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Aug 30th, 2012
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  1. #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  3. # BattlEye rcon in perl, developed for Arma2 DayZ mod.
  4. # This tool is part of DayZ4linux project.
  5. # This software is licensed under GPLv3 license
  6. # Author contact:
  8. use strict;
  9. use Socket;
  10. use Term::ReadPassword;
  11. # you may need to sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Term::ReadPassword'
  12. # also maybe perl -MCPAN -e 'install YAML::Any'
  13. use String::CRC32;
  14. # you may need to sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install String::CRC32'
  15. use Getopt::Std;
  16. use vars qw( $opt_r $opt_i $opt_p $opt_k $opt_L $opt_b $opt_t);
  18. my ($socket,$dataUDP,$onebyte,$seq,$select,$rout,$nfound,$timeleft);
  19. my $datain="";
  20. my $timeout=40;
  21. my $PASS=0;
  22. my $COMM=1;
  23. my $KA=2;
  24. my $MULTI=9;
  25. my $IDLE=-1;
  26. my $state=$PASS;
  27. my $unresponsiveCount=0;
  28. my $rin = ''; # bitfield for fd select
  29. my @mbuffer; # buffer for multiple packets server response
  31. $SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { die " SIGQUIT caught\n"; };
  33. # encapsulate to BattlEye datagram
  34. sub enc {
  35. my ($s)=@_;
  36. $s=pack("C",255).$s;
  37. return 'BE'.pack("L",crc32($s)).$s;
  38. }
  40. # decapsulate from BattlEye datagram
  41. sub dec {
  42. my ($s)=@_;
  43. my @r=unpack("a2LCa*",$s);
  44. #print STDERR $r[0].' '.$r[1].' '.crc32(pack("C",$r[2]).$r[3]).' '.$r[2]."\n";
  45. return $r[3] if ($r[0] eq 'BE' && $r[2] == 255 && crc32(pack("C",$r[2]).$r[3])==$r[1]);
  46. return pack("CCa*",0,99,"Can't connect");
  47. }
  49. # prepare a send request (password, command or console acknoledge)
  50. sub sendbe {
  51. my ($c,$q, $s)=@_;
  52. if ($c==$PASS) {
  53. return pack("C",0).$s;
  54. }
  55. elsif ($c==$COMM) {
  56. return pack("CCa*",1,$q,$s) if (defined $s);
  57. return pack("CC",1,$q);
  58. }
  59. elsif ($c==$KA) {
  60. return pack("CC",2,$q);
  61. }
  62. }
  64. # decode a response (password granted or not, command output, or console output)
  65. sub recvbe {
  66. my ($s)=@_;
  67. return (undef,undef,undef) if (!$s);
  68. my @r=unpack("CCCCCa*",$s);
  69. return ($MULTI, $r[1], $r[5], $r[4], $r[3]) if (scalar(@r)==6 && $r[0]==1 && $r[2]==0);
  70. @r=unpack("CCa*",$s);
  71. return ($r[0], $r[1], $r[2]);
  72. }
  74. #####
  75. # high level function!!
