
Sam and Shula Dreamquest

Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. [14:50] Shula is still watchfully careing for her boyfriend in a box , even if the long day is slowly taking its toll on her, and so she slowly ,oh so slowly falls foreward and thenn falls asleep
  2. [14:52] Sam Shula: A faint barrier pushes at you, but something from deeper past it beckons you forward
  3. [14:55] Shula is not, thinking she , is in a way falling, or is it closer to diving into something that she knows?..
  4. [14:57] Sam The barrier strengthens, like a wall of elastic, straining. Then it gives way, and a sensation of falling/rising descent/ascent movement/stillness.
  5. [14:59] Sam Shula: You find yourself atop a hill, a gnarled leafless tree arching over you. The sun has just set, casting the sky in bands of red, to yellow, to midnight blue. Sprawling outwards is a vast expanse of golden brown grass, a few shrubs and leafless trees. Old abandoned buildings, Silo's, farm houses, and barns, dot the landscape. Near the horizon is a distant lake, the waters black and...
  6. [14:59] Sam ...non-reflective.
  7. [15:00] Sam The air is warm, but with a cool evening breeze that sways the knee high grass.
  8. [15:01] Shula stumbles for a moment as she lands, looks around in this. Well foreign landscape, "Hello?" She asks unsure
  9. [15:01] Sam "Shula?" Sam's voice calls from behind and just down the hill. "What are you? Is that /really/ you?"
  10. [15:03] Shula "Sam?" She asks surprised as she turns around And then runs down the hill
  11. [15:05] Sam is only a dozen steps away. Dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white dress shirt. He looks surprised, and slightly suspicious.
  12. [15:07] Shula goes for a tacklehug
  13. [15:09] Sam wraps his arms around her and takes a step back at the impact, dropping the bottle of beer he had in hand. "Oof."
  14. [15:13] Shula hugs "Sam!"
  15. [15:14] Sam "Well hello there, someone is happy to see me."
  16. [15:15] Shula "Is you real?"
  17. [15:16] Sam "Close enough to answer your question in the manner you are asking."
  18. [15:16] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@D8D85ECF.3C50607C.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  19. [15:16] =-= Strypgia is now known as StrypePhone
  20. [15:17] Shula "That is good "
  21. [15:17] Shula blinks and blushes
  22. [15:19] Sam sets Shula down and ambles to the top of the hill, one arm around Shula's shoulders. "Well, I'm glad to see you, and a bit surprised it was so soon."
  23. [15:22] |<-- StrypePhone has left (Connection reset by peer)
  24. [15:26] =-= Stryypgia is now known as Strypgia
  25. [15:26] -->| Stryypgia (Strypgia@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  26. [15:27] -->| Switchblade ( has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  27. [15:28] |<-- Pale_Wolf has left (NickServ (GHOST command used by Switchblade))
  28. [15:28] =-= Switchblade is now known as Pale_Wolf
  29. [15:29] Shula "I.. well I fell asleep on you.."
  30. [15:29] Shula leans against him
  31. [15:30] Sam "Oh Shula. . . You've been spending all your time by my side, haven't you?"
  32. [15:34] Shula "I.. yes, Why.. i...I had no else to be "
  33. [15:36] Sam sits down, resting his arms on his knees. "You don't? I'll take your word for it then, I don't really know what's going on outside."
  34. [15:43] Shula "We.. left Thallasa, and comand came and took it over... "
  35. [15:44] Shula looks downcast.
  36. [15:44] Shula "I..we ."
  37. [15:46] Sam motions for Shula to take a seat next to him
  38. [15:51] Shula nods and sits down
  39. [15:51] Shula "Dima stayed behind by choice"
  40. [15:52] Sam "Ah." Sam pulls Shula against him. "And that's very stressful, her staying behind while the rest of us get away."
  41. [15:56] Shula "She, chose the past over me ..and I fear for her."
