. Khi kept his weight on Zendak. Hands holding Zendak’s to the bed, the sheets bunched in the boys fists.
  46. Khi sniffed at Zendak, the thick scent of sweat as he kissed at the boys neck. Zendak calmed from the gentle action. The tension dropping as he moaned, heavy breaths panting out as Khi worked, his lips meeting the shoulders, thick with old scars.
  48. His tongue moved over the skin, tasting it, exploring it. When he reached nape of the dark throat he let his teeth grab, his tusks pushing the soft skin up as his teeth bit. He felt an immediate shift as Zendak tensed up . His arms strained under Khi’s hands, as he threw his head back, unable to meet with Khi’s.
  50. He moved across the shoulder, gently butes marking his lover, the interspersed Yips and growls feeding his lust as he began to thrust harder.
  52. He sat up, pulling Zendak’s hands together behind the boys back. He pressed them together and held them tight to his shoulders pinning Zendak down as his other hand moved to the firm ass around his dick.
  54. He growled as he pulled out, slipping his thumb inside of Zendak. He clenched his hand, pulling tightly on the ass, Now faintly gaping from him, he tightened his grip. His fingers bent hard into the base fo Zendak’s back as he slipped back inside of Zendak.
  56. He pushed past his thumb, a grunt and growl as he stretched his friend wider, the whimpering moan as Zendak stopped struggling as he gave into it, his movements slow and weak.
  58. Khi growled loudly as he fell on Zendak. Both hands now pressing into his shoulders, he watched Zendak move into the mattress, his growling muffled by the bed.
  60. Khi felt Zendak shaking, his torso twisting as he tried to get a view of Khi. He pulled out, resting his cock against Zendak as he flipped him around.
  62. Immediately he felt the boy's feet press into him, the hands scrabbling at his arms a hissing growl, the sharp teeth bared. He moved his hands back to Zendak’s arms and pressed him hard, letting his own roar out into the boys face.
  64. Zendak fell into a heavy panting as he submitted to Khi. His hands struggling lamely against Khi as he leaned in. His hand pushed up on the boys jaw, palm against the jaw while two fingers pinched his nose.
  66. He watched the realization as Zendak’s eyes widened, head thrashing to escape the grip, the wriggling body jerking his cock made Khi let out a growling moan, enjoying the feeling.
  68. He felt the thrashing slow and let go of Zendak,
  69. his hand relaxing over the mouth and slipping his thumb in, pulling the jaw open. Leaned in close, moaning into Zendak’s ear as he felt the first throb, his legs tensing as the cum began to flow.
  71. One arm rested against Zendak’s chest as he came, an occasional thrust made the boy yip and growl, all while a faint purring seemed to come from him.
  73. “Good Boy Zen,” He gave a hard thrust, feeling the body under him slide from the force. “Hold still, I still have plenty to fill you with.” He buried his face into the dark neck, soft kisses and gentle bites eliciting another moan from the drow.
  74. “Shh, just a bit more.” He moved a hand down to the boys stomach, feeling for his cock to grab it.
  75. “You haven’t cum for me Zen?” He rolled his fingers under the foreskin, feeling the damp of the precum. “Always competitive, well, i got to breed you first, so I win!”
  77. Khi sat back, his hands on Zendaks thighs as he felt his cock’s twitching cease. He pulled out, eyes on Zendak as he lay there, panting and purring. Gripping at the base of his cock he pushed up, slowly squeezing the last of the cum out, before he pulled out completely. He ran his finger over the boys hole, feeling the cum starting to leak.
  79. “Sit there, for just a minute while I get some lube for myself, okay?” He moved off the bed quickly, looking over the shelves nearby for any lube. He grabbed a bottle from the self and turned in time to see Zendak moving.
  81. Zendak had crawled onto his hands and feet, staring at Khi with a hungering look. Khi smiled and shook the bottle. Zendak looked at it and growled.
  83. Khi frowned and shook his head, remembering the full extent of Zendak’s Feral intelligence. He moved to the bed quick, a deft hand grabbing as the boys shoulder and rolling him onto his back, a loud angry roar from the small boy gave Khi pause.
  85. “Hush Zendak, stop being a baby.” He uncorked the bottle with his teeth, spitting the soft stopper and watching it bounce of his friends face. He kissed Zendak’s forehead as he moved backwards.
  87. He noticed the cum leaking out of his lovers ass and slipped his cock in a few inches. “Don't waste it Zen. I Spent so much effort to breed you and I’d just Hate to have to do it again!”
  89. He poured the bottle of lube over Zendak’s cock, the thick oil glistening of its own accord as the magical essence gripped the thick shaft. He worked it in more, feeling the feral boy calm from the action.
  91. “Are you ready?”
  92. “Reechhssss!” The hiss assaulted Khi’s ears, the long sharp teeth barred as Zendak’s lower jaw pulled back in the attempt to intimidate, his ears shooting out to the side with effort.
  94. Khi gave him a light tap on the head, playfully rustling the pink hair as he pulled his hand away. He saw the snarl fade he pulled out of Zendak’s ass once more. He moved around, laying on his arms pushing his own ass towards Zendak.
  96. He felt the tongue, warm and coated in thick saliva as is ran across him. He held in a moan, instead biting the mattress in anticipation. A hard pulling grasp on his ass made him bite harder as Zendak dug in, a brief flare of relief that he had cleaned himself properly when Zendak brought up the idea that morning.