  76. my %HIpl;
  77. my %HIconnecting;
  78. my $HIpolling=3; # polling players command
  79. my $HImaxBEKO=9; # max minutes of BattlEye KO to start kicking
  80. my $HImaxBadname=20; # max minutes of BattlEye KO to start kicking
  81. my $HIminLobby=20; # dont kick player stayed less than this
  82. my $date=0;
  83. my $datePlayersSent=0;
  84. sub HIreadPlayers {
  85. my $state=0;
  86. $date=time();
  87. my ($block) = @_;
  88. #syswrite STDOUT, sprintf ("block \"%s\" \n", $block);
  89. my $ret="";
  90. while( $block =~ /([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]*/gs ) {
  91. $_=$1;
  92. # horizontal line detection
  93. if ($state == 0 && /^-{50}$/) {
  94. $state = 1; # go to player line parsing
  95. $datePlayersSent=$date; # reset datePlayersSent, acts as an aknowledge of the 'players' command
  96. # sometime server does not answer to commands
  97. next;
  98. }
  99. # parsing a player line
  100. elsif ($state == 1 && /^(\d+) +[0-9.:]+ +(-?\d+) +([a-f0-9]{32})\((.+?)\) +(.*?)$/) {
  101. my ($no, $ping, $uid, $ok, $name) = (int($1), int($2), $3, $4, $5);
  102. my $p = $HIpl{$uid};
  103. my $lobby = '';
  104. ($name, $lobby) = $name =~ /^(.*?)(?:| ?\((Lobby|Admin)\))$/ ;
  105. #print ">>> $no $ping $uid $ok '$name' / $lobby\n";
  106. if (!$p) {
  107. $p = $HIpl{ $uid } = [ $date, 0,"",0,0,0,0 ];
  108. #syswrite STDOUT, "new p\n";
  109. }
  110. if ($p) {
  111. $p->[1] = $no; # player number
  112. $p->[2] = $name; # player name
  113. $p->[3] = ($ok cmp 'OK')==0 ? 0 : $p->[3]+$date-$p->[0] ; # amount of consecutive seconds Battleye check is non OK
  114. $p->[4] = (defined $lobby && $lobby eq 'Lobby') ? $p->[4]+$date-$p->[0] : 0 ; # amount of consecutive seconds player stays in the lobby
  115. $p->[5] = (defined $lobby && $lobby eq 'Admin') ? $p->[5]+$date-$p->[0] : 0 ; # amount of consecutive seconds player is admin
  116. $p->[6] = ($name =~ /(:?Adm[il!|]n|[0o]wner)/i) ? $p->[6]+$date-$p->[0] : 0 ; # amount of consecutive seconds player has forbidden name
  117. #syswrite STDOUT, sprintf("%d %d %s %s %s %s / %d %d %d date=%ld p0=%ld\n", $no,$ping,$uid,$ok,$name,$lobby,$p->[3],$p->[4],$p->[5],$date,$p->[0]);
  118. $p->[0] = $date;
  119. # we dont check the ping.
  120. }
  121. next;
  122. }
  123. # parsing footer
  124. elsif ($state==1 && /^\((\d+) players in total\)$/) {
  125. my $nb=$1;
  126. #print STDERR "##### N.PLayers=$nb / $opt_L // $HIminLobby\n";
  127. foreach my $k (sort { $HIpl{$b}->[3]-$HIpl{$a}->[4] } keys %HIpl)
  128. {
  129. my $p = $HIpl{$k};
  130. if ($date!=$p->[0]) {
  131. delete($HIpl{k}) ; # delete player which were not in lastest player list
  132. }
  133. #elsif ($p->[3] >= $HImaxBEKO*60-1) {
  134. # $ret.= sprintf ("kick %d Sorry, BattlEye did not manage to verify your game files for %d minutes;",
  135. # $p->[1], $p->[3]/60 );
  136. # delete($HIpl{$k});
  137. # $nb--;
  138. #}
  139. #elsif ($p->[3] > ($HImaxBEKO-$HIpolling)*60) {
  140. # $ret.= sprintf ("say %d %s, you will be kicked if BattlEye can't verify your game files;",
  141. # $p->[1], $p->[2] );
  142. #}
  143. if ($p->[6] >= $HImaxBadname*60) {
  144. $ret.= sprintf ("kick %d Sorry, %s is an invalid player name;",
  145. $p->[1], $p->[2] );
  146. delete($HIpl{$k});
  147. $nb--;
  148. }
  149. elsif ($p->[6] > ($HImaxBadname-$HIpolling)*60) {