  42. [15:56] Shula rests her head on his shoulder
  43. [15:58] Sam "Shula, Dima didn't choose the past over you. She wants to help you, and for her the best way to do that is to find out more about your parents, what they were doing. And to do that she has to be in Thalassa." Sam rubs Shula's back. "And your fear. . . it's natural to fear for those you love. That isn't wrong."
  44. [16:00] Shula "She, I do not want to know it if she is in danger."
  45. [16:01] Sam "Your sister is a capable young woman. I have little doubt that she can't handle herself."
  46. [16:03] Shula "I.. , its hard. especially after I was to slow to safe you...You are not a vision because you are dying right?!"
  47. [16:03] Shula asks a bit scared
  48. [16:04] Sam "No, no, I'm not dying Shula. . . I know what that's like, and this isn't it."
  49. [16:06] Shula "...YOu scared m e"
  50. [16:06] Sam "I know. And I'm sorry."
  51. [16:07] |<-- Yezar has left (Connection reset by peer)
  52. [16:09] -->| Yezare (AndChat688@904E01A0.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  53. [16:10] |<-- Yezara has left (Ping timeout: 125 seconds)
  54. [16:15] Shula "Do not do it again please.. Even if I killed that thing after it hurt you.."
  55. [16:15] Shula hugs him painfully
  56. [16:18] Sam "I promise Shula, that insofar as things are within in my power, I won't do that again."
  57. [16:19] Shula "is good, or is kick you"
  58. [16:20] Sam "That's fair. . ." Sam is silent for a few moments more. "Listen, Shula? I . . I owe you apology, I uh, I did something I really shouldn't have."
  59. [16:24] Shula "I, know about something..."
  60. [16:26] Sam " . . . Marika mention me and Tiamat then?"
  61. [16:26] Shula "of sorts."
  62. [16:28] Sam "Well. I can't offer excuses Shula, I made the wrong choice there and I wish I hadn't but. . . I wasn't in a good place there Shula. If there is anything I can do to try and make amends, I will."
  63. [16:31] Shula "I.. want to hear it in your own words."
  64. [16:31] Sam "You want to know why. I owe you that much, at the very least."
  65. [16:33] Sam "It starts with Gregor, like you found yourself here in me, I found myself in him. I. . what happened there is between Gregor and myself, but. . .suffice to say, I was tested, and failed."
  66. [16:33] Shula hugs him unsure
  67. [16:36] Sam "I . . I broke. When I emerged I. . . if Tiamat hadn't started putting me back together I. . . I would not have survived. And then, after she offered." Sam clenches his hand. "Shula. . I just hurt so much, I just. . for a moment wanted to feel some warmth, some kindness. And Tiamat offered, she was the only place I could find it. I'm not perfect Shula, I let my weakness betray you. I...
  68. [16:36] Sam ...shouldn't have, and I'm sorry I did. I can only beg your forgiveness now."
  69. [16:38] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 126 seconds)
  70. [16:45] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@69DBAFC9.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  71. [16:49] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  72. [16:56] Shula ", its my fault that yo where in that situation"
  73. [16:57] Sam "It wasn't anyone's fault that I ened up in that situation, but it is my fault that I acted as I did."
  74. [17:00] Shula "It. no it.. "
  75. [17:02] Sam takes Shula's hand. "Shula, do you blame yourself for the fact that I slept with Tiamat?"
  76. [17:11] Shula "Yes.."
  77. [17:16] Sam "It isn't, but I'm not sure I can convince you of that." Sam smiles sadly and squeezes Shula's hand "So, how about I do the next best thing, ok? You don't feel good about this, right?"
  78. [17:19] Shula "IT, you helped her and .."
  79. [17:20] Sam "Shh, Shula? This is about you now. What do you want? What can I do to make this better? To help you, or at least help you feel better."
  80. [17:21] Shula "I.."
  81. [17:21] Shula sounds lost
  82. [17:22] Sam pulls Shula into his arms. "You don't have to decide right now. But I'm here for you, I promise."