  98. He felt a bite on his cheeks, and another. A few light nips as the feral drow moved up his back. Zendak was panting heavy breaths into his ears, the smaller boys thighs moved against his as he settled in.
  100. He waited, he knew it was coming.
  102. Zendak shuffled, repositioning.
  105. He felt the thrust, but his focus was the joyful growl from Zendak as he sank into Khi. Khi bit the mattress harder as Zendak began to thrust. Clenching the sheets provided comfort against feral force. The panting breath turned to a stuttering growl.
  107. He felt the thick Saliva pooling down his shoulders as Zendaks mouth hovered over him, his forehead against the back of Khi’s head. The pink hair draped over them both. He scowled as the saliva began to roll down his neck.
  109. He heard the slapping from behind him grow, felt a warm liquid roll over him. He let out a moan of excitement as he realized that his cum had begun to flow out of Zendak. He blushed at the thought of it, as he felt the warmth as Zendaks balls slapped his, splashing the old cum across them both.
  111. Khi reached up, sliding his hand through the pink hair till he felt enough to grab, he pulled the head down, a desperate attempt to rile the feral boy up.
  113. Zendak yipped loudly in pain, his arms falling as his body collapsed fully against Khi’s back. Khi’s brief pang of guilt over the painful tug was washed away as he felt Zendak wrap his arms around Khi’s waist, the finger tight into his side.
  115. He screamed in pleasure as Zendak thrust with renewed vigor. The force of the cock as it pushed past his prostate made his knees weak, another slam knocked him flat on the bed.
  117. A stream of swears as his boyfriend kept going, the pace fast and unrelenting. The fistful of pink hair still held the boys head near his own, the sounds of aggressive efforts filing his ears.
  119. He heard a whimper among the grunts and realized what caused it.
  121. The warm sensation came as Zendak pulled tight to him, his arms drawing Khi’s breaths shorter, his nails pressed firmly into Khiz
  123. “Zen!” Khi huffed out the name in low breaths as Zendak continued his actions, the sound of them echoing through the room.
  125. “Rakkhhf…. Rrrrhak… Akrraphh…”
  126. Ever breath, every thrust made Khi cry out the name. The slapping of their bodies, the splashing if the cum, the warmth as it ran down Khi’s balls… he felt his muscles relax with the sensation.
  128. He felt Zendak kept going, well past the boy’s ability to cum. He struggled back into his elbows, straining to see his friend. The grey face was flush and red tinted, ling pink hair flat against his face with sweat. The sharp teeth closed tight, but bared for him to see, the thick saliva dripping from the mouth still pooled onto Khi’s back. He lay back flat, moaning as he waited for his friend to spend himself.
  130. He waited till he felt Zendak slow, and pull out. A low grunt as the boy sat back. Khi moved, rolling onto his back and watching Zendak. He locked eyes, the bright blue striking against the grey skin, a sliver of pink as his tongue peaked out of his teeth.
  132. “What are you thinking?” He looked at Zen, feeling the boys cum as it escaped him, making no attempt to stop it. “Probably something dirty!” He laughed lightly, eyes locked with Zendaks.
  134. Zen moved forward, hand and knees, towards Khi, quickly grabbing the bigger mans thighs and hefting them. Falling onto his back Khi grunted, his body to exhausted to react in time to the animalistic speed.
  136. A loud gasp turned into a moan as Zendaks tongue pushed into his hole, the loose muscle giving way to him. He drew his legs closer, spreading them as Zendak pushed in, his hands tight on Khi’s thighs.
  138. Khi pushed himself up slightly, setting a hand on Zendak’s head, watching as his balls and his cock jostled from the movement below. He groaned, laying back, his hands moved to his own body.
  140. He pulled at his balls, a thick web of cum sliding with his hand as he pulled it up his cock. Both hands worked the drows cum over his own cock as he stroked it, a faint wince as his hands passed over the tip. His legs pulled tightly to him as he felt the drows teeth push against him as the boy forced his mouth tightly to his ass.
  142. He held his legs as he panted, unable to think past the sensation, Zendaks hands constantly moving and squeezing his thighs and ass. Eventually he felt the teeth pull back and the tongue slide away, the cool air now blowing across the tender skin. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, just as he felt Zendak’s tongue slide across his shaft. He watched patiently as the boy cleaned him, the occasional wince as his teeth brushed over sensitive skin.
  144. Zendak pounced on him, his hands on Khi’s shoulders as his mouth came close to Khi’s. His open mouth hung over Khi’s face, a thick web of cum and saliva threatening to drip onto him. The tongue, slid out brushing Khi’s lips, leaving a trail of fluid.
  146. “Okay, Hold on.” Khi reached up to Zendaks neck, gripping the leather band and gently tugging it. A brief pause as it came loose and he saw Zendaks ears droop, and his eyes blink a few times.
  148. “Well… uhhhmmm.” he grinned at Khi, licking his face again. “THAT was alot!”
  150. “Yeah.” Khi pulled Zendak’s body down onto his own. “Thank you for that Zen, it was a good release. I love you Zen.”
  152. “I’m the best, i know. And i love you too!”
  154. Khi pushed Zendak off him by his face, chuckling. “Maybe i love you less you doofus.” he rolled on top of Zendak, lowering his mouth to the drows. He kissed him, moaning through it as the bitter taste of their cum mixing in their mouths. He felt Zendaks fingers playing around his ass, the faintly gaping hole eager for his touch.
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