  150. $ret.= sprintf ("say %d %s, you will be kicked your don't change your name;",
  151. $p->[1], $p->[2] );
  152. }
  153. }
  154. if (defined $opt_L && $nb > $opt_L) {
  155. foreach my $k (sort { $HIpl{$b}->[4]-$HIpl{$a}->[4] } keys %HIpl)
  156. {
  157. my $p = $HIpl{$k};
  158. if ($p->[4] >= $HIminLobby*60) {
  159. $ret.= sprintf ("kick %d Sorry, server is almost full and you were AFK for %d minutes;",
  160. $p->[1], $p->[4]/60 );
  161. delete($HIpl{$k});
  162. $nb--;
  163. }
  164. last if ($nb <= $opt_L);
  165. }
  166. }
  167. $state=0;
  168. next;
  169. }
  170. elsif (/^Player #(\d+) (.*?) \(([0-9.]+):[0-9]+\) connected/) {
  171. my ($no, $name,$ip) = (int($1),$2, $3);
  172. $HIconnecting{$no} = $ip;
  173. }
  174. elsif (/^Verified GUID \(([a-f0-9]{32})\) of player #(\d+) ([^\r\n]+)$/) {
  175. #Verified GUID (a768de690a42fb45e938990a02a01bc9) of player #3 Pridezor - YouTube
  176. my ($uid, $no, $name) = ($1, int($2), $3);
  177. my $p = $HIpl{$uid};
  178. if (!$p) {
  179. $p = $HIpl{ $uid } = [ $date, 0,"",0,0,0,0 ];
  180. }
  181. if ($p) {
  182. $p->[1] = $no; # player number
  183. $p->[2] = $name; # player name
  184. $p->[0] = $date;
  185. my $ip=$HIconnecting{$no};
  186. $p->[7] = $ip if defined $ip;
  187. delete $HIconnecting{$no} if defined $ip;
  188. }
  189. }
  190. #else {
  191. # syswrite STDOUT, "unkonwn $_\n";
  192. #}
  193. }
  194. #syswrite STDOUT, "$ret\n";
  195. return "$ret";
  196. }
  201. # reading command line arguments
  202. getopts('r:i:p:L:kbt'); # -r for rconpassword, -i for ip address, -p for port, -k keepalive, -t timeout
  203. $opt_p=2302 if(!$opt_p);
  204. die "BattelEye admin console for ArmA2 OA\n".
  205. "Usage: -i ip [-p port] [-r rcon-password] [-k] [-b] [-t] [-L number]\n".
  206. " or: echo 'commands;say -1 get off all of you!;kickall Mouhahhaha' | -r rcon-password -i ip [-p port]\n".
  207. "-k: keep connection alive. By default connection is closed if idle for 40 seconds.\n".
  208. "-b: Don't send bell signals.\n".
  209. "-t: Don't quit at Stdin EOF, but wait for timeout\n".
  210. "-L: kick some players who stay in the lobby if 'number' players are in.\n"
  211. if(!$opt_i);
  213. $opt_k=1 if (defined $opt_L);
  214. $timeout=10 if (defined $opt_L); # TODO : the bes is to detect we are not on a terminal
  216. # connect to server, register to 'read' events from socket
  217. socket(RCON, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die $!;
  218. connect (RCON, sockaddr_in ($opt_p, inet_aton($opt_i))) || die $!;
  219. vec($rin,fileno(RCON),1) = 1;
  221. $opt_r = read_password('RConPassword: ') if (!$opt_r);
  223. # WARNING: from now, function such print() eof() <> are banned in code, dont use them since we use low level functions: select syswrite recv send
  224. while (1) {
  225. $date=time();
  226. my @ltime = localtime($date);
  228. #syswrite STDERR, " $state datain: $datain\n";
  229. ## in this section, we should send something : PASS for a logon, COMM for a command, or KA to keep connection alive
  230. if ($state==$PASS) {
  231. $seq=0;
  232. syswrite STDERR, "Logging in...\n";
  233. send(RCON, enc(sendbe($PASS, undef, $opt_r)), 0);
  234. $datain="";
  235. }
  236. else { while ( $state!=$COMM && $datain =~ /^([^\r\t\n;]+)(?:$|[\r\t\n; ]+(.*)$)/ ) { # some commands in the buffer to send?