  83. [17:23] Shula "That.. I like you to be here for me , and to hold me"
  84. [17:23] Shula "And well, you are like her, and we.. we know that they do that.. differently.. "
  85. [17:24] Sam "That is no great burden. I like doing that as well."
  86. [17:25] Sam "Yes, I know they are different from us, but the choice lay with me Shula."
  87. [17:26] Shula "Would it have been better not to hold a lonely woman?"
  88. [17:26] Shula tries to explain it away
  89. [17:26] Sam "There is a world of difference from holding a lonely woman and sleeping with her."
  90. [17:27] Shula "..I..know"
  91. [17:30] Sam "Shula, I am profoundly disturbed that you blame yourself for my infidelity."
  92. [17:32] Shula "Either you where a man, and so it is in your nature, I did something wrong that lead to it , or it is her fault. I know that he loves both of us and that you are not thinking only with your desires so.."
  93. [17:34] Sam "You did nothing wrong Shula. I wish I could convince you of that, but I don't think I can, can I?"
  94. [17:37] Shula "I.. do not want to think that. it.. I do not want to falt you because ..I do wnt to belie in you
  95. [17:37] Shula belive
  96. [17:38] Sam "You'd rather blame yourself, than have to face the fact that I made a mistake?"
  97. [17:42] =-= Yezare is now known as Yi-Ping
  98. [17:42] =-= Shinaobi is now known as Akram
  99. [17:42] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Irune
  100. [17:43] =-= Strypgia is now known as Jane
  101. [17:47] Shula "Because it . I.. I do not want to fear that it is .. normal for you so, I need to find something else and I .. I know that I make mistakes
  102. [17:48] Sam "I *promise* you Shula, I will not make a habit of that. That was a singular occurrence, and I have zero intention of ever repeating that, with anyone."
  103. [17:48] Shula silenty hugs him
  104. [17:49] Sam "There just words, and I know that it is hard to trust them, so I can prove them right in time."
  105. [17:52] Shula "i.. it.. "
  106. [17:53] Shula hugs him
  107. [17:54] Sam "I think." Sam smiles "That we are both harder on ourselves than we are eachother."
  108. [17:56] Shula "I.. yes.."
  109. [17:56] Shula smiles softly
  110. [17:57] Sam "Maybe. . " Sam mumbles to himself.
  111. [17:59] Sam "Would you rather stay here like this? Or would you like me to show you something?"
  112. [18:01] Shula "i am hapy with both
  113. [18:01] Sam stands up, lifting Shula up as well. "I want to show you something then."
  114. [18:05] Shula jumps on her feet
  115. [18:06] Sam offers his hand as he walks back down the hill, to the farmhouse down below.
  116. [18:08] Shula takes it gladly
  117. [18:08] Shula "Uh, jane is more angry then I.. and uh meg understands it ...and kicked jane .. painfully"
  118. [18:09] Sam "I'm not surprised about Jane, but how did Megara kick Jane?"
  119. [18:10] Shula "The two of them where arguing, and well I did not want to repead it all so I.. kind of leaned back and let meg move me . It. its like relaxing and moving away from my body "
  120. [18:11] Sam The two arrive at the house, a small two story affair with a front porch. The wood is old, and the paint old and patched in most places revealing the stained wood beneath. The once light blue house now a dingy, dusty grey-blue. Sam opens the door revealing a quiet, softly lite living room. A couch, a recliner chair, a number of old pictures, old china, and other relics of a bygone era dot...
  121. [18:11] Sam ...the room.
  122. [18:12] Sam "Well, makes sense that it'd work both ways I guess, still that's something." Sam waves his arm our "Welcome to my home Shula, or at least a facsimile of it."
