

Oct 10th, 2017
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  1. command /location [<text>]:
  2. permission: server.admin
  3. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 isn't set:
  6. send "&cInvalid argument: /location <spawn|arena>"
  7. if arg-1 is "spawn":
  8. set {server.location.spawn} to player's location
  9. send "&6&l[*] &rSet location of spawn to your location."
  10. else if arg-1 is "arena":
  11. set {server.location.arena} to player's location
  12. send "&6&l[*] &rSet location of arena to your location."
  13. else if arg-1 is "ranked":
  14. set {server.location.ranked} to player's location
  15. send "&6&l[*] &rSet location of ranked to your location."
  17. command /unban [<offline player>]:
  18. permission: server.moderator
  19. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  20. trigger:
  21. if arg-1 is set:
  22. if {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban} is false:
  23. send "&c&l%arg-1% &cisn't banned."
  24. stop
  25. else:
  26. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban} to false
  27. unban arg-1
  28. send "&aSuccessfully un-punished %arg-1%" to player
  29. loop all players:
  30. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  31. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully un-punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  32. else:
  33. send "&cUnspecified argument: &n/unban <player>"
  35. command /ban [<offline player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
  36. aliases: /banhammer
  37. permission: server.helper
  38. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  39. trigger:
  40. if arg-1 is set:
  41. if {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban} is true:
  42. send "&c&l%arg-1% &cis already banned."
  43. stop
  44. if arg-2 is set:
  45. if arg-3 is set:
  46. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban} to true
  47. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::time} to now
  48. set {ban.expire.%arg 1%} to now
  49. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason} to arg-2
  50. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor} to player
  51. kick arg-1 due to "&cYour account has been suspeneded from &lFight&c.%nl%%nl%&cDistributed by: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor}%%nl%&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%%nl%&cUnbanned on: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::time}%"
  52. ban arg-1 due to "&cYour account has been suspeneded from &lFight&c.%nl%%nl%&cDistributed by: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor}%%nl%&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%%nl%&cUnbanned on: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::time}%"
  53. make console execute "tempban %arg-1% %arg-3%"
  54. send "&aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%" to player
  55. broadcast "&r"
  56. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been suspended from Fight by &l%player%"
  57. broadcast "&cReason: &l%arg-2%"
  58. broadcast "&cTimespan: &l%arg-3%"
  59. broadcast "&r"
  60. loop all players:
  61. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  62. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  63. else:
  64. if player has permission "server.moderator":
  65. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban} to true
  66. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::time} to now
  67. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason} to arg-2
  68. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor} to player
  69. kick arg-1 due to "&cYour account has been suspeneded from &lFight&c.%nl%%nl%&cDistributed by: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor}%%nl%&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%%nl%&cUnbanned on: &lNever"
  70. ban arg-1 due to "&cYour account has been suspeneded from &lFight&c.%nl%%nl%&cDistributed by: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::distributor}%%nl%&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%%nl%&cUnbanned on: &lNever"
  71. send "&aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%" to player
  72. broadcast "&r"
  73. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been suspended from Fight by &l%player%"
  74. broadcast "&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%"
  75. broadcast "&cTimespan: &lPermanent"
  76. broadcast "&r"
  77. loop all players:
  78. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  79. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  80. else:
  81. send "&cAs a helper, you cannot permanently ban players. If the victim is in need of a permanent ban. Please make a staff report."
  82. stop
  83. else:
  84. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/ban <player> [<reason>] [<time span>]"
  85. else:
  86. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/ban <player> [<reason>] [<time span>]"
  88. command /spawn:
  89. trigger:
  90. heal player
  91. set hunger of player to 20
  92. teleport player to {server.location.spawn}
  93. clear player's inventory
  94. set {player::%uuid of player%::spawn} to true
  95. set gamemode of player to survival
  96. reveal the player from all players
  97. set slot 1 of player to iron axe named "&e&lUNRANKED" with lore "||&rRight-click to join the unranked FFA"
  98. set slot 2 of player to diamond axe named "&e&lRANKED" with lore "||&rRight-click to join the ranked FFA"
  99. set slot 3 of player to wooden sword named "&e&lDUELS" with lore "||&rRight-click to duel your friends"
  100. set slot 5 of player to anvil:1 named "&e&lBLACKSMITH" with lore "||&rRight-click to browse the blacksmith."
  101. set slot 6 of player to prismarine shard named "&e&lCLASSES" with lore "||&rRight-click to browse the classes."
  102. set slot 7 of player to hopper named "&e&lSHOP" with lore "||&rRight-click to browse the shop."
  103. set slot 8 of player to chest named "&e&lINVENTORY" with lore "||&rRight-click to browse your inventory."
  105. command /spectator:
  106. aliases: /spec, /mod
  107. permission: server.helper
  108. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  109. trigger:
  110. if {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} is true:
  111. delete {player::%uuid of player%::spectator}
  112. clear player's inventory
  113. set gamemode of player to survival
  114. reveal the player from all players
  115. send "&eSpectator mode &r» &7&lOFF"
  116. make player execute "spawn"
  117. else:
  118. set {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} to true
  119. send "&eSpectator mode &r» &7&lON"
  120. make player execute "spawn"
  121. clear player's inventory
  122. set gamemode of player to creative
  123. hide the player from all players
  125. set slot 0 of player to book named "&6&lINSPECTION TOOL" with lore "||&rRight-click target player to view their||&rcurrent inventory."
  126. set slot 1 of player to iron fence named "&6&lHALT TOOL" with lore "||&rRight-click target player to freeze them||&rif suspicious of cheating."
  127. set slot 2 of player to stick named "&6&lTELEPORT TOOL" with lore "||&rRight-click to teleport to a random||&ronline player."
  128. set slot 8 of player to light green dye named "&6&lVANISH &7&o(Vanished)" with lore "||&rRight-click to toggle your||&rvisibility."
  130. on break:
  131. if {player::%uuid of player%::spawn} is set:
  132. if player has permission "server.admin":
  133. stop
  134. else:
  135. cancel event
  136. on place:
  137. if {player::%uuid of player%::spawn} is set:
  138. if player has permission "server.admin":
  139. stop
  140. else:
  141. cancel event
  142. on inventory click:
  143. if {player::%uuid of player%::specspawntator} is set:
  144. if player has permission "server.admin":
  145. stop
  146. else:
  147. cancel event
  148. on damage:
  149. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::spawn} is set:
  150. if attacker has permission "server.admin":
  151. stop
  152. else:
  153. cancel event
  155. on break:
  156. if {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} is set:
  157. if player has permission "server.admin":
  158. stop
  159. else:
  160. cancel event
  161. on place:
  162. if {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} is set:
  163. if player has permission "server.admin":
  164. stop
  165. else:
  166. cancel event
  167. on inventory click:
  168. if {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} is set:
  169. if player has permission "server.admin":
  170. stop
  171. else:
  172. cancel event
  173. on damage:
  174. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::spectator} is set:
  175. if attacker has permission "server.admin":
  176. stop
  177. else:
  178. cancel event
  179. on quit:
  180. if {player::%uuid of player%::spectator} is set:
  181. delete {player::%uuid of player%::spectator}
  182. set gamemode of player to survival
  183. clear player's inventory
  184. reveal player to all players
  186. on right click:
  187. if player's tool is a iron axe:
  188. if name of player's tool is "&e&lUNRANKED":
  189. make player execute "/unranked"
  190. cancel event
  191. on right click:
  192. if player's tool is a diamond axe:
  193. if name of player's tool is "&e&lRANKED":
  194. cancel event
  195. make player execute "/ranked"
  196. on right click:
  197. if player's tool is a prismarine shard:
  198. if name of player's tool is "&e&lCLASSES":
  199. make player execute "/class"
  200. cancel event
  201. on right click:
  202. if player's tool is a hopper:
  203. if name of player's tool is "&e&lSHOP":
  204. make player execute "/shop"
  205. cancel event
  206. on right click:
  207. if player's tool is a anvil:1:
  208. if name of player's tool is "&e&lBLACKSMITH":
  209. make player execute "/blacksmith"
  210. cancel event
  211. on right click:
  212. if player's tool is a chest:
  213. if name of player's tool is "&e&lINVENTORY":
  214. make player execute "/inventory"
  215. cancel event
  216. on right click:
  217. if player's tool is a wooden sword:
  218. if name of player's tool is "&e&lDUELS":
  219. cancel event
  220. send "&c&lDUELS &cis currently unavailable, it will be released in &lFight 2.0"
  221. on right click on player:
  222. if player's tool is a book:
  223. if name of player's tool is "&6&lINSPECTION TOOL":
  224. if player has permission "server.helper":
  225. wait 3 ticks
  226. open inventory of clicked entity to player
  227. stop
  228. on right click on player:
  229. if player's tool is a iron fence:
  230. if name of player's tool is "&6&lHALT TOOL":
  231. if player has permission "server.helper":
  232. wait 3 ticks
  233. make player execute "halt %clicked entity%"
  234. stop
  235. on right click:
  236. if player's tool is a stick:
  237. if name of player's tool is "&6&lTELEPORT TOOL":
  238. if player has permission "server.helper":
  239. wait 3 ticks
  240. teleport player to a random element out of all players
  241. stop
  242. on right click:
  243. if player's tool is a light green dye:
  244. if name of player's tool is "&6&lVANISH &7&o(Vanished)":
  245. if player has permission "server.helper":
  246. wait 3 ticks
  247. reveal the player from all players
  248. send "&eVisibility &r» &7&lOFF"
  249. set slot 8 of player to red dye named "&6&lVANISH &7&o(Not Vanished)" with lore "||&rRight-click to toggle your||&rvisibility."