  237. my $cmd="$1";
  238. my $end= defined $2 ? "$2": "";
  239. if (substr($cmd,0,1) eq "!") {
  240. eval substr($cmd,1); # Warning: $cmd (such 'exit') is evaluated by Perl.
  241. $datain=$end;
  242. }
  243. elsif ($cmd =~ /^kickall +(.*)$/i) {
  244. %HIpl=();
  245. $datain="players;_kickall $1;$end";
  246. }
  247. # banbyname kickbyname saybyname
  248. elsif ($cmd =~ /^(?<cmd>[a-z]+)byname +(?:"(?<name>.*)"|'(?<name>.*)'|(?<name>[^ ]+)) +(?<msg>.*?)$/i) {
  249. my ($cmd,$name,$msg) = ($+{cmd},$+{name},$+{msg});
  250. $datain="";
  251. foreach my $k (keys %HIpl) {
  252. my $p = $HIpl{$k};
  253. $datain.="$cmd ".$p->[1]." $msg;" if ($p->[2] eq $name);
  254. }
  255. $datain.=$end;
  256. }
  257. elsif ($cmd =~ /^timeout +([0-9]+)$/i) {
  258. $timeout=$1;
  259. syswrite STDERR, " timeout changed to $timeout\n";
  260. $datain=$end;
  261. }
  262. elsif ($cmd =~ /^_kickall +(.*)$/i) {
  263. $datain="";
  264. foreach my $k (keys %HIpl)
  265. {
  266. my $p = $HIpl{$k};
  267. $datain.="kick ".$p->[1]." $1;";
  268. }
  269. $datain.=$end;
  270. }
  271. else {
  272. syswrite STDERR, sprintf ("> %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", $ltime[2],$ltime[1],$ltime[0], $cmd);
  273. send(RCON, enc(sendbe($COMM, $seq, $cmd)), 0) ;
  274. vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 0; ## switch off stdin to wait command response
  275. $state=$COMM;
  276. $datain=$end;
  277. last; # exit while
  278. }
  279. }}
  280. if ($state==$KA) {
  281. send(RCON, enc(sendbe($COMM, $seq, undef)), 0);
  282. syswrite STDOUT, "\a" if (! defined $opt_b) ; # Send a bell signal to the console
  283. $state=$IDLE;
  284. }
  286. ## In this section, we wait something from streams. We should if we sent something!
  287. ($nfound,$timeleft) = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, $timeout);
  288. $date=time();
  289. @ltime = localtime($date);
  290. #syswrite STDOUT, sprintf ( "select: %d %f\n", $nfound, $timeleft );
  292. # select timed out? so no events during $timeout seconds...
  293. if ($timeleft==0) {
  294. die " timeout\n" if (! defined $opt_k && ! defined $opt_L); # program exit if no keepalive
  295. # let's feed stdin with some evil commands if necessary
  296. if ( (defined $opt_L) && $date-$datePlayersSent>$HIpolling*60 ) {
  297. #syswrite STDERR, "(-L) Stdin fed with 'players' command\n";
  298. $datain="players;".$datain; # next loop, commands in the datain buffer will be processed
  299. }
  300. if ($state==$COMM) {
  301. syswrite STDERR, " Hum, command timed out! Are we still logged on?\n";
  302. exit 18 if ($unresponsiveCount++>=2);
  303. $state=$PASS; # next loop, this will triger the logon process
  304. }
  305. elsif ($state==$PASS){
  306. syswrite STDERR, " Hum, login timed out! Server unresponsive?\n";
  307. exit 17 if ($unresponsiveCount++>=2);
  308. }
  309. else { # we were idle
  310. $state=$KA; # next loop, this will trigger the sending of a keep-alive packet (if datain is empty)
  311. }
  312. next; # next loop...
