
Canterlot Lecherous Offender Punishment Squad by Hoodoo

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. >Another warm summer night greets your skin as you clock out of the cafe, wave farewell to your coworkers, and make your way out into the busy streets of Canterlot
  2. >The carriages and rickshaws of Canterlot have always been available to you, and it's not like you couldn't afford them, but walking through the neighborhoods toward your modest studio apartment was always your favorite time of day, even before you found the hidden portal to Equestria
  3. >That was a hell of a day...
  5. >You were on /mlp/ between classes you didn't give a shit about, just like every other day when you came upon that fateful thread
  6. >The OP swore up and down that he had found a way to make a portal to Equestria
  7. >As usual you and a few other anons called him a faggot a few times and the thread was ignored for the most part... but you really didn't have anything better to do so you decided to entertain yourself a little
  8. >You prepared the ritual and mixed the Ammonia/Bleach solution just right and you went into your bathroom, turned off the light, stared into the mirror by dim candlelight, and recited the incantation 3 times...
  9. I watch it for the plot...
  10. I watch it for the plot...
  11. >You swallowed hard... this was actually considerably creepier than you had anticipated
  12. I watch it.... for the plot!
  13. >And before you knew it, you were whisked away to fucking horseworld with nothing but the clothes on your back.
  14. >It feels so weird to think about that fact that that was 4 or 5 months ago
  15. >You pretend to be sad at the realization that you were going to miss the season 5 premiere
  16. >Hell, for all you knew you might be IN it!
  17. >You got to meet Twilight and her friends and you were the first Human they had ever met, so that was an interesting few days in ponyville
  18. > It wasn't long however before you felt uncomfortable in a small town and left to search out more comfortable living arrangements
  19. >You found yourself a job as a chef is a small, but popular downtown Canterlot cafe (mostly thanks to the fact that you had actual hands with which to cook) and in no time at all, you could afford the necessities of life once again.
  20. >The novelty of meeting a human for the first time was still fresh for lots of ponies and with all the tourists coming in and out of the posh capital, you were stopped pretty regularly for photos.
  21. >It was no big deal really, but it did make you feel special...
  23. >You smile as you reflect on your emergence into Pony society and just how far you've come
  24. >Right up until a shifty looking pony sticks his front hoof in front of you on the sidewalk
  26. >"Hey there stretch... you lookin' for some company tonight?"
  27. >You look the well-dressed stallion up and down
  28. >He was dressed like he bought a pimp costume from the Halloween store, purple suit, gold-rimmed glasses, the works.
  29. "Heh... Sure, but you don't look like my type. You want to buy me a cider?"
  30. >"Don't be a smartass, kid... I got what you're lookin for right back here in the alley..."
  31. >You look over his shoulder into the alleyway
  32. >In the middle of the corridor, it flares open between the buildings into a wide courtyard-like area
  33. >Sitting in that courtyard is a cardboard box
  34. >Around the corner of the box you spy a single, ice-blue eye catch your glance for just a moment before retreating back behind its cover
  35. >Jesus... Pony hookers exist?....
  36. >Pony society has been nothing but sunshine and rainbows for the vast majority of your experience here, it's hard to imagine something as lewd as prostitution going on in its underbelly
  37. >You chuckle to yourself as you imagine the favors she must get requests for every day
  38. >"Hug- 5bits"
  39. >"Snuggle- 10bits"
  40. >"Eat a sugarcube from your hand- 20bits"
  41. >This was something you had to see
  42. "I've got a few minutes..."
  43. >You make your way down the alleyway, the Pimpony stepping in behind you and opening up a newspaper to block viewers from the street
  44. >" 'Ey son, when you finished just pay the bitch and head out the back end. There's a gate"
  45. >You come into the courtyard and walk around the box, expecting to see a sign in crayon and another starry-eyed mare happily going about her day...
  46. "Oh... oh god..."
  48. >This was NOT a pony who gave hugs for a living...
  49. >Her coat was matted and crusty with what was unmistakably the remnants of her previous customers, especially her mane which looked almost brittle to the touch.
  50. >Her eyes, though still a lovely steely blue, showed severe fatigue that could only come from several consecutive sleepless nights.
  51. >Her hooves were cracked and unsteady and her tail was thinning and weak, as though it had been getting pulled violently on a regular basis
  52. >Most importantly however, it seemed her flank was noticably bare
  53. >She struggled to her hooves and nudged the flap of her box open, revealing a "price list"
  54. >"Hoof Job- 5bits"
  55. >"Full Time- 10bits"
  56. >"Anything- 20bits"
  57. >She welcomes you in a shaky, world-weary voice
  58. >"Take your pick, sir..."
  59. >Your heart sticks in your throat as the weight of what this lovely young mare must go through day after day dawns on you
  60. >Judging by her appearance business must be good, but her face showed a heavy application of makeup, under which you could faintly make out the outline of a black eye
  61. >You had no idea prostitution was even a thing in Equestria... hell you weren't even sure they had genitals!
  62. >But here stood living proof, her eyes dead and soulless as she tried to mentally gear herself for more abuse
  63. >This wasn't something you could allow to continue...
  64. "20bits gets me "anything" huh?"
  65. >She sighs, dreading that question more than any other
  66. >"That's the idea, as long as you don't ruin the merchandise for other customers"
  67. >You were going to help this mare out of her shitty situation, and you were going to act cool about it
  68. >You were already gathering mental images of her transformation. You were going to save her from this life, from that asshole in the front of the alley, and most importantly from herself!
  69. "First, what's your name?"
  70. >"It's Afternoon Delight"
  71. "It's a pleasure, you can call me Anon. All right then Delight I'll pay you double, 40bits, for your time. But we have to go back to my place first"
  72. >Her eyes flare up as you drop a sizeable stack of coins next to her box
  73. >"A-Are you serious?! Thank you!"
  74. >That flash of happiness on her face was worth the sum
  75. >You were such a damn good person...
  76. >She trots over toward the back gate and turns her back to it, facing you
  77. >"It's not every day I get an offer like that you know."
  78. >Your smile is a mile-wide
  79. "Oh I know, but you'll find I'm not your average customer"
  80. >"Yeah, I could tell that by looking at you... but you see lots of strange things in my line of work. Having you as a client won't be much of a STRETCH!
  81. "Heh, yeah I... wait, what?"
  82. >Before you can register just why she shouted the last word of her sentence, she ducks through the gate.
  83. >You cock your head to the side in confusion and turn around just in time to get bucked HARD in the chest by a stallion repelling down from the roof of one of the buildings overshadowing the courtyard!
  84. >Your chest burns in agony as you turn onto your back, seeing pony after pony in what appears to be black tactical gear hop down the sides of the buildings, blocking the entrances and exits of the courtyard.
  86. >You blink over and over, tears welling up in your eyes from the pain in your chest.
  87. >You feel a firm grip take ahold of your arm and look up just in time to see the gold-rimmed Pimp Pony in a thick black vest flip you roughly over onto your front while you feel magical energy slap a pair of cuffs on your wrists behind you
  89. >You had never heard of the Canterlot Lecherous Offender Punishment Squad before that day, but you were about to get to know them REAL well...
  91. FIN
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