  250. on right click:
  251. if player's tool is a red dye:
  252. if name of player's tool is "&6&lVANISH &7&o(Not Vanished)":
  253. if player has permission "server.helper":
  254. wait 3 ticks
  255. hide the player from all players
  256. send "&eVisibility &r» &7&lON"
  257. set slot 8 of player to light green dye named "&6&lVANISH &7&o(Vanished)" with lore "||&rRight-click to toggle your||&rvisibility."
  259. command /kick [<player>] [<text>]:
  260. permission: server.helper
  261. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  262. trigger:
  263. if arg-1 is set:
  264. if arg-2 is set:
  265. kick arg-1 due to arg-2
  266. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::kick::reason} to true
  267. send "&aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%" to player
  268. broadcast "&r"
  269. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been kicked from Fight by &l%player%"
  270. broadcast "&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::kick::reason}%"
  271. broadcast "&r"
  272. loop all players:
  273. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  274. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  275. else:
  276. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/kick <player> <reason>"
  277. else:
  278. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/kick <player> <reason>"
  280. command /mute [<player>] [<text>] [<timespan>]:
  281. aliases: /silence
  282. permission: server.helper
  283. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  284. trigger:
  285. if arg-1 is set:
  286. if arg-2 is set:
  287. if arg-3 is set:
  288. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute} to true
  289. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::time} to now
  290. set {mute.expire.%arg 1%} to now
  291. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::reason} to arg-2
  292. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::distributor} to player
  293. set {_unmutetime} to difference between {mute.expire.%arg 1%} and now
  294. send "&aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%" to player
  295. broadcast "&r"
  296. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been silenced by &l%player%"
  297. broadcast "&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::ban::reason}%"
  298. broadcast "&cTimespan: &l%arg-3%"
  299. broadcast "&r"
  300. loop all players:
  301. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  302. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  303. wait {_unmutetime}
  304. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute} to false
  305. else:
  306. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute} to true
  307. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::reason} to arg-2
  308. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::distributor} to player
  309. send "&aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%" to player
  310. broadcast "&r"
  311. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been silenced by &l%player%"
  312. broadcast "&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::reason}%"
  313. broadcast "&cTimespan: &lPermanent"
  314. broadcast "&r"
  315. loop all players:
  316. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  317. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully punished %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  318. else:
  319. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/mute <player> <reason> <timespan>"
  320. else:
  321. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/mute <player> <reason> <timespan>"
  323. command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
  324. permission: server.helper
  325. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  326. trigger:
  327. if arg-1 is set:
  328. if arg-2 is set:
  329. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::reason} to arg-2
  330. add 1 to {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::warn::amount}
  331. if {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::warn::amount} is greater than 4:
  332. delete {player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::warn::amount}
  333. kick arg-1 due to "&cReached warn limit."
  334. broadcast ""
  335. broadcast "&c&l%arg-1% &chas been warned by &l%player%"
  336. broadcast "&cReason: &l%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::punishments::mute::reason}%"
  337. broadcast ""
  338. else:
  339. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/warn <player> <reason>"
  340. else:
  341. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/warn <player> <reason>"
  343. command /halt [<player>]:
  344. aliases: /freeze, /ss
  345. permission: server.helper
  346. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  347. trigger:
  348. if arg-1 is set:
  349. if {player::%arg-1's uuid%::frozen} is set:
  350. delete {player::%uuid of arg-1%::frozen}
  351. send "&aSuccessfully un-frozen %arg-1%" to player
  352. send "&aYou've been un-frozen." to arg-1
  353. loop all players:
  354. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  355. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully un-frozen %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  357. else:
  358. loop all players:
  359. if loop-player has permission "server.jradmin":
  360. send "&7&o[%player%: &aSuccessfully frozen %arg-1%&7&o]" to loop-player
  361. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::frozen} to true
  362. send "&aSuccessfully frozen %arg-1%" to player
  363. send "&cYou've been frozen." to arg-1
  364. make player execute "/msg %arg-1% You've been frozen by a staff member, please connect to our discord ASAP. Logging out will result in a permanent ban."
  365. else:
  366. send "&cUnspecified argument: &n/halt <player>"
  368. on any move:
  369. if {player::%uuid of player%::frozen} is true:
  370. cancel event
  371. send "&cYou've been frozen by a staff member, please connect to our discord ASAP. Logging out will result in a permanent ban."
  373. on join:
  374. if player has permission "server.helper":
  375. set join message to ""
  376. loop all players:
  377. if loop-player has permission "server.helper":
  378. send "&9[Staff] &b%player% has connected to the server." to loop-player
  380. on disconnect:
  381. if player has permission "server.helper":
  382. set leave message to ""
  383. loop all players:
  384. if loop-player has permission "server.helper":
  385. send "&9[Staff] &b%player% has disconnected from the server." to loop-player
  387. if {player::%player's uuid%::frozen} is true:
  388. loop all players:
  389. if loop-player has permission "server.helper":
  390. send "&c%player% has logged out whilst frozen." to loop-player
  392. on damage:
  393. if {player::%uuid of victim%::frozen} is set:
  394. cancel event
  395. on rightclick on player:
  396. if {player::%uuid of clicked entity%::frozen} is set:
  397. if player has permission "server.helper":
  398. push player up at speed 1.2
  399. stop
  401. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
  402. permission: server.modplus
  403. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  404. aliases: /gm
  405. trigger:
  406. if argument 1 is set:
  407. if argument 1 is "0", "S" or "Survival":
  408. if argument 2 isn't set:
  409. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set your gamemode to &esurvival."
  410. set gamemode of player to survival
  412. else:
  413. if player has permission "server.jradmin":
  414. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set %arg-2%'s gamemode to &esurvival." to player
  415. send "&6&l[*] &rYour gamemode was set to &esurvival &rby &e%player%." to arg-2
  416. set gamemode of arg-2 to survival
  417. else:
  418. send "&cYou don't have sufficent permissions to change other users gamemode."
  419. else if argument 1 is "1", "C" or "Creative":
  420. if argument 2 isn't set:
  421. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set your gamemode to &ecreative."
  422. set gamemode of player to creative
  424. else:
  425. if player has permission "server.jradmin":
  426. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set %arg-2%'s gamemode to &ecreative." to player
  427. send "&6&l[*] &rYour gamemode was set to &ecreative &rby &e%player%." to arg-2
  428. set gamemode of arg-2 to creative
  429. else:
  430. send "&cYou don't have sufficent permissions to change other users gamemode."
  432. else if argument 1 is "2", "A" or "Adventure":
  433. if argument 2 isn't set:
  434. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set your gamemode to &aadventure."
  435. set gamemode of player to adventure
  437. else:
  438. if player has permission "server.jradmin":
  439. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've set %arg-2%'s gamemode to &eadventure." to player
  440. send "&6&l[*] &rYour gamemode was set to &eadventure &rby &e%player%." to arg-2
  441. set gamemode of arg-2 to adventure
  442. else:
  443. send "&cYou don't have sufficent permissions to change other users gamemode."
  444. else:
  445. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/gamemode <gamemode> [<player>]"
  447. command /heal [<player>]:
  448. permission: server.modplus
  449. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  450. trigger:
  451. if argument 1 isn't set:
  452. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've healed yourself."
  453. heal player
  454. set hunger of player to 20
  456. else:
  457. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've healed &e%arg-1%." to player
  458. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've been healed by &e%player%" to argument 1
  459. heal arg-1
  460. set hunger of arg-1 to 20
  462. command /teleport [<player>] [<player>]:
  463. permission: server.helper
  464. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  465. aliases: /tp, /tport
  466. trigger:
  467. if argument 1 is set:
  468. if argument 2 isn't set:
  469. if argument 1 isn't player:
  470. send "&6&l[*] &rTeleporting yourself to &e%arg-1%." to player
  471. teleport player to argument 1
  473. else:
  474. send "&cYou cannot teleport to yourself."
  476. else if argument 2 is set:
  477. if player has permission "server.modplus":
  478. if argument 1 and argument 2 are player:
  479. send "&cYou cannot teleport to yourself."
  481. else:
  482. send "&6&l[*] &rTeleporting &e%arg-1% &rto &e%arg-2%."
