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Jun 15th, 2017
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  1. ..It's not that hard to distinguish GradedA in a crowd.
  2. A capitalist has basically everything. That's an obvious giveaway, right?
  3. A capitalist is always at the top of his game.
  4. A capitalist is not named "GradedA". A communist, definetly is.
  5. A capitalist takes it all, but a communist shares it.
  6. A capitalist will insult the communist, the commie would share!
  7. A capitalist would not exclaim, "Equal Rights", just to lie.
  8. A commie looks like Trump, and capitilists like capitilistic citizens
  9. A communist frog would say "Hippity Hoppity abolish private property"
  10. A cross section of their heart shall reveal the truth
  11. After researching, I have no idea what they do/are.
  12. Around 5 letters between the c and the ist, right?
  13. Ask for something free: Communists give food, capitalists give freedom.
  14. Ask if people are a communist or a capitalist. Duh.
  15. Ask Isradian! He know this stuff.
  16. Ask them the question that's all keks dee lol.
  17. Ask them whether the best country is Russia or USA.
  18. Asking them "Are you a capitalist or a communist?"
  19. Become a beggar! Those not giving money are OBVIOUSLY communists...
  20. Boasts about being rich? Capitalist. Yaps too much communism? GradedA.
  21. Both have mustaches, but one has a monocle and tophat.
  22. Buy me! I'm a book called Ideologies: Capitalism and Communism
  23. Buy our Communism Test, works just like a pregnancy test.
  24. By smell. Capitalists reek of money, and communists just reek.
  25. By whether or not they're willing to share the pizza.
  26. Capitalism is controlled by the private owner while Communism diverses.
  27. Capitalism usually has multiple riches, and communism has.. a couple.
  28. Capitalist currency's backed by gold, communist currency's backed by food.
  29. Capitalist is good, but communist is really bad... DESTROY IT!
  30. Capitalist is spelled differently than communist, also one is richer.
  31. Capitalists actually have 3 hands; the third one's invisible, though.
  32. Capitalists are grammar nazis. Communists go to Church, receiving communion.
  33. Capitalists are greedy. Communists are workers who are never greedy.
  34. Capitalists are rich. Communists don't have money, no need.
  35. Capitalists are sellouts! Communists enjoy the refreshing taste of Pepsi(TM).
  36. Capitalists dominate the beginning of sentences, communists claim the commas.
  37. Capitalists encourge Nerd's TWOW Shop; Communists wanna make it stop!
  38. Capitalists have bad ideas that work. The opposite for communists.
  39. CAPITALISTS HAVE CAPITAL LETTERS ISSUES, communists however, are grammatical masters.
  40. Capitalists have money in their pockets. Communists yell about money.
  41. Capitalists Have This Annoying And Very Obvious Trait They Use.
  42. Capitalists kill people with poverty, while communists... just kill people.
  43. Capitalists like their cheese sliced; communists like their's finely grated.
  44. Capitalists like to wear caps, and communists like to read maps
  45. Capitalists live in capitals, and communists live in communities. Obviously.
  46. Capitalists make excellent puns to steal percs as top ten.
  47. Capitalists make sure to use correct grammar all the time!
  48. Capitalists only use capital letters. Communists always stick together. Amateurs.
  49. Capitalists own buisnessess, while there's no true communist. They're socialists
  50. Capitalists shroud their mind with wage gap struggles; communists don't.
  51. Capitalists use proper capitalization, communists type like 4 year olds.
  52. Capitalists'll LOUDLY ADVERTISE IN CAPS; communists- all letters are equal.
  53. Capitalits are getting capital, communists are getting out of commune.
  54. Capitlists live in capital cities, communists live in commun cities.
  55. Carefully. Communists are Russian. Capitalists are Russian to get rich.
  56. Case Study: That man in red handing out gifts? COMMUNIST.
  57. Check his bank balance on the spreadsheet: Rich means capitalist.
  58. Check if they once threw communist revolts in their house.
  59. Check the public sheet, see if they have shop access.
  60. Check the weight of the person. Most commies ain't fat.
  61. Check their device and see which AdVenture game they play.
  62. Check their due date. All communists were due before 1991.
  63. Check their MiniTWOW. If every score is equal, they're communist.
  64. Check their passports, if they come from China, self explanatory.
  65. Check their YouTube watch history for stuff related with USSR.
  66. Communism doesn't exist anymore, so assume all people are capitalists!
  67. Communist Test: If you have over 1 perc, you fail.
  68. Communists are born travelers. They'll "commie"ute anywhere that suits them.
  69. Communists are not American and Russians are not capitalist, snap!
  70. Communists are superior..I think. That should be the difference.
  71. Communists create catastrophic chaos that any capitalist cannot comprehend. Crazy!
  72. Communists have a very thick Russian accent, capitalists do not.
  73. Communists have sickle logos, while capitalists use logos for profit.
  74. Communists share their toys while selfish capitalists keep to themselves.