  123. [18:13] Shula "It looks... strange , I would have tought that you had more.. stone "
  124. [18:15] Sam "Some of the older buildings are, but the house was built just after world war 2 by my great grandfather." Sam begins to climb up the tall narrow stair well. He stops half-way up and gives a mischievous smile "You know, this is going to be one of the few times I've ever brought a girl into my room. "
  125. [18:17] Shula "Uh.. "
  126. [18:18] Shula blushes for a moment as she follows "I.. well uh.. for.. uh.. that?"
  127. [18:19] Sam pats Shula on the head "I'm teasing Shula. You're just too cute when you blush." Sam fetches a old key from his pocket and fits it into a door at the end of the hallway. He fights with it a few moments before it clicks and he opens the door. "Welcome to my inner sanctum Shula." He steps into his room.
  128. [18:21] Shula blushes and then follows him quite interested.
  129. [18:24] Sam The room is small, smaller then their rooms in Thalassa. Between his bed, work-desk, and the bookshelves it's a bit cozy with 2 people. The air is dry, the light from the small window over his bed creating shafts of light in the dust-laden air. Old books, loose papers, and a few model planes are scattered around the room. The muted earthy tones are only broken by a small, dark-blue blanket...
  130. [18:24] Sam ...folded across the bottom half of his bed. There is a sense of quiet, peaceful stillness here.
  131. [18:26] Shula "it... I... it smells like books
  132. [18:28] Sam nods and closes the door before collapsing onto his bed. "Well, I keep a lot of books here, or at least the real world version of this."
  133. [18:34] Shula looks around a bit unsure, and then relaxes before she looks around "Uh.. can I..?"
  134. [18:34] Sam "Of course."
  135. [18:37] Sam Shula: His desk is covered in papers, mostly drawings. The bookshelf looks well used, and the model planes look old and you can see where they have been repainted, and in one case glued back together.
  136. [18:38] Shula slowly walks around, carefully not touching anything yet "it is.. you"
  137. [18:39] Sam "This whole place is me, but here. . . It's *me* or at least the parts of me I hold to be /me/ more so than anything else."
  138. [18:42] Shula blinks and then very carefully picks up one of the drawings that ..wait..."
  139. [18:42] Shula (-")
  140. [18:44] Sam Shula: it's a clean pencil sketch, much like most of Sam's art. A portrait of you, looking back at the viwer from over your shoulder with a small smirk of a smile, eyes glimmering with a hint of benevolent mischief. A few loose strands of hair frmae your eyes as the slip past the head scarf.
  141. [18:45] -->| Arkalest ( has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  142. [18:45] =-= Mode #adeva3shenanigans +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  143. [18:45] Sam You can feel the faint warm joy contained within the piece of art.
  144. [18:47] Shula blushes and holds it closer to herself
  145. [18:48] Sam "That's one of my better drawings I think."
  146. [18:48] Shula "It is .. better then I am."
  147. [18:49] Sam "It is no worse than you are."
  148. [18:50] Shula "I.. Like you doing that it... shows yo as being.. warm when you find joy in this ."
  149. [18:50] Sam "It is one of the few things I do because I enjoy it for myself."
  150. [18:54] Shula "And I like it, because.. you look, peacefull ? Happy no.. Contend when you do "
  151. [18:55] Sam blinks at the low ceiling "I . . . lose myself in the art. My world narrows to my mind's eye, and the paper, and how I am to transcribe the first to the later."
  152. [18:57] Shula locks at some more
  153. [18:59] Sam Shula: You find another, this one hidden behind some others. It's another of you, but your hair is free and shoulders bare. Your eyes are looking downward, away from the viewer ever so slightly, with a blush on your checks. You come across as both bashful and sultry at the same time. There is a warmer, more intense sensation within this.
  154. [19:00] Shula "its beatifull"
  155. [19:00] Sam stands up "Which one. . .Oh, uhh, that one." He clears his throat "Yeah, that's also one of my better works, if a bit. . . intimate."
  156. [19:01] Shula "hm?
  157. [19:02] Sam Shula: You realize this is a very similar to the night when you slept with Sam. . . .
