
Fuck you Alex jones

Feb 25th, 2018
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  1. I use this place as a way to vent my frustrations. I live with my folks, and they piss me off on a regular basis. As I said before, I feel trapped in this house. I feel trapped by what I can and can't talk about and while I understand the limitations put on my, I dislike it to an immense degree. So much so that I just want to break out of this high anxiety stress that I feel. I just want to break loose and see the world, and not have to worry about a damned thing. I'm sick of this constant back and forth, this constant testing, this constaant anxiety inducing atmosphere where I never know when to feel relaxe.d and Yes, I do have friend,s and I do have loved ones, and a great girlfriend, but at the same time sometimes I just need to fucking rant my head off about stupid bullshit. The fact that Alex jones is a fucking idiot bitching and complaining about how his show's getting shut off the air is just fucking ridiculous, and I've never been happier. Alex Jones is a toxic shit bitch who's drug addled rants are even crazier than that of my coffee fueled ones.
  3. Alex claims he's just playing a character, but is he? Is he really? Is this an attack on our freedom of speech or rather the fact that Alex has done such a fucking toxic job of poisoning the minds of the public, that his show, if you can call screaming and ranting for a good long while about half ass indecencies a fucking show! The man is a god damned lunatic, a fraud, a fink, a flabbergasted shit posting, psychotic, anti-american blue blooded shit show, and he's bitching that someones going to turn off the fun of which his audience sits in front of every time they listen to his stupid bullshit.
  5. I fucking hate people who mislead and lie and break the trust of others. I don't give a shit if people think he's funny or not. I don't fucking care how long he's been on the air, I don't care how much he loves or cares about whatever snake oil shilling he had done on the show about his dietary suppliments! THE VERY FUCKING FACT THAT SHIT BRAINED FUCK NUT IS FUCKING AROUND ON THE FUCKING AIR IS JUST ENOUGH TO PISS ME OFF ANYTIME i HEAR HIS NAME! I personally feel like it should be deleted entirely from the face of thei nternet, clear the fucking browser history, andh opefully, HOPEFULLFUCKINGLY, NO ONEH AS DARED COPYING EVERY EPISODE OF HIS SHOW ! Because that would fucking suck on a level I've never fucking known before!
  7. All these fucking drunk ass shit homeless people asking for fucking change because they feel it's their duty just being fucking homeless!? How the fuck do they ive like that? Day after day? Month after month? do they think they're above the laws of society? Do they feel that justb ecause they don't have a regular job, or aroof over their heads that they can fucking get by on sludge covered faces and teary eyed support!? DO THEY NOT REALIZE THAT PAN HANDLING IS ILLEGAL IN THE FUCKING STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND THAT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS SHOULD BE ROUNDED UP, CLEANED THE FUCK OFF, AND GIVING A LARGISH PIECE OF PROPERTY JUST MAKE A TINY FUCKING SOCIETY OF PEOPLE SITTING ON CORNERS, ASKING FOR CHANGE OF OTHERP EOPLE DOING THE EXACT SAME FUCKING THING!?
  9. God fucking damn it! The World is a fucking idiotic place, full of fucking idiotic people shooting the shit out of schools, and I'm pissed about it! i'm fucking angry to the point of being numb about this kind of shit, and the fact that congress just down the necks of every shooting victim and survivor ever by voting no on gun control laws only fueled the flames of the revolution that these kids are putting out there! It's fucking awesome as fuck! God damn, aliens have to be real at this point, because this shit is so fucking twisted, you'd have to literally not care whatever the fuck decides to poison t he minds of the innocent public!
  10. And this is why Alex Jones is getting shut the fuck down, because that's exactly what the fuck he's doing. He's just trying to piss people off into watching his stupid bullshit, just so he can rake in new eyes to watch his pathetic, shit show of a show! Good fucking god, he's the new disaster artist, but instead of people loving his shit, he's purposely misleading the public into doing whatever the fuck he ants!
  12. It's not enough that we have to walk on eggshells around fucking vegans for eating fucking eggs because they are living things, NO THEY ARE NOT! EGGS ARE JUST CARRYING CASES FOR THE SHIT THAT'S INSIDE, NAMELY BABY CHICKENS YOU FUCKING WASTE OF SKIN, YOU SACK-LESS BALL BAGS JUST DON'T FUCKING GET IT THAT VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING WE EAT, AT ONE POINT OR ANOTHER, IS ALIVE!Oh, you claim that vegetables aren't alive!?
  14. I'M FUCKING SORRY, DID YOU JUST ASSUME THEIR SENTIENCE!? DID YOU!? YOU DID!? You fucking dicks, you monsters, you fucking hellholes, you lying sacks of shit don't even realize the fucking reality of you own shit, that your own shit's teaming with things that are alive! You're killing whey protein, you're killing tofu, TOFU! You're the Tofu Nazis of the new world! You're rounding up all the little tofu beans, who've done nothing wrong, and you're MURDERING THEM! YOU'RE MURDERING THE TOFU! WHY ARE YOU MURDERING TOFU YOU STUPID HIPPY SHIT STAINS!? Don't you realize that each Tofu bean had a life of their own? jobs? Families? Friends? Children!? YOU'RE EATING FUCKING CHILDREN! lITTLE TOFU BEANS WHO ONCE HAD DREAMS AND WILLS OF THEIR OWN! to grow up proud and loud, to change the way the Tofu industry is mercilessly harvesting them, boiling their corpses by the billions and compressing them into oddly tasty snack cakes for the betterment of man kind! I'M GOING OUT TO BUY SOME FUCING TOFU!
  16. That... That got weird.
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