  75. Communists usually are ruled by dictators... It's sadly historically accurate.
  76. Communists usually communicate normally. Capitalists always speak in all caps.
  77. Communists: loyal servants of Best Korea. Capitalists: American hellspawns.
  78. Communists' usernames are either Isradian Mapping or GradedA. Check that.
  79. Count the number of letters in their name. 10=Capitalist, 9=Communist.
  80. Crazy communists crave Cuba, China. Capitalists crazily condemn Cuba, China.
  81. Date 'em. If they raise red flags, they're a communist.
  82. Demand of them which division of Capcom they work for.
  83. Doesn't matter, both of them will be sent to GULAG
  84. Drop 100 bucks! One steals it, other is busy revolting!
  85. Easily. Capitalists'll Always Insert Capitals, while, communists'll, put, excessive, commas!
  86. Easy! Differentiate their Gender! Capitalists are Gays As Communists aren't!
  87. Easy. Capitalists are greedy while communists are... also greedy. Wait...
  88. Fallen dominoes are all communist. According to the Domino Theory.
  89. Find what they are at heart: X-ray them for corruption.
  90. Give them a dollar, see if they share or keep!
  91. Give them a statue of Lenin, see how they react.
  92. Give them a treasure-map, Communists know X "Marx" the spot.
  93. Give them Hearts of Iron 4, see what they do.
  94. Go to graded, he would probably be able to tell.
  95. Gorbachev tears down this wall, Trump needs to build walls.
  96. Hammers and sickles can't reach bald eagles.
  97. Hand them a spud wrench. Communists love potatoes, after all!
  98. Have them have a snowball fight, the commies never lose!
  99. How am I supposed to know? I've always used mercantilism...
  100. I can't make this response unpolitical but still please you.
  101. I can't think of any differences! My mind keeps Stalin.
  102. I don't know.. Yea..
  103. I don't think you can. Just pick your fuckin' poison.
  104. I'm sure the two countries don't have a "commun"ism "capital"ism.
  105. If GradedA's punished them. Non-communists get the banhammer and sickle!
  106. If it's Russian, communist, but if 'murican? It's frickin' capitalist
  107. if the first letter is capitalized, they are a capitalist.
  108. If the person lives in Washington, D.C., they're a capitalist.
  109. If their name contains the phrase 'Graded', they are communist.
  110. If they have a billion dollars, they're probably a capitalist.
  111. If they start humming the Soviet anthem, contact authorities immediately.
  112. If they used the shop this round, they're likely capitalist!
  113. If they're wearing red, they're a communist! Communists are everywhere....
  114. If they've done t!t Communism or t!t Capitalism, self explanatory.
  115. im only 8 what is this thing? is it edible?
  116. In Capitalism, humans exploit humans. For Communism, it's the opposite
  117. In capitalism, Man exploits man. In communism, it's vice versa.
  118. In capitalism, man exploits man. In communism, it's vice versa.
  119. In capitalism, man exploits man. In communism, it's vice versa.
  120. In communism, you are russian to make the government money.
  121. It depends on which god they worship; Stalin or Gates?
  122. It's actually pretty easy, capitalists wear those fancy top hats.
  123. It's easy: all communists have extremely heavy accents! (No exceptions!)
  124. It's not that hard! A communist will always tell you.
  125. It's pretty obvious. A communist has a thick Russian accent.
  126. It's spelled differently lol
  127. Just ask them about their income class. Communists won't know!
  128. Just ask them to tell apart. It's just very simple!
  129. Just ask them: Do you like the exsistence of money?
  130. Just check how they search websites! It's .ca(pitalist) or .com(munist)
  131. Just start a "cold" war and spy on each other.
  132. Labor, strike, revolution, poverty. Labor, wages, iPhones! ...Monopoly, exploitation, poverty.
  133. Let them choose between statues of Lenin or Thomas Jefferson.
  134. Let them choose: A hammer and sickle or a ballot.
  135. Let's try to come up, something really interesting! JK, it's mint!
  136. Look at it if it has tons of money or guns.
  137. Look at the newspaper they're reading. Communists only read propaganda.
  138. Look at their Discord profile picture, is it like Graded's?
  139. Look at them if they're happy or evil. Communism's evil!
  140. Look at what they're drinking. Vodka means communist. Beer, capitalist.
  141. Look if they are like Graded and burn their money.
  142. Look if they have anything red: Stars, flags or pixels.
  143. Make their wages lower and then see how they react.
  144. None! Both believe that the other system is pure evil.
  145. Offer them something for free. Only the selfish will accept.
  146. One can split an Adam. The other never leaves Marx!
  147. One evenly distributes wealth, the other: food stamps
  148. One had a incremental game and one was a country.
  149. One is a power-hungry/lazy idiot. The other is a capitalist.
  150. One is an overachiever, and one just works at McDonalds.
  151. One is an unfair economy. The other's a fun game!
  152. One is horribly outdated and broken, the other is communism.
  153. one knows the world's capitals, the other knows the communities.