  483. teleport arg-1 to arg-2
  484. else:
  485. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/teleport <player> [<player>]"
  487. command /set [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  488. permission: server.jradmin
  489. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  490. trigger:
  491. if arg-1 is set:
  492. if arg-2 is set:
  493. if arg-2 is "coins":
  494. if arg-3 is set:
  495. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  496. send "&6&l[*] &rSet %arg-1%'s coins to %arg-3%"
  497. else:
  498. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player <variable> <setting>"
  499. if arg-2 is "elo":
  500. if arg-3 is set:
  501. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  502. send "&6&l[*] &rSet %arg-1%'s ELO to %arg-3%"
  503. else:
  504. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player <variable> <setting>"
  505. if arg-2 is "prefix":
  506. if arg-3 is set:
  507. set {player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix} to colored arg-3
  508. send "&6&l[*] &rSet %arg-1%'s prefix to %arg-3%"
  509. else:
  510. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player <variable> <setting>"
  511. if arg-2 is "equip":
  512. if arg-3 is set:
  513. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  514. send "&6&l[*] &rSet %arg-1%'s Equip Points to %arg-3%"
  515. else:
  516. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player <variable> <setting>"
  517. else if arg-2 isn't "elo", "coins", "equip" or "prefix":
  518. send "&cUnknown variable: &nElo, Coins, Equip & Prefix"
  519. else:
  520. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player> <variable> <setting>"
  521. else:
  522. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/set <player> <variable> <setting>"
  523. on chat:
  524. if {player::%uuid of player%::chat::staff} is set:
  525. cancel event
  526. loop all players:
  527. if loop-player has permission "server.helper":
  528. send "&9[Staff] &b%player% &r» &7%message%"
  529. if {player::%uuid of player%::punishments::mute} is true:
  530. cancel event
  531. send "&cYou cannot speak whilst silenced."
  532. else:
  533. cancel event
  534. set tab list name of player to "%{player::%player's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%player%"
  535. broadcast "&7(%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank}%) %{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% » &r%message%"
  537. command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  538. permission: server.admin
  539. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  540. aliases: /setrank
  541. trigger:
  542. if argument 1 is set:
  543. if argument 2 is set:
  544. if argument 2 is "admin":
  546. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Admin"
  547. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&4Admin&8] &4"
  548. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  549. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eAdmin" to player
  550. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eAdmin &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  552. else if argument 2 is "jradmin" or "junioradmin":
  554. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Junior Admin"
  555. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&cJuniorAdmin&8] &c"
  556. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  557. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eJunior Admin" to player
  558. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eJunior Admin &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  560. else if argument 2 is "modplus" or "mod+":
  562. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Mod Plus"
  563. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&9Moderator+&8] &9"
  564. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  565. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eMod Plus" to player
  566. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eMod Plus &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  568. else if argument 2 is "mod":
  570. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Mod"
  571. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&5Mod&8] &5"
  572. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  573. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eMod" to player
  574. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eMod &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  576. else if argument 2 is "helper":
  578. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Helper"
  579. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&dHelper&8] &d"
  580. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  581. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &c%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eHelper" to player
  582. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eHelper &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  584. else if argument 2 is "builder":
  586. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "Builder"
  587. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&8[&aBuilder&8] &a"
  588. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  589. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eBuilder" to player
  590. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eBuilder &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  592. else if argument 2 is "none" or "default":
  594. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank} to "None"
  595. set {player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix} to "&7"
  596. set tab list name of arg-1 to "%{player::%arg-1's uuid%::rank::prefix}%%arg-1%"
  597. send "&6&l[*] &rYou've updated &e%arg-1%'s &rrank to &eNone" to player
  598. send "&6&l[*] &rYour rank has been updated to &eNone &rby &e%player%" to argument 1
  600. else:
  601. send "&cInvalid group title: Admin, JrAdmin, ModPlus, Mod, Helper, Builder or None"
  602. else:
  603. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/rank <player> <rank>"
  604. else:
  605. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/rank <player> <rank>"
  607. on first join:
  608. wait 3 ticks
  609. open chest with 1 row named "&8Terms and Conditions" to player
  610. format slot 4 of player with book named "" with lore "||&rBy playing on our server, you agree to the following: ||||&rAt any time we are allowed to freeze you and screenshare you||&rnot complying with us will result in a ban.||&rIf you purchase anything from our store, you agree||&rthat refunding will result in a blacklist from our server||&rif you purchase anything with another users name||&ryou cannot transfer it." to be unstealable
  612. on death:
  613. victim is a player:
  614. attacker is a player:
  615. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  616. clear drops
  617. kill victim
  618. send "&b&l-2 ELO" to victim
  619. set death message to "&c%attacker%&4[%{player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}%] &ehas slain &c%victim%&4[%{player::%uuid of victim%::game::kills}%]"
  621. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}
  622. if {player::%uuid of player%::multiplier::coins} is true:
  623. add 200 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::coins}
  624. send "&6&l+200 COINS" to attacker
  625. else:
  626. add 100 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::coins}
  627. send "&6&l+100 COINS" to attacker
  628. if {player::%uuid of player%::multiplier::elo} is true:
  629. add 10 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::elo}
  630. send "&b&l+10 ELO" to attacker
  631. else:
  632. add 5 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::elo}
  633. send "&b&l+5 ELO" to attacker
  634. remove 2 from {player::%uuid of victim%::game::elo}
  635. add 1 to {player::%uuid of victim%::game::deaths}
  636. else:
  637. clear drops
  638. set death message to "&c%victim% &edied."
  640. on respawn:
  641. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  642. make player execute "ranked"
  643. on command "ranked":
  644. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} < 1250:
  645. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "Unranked":
  646. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Unranked"
  647. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 1249:
  648. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "Bronze I&7":
  649. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Bronze I&7"
  650. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  651. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 1499:
  652. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "Bronze II&7":
  653. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Bronze II&7"
  654. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  655. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 1749:
  656. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "Bronze III&7":
  657. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Bronze III&7"
  658. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  659. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 1999:
  660. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&fSilver I&7":
  661. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&fSilver I&7"
  662. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  663. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 2249:
  664. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&fSilver II&7":
  665. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&fSilver II&7"
  666. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  667. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 2499:
  668. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&fSilver III&7":
  669. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&fSilver III&7"
  670. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  671. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 2749:
  672. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Gold I&7":
  673. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Gold I&7"
  674. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  675. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 2999:
  676. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Gold II&7":
  677. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Gold II&7"
  678. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  679. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 3249:
  680. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Gold III&7":
  681. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Gold III&7"
  682. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  683. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 3499:
  684. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&bDiamond I&7":
  685. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&bDiamond I&7"
  686. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  687. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 3749:
  688. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&bDiamond II&7":
  689. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&bDiamond II&7"
  690. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  691. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 3999:
  692. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&bDiamond III&7":
  693. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&bDiamond III&7"
  694. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  695. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 4249:
  696. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&aEmerald I&7":
  697. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&aEmerald I&7"
  698. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  699. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 4499:
  700. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&aEmerald II&7":
  701. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&aEmerald II&7"
  702. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  703. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 4749:
  704. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&aEmerald III&7":
  705. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&aEmerald III&7"
  706. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  707. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 4999:
  708. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Legend I&7":
  709. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Legend I&7"
  710. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  711. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 5249:
  712. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Legend II&7":
  713. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Legend II&7"
  714. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  715. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 5249:
  716. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&6Legend III&7":
  717. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&6Legend III&7"
  718. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  719. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 5499:
  720. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&5Masters I&7":
  721. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&5Masters I&7"
  722. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  723. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 5749:
  724. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&5Masters II&7":
  725. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&5Masters II&7"
  726. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  727. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 5999:
  728. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&5Masters III&7":
  729. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&5Masters III&7"
  730. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  731. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} > 6499:
  732. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} isn't "&cChampion&7":
  733. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "&cChampion&7"
  734. add 2 to {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  736. command /ranked:
  737. trigger:
  738. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} isn't set:
  739. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is set:
  740. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::pvptag} is "IDKKDKDKD":
  741. send "&cYou have a &a&lPvPTag &ccooldown still."
  742. else:
  743. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills} isn't set:
  744. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills} to 0
  745. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths} isn't set:
  746. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths} to 0
  747. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} isn't set:
  748. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} to 0
  749. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} isn't set:
  750. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} to 0
  751. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} isn't set:
  752. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} to 1000
  753. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  754. send "&r"
  755. send "&6&lGlobal Statistics"
  756. send " &r&lKILLS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}%"
  757. send " &r&lDEATHS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}%"
  758. send " &r&lELO &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%"
  759. send "&r"
  760. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  761. clear player's inventory
  762. execute console command "/minecraft:effect %player% clear"
  763. set {player::%uuid of player%::spawn} to true
  764. teleport player to {server.location.spawn}
  765. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::pvptag}
  766. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::status}
  767. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills}
  768. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths}
  769. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status}
  770. make player execute "spawn"
  771. else:
  772. delete {player::%uuid of player%::spawn}
  773. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't set:
  774. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Aggressive"
  775. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} to true
  776. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  777. send "&r"
  778. send "&6&lRANKED &6FFA"
  779. send "&r"
  780. send " &r&lCLASS &7Ranked"
  781. send "&r"
  782. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  783. clear player's inventory
  784. heal player
  785. set hunger of player to 20
  786. set gamemode of player to survival
  788. set player's helmet to iron helmet
  789. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor1} is true:
  790. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet of protection 2
  792. set player's chestplate to iron chestplate
  793. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor2} is true:
  794. set player's chestplate to chainmail chestplate of protection 2
  796. set player's leggings to iron leggings
  797. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor3} is true:
  798. set player's leggings to chainmail leggings of protection 2
  800. set player's boots to iron boots
  801. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor4} is true:
  802. set player's boots to chainmail boots of protection 2
  804. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  805. set slot 7 of player to 8 golden apples
  806. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  807. teleport player to {server.location.ranked}
  808. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1} is set:
  809. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  810. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2} is set:
  811. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 2 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  812. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3} is set:
  813. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  814. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon4} is set:
  815. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  816. else:
  817. send "&cYou have to leave &lUnranked &cbefore entering ranked."