  158. [19:03] Shula "/me goes red
  159. [19:05] Sam puts his hand on Shula's shoulder. "These are all important to me. It's why I keep them here of all places."
  160. [19:08] Shula "i.. I like it"
  161. [19:09] Sam "I haven't, nor did I intend to, share that drawing with anyone either. It's. . a private moment between us."
  162. [19:11] Shula "i.. yes.."
  163. [19:11] Shula gets a bit more red
  164. [19:12] Sam "Well, I'm galed you liked it." Sam sits back down. "You can keep looking if you want."
  165. [19:12] Shula "uhh"
  166. [19:21] Sam "Or we could go somewhere else, or stay. You should remain here in till you wake."
  167. [19:22] Shula "I.. what else do you want to shwo to me ?"
  168. [19:23] Sam reaches into his pocket, removing the key ring. He rolls the keys around, old skeletal things with thin beams and long head.
  169. [19:23] Sam "All of this is open to you Shula. I . . I will not hide what I am from you, for better or worse."
  170. [19:25] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@A124FFD0.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  171. [19:28] Shula nods and kisses his cheek" But, "
  172. [19:28] Sam "I have spent to long hiding, from myself, and from others Shula. Nothing here is forbidden to you."
  173. [19:31] Shula "What is the thing here, that you fear for me the most to see?"
  174. [19:34] Sam picks out a worn, dark grey iron key from the ring. "It would be easier if I showed you." He guides Shula back downstairs and to a small door behind the stairwell, a think padlock on it. "In the basement. There are more pictures, but. . of things that. . . Dark and twisted desires, cruel and heartless thoughts and hatreds. Things that I have no desire to act on, but tempt me all the same."
  175. [19:34] Shula hugs "But you guard yourself against them
  176. [19:36] Sam "Yes, and this is where they reside. Because I must face them all the same if I am to deny them." Sam bends down and opens the lock, revealing a dark set of stairs leading into the darkness.
  177. [19:39] Sam begins to walk down them, they are narrow forcing him and Shula to walk single file. He flicks a light switch at the bottom, and a old fluorescent lights flickers to life a moment later. The floor is bare dirt, and you can see old barrels and boxes scattered across the floor. In the far corner are a number of cloth covered eisel. Sam steps past the numerous bits and bobs to get to them....
  178. [19:39] Sam ..."Well. . . here they are." He says in the dim, flickering light.
  179. [19:40] Shula "i.. uh.. it is not as bad as it could be ..?"
  180. [19:41] Sam "Do not take appearances at face value Shula. While you are in no danger, this place is. . . unpleasant."
  181. [19:42] Sam motions to one of the covered drawings "If you wish to look, then remove the veil."
  182. [19:44] Shula nods and then removes it in a single move
  183. [19:47] Sam Shula: Again, it's a picture of you, but a full drawing. Your hair is free, without a covering, and you are dressed in a short skirt, and revealing tank-top that hugs your figure. A tight necklace is laced around your neck, almost a chocker, and your eyes. . . They look up at the viewer in absolute adoration and obedience, subservience.
  184. [19:52] Shula "It... could be .. worse?"
  185. [19:54] Sam is silent a long time before answering. "Maybe, but. . . this is not something I really want to see in reality."
  186. [19:57] Shula "Why?" She asks as she walks to another one "What.. is it desiring me , or .. do you not trust yourself with me ?"
  187. [19:59] Sam "It's. . . the idea that you would give yourself to me, fully. That you would. . . let me control you. It's something I find abhorrent but. . . at the same time I . . . like it."
  188. [20:00] Shula "Why?" She askes as she slowly reveals it
  189. [20:00] Sam The next drawing is off Sam, with a serene, peaceful, and happy look on his face. His eyes closed and hands clasped over his chest, as if asleep.
  190. [20:03] Shula "You... are to ..still?"
  191. [20:03] Sam "I'm dead."