  313. }
  315. ## In this section, we had some events from UDP socket or from STDIN... Let's process them!
  316. if (vec($rout,fileno(RCON),1) == 1) { # read event on UDP socket
  317. recv(RCON, $dataUDP,65507, 0) ;
  318. my ($type, $srvseq, $response, $idx, $qty) = recvbe(dec($dataUDP));
  319. if ($type == $COMM) { # the small result of a command
  320. if (length($response)>=0) {
  321. syswrite STDOUT, sprintf("< %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", $ltime[2],$ltime[1],$ltime[0], $response);
  322. $datain.=HIreadPlayers($response);
  323. $seq=($seq+1)%255;
  324. $state=$IDLE;
  325. vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; # switch on stdin to consume another command
  326. }
  327. ###last if (vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) == 0); # if stdin has been closed then it is time to die
  328. $unresponsiveCount=0;
  329. }
  330. elsif ($type == $PASS) { # the response of a logon request
  331. die " Bad password\n" if ($srvseq==0); # BAD PASSWORD
  332. if ($srvseq == 99) { # we can't connect since it is the fake datagram built by sub 'dec'
  333. if (defined $opt_k) {
  334. sleep 5; # wait a little and retry a logon later
  335. syswrite STDERR, " retrying to logon...\n";
  336. }
  337. else {
  338. die " $response\n";
  339. }
  340. }
  341. else { # We are connected and logon successfull
  342. syswrite STDERR, "Logon successful!\n";
  343. $state=$IDLE;
  344. }
  345. }
  346. elsif ($type == $KA) { # a message the server gave to us, that requires an acknowledge
  347. syswrite STDOUT, sprintf("< %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n", $ltime[2],$ltime[1],$ltime[0], $response);
  348. $datain.=HIreadPlayers($response);
  349. send(RCON, enc(sendbe($KA, $srvseq, undef)), 0);
  350. vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; # switch on stdin to consume another command
  351. $state=$IDLE;
  352. }
  353. elsif ($type == $MULTI) { # the result of a command, in multiple packets
  354. @mbuffer=() if (!$idx); # buffer of packets is reset if index=0 (first packet)
  355. $mbuffer[$idx]=$response;
  356. # syswrite STDOUT, sprintf("%s%s%s", ($idx)?'':'# ', $response, ($idx==$qty-1)?"\n":'');
  357. send(RCON, enc(sendbe($KA, $srvseq, undef)), 0);
  358. if ($idx==$qty-1) { # if it was the last packet, reception is complete
  359. $response=join('',@mbuffer);
  360. syswrite STDOUT, sprintf("< %02d:%02d:%02d %s\n",$ltime[2],$ltime[1],$ltime[0], $response);
  361. $datain.=HIreadPlayers($response);
  362. vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; # switch on stdin to consume another command
  363. $seq=($seq+1)%255;
  364. $state=$IDLE;
  365. }
  366. else {
  367. $state=$COMM; # let's keep on receipt the others packets
  368. }
  369. $unresponsiveCount=0;
  370. }
  371. }
  372. if (vec($rout,fileno(STDIN),1) == 1) { # event from stdin (can be data to read, or EOF if data to read is empty)
  373. my $dateSTDIN="";
  374. my $res=sysread(STDIN, $dateSTDIN,65507) ;
  375. $datain.=$dateSTDIN;
  376. if (!length($datain)) {
  377. die " EOF for STDIN\n" if !(defined $opt_t); # exit if EOF for stdin AND datain buffer is empty
  378. vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 0;
  379. }
  380. #syswrite STDOUT, sprintf ("> STDIN \"%s\"+\"%s\" %d \n", $datain, $dateSTDIN, $res );
  381. }
  382. }
  384. close(RCON);
  385. exit 0;
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