  154. One likes money the other likes suffering, why not both?
  155. One lives in America, and the other lives in Russia
  156. One makes bread, the other waits in line for it.
  157. One of them acts much angrier than the other one
  158. One says "abolish private property" , another says "encourage bourgeois robberies".
  159. One says "Profit is great!" The other: "Sharing is caring!"
  160. One seizes the means of production, the other affords them.
  161. One uses capital letters and the other uses commune strategies.
  162. One uses proper capitalzation, AnD tHe OtHeR dOeS tHiS fOr "EqUaLiTy".
  163. One works in slavery against their will. The other's communist
  164. One works, and one doesn't - you decide! CIA is watching...
  165. One's a power hungry megalomaniac... and the other's a communist.
  166. Only capitalists would make you pay to access the shop.
  167. Plans to move to Soviet Russia is a good sign.
  168. Raise an hammer skyward, communists will always raise the sickle.
  169. Read their responses. Capitalists only submit responses in CAPITAL LETTERS!
  170. Real communists listen to USSR anthem at 2AM, at max.
  171. Roses are red, commies are too, however; capitalists are blue!
  172. Say 'rich'. Capitalists smile. Communists punch you in the face.
  173. Say "In Soviet Russia, car drives you!" Laughers are commies.
  174. Say Our Lord and Savior Chairman Mao and see reaction
  175. Search it up on Google. Where your questions are answered!
  176. Second letter is "o"? Communist. Second letter is "a"? Capitalist.
  177. See which one goes to school... communists don't have classes.
  178. Should we tax the rich more or less?
  179. Show them babies. Marketing tool? Totally capitalist. Lunch? Filthy communist.
  180. Simple, see if they worship Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump.
  181. Simple: The communist economies are the ones that keep Stalin'.
  182. Something that Marx a communist: they waste time; always Stalin'.
  183. Steal their wallet. Communist steals back. The capitalist steals yours.
  184. Tell an offensive joke and see who is the CALM-unist.
  185. The age-old proverb: The far left is mild communist.
  186. The capitalist actually has some food to eat. Capitalist scum!
  187. The communist is bad at math! He never learned inequalities...
  188. The communist will kill you if you dare insult Putin.
  189. The difference? The means of production. Capitalists sleaze, communists seize.
  190. The difference? The means of production. Capitalists sleaze, communists seize.
  191. The person who lives in capital, is capitalist! Opposite's communist.
  192. The point is, neither can use antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence
  193. The task is impossible... They have too much in communist!
  194. Their bread is stale if their communist. Blame Joseph Stalein.
  195. They are the same, just bills are a thousand tonnes.
  196. They have no diffrences, they're both greedy and insolent!
  197. They're a communist if they attempt to equalise perc wages
  198. THIS IS A CAPITALIST and ,t,h,i,s, ,i,s, ,a, ,c,o,m,m,a,m,u,n,i,s,t,. Simple!
  199. Well, communists aren't rich, fancy snobs with very obnoxious laughter.
  200. Well, if they're on the capita list, then they're capitalist!
  201. Well, it is the difference between Nerd and Spicy. Intelligence.
  202. Well... "a capitalist" contains "capital", while "a communist" contains "commun".
  203. What country did you meet them in? That's the answer.
  204. What is the opposite of left?" -Capitalist: "Right." -Communist: "Wrong."
  205. While capitalists almost never impede progress, communists are always Stalin.
  206. With all these CAPTIALS responses, you could tell the capitalists...
  207. You can tell because capatalists don't exist. They're called kappatalists.
  208. You can tell Communists via the Marx on their chest.
  210. You can't. Even filthy capitalists should be seen as equals.
  211. You don't! Ask someone else to do it, because lazyness!
  212. You don't. Horseshoe theory is quite clear. They're the same.
  214. You tell the capitalist to go right, the communist left
  215. you yell out the words "MERICA YEAHHH!!!"
  216. You'll spot Capitalists being offended at all these "capitalization" jokes.
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