  192. [20:04] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  193. [20:08] Shula "It, dead is no peace
  194. [20:09] Sam "There is Shula. I have seen what lies beyond the veil of death, there is peace in that place."
  195. [20:14] Shula "It, "She shivers " Paradise is not something that one should rush to
  196. [20:15] Sam "I know, and that is why I have this locked away in here."
  197. [20:15] Shula "What.. happens if it is damaged?"
  198. [20:15] Arkalest Sam |Sam, are you..:Free at the moment? I need to talk to you.|
  199. [20:16] Sam "Nothing. This is a construct, a symbol really. It holds no inheritance value unless I give it."
  200. [20:16] Sam |I am a little busy with Shula, but I can speak with you.|
  201. [20:18] Arkalest Sam |I am sorry for not having paid as much attention as I should have.|
  202. [20:18] Sam |It. . . I do not hold it against you.|
  203. [20:19] Arkalest |It is just...I need to get it off my chest. I...It is sort of hypocritical to say, but I think I got to know you only when I nearly lost you.|
  204. [20:20] Sam |Hypocritical?|
  205. [20:21] Arkalest |Yes. That I pushed your buttons without...Really knowing you.|
  206. [20:21] Arkalest |Part of it might be the sex, I think. We...Have a different approach to friendship.|
  207. [20:21] Arkalest |More...Hands on.|
  208. [20:23] Arkalest |Which is why I...Sort of switched mental gears from "pupil" to "acquiaintance" once we did the deed.|
  209. [20:25] Sam |I see, I think. ANd for what it's worth, I forgive you even if I do not think you are to blame for that.|
  210. [20:27] Shula sights and punches the picture "uh.. sorry"
  211. [20:27] Sam "It's fine, one of my better works on a artistic level, but not one I really have any love for."
  212. [20:28] Arkalest Sam |Speaking of love- I still see you as..:Great Mother, a sort of, well, pupil but also an acquaintance and a friend and oh dear this is...|
  213. [20:28] Arkalest |Complicatede.|
  214. [20:29] Sam |Look, Tiamat. . Oh God this is going to be weird.|
  215. [20:29] Arkalest |I mean it is not the sex it is the whole "How do I treat you?"|
  216. [20:31] Sam |Tiamat you are very close to me, and while I love you I don't love you like I do Shula. I think, for me at least, close friends is most natural.
  217. [20:32] Arkalest |Oh you said it- The whole..Love thing. |
  218. [20:32] Arkalest |I mean, I love you too but is not...Romantic, I think. I would never think "Let us spend the rest of our life together and have kids." |
  219. [20:33] Arkalest |Or I would- Sans the kid part, at least- But...It is more of a devotional thing? You are..Pleasant to be with. Someone I would not mind being close to.|
  220. [20:33] Sam |I don't think we are meant for each-other in a romantic sense, but as friends? Yes, I would like that.|
  221. [20:34] Shula "is , there another fear?"
  222. [20:35] Sam nods "A few others yes, but. . they are lesser I think then the two you ahve seen."
  223. [20:36] Shula "And more,, evil wants?"
  224. [20:39] Sam "Just one." Sam points to the past covered drawing
  225. [20:40] Arkalest Sam |...The whole sex thing might be..:A bit awkward in retrospect.|
  226. [20:41] Shula nods and then reveals it, holding the cover in her hands instead of dropping it.
  227. [20:41] Sam |I swear to God if you are pregnant. . . .| Sam half jokes
  228. [20:42] Arkalest |No, no, you used the wrong hole.|
  229. [20:42] Arkalest Shula You mentally hear Meagara choke on something.
  230. [20:42] Sam Shula: It reveals a drawing of Sam and Shula, sitting outside a small house, somewhere deep in the wilderness. The two of them happy and together.
  231. [20:43] Sam "That one. . . requires some explanation I think
  232. [20:43] Arkalest Sam |Also it was my soul and not my body- And I am sure we can not interbreed.|
  233. [20:43] Sam |First. Why didn't you say something? and Two that was mostly a joke.|
  234. [20:43] Arkalest |You were enjoying yourself so much|!