  819. command /blacksmith:
  820. trigger:
  821. wait 3 tick
  822. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} isn't set:
  823. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} to "Iron Armor"
  824. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} isn't set:
  825. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "Diamond Sword"
  826. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} isn't set:
  827. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "None"
  828. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't set:
  829. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} to 5
  830. open chest with 5 rows named "&8Blacksmith" to player
  831. format slot 4 of player with lava bucket named "&c&lBLACKSMITH" with lore "||&rUpgrade your armor, weapons and player||&rwith equip points you earn in ranked." to be unstealable
  832. format slot 9 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  833. format slot 17 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  834. format slot 18 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  835. format slot 20 of player with iron chestplate named "&r&lARMOR &rUpgrades" to close then run [make player execute "server:ranked.armor"]
  836. format slot 22 of player with diamond sword named "&r&lWEAPON &rUpgrades" to close then run [make player execute "server:ranked.weapon"]
  837. format slot 24 of player with player's skull named "&r&lPLAYER &rUpgrades" to close then run [make player execute "server:ranked.player"]
  838. format slot 26 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  839. format slot 27 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  840. format slot 35 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  841. format slot 39 of player with item frame named "&6&lGeneral Statistics" with lore "||&rCoins|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%||&rKills|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}%||&rDeaths|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}%" to be unstealable
  842. format slot 40 of player with gold axe named "&6&lRanked Statistics" with lore "||&rEquip Points|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}%||&rELO|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%||&rELO Rank|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank}%" to be unstealable
  843. format slot 41 of player with anvil:1 named "&6&lRanked Class" with lore "||&rArmor|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname}%||&rWeapon|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname}%||&rPlayer|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername}%" to be unstealable
  845. command /server:ranked.weapon:
  846. trigger:
  847. wait 3 ticks
  848. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Ranked Store" to player
  849. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1} is true:
  850. format slot 11 of player with glowing iron sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT I &rIron Sword" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  851. else:
  852. format slot 11 of player with glowing iron sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT I &rIron Sword" with lore "||&rCost: &l3 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyweapon1"]
  854. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1} is true:
  855. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2} is true:
  856. format slot 12 of player with glowing iron sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT II &rIron Sword" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  857. else:
  858. format slot 12 of player with glowing iron sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT II &rIron Sword" with lore "||&rCost: &l5 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyweapon2"]
  859. else:
  860. format slot 12 of player with glowing iron sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT II &rIron Sword" with lore "||&cPurchase previous package first." to be unstealable
  862. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2} is true:
  863. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3} is true:
  864. format slot 14 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  865. else:
  866. format slot 14 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&rCost: &l7 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyweapon3"]
  867. else:
  868. format slot 14 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&cPurchase previous package first." to be unstealable
  870. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3} is true:
  871. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon4} is true:
  872. format slot 15 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  873. else:
  874. format slot 15 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&rCost: &l10 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyweapon4"]
  875. else:
  876. format slot 15 of player with glowing diamond sword named "&r&lSHARPNESS AND FIRE ASPECT I &rDiamond Sword" with lore "||&cPurchase previous package first." to be unstealable
  878. format slot 30 of player with barrier named "&6&lGo Back" to close then run [make player execute "blacksmith"]
  879. format slot 32 of player with gold axe named "&6&lRanked Statistics" with lore "||&rEquip Points|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}%||&rELO|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%||&rELO Rank|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank}%" to be unstealable
  881. command /server:ranked.player:
  882. trigger:
  883. wait 3 ticks
  884. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Ranked Store" to player
  885. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player1} is true:
  886. format slot 12 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&r&lDOUBLE &rCoins Multiplier" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  887. else:
  888. format slot 12 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&r&lDOUBLE &rCoins Multiplier" with lore "||&rCost: &l5 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyplayer1"]
  889. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player2} is true:
  890. format slot 14 of player with glowing diamond named "&r&lDOUBLE &rELO Multiplier" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  891. else:
  892. format slot 14 of player with glowing diamond named "&r&lDOUBLE &rELO Multiplier" with lore "||&rCost: &l6 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buyplayer2"]
  893. format slot 30 of player with barrier named "&6&lGo Back" to close then run [make player execute "blacksmith"]
  894. format slot 32 of player with gold axe named "&6&lRanked Statistics" with lore "||&rEquip Points|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}%||&rELO|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%||&rELO Rank|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank}%" to be unstealable
  896. command /server:ranked.armor:
  897. trigger:
  898. wait 3 ticks
  899. open chest with 5 rows named "&8Ranked Store" to player
  900. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor1} is true:
  901. format slot 11 of player with glowing chainmail helmet named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  902. else:
  903. format slot 11 of player with glowing chainmail helmet named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&rCost: &l1 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buy1armor1"]
  904. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor2} is true:
  905. format slot 12 of player with glowing chainmail chestplate named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  906. else:
  907. format slot 12 of player with glowing chainmail chestplate named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&rCost: &l3 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buy1armor2"]
  908. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor3} is true:
  909. format slot 14 of player with glowing chainmail leggings named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  910. else:
  911. format slot 14 of player with glowing chainmail leggings named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&rCost: &l2 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buy1armor3"]
  912. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor4} is true:
  913. format slot 15 of player with glowing chainmail boots named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  914. else:
  915. format slot 15 of player with glowing chainmail boots named "&r&lPROTECTION II &rChainmail" with lore "||&rCost: &l1 EP" to close then run [make player execute "server:buy1armor4"]
  917. format slot 20 of player with glowing iron helmet named "&r&lPROTECTION I &rIron" with lore "||&rCost: &l4 EP" to be unstealable
  918. format slot 21 of player with glowing iron chestplate named "&r&lPROTECTION I &rIron" with lore "||&rCost: &l6 EP" to be unstealable
  919. format slot 23 of player with glowing iron leggings named "&r&lPROTECTION I &rIron" with lore "||&rCost: &l5 EP" to be unstealable
  920. format slot 24 of player with glowing iron boots named "&r&lPROTECTION I &rIron" with lore "||&rCost: &l4 EP" to be unstealable
  921. format slot 39 of player with barrier named "&6&lGo Back" to close then run [make player execute "blacksmith"]
  922. format slot 41 of player with gold axe named "&6&lRanked Statistics" with lore "||&rEquip Points|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}%||&rELO|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%||&rELO Rank|| &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank}%" to be unstealable
  924. command /resetstore:
  925. permission: *
  926. trigger:
  927. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon4}
  928. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3}
  929. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2}
  930. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1}
  931. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player2}
  932. delete {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player1}
  933. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "Diamond Sword"
  934. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "None"
  935. command /server:buy1armor4:
  936. trigger:
  937. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor4} isn't set:
  938. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 0:
  939. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lChainmail Boots"
  940. else:
  941. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor4} to true
  942. remove 1 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  943. send "&ePurchased Chainmail Boots"
  944. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} to "Modified"
  945. else:
  946. send "&cYou already own &lChainmail Boots"
  947. command /server:buy1armor3:
  948. trigger:
  949. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor3} isn't set:
  950. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 1:
  951. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lChainmail Leggings"
  952. else:
  953. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor3} to true
  954. remove 3 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  955. send "&ePurchased Chainmail Leggings"
  956. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} to "Modified"
  957. else:
  958. send "&cYou already own &lChainmail Leggings"
  959. command /server:buy1armor2:
  960. trigger:
  961. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor2} isn't set:
  962. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 2:
  963. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lChainmail Helmet"
  964. else:
  965. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor2} to true
  966. remove 3 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  967. send "&ePurchased Chainmail Chesplate"
  968. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} to "Modified"
  969. else:
  970. send "&cYou already own &lChainmail ChesplateChesplate"
  971. command /server:buy1armor1:
  972. trigger:
  973. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor1} isn't set:
  974. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 0:
  975. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lChainmail Helmet"
  976. else:
  977. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::1armor1} to true
  978. remove 1 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  979. send "&ePurchased Chainmail Helmet"
  980. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::armorname} to "Modified"
  981. else:
  982. send "&cYou already own &lChainmail Helmet"
  983. command /server:buyweapon4:
  984. trigger:
  985. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon4} isn't set:
  986. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 9:
  987. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSharpness and Fire Aspect I Diamond Sword"
  988. else:
  989. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon4} to true
  990. remove 10 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  991. send "&ePurchased Sharpness and Fire Aspect I Diamond Sword"
  992. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "S1 FA1 Diamond Sword"
  993. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weapon} to "Sharpness I and Fire Aspect I Diamond Sword"
  994. else:
  995. send "&cYou already own &lSharpness and Fire Aspect I Diamond Sword"
  996. command /server:buyweapon3:
  997. trigger:
  998. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3} isn't set:
  999. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 6:
  1000. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSharpness I Diamond Sword"
  1001. else:
  1002. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon3} to true
  1003. remove 7 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  1004. send "&ePurchased Sharpness I Diamond Sword"
  1005. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "S1 Diamond Sword"
  1006. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weapon} to "Sharpness I Diamond Sword"
  1007. else:
  1008. send "&cYou already own &lSharpness I Diamond Sword"
  1009. command /server:buyweapon2:
  1010. trigger:
  1011. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2} isn't set:
  1012. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 4:
  1013. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSharpness and Fire Aspect II Iron Sword"
  1014. else:
  1015. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon2} to true
  1016. remove 5 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  1017. send "&ePurchased Sharpness and Fire Aspect II Iron Sword"
  1018. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "S2 FA2 Iron Sword"
  1019. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weapon} to "Sharpness and Fire Aspect II Iron Sword"
  1020. else:
  1021. send "&cYou already own &lSharpness and Fire Aspect II Iron Sword"
  1022. command /server:buyweapon1:
  1023. trigger:
  1024. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1} isn't set:
  1025. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 2:
  1026. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSharpness and Fire Aspect I Iron Sword"
  1027. else:
  1028. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::weapon1} to true
  1029. remove 3 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  1030. send "&ePurchased Sharpness and Fire Aspect I Iron Sword"
  1031. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weaponname} to "S1 FA1 Iron Sword"
  1032. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::weapon} to "Sharpness and Fire Aspect I Iron Sword"
  1033. else:
  1034. send "&cYou already own &lSharpness and Fire Aspect I Iron Sword"
  1035. command /server:buyplayer1:
  1036. trigger:
  1037. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player1} isn't set:
  1038. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 4:
  1039. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lDouble Coins Multiplier"
  1040. else:
  1041. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player1} to true
  1042. remove 5 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  1043. send "&ePurchased Double Coins Multiplier"
  1044. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} is "Double Elo":
  1045. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "Double Elo + Double Coins"
  1046. else:
  1047. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "Double Coins"
  1048. set {player::%uuid of player%::multiplier::coins} to true
  1049. else:
  1050. send "&cYou already own &lDouble Coins Multiplier"
  1051. command /server:buyplayer2:
  1052. trigger:
  1053. if {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player2} isn't set:
  1054. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip} isn't greater than 5:
  1055. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lDouble ELO Multiplier"
  1056. else:
  1057. set {player::%uuid of player%::inventory::ranked::player2} to true
  1058. remove 6 from {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::equip}
  1059. send "&ePurchased Double ELO Multiplier"
  1060. if {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} is "Double Coins":
  1061. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "Double Elo + Double Coins"
  1062. else:
  1063. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::playername} to "Double Elo"
  1064. set {player::%uuid of player%::multiplier::elo} to true
  1065. else:
  1066. send "&cYou already own &lDouble ELO Multiplier"
  1068. on skript start:
  1069. set {server.location.spawn} to {server.location.spawn}
  1070. set {server.location.arena} to {server.location.arena}
  1072. command /trigger:
  1073. permission: *
  1074. trigger:
  1075. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Unranked"
  1077. on first join:
  1078. set {player::%uuid of player%::rank::display} to "None"
  1079. set {player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix} to "&r"
  1080. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elorank} to "Unranked"
  1081. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} to 0
  1082. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} to 0
  1083. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} to 10000
  1084. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} to 1000
  1085. set join message to "%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% &ehas connected to the server."
  1086. on join:
  1087. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1088. message "&eConnect to our discord."
  1089. message "&6&lDiscord &r"
  1090. message "&eFor help, type /information"
  1091. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1093. command /information:
  1094. aliases: /help, /info
  1095. trigger:
  1096. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1097. send "&6&l/class &e- Select classes."
  1098. send "&6&l/shop &e- Browse the shop."
  1099. send "&6&l/stats &e- View your statistics."
  1100. send "&6&l/inventory &e- View your purchased items."
  1101. send "&6&l/game &e- Join/Leave the arena."
  1102. send "&6&l/gift &e- Gift players coins."
  1103. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1104. on join:
  1105. teleport player to {server::location::spawn}
  1106. make player execute "spawn"
  1107. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status}
  1108. set join message to "%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% &ehas connected to the server."
  1109. on disconnect:
  1110. set leave message to "%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% &ehas disconnected from the server."
  1111. command /gift [<offline player>] [<integer>]:
  1112. trigger:
  1113. if arg-1 is set:
  1114. if arg-2 is set:
  1115. set {_amount} to arg-2
  1116. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} < {_amount}:
  1117. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to gift %arg-1% &l$%arg-2%"
  1118. else:
  1119. remove arg-2 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1120. add arg-2 to {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::coins}
  1121. send "&6&l[*] &rGifted %arg-1% $%arg-2% dollars." to player
  1122. send "&6&l[*] &rRecieved $%arg-2% dollars from %arg-1%" to arg-1
  1123. else:
  1124. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/gift <player> <amount>"
  1125. else:
  1126. send "&cUnspecified argument(s): &n/gift <player> <amount>"
  1128. command /stats [<offline player>]:
  1129. trigger:
  1130. if arg-1 is set:
  1131. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1132. send "&r"
  1133. send "&6&l%arg-1%'s Global Statistics"
  1134. send " &r&lKILLS &7%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::kills}%"
  1135. send " &r&lDEATHS &7%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::deaths}%"
  1136. send " &r&lELO &7%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::elo}%"
  1137. send " &r&lCOINS &7%{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::coins}%"
  1138. send "&r"
  1139. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1140. else:
  1141. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1142. send "&r"
  1143. send "&6&lGlobal Statistics"
  1144. send " &r&lKILLS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}%"
  1145. send " &r&lDEATHS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}%"
  1146. send " &r&lELO &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%"
  1147. send " &r&lCOINS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%"
  1148. send "&r"
  1149. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1150. command /unranked:
  1151. trigger:
  1152. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} isn't set:
  1153. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is set:
  1154. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::pvptag} is "IDKKDKDKD":
  1155. send "&cYou have a &a&lPvPTag &ccooldown still."
  1156. else:
  1157. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills} isn't set:
  1158. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills} to 0
  1159. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths} isn't set:
  1160. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths} to 0
  1161. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} isn't set:
  1162. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} to 0
  1163. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} isn't set:
  1164. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} to 0
  1165. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} isn't set:
  1166. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::elo} to 1000
  1167. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1168. send "&r"
  1169. send "&6&lGlobal Statistics"
  1170. send " &r&lKILLS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}%"
  1171. send " &r&lDEATHS &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}%"
  1172. send " &r&lELO &7%{player::%uuid of player%::game::elo}%"
  1173. send "&r"
  1174. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1175. clear player's inventory
  1176. execute console command "/minecraft:effect %player% clear"
  1177. set {player::%uuid of player%::spawn} to true
  1178. teleport player to {server.location.spawn}
  1179. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::pvptag}
  1180. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::status}
  1181. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::kills}
  1182. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::current::deaths}
  1183. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status}
  1184. make player execute "spawn"
  1185. else:
  1186. delete {player::%uuid of player%::spawn}
  1187. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't set:
  1188. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Aggressive"
  1189. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} to true
  1190. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1191. send "&r"
  1192. send "&6&lUNRANKED &6FFA"
  1193. send "&r"
  1194. send " &r&lCLASS &7%{player.%uuid of player%::game::class}%"
  1195. send "&r"
  1196. send "&7&m--------------------------------------"
  1197. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1} is set:
  1198. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  1199. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed2} is set:
  1200. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  1201. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::strength1} is set:
  1202. apply strength 1 to player for 999 days
  1203. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} is "Aggressive":
  1204. clear player's inventory
  1205. make player execute "server:class1"
  1206. else if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} is "Bard":
  1207. clear player's inventory
  1208. make player execute "server:class2"
  1209. else if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} is "Balanced":
  1210. clear player's inventory
  1211. make player execute "server:class3"
  1212. else if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} is "Pyro":
  1213. clear player's inventory
  1214. make player execute "server:class4"
  1215. else if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} is "Thief":
  1216. clear player's inventory
  1217. make player execute "server:class5"
  1218. else:
  1219. send "&cYou have to leave &lRanked &cbefore entering unranked."
