

Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. Update 1.3.186 Released
  5. Dear Pilots
  7. After winning a long battle with an internal bug from an Unreal upgrade, we are pleased to announce that our promised technical update is now out. See our Steam Forum for full patch notes. Bugs fixed, some features added, fps gains all over.
  9. Dates
  10. Since our last post in January, R8 Games has secured finishing funds and has been hard at work developing and porting to console. No dates yet, but as it stands right now we’re looking at a new Steam “edition" and simultaneous console launch (PS4/XB1) before the middle of 2019. Yes, we know, we said 2018. We were wrong and we apologize for the further delay. The funds sunk into Formula Fusion since late 2015 have exceeded what preceded them many times over but we’re still a very small indie developer with often less than 6 people working on the game at any one time.
  12. While we know it might look like a proverbial Marie Celeste from the outside, the engines have always been running and they’re screaming full throttle right now. We have no intention of leaving this ship. Please don’t take our lack of communication as a sign that we don’t appreciate your support and patience. We just have our heads down making the best possible game we can for you.
  14. What’s to come
  15. Before mid 2019 our current plans are to release an “edition” on Steam with a simultaneous launch on PS4 and XB1. All existing Formula Fusion owners will get this new game for free.
  17. The game will contain all the tracks and craft that Formula Fusion currently has plus a whole bunch more:
  18. New tracks,
  19. New UI (including tDR icons and graphics),
  20. New race modes,
  21. New AI,
  22. New Career Mode,
  23. New interactive Tutorial
  24. New weapons, targeting system and FX
  25. New mix of licensed music old and new, hardcore and chill.
  26. New smoother Multiplayer on hosted servers with leaderboards for Time
  27. Trials and Ranked Races
  28. The game as it always should have been.
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