  235. [20:44] Arkalest Shula Meagara belts out a pearl of laighter.|
  236. [20:44] Shula [Eh?]
  237. [20:44] Sam |Yes, but it's not just about *me* Tiamat. Good grief fish-woman, I wasn't expecting you to lie on your back and think of Thalassa there!|
  238. [20:44] Shula "I.. think so.."
  239. [20:45] Sam "I. . . I want to leave all of this behind, to live out our lives in peace together, away from the war and terror. Let the others fight this. But, I can't do that Shula, we can't. We have a duty now, bigger than ourselves and our own desires and wants."
  240. [20:46] Arkalest sam |You can not even imagine the kind of things I could enjoy!....Literally, we have specialized neural terminations.|
  241. [20:47] Shula "I.. Know ..I.. I fight because running away would hurt those I love.. even if I want to do so , so much sometimes"
  242. [20:47] Arkalest Shula |Nevermind, beloved.|
  243. [20:48] Sam nods "Come on, It's. . . kinda musty in here, I'd rather not linger."
  244. [20:48] Arkalest Sam |I am going to show you how to do it properly *IF* there is another occasion. |
  245. [20:49] Sam |I can assure that is almost certainly not going to happen. Not that I regret it persay, but. . . | Sam gives Shula a sympathetic look. |I don't want to hurt her like that.|
  246. [20:50] Shula [*grmbles*
  247. [20:50] Shula "I.. okay... maybe something .. nicer even if it is embaresing for you?"
  248. [20:50] Shula tries to smile
  249. [20:50] Sam smiles and ushers Shula up the stairs
  250. [20:52] Arkalest Sam |I...Understand. I enjoyed it, and...If you ever find a way to..Make it feel right.|
  251. [20:52] Arkalest |...:Ooor if she changes her mind about the intergenerational tuna sandwhich..|
  252. [20:53] Sam |If it feels right and Shula is ok with it, then yes, I would not object to. . . intergenerational tuna sandwhich.|
  253. [20:53] Arkalest Shula |YES FINALLY.|
  254. [20:54] Shula |Hey? What am I missing?
  255. [20:54] Shula holds his hands as they ru
  256. [20:55] Arkalest Shula |I will tell you later.|
  257. [20:55] Sam flicks off the lights, and without a secound look he heads up the stairs
  258. [20:55] Arkalest Sam |We also need to...Talk to Hydra about the new colony.|
  259. [20:55] Sam |She still doesn't know? I though you'd have told her by now. . . .|
  260. [20:56] Arkalest |Oh, she fully knows. It is just that we need to discuss what to do in detail.|
  261. [20:56] Sam motions to a cabnet in the living room, pictures of Sam, mostly in embaresing but funny situations are scattered about inside. "Feel free to take a look through that."
  262. [20:59] Sam |RIght, we'll get to that when we can then.|
  263. [21:04] Shula "I shall do so most laughingly "
  264. [21:04] Sam "Brat." Sam jokes
  265. [21:06] Shula "And here I had feared that you would show pictures of .. other kind "
  266. [21:06] Shula glows for a moment
  267. [21:06] Sam "Other kind?"
  268. [21:07] =-= Cornuthaum is now known as Gregor
  269. [21:07] Shula "Uh... not as bad as first picture down but uh... less "
  270. [21:08] Sam ". . Oh. . . /those/ . . . Uhh, they are. . . around."
  271. [21:18] Shula "Anything that is really strange in there ? ..."She smirks slightly
  272. [21:18] Sam "Maybe a few . . . costumes. . ."
  273. [21:20] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@EFE319A7.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  274. [21:20] Shula smirks and pokes him in the side
  275. [21:20] |<-- Yi-Ping has left (Ping timeout: 125 seconds)
  276. [21:20] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Ping
  277. [21:20] Sam "Ok, more than a few!"
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