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Nov 28th, 2016
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  1. People are backwards. Moving from city to city is like flying to another country. There is no culture or history. Housing costs are insane. Summers here are unbearably hot. The university system is awful. The best higher education institutions are on the level of second rate public universities in Britain and the degrees they offer don't have the same rigor and specialization. Australians are provincial, racist and selfish. If you don't like sports there's nothing to do. Beaches are full of things that want to kill you. Australian "cuisine" consists of cooking meat on a barbeque that hasn't been washed since 1988 until it will give you a colon tumor. Australian accents make everyone sound like retarded white trash. Every Australian city is the same, culturally, demographically, architecturally, environmentally, despite the fact that the distance between Sydney and Perth is approximately the same as that between London and Moscow. The native population are all alcoholics who want to rape and murder you. Australians have no social skills or etiquette. Few of them have anything funny or insightful to say. The place is overrun by the Chinese. Television here sucks. Public transportation is a nightmare. To periodically leave the country costs you what you would pay for a second hand car. Internet and phone charges are a robbery. All the interesting, cool people in Australia have the sense to live overseas meaning you are left with the bottom of the social barrel. Men here are sexually insecure macho dinosaurs who cannot speak in whole sentences. Women are graceless and butch.
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