  1221. command /shop:
  1222. trigger:
  1223. open chest with 1 row named "&8Shop" to player
  1224. format slot 0 of player with diamond chestplate named "&r&lCLASSES &rShop" with lore "||&rLeft-click to browse purchaseable kits." to close then run [make player execute "server:classshop"]
  1225. format slot 1 of player with crafting table named "&r&lRANKS &rShop" with lore "||&rLeft-click to browse our ranks." to close then run [make player execute "server:rankshop"]
  1226. format slot 2 of player with red dye named "&r&lKILL EFFECTS &rShop" with lore "||&rLeft-click to browse purchaseable kill effects." to close then run [make player execute "server:killeffectshop"]
  1227. format slot 3 of player with player's skull named "&r&lDEATH ANIMATIONS &rShop" with lore "||&rLeft-click to browse purchaseable death animations." to close then run [make player execute "server:deathanimationshop"]
  1228. format slot 4 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lPERMANENT &rShop" with lore "||&rLeft-click to browse purchaseable effects" to close then run [make player execute "server:effectsshop"]
  1230. command /server:rankshop:
  1231. trigger:
  1232. send "&cComing soon"
  1234. command /server:killeffectshop:
  1235. trigger:
  1236. wait 3 ticks
  1237. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Kill Effects Shop" to player
  1238. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::speed1} isn't set:
  1239. format slot 12 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&r$5,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buykilleffect1"]
  1240. else:
  1241. format slot 12 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1242. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::strength1} isn't set:
  1243. format slot 13 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&r$7,500||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buykilleffect2"]
  1244. else:
  1245. format slot 13 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1246. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::regen2} isn't set:
  1247. format slot 14 of player with 2 chicken named "&r&lREGENERATION &rTwo" with lore "||&r$10,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buykilleffect3"]
  1248. else:
  1249. format slot 14 of player with 2 chicken named "&r&lREGENERATION &rTwo" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1251. command /server:buykilleffect1:
  1252. trigger:
  1253. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::speed1} isn't set:
  1254. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 4999:
  1255. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSpeed One Kill Effect"
  1256. else:
  1257. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::speed1} to true
  1258. remove 5000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1259. send "&ePurchased Speed One Kill Effect"
  1260. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::speed1} to true
  1261. send "&eSelected Speed One Kill Effect"
  1262. else:
  1263. send "&cYou already own &lSpeed One Kill Effect"
  1265. command /server:buykilleffect2:
  1266. trigger:
  1267. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::strength1} isn't set:
  1268. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 7499:
  1269. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lStrength One Kill Effect"
  1270. else:
  1271. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::strength1} to true
  1272. remove 7500 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1273. send "&ePurchased Strength One Effect"
  1274. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::strength1} to true
  1275. send "&eSelected Strength One Effect"
  1276. else:
  1277. send "&cYou already own &lStrength One Kill Effect"
  1279. command /server:buykilleffect3:
  1280. trigger:
  1281. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::regen2} isn't set:
  1282. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 9999:
  1283. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lRegeneration Two Kill Effect"
  1284. else:
  1285. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::regen2} to true
  1286. remove 10000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1287. send "&ePurchased Regeneration Two Effect"
  1288. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::regen2} to true
  1289. send "&eSelected Regeneration Two Effect"
  1290. else:
  1291. send "&cYou already own &lRegeneration Two Kill Effect"
  1293. command /server:effectsshop:
  1294. trigger:
  1295. wait 3 ticks
  1296. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Effects Shop" to player
  1297. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed1} isn't set:
  1298. format slot 12 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&r$25,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyeffect1"]
  1299. else:
  1300. format slot 12 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1301. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed2} isn't set:
  1302. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed1} isn't set:
  1303. format slot 13 of player with 2 feathers named "&r&lSPEED &rTwo" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE SPEED 1 FIRST" to be unstealable
  1304. else:
  1305. format slot 13 of player with 2 feathers named "&r&lSPEED &rTwo" with lore "||&r$45,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyeffect2"]
  1306. else:
  1307. format slot 13 of player with 2 feathers named "&r&lSPEED &rTwo" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1308. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::strength1} isn't set:
  1309. format slot 14 of player with blaze powder named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&r$55,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyeffect3"]
  1310. else:
  1311. format slot 14 of player with blaze powder named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1313. command /server:classshop:
  1314. trigger:
  1315. wait 3 ticks
  1316. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Class Shop" to player
  1317. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::thief} isn't set:
  1318. format slot 11 of player with book named "&r&lTHIEF &rClass" with lore "||&r$25,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyclass5"]
  1319. else:
  1320. format slot 11 of player with book named "&r&lTHIEF &rClass" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1321. format slot 12 of player with book named "&r&lAGGRESSIVE &rClass" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1322. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::bard} isn't set:
  1323. format slot 13 of player with book named "&r&lBARD &rClass" with lore "||&r$20,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyclass2"]
  1324. else:
  1325. format slot 13 of player with book named "&r&lBARD &rClass" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1326. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::balanced} isn't set:
  1327. format slot 14 of player with book named "&r&lBALANCED &rClass" with lore "||&r$30,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyclass3"]
  1328. else:
  1329. format slot 14 of player with book named "&r&lBALANCED &rClass" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1330. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::pyro} isn't set:
  1331. format slot 15 of player with book named "&r&lPYRO &rClass" with lore "||&r$20,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buyclass4"]
  1332. else:
  1333. format slot 15 of player with book named "&r&lPYRO &rClass" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1335. command /server:deathanimationshop:
  1336. trigger:
  1337. wait 3 ticks
  1338. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Death Animations Shop" to player
  1339. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::explosion} isn't set:
  1340. format slot 12 of player with tnt named "&r&lEXPLOSION &rEffect" with lore "||&r$2,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buydeathanimation2"]
  1341. else:
  1342. format slot 12 of player with tnt named "&r&lEXPLOSION &rEffect" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1343. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::blood} isn't set:
  1344. format slot 13 of player with red dye named "&r&lBLOOD &rEffect" with lore "||&r$3,000||&7You have &r&l$%{player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}%" to close then run [make player execute "/server:buydeathanimation3"]
  1345. else:
  1346. format slot 13 of player with red dye named "&r&lBLOOD &rEffect" with lore "||&a&lOWNED" to be unstealable
  1348. command /server:buyeffect3:
  1349. trigger:
  1350. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::strength1} isn't set:
  1351. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 54999:
  1352. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lStrength One Effect"
  1353. else:
  1354. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::strength1} to true
  1355. remove 55000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1356. send "&ePurchased Strength One Effect"
  1357. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::strength1} to true
  1358. send "&eSelected Strength One Effect"
  1359. else:
  1360. send "&cYou already own &lStrength One Effect"
  1362. command /server:buyeffect2:
  1363. trigger:
  1364. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed2} isn't set:
  1365. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 44999:
  1366. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSpeed Two Effect"
  1367. else:
  1368. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed2} to true
  1369. remove 45000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1370. send "&ePurchased Speed Two Effect"
  1371. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1} to true
  1372. send "&eSelected Speed Two Effect"
  1373. else:
  1374. send "&cYou already own &lSpeed Two Effect"
  1376. command /server:buyeffect1:
  1377. trigger:
  1378. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed1} isn't set:
  1379. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 24999:
  1380. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSpeed One Effect"
  1381. else:
  1382. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed1} to true
  1383. remove 25000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1384. send "&ePurchased Speed One Effect"
  1385. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1} to true
  1386. send "&eSelected Speed One Effect"
  1387. else:
  1388. send "&cYou already own &lSpeed One Effect"
  1390. command /server:buydeathanimation2:
  1391. trigger:
  1392. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::explosion} isn't set:
  1393. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 1999:
  1394. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lExplosion Effect"
  1395. else:
  1396. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::explosion} to true
  1397. remove 2000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1398. send "&ePurchased Explosion Effect"
  1399. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::explosion} to true
  1400. send "&eSelected Explosion Effect"
  1401. else:
  1402. send "&cYou already own &lExplosion Effect"
  1404. command /server:buydeathanimation3:
  1405. trigger:
  1406. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::blood} isn't set:
  1407. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 2999:
  1408. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lBlood Effect"
  1409. else:
  1410. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::blood} to true
  1411. remove 3000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1412. send "&ePurchased Blood Effect"
  1413. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::blood} to true
  1414. send "&eSelected Blood Effect"
  1415. else:
  1416. send "&cYou already own &lBlood Effect"
  1418. command /server:buyclass2:
  1419. trigger:
  1420. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::bard} isn't set:
  1421. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 19999:
  1422. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lBard Class"
  1423. else:
  1424. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::bard} to true
  1425. remove 20000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1426. send "&ePurchased Bard Class"
  1427. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Bard"
  1428. send "&eSelected Bard Class"
  1429. else:
  1430. send "&cYou already own &lBard Class"
  1432. command /server:buyclass3:
  1433. trigger:
  1434. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::balanced} isn't set:
  1435. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 29999:
  1436. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lBalanced Class"
  1437. else:
  1438. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::balanced} to true
  1439. remove 30000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1440. send "&ePurchased Balanced Class"
  1441. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Balanced"
  1442. send "&eSelected Balanced Class"
  1443. else:
  1444. send "&cYou already own &lBard Class"
  1446. command /server:buyclass4:
  1447. trigger:
  1448. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::pyro} isn't set:
  1449. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 19999:
  1450. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lPyro Class"
  1451. else:
  1452. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::pyro} to true
  1453. remove 20000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1454. send "&ePurchased Pyro Class"
  1455. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Pyro"
  1456. send "&eSelected Pyro Class"
  1457. else:
  1458. send "&cYou already own &lPyro Class"
  1460. command /server:buyclass5:
  1461. trigger:
  1462. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::thief} isn't set:
  1463. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins} isn't greater than 24999:
  1464. send "&cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lThief Class"
  1465. else:
  1466. set {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::thief} to true
  1467. remove 25000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::coins}
  1468. send "&ePurchased Thief Class"
  1469. set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Thief"
  1470. send "&eSelected Thief Class"
  1471. else:
  1472. send "&cYou already own &lThief Class"
  1474. command /inventory:
  1475. aliases: /inv
  1476. trigger:
  1477. wait 3 ticks
  1478. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Inventory" to player
  1479. format slot 12 of player with book named "&r&lKILL &rEffects" to close then run [make player execute "/server:invkilleffects"]
  1480. format slot 13 of player with book named "&r&lDEATH &rAnimations" to close then run [make player execute "/server:invdeathanimations"]
  1481. format slot 14 of player with book named "&r&lPERMANENT &rEffects" to close then run [make player execute "/server:invpermeffects"]
  1483. command /server:invkilleffects:
  1484. trigger:
  1485. wait 3 ticks
  1486. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Kill Effects" to player
  1487. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::speed1} is true:
  1488. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::speed2}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::strength1}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::regen2} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Speed One Effect"]
  1489. else:
  1490. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1491. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::regen2} is true:
  1492. format slot 12 of player with 2 chicken named "&r&lREGENERATION &rTwo" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::speed1}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::strength1}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::regen2} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Regeneration Two Effect"]
  1493. else:
  1494. format slot 12 of player with 2 chicken named "&r&lREGENERATION &rTwo" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1495. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::killeffects::strength1} is true:
  1496. format slot 11 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::speed1}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::regen2}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::killeffects::strength1} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Strength One Effect"]
  1497. else:
  1498. format slot 11 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1500. command /server:invpermeffects:
  1501. trigger:
  1502. wait 3 ticks
  1503. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Permanent Effects" to player
  1504. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed1} is true:
  1505. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed2}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::strength1}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Speed One Effect"]
  1506. else:
  1507. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&r&lSPEED &rOne" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1508. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::speed2} is true:
  1509. format slot 11 of player with 2 feathers named "&r&lSPEED &rTwo" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::strength1}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed2} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Speed Two Effect"]
  1510. else:
  1511. format slot 11 of player with 2 feathers named "&r&lSPEED &rTwo" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1512. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::effects::strength1} is true:
  1513. format slot 12 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed1}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::speed2}] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::effects::strength1} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Strength One Effect"]
  1514. else:
  1515. format slot 12 of player with water_bottle named "&r&lSTRENGTH &rOne" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1519. command /server:invdeathanimations:
  1520. trigger:
  1521. wait 3 ticks
  1522. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Death Animations" to player
  1523. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::explosion} is true:
  1524. format slot 10 of player with tnt named "&r&lEXPLOSION &rEffect" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::blood} to false] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::explosion} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Explosion Effect"]
  1525. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::explosion} isn't set:
  1526. format slot 10 of player with tnt named "&r&lEXPLOSION &rEffect" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1527. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::blood} is true:
  1528. format slot 11 of player with red dye named "&r&lBLOOD &rEffect" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::explosion} to false] -> [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deathanimation::blood} to true] -> [send "&eSelected Blood Effect"]
  1529. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::deathanimation::blood} isn't set:
  1530. format slot 11 of player with red dye named "&r&lBLOOD &rEffect" with lore "||&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to be unstealable
  1533. command /class:
  1534. trigger:
  1535. wait 3 ticks
  1536. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Class" to player
  1537. format slot 11 of player with book named "&r&lTHIEF &rClass" to close then run [make player execute "/server:class5setting"]
  1538. format slot 12 of player with book named "&r&lAGGRESSIVE &rClass" to close then run [make player execute "/server:class1setting"]
  1539. format slot 13 of player with book named "&r&lBARD &rClass" to close then run [make player execute "/server:class2setting"]
  1540. format slot 14 of player with book named "&r&lBALANCED &rClass" to close then run [make player execute "/server:class3setting"]
  1541. format slot 15 of player with book named "&r&lPYRO &rClass" to close then run [make player execute "/server:class4setting"]
  1543. command /server:class5setting:
  1544. trigger:
  1545. wait 3 ticks
  1546. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Class Thief" to player
  1547. format slot 10 of player with water_bottle named "&e&lINVISIBILITY &ePotions" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&elINVISIBILITY &ePotions.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip 3 invisibility potions" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} to "Invis"]
  1548. format slot 11 of player with 2 feathers named "&e&lSPEED &eTwo" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &eTwo.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rHave permanent speed 2" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} to "Speed2"]
  1549. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't "Thief":
  1550. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::thief} is true:
  1551. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lSELECT &rClass" to close then run [set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Thief"] -> [send "&eClass Thief Selected."]
  1552. else:
  1553. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1554. else:
  1555. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lTHIEF &rClass Selected" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1556. format slot 23 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lGO BACK" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1558. command /server:class4setting:
  1559. trigger:
  1560. wait 3 ticks
  1561. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Class Pyro" to player
  1562. format slot 10 of player with iron axe named "&e&lSHARPNESS &rand Fire Aspect" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSHARPNESS &rand Fire Aspect||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 and fire aspect iron axe." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} to "Sharpness"]
  1563. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&e&lSPEED &eOne" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &rOne.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rHave permanent speed 1." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} to "Speed"]
  1564. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't "Pyro":
  1565. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::pyro} is true:
  1566. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lSELECT &rClass" to close then run [set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Pyro"] -> [send "&eClass Pyro Selected."]
  1567. else:
  1568. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1569. else:
  1570. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lPYRO &rClass Selected" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1571. format slot 23 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lGO BACK" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1573. command /server:class3setting:
  1574. trigger:
  1575. wait 3 ticks
  1576. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Class Balanced" to player
  1577. format slot 10 of player with bow named "&e&lBOW &eand Arrows" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eBOW &rand arrows.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a power 1 bow with 64 arrows." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} to "Bow"]
  1578. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&e&lSPEED &ePotions" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &rpotions.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip 3 speed 2 potions." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} to "Speed Potions"]
  1579. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't "Balanced":
  1580. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::balanced} is true:
  1581. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lSELECT &rClass" to close then run [set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Balanced"] -> [send "&eClass Balanced Selected."]
  1582. else:
  1583. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1584. else:
  1585. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lBALANCED &rClass Selected" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1586. format slot 23 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lGO BACK" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1588. command /server:class2setting:
  1589. trigger:
  1590. wait 3 ticks
  1591. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Class Bard" to player
  1592. format slot 10 of player with feather named "&e&lJUMP &eBoost" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eMAGIC &raxe.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rOn click recieve jump boost 3." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} to "Jump Boost"]
  1593. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&e&lDIAMOND &eSword" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eDIAMOND &rSword.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 diamond sword." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} to "Diamond Sword"]
  1594. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't "Bard":
  1595. if {player.%uuid of player%::inventory::class::bard} is true:
  1596. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lSELECT &rClass" to close then run [set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Bard"] -> [send "&eClass Bard Selected."]
  1597. else:
  1598. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&4&lPURCHASE FROM SHOP" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1599. else:
  1600. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lBARD &rClass Selected" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1601. format slot 23 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lGO BACK" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1603. command /server:class1setting:
  1604. trigger:
  1605. wait 3 ticks
  1606. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Class Aggressive" to player
  1607. format slot 10 of player with golden axe named "&e&lMAGIC &eAxe" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eMAGIC &raxe.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rOn left-click recieve a random potion effect." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} to "Magic Axe"]
  1608. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&e&lDIAMOND &eSword" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eDIAMOND &rSword.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 diamond sword." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} to "Diamond Sword"]
  1609. if {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} isn't "Aggressive":
  1610. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lSELECT &rClass" to close then run [set {player.%uuid of player%::game::class} to "Aggressive"] -> [send "&eClass Aggressive Selected."]
  1611. else:
  1612. format slot 21 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lAGGRESSIVE &rClass Selected" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1613. format slot 23 of player with enchanted book named "&r&lGO BACK" to close then run [make player execute "class"]
  1615. command /server:class5:
  1616. trigger:
  1617. if {commands.%uuid of player%} is set:
  1618. stop
  1619. else:
  1620. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} isn't set:
  1621. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Thief Class" to player
  1622. format slot 10 of player with water_bottle named "&e&lINVISIBILITY &ePotions" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&elINVISIBILITY &ePotions.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip 3 invisibility potions" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} to "Invis"] -> [make player execute "server:class5"]
  1623. format slot 11 of player with 2 feathers named "&e&lSPEED &eTwo" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &eTwo.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rHave permanent speed 2" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} to "Speed2"] -> [make player execute "server:class5"]
  1624. else:
  1625. heal player
  1626. set hunger of player to 20
  1627. set gamemode of player to survival
  1628. set player's helmet to glowing leather helmet of protection 3
  1629. set player's chestplate to glowing chainmail chestplate of protection 2
  1630. set player's leggings to glowing chainmail leggings of protection 2
  1631. set player's boots to glowing leather boots of protection 3
  1632. set slot 0 of player to glowing gold sword of sharpness 2 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  1633. set slot 7 of player to 8 golden apples
  1634. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  1635. teleport player to {server.location.arena}
  1636. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} is "Speed2":
  1637. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  1638. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::thief::weapon} is "Invis":
  1639. set slot 1 of player to 3 water_bottle named "&rInvisibility Potions"
  1641. command /server:class4:
  1642. trigger:
  1643. if {commands.%uuid of player%} is set:
  1644. stop
  1645. else:
  1646. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} isn't set:
  1647. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Pyro Class" to player
  1648. format slot 10 of player with iron axe named "&e&lSHARPNESS &rand Fire Aspect" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSHARPNESS &rand Fire Aspect||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 and fire aspect iron axe." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} to "Sharpness"] -> [make player execute "server:class4"]
  1649. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&e&lSPEED &eOne" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &rOne.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rHave permanent speed 1." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} to "Speed"] -> [make player execute "server:class4"]
  1650. else:
  1651. heal player
  1652. set hunger of player to 20
  1653. set gamemode of player to survival
  1654. set player's helmet to glowing chainmail helmet of protection 1
  1655. set player's chestplate to glowing iron chestplate of protection 1
  1656. set player's leggings to glowing chainmail leggings of protection 1
  1657. set player's boots to glowing chainmail boots of protection 1
  1658. set slot 0 of player to glowing iron axe of fire aspect 1 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  1659. set slot 7 of player to 8 golden apples
  1660. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  1661. teleport player to {server.location.arena}
  1662. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} is "Speed":
  1663. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  1664. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::pyro::weapon} is "Sharpness":
  1665. set slot 0 of player to glowing iron axe of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 named "&r%player%'s Sharpned Sword"
  1667. command /server:class3:
  1668. trigger:
  1669. if {commands.%uuid of player%} is set:
  1670. stop
  1671. else:
  1672. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} isn't set:
  1673. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Balanced Class" to player
  1674. format slot 10 of player with bow named "&e&lBOW &eand Arrows" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eBOW &rand arrows.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a power 1 bow with 64 arrows." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} to "Bow"] -> [make player execute "server:class3"]
  1675. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&e&lSPEED &ePotions" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eSPEED &rpotions.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip 3 speed 2 potions." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} to "Speed Potions"] -> [make player execute "server:class3"]
  1676. else:
  1677. heal player
  1678. set hunger of player to 20
  1679. set gamemode of player to survival
  1680. set player's helmet to glowing iron helmet of protection 1
  1681. set player's chestplate to glowing iron chestplate
  1682. set player's leggings to glowing iron leggings
  1683. set player's boots to glowing iron boots of protection 1
  1684. set slot 0 of player to glowing stone sword of sharpness 2 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  1685. set slot 7 of player to 8 golden apples
  1686. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  1687. teleport player to {server.location.arena}
  1688. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} is "Speed Potions":
  1689. set slot 1 of player to 3 water_bottle named "&rSpeed Potions"
  1690. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::balanced::weapon} is "Bow":
  1691. set slot 1 of player to bow of power 1 named "&r%player%'s Bow"
  1692. set slot 2 of player to 64 arrows
  1694. command /server:class2:
  1695. trigger:
  1696. if {commands.%uuid of player%} is set:
  1697. stop
  1698. else:
  1699. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} isn't set:
  1700. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Bard Class" to player
  1701. format slot 10 of player with iron ingot named "&e&lJUMP &eBoost" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eJUMP &rBoost.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rOn click recieve jump boost 3." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} to "Jump Boost"] -> [make player execute "server:class2"]
  1702. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&e&lDIAMOND &eSword" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eDIAMOND &rSword.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 diamond sword." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} to "Diamond Sword"] -> [make player execute "server:class2"]
  1703. else:
  1704. heal player
  1705. set hunger of player to 20
  1706. set gamemode of player to survival
  1707. set player's helmet to glowing golden helmet
  1708. set player's chestplate to glowing golden chestplate
  1709. set player's leggings to glowing golden leggings
  1710. set player's boots to glowing golden boots
  1711. set slot 0 of player to glowing iron sword of sharpness 2 named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  1712. set slot 5 of player to 3 blaze rods
  1713. set slot 6 of player to 3 feathers
  1714. set slot 7 of player to 5 golden apples
  1715. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  1716. teleport player to {server.location.arena}
  1717. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} is "Jump Boost":
  1718. set slot 4 of player to 3 iron ingots
  1719. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::bard::weapon} is "Diamond Sword":
  1720. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&r%player%'s Sharpned Sword"
  1722. command /server:class1:
  1723. trigger:
  1724. if {commands.%uuid of player%} is set:
  1725. stop
  1726. else:
  1727. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} isn't set:
  1728. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Aggressive Class" to player
  1729. format slot 10 of player with golden axe named "&e&lMAGIC &eAxe" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eMAGIC &raxe.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rOn left-click recieve a random potion effect." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} to "Magic Axe"] -> [make player execute "server:class1"]
  1730. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&e&lDIAMOND &eSword" with lore "||&rLeft-click to use your skill point on the||&eDIAMOND &rSword.||||&6&lDESCRIPTION||||&rEquip a sharpness 1 diamond sword." to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} to "Diamond Sword"] -> [make player execute "server:class1"]
  1731. else:
  1732. heal player
  1733. set hunger of player to 20
  1734. set gamemode of player to survival
  1735. set player's helmet to glowing iron helmet
  1736. set player's chestplate to glowing iron chestplate
  1737. set player's leggings to glowing iron leggings
  1738. set player's boots to glowing iron boots
  1739. set slot 0 of player to glowing diamond sword named "&r%player%'s Sword"
  1740. set slot 7 of player to 10 golden apples
  1741. set slot 8 of player to 10 golden carrots
  1742. teleport player to {server.location.arena}
  1743. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} is "Thunder Axe" or "Magic Axe":
  1744. set slot 1 of player to golden axe named "&rMagic Axe"
  1745. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::class::aggressive::weapon} is "Diamond Sword":
  1746. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&r%player%'s Sharpned Sword"
  1747. on respawn:
  1748. wait 10 ticks
  1749. teleport player to {server::location::spawn}
  1750. on death:
  1751. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::killeffects::speed1} is true:
  1752. apply speed 1 to attacker for 5 seconds
  1753. else if {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::killeffects::strength1} is true:
  1754. apply strength 1 to attacker for 5 seconds
  1755. else if {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::killeffects::regen2} is true:
  1756. apply regeneration 2 to attacker for 5 seconds
  1758. on death:
  1759. victim is a player:
  1760. attacker is a player:
  1761. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1762. clear drops
  1763. send "&6&l+50 COINS" to attacker
  1764. set death message to "&c%attacker%&4[%{player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}%] &ehas slain &c%victim%&4[%{player::%uuid of victim%::game::kills}%]"
  1765. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}
  1766. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::killstreak}
  1767. add 50 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::coins}
  1768. add 1 to {player::%uuid of victim%::game::deaths}
  1769. delete {player::%uuid of victim%::game::killstreak}
  1770. if {player::%uuid of victim%::game::deathanimation::blood} is true:
  1771. drop 5 red dye at location of victim
  1772. drop 5 bone at location of victim
  1773. wait 2 seconds
  1774. loop all dropped items:
  1775. delete loop-value
  1776. if {player::%uuid of victim%::game::deathanimation::explosion} is true:
  1777. create fake explosion at victim
  1778. drop 2 tnt at location of victim
  1779. wait 2 seconds
  1780. loop all dropped items:
  1781. delete loop-value
  1782. else:
  1783. clear drops
  1784. set death message to "&c%attacker%&4[%{player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}%] &ehas slain &c%victim%&4[%{player::%uuid of victim%::game::kills}%]"
  1785. on respawn:
  1786. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1787. make player execute "unranked"
  1788. make player execute "spawn"
  1789. on pickup of red dye:
  1790. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1791. cancel event
  1792. on pickup of bone:
  1793. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1794. cancel event
  1795. on pickup:
  1796. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1797. cancel event
  1798. on break:
  1799. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1800. cancel event
  1801. on place:
  1802. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1803. cancel event
  1804. on drop:
  1805. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::unranked::status} is true:
  1806. cancel event
  1807. on pickup of red dye:
  1808. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1809. cancel event
  1810. on pickup of bone:
  1811. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1812. cancel event
  1813. on pickup:
  1814. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1815. cancel event
  1816. on break:
  1817. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1818. cancel event
  1819. on place:
  1820. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1821. cancel event
  1822. on drop:
  1823. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::ranked::status} is true:
  1824. cancel event
  1826. on rightclick:
  1827. if player's tool is a blaze rod:
  1828. remove 1 blaze rod from player
  1829. apply strength 2 to player for 5 seconds
  1830. if player's tool is a feather:
  1831. remove 1 feather from player
  1832. apply speed 2 to player for 10 seconds
  1833. if player's tool is a iron ingot:
  1834. remove 1 iron ingot from player
  1835. apply jump boost 3 to player for 5 seconds
  1836. if player's tool is a water_bottle:
  1837. if name of player's tool is "&rSpeed Potions":
  1838. remove 1 water_bottle named "&rSpeed Potions" from player
  1839. apply speed 1 to player for 2 minutes
  1840. if player's tool is a water_bottle:
  1841. if name of player's tool is "&rInvisibility Potions":
  1842. remove 1 water_bottle named "&rInvisibility Potions" from player
  1843. hide the player from all players
  1844. loop 5 times:
  1845. reveal the player from all players
  1846. wait 2.5 seconds
  1847. hide the player from all players
  1848. wait 2.5 seconds
  1849. reveal the player from all players
  1850. send "&elINVISIBILITY was wore off."
  1852. on leftclick:
  1853. if player's tool is a golden axe named "&rMagic Axe":
  1854. cancel event
  1855. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} isn't set:
  1856. chance of 33%:
  1857. apply strength 2 to player for 2 seconds
  1858. chance of 33%:
  1859. apply strength 1 to player for 2 seconds
  1860. chance of 33%:
  1861. apply poison 1 to player for 2 seconds
  1862. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} to 5
  1863. wait 1 second
  1864. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} to 4
  1865. wait 1 second
  1866. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} to 3
  1867. wait 1 second
  1868. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} to 2
  1869. wait 1 second
  1870. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown} to 1
  1871. wait 1 second
  1872. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown}
  1873. else:
  1874. send "&cYou still have a &e&lMagic Axe &ccooldown for another %{player::%uuid of player%::game::item::magicaxe::cooldown}% seconds."
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