
Dye Job

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was sitting in a chair in the tub as they'd planned in the process of dying her hair back to its normal red color. She was slumped all the way down in the chair so her neck was leaned against the back of it with her hair hanging over the back and a towel draped around her shoulders. "You're going to need to give us the numbers of some of the people you used for your wedding. I don't even know where to start."-
  2. Covet: "Cadence had gloves on and was standing in the tub as well, weilding a mixing bowl and the special brush with the pick end on it to seperate the layers to get as much coverage as possible. "I kind of managed everything myself. But I've still got a binder that's full of numbers and all that." She said trying to focus on her hair, because she didn't want to think about her wedding.
  3. Alexithymiaa: "I would greatly appreciate your binder full of information." She said, closing her eyes as she waited for the cold dye. "I just want everything to go smoothly and be exactly what we want."-
  4. Covet: "That's pretty much the easy part, getting what you want." Cadence told her, flipping over the layers of Steph's hair coating it in dye on both sides, before moving to the next section. "People pretty much bend over backwards to keep the bride happy." She said a little whistfully.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Well I don't want that.... that's kind of weird feeling. I don't want to be fussed over and it's kind of bullshit that no one fusses over the groom to make sure he's happy. It's just as much the groom's wedding as it is the bride's." She spoke, taking a deep breath.-
  6. Covet: "Eh, you kind of appreciate it a little bit come the day. But I did plan for it being later in the evening just so I could sleep in and enjoy my me time in the morning." Cadence said. "So you can be realistic about it and people understand." She moved to the next section before clipping it up, moving to the next clipped section to release it to work on it.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "I'd probably do the same. If only because I know I would need the morning to freak out and get myself ready to even start getting ready." She opened her eyes, trying to peer over at Cadence. "Honestly, I'm a little nervous."-
  8. Covet: She was intent on what she was doing, parting the sections and covering them in dye, it was dripping into the tub making a mess, but that's the point of being in the tub. "Well, yeah... It's kind of a big decision. And you don't know how it's going to work out but you mostly hope for the best. At least that's how it's supposed to be."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "It's not even that. I love him and I'm one hundred percent positive everything will be fine for literally forever. It's more the wedding itself that's nerve wracking. It's like one big performance all night where you're on display for everyone." She paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "I know things with you and Remy aren't great right now, so if talking about this is uncomfortable for you, we can talk about something else."-
  10. Covet: "No it's fine. It's selfish of me to think about my shit when the whole point of talking about this wedding should distract me." Cadence told her, "It is, but honestly, you're so happy that you don't even think about how many people are around you, or anything like that. You get caught up in a moment and you're in it until you get in the limo and drive away back home."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I really really hope that's true. It's not like we're going to have a huge wedding like Bryan's is going to be or like yours was. With any luck the fact that it's smaller and more intimate will take away from that feeling too. I just want to be able to enjoy it without feeling like I have a thousand eyes on me."-
  12. Covet: "Yeah, it will definitely be that with fewer people that love you and are happy to be there for you. No fucking crazy in law drama for you." Cadence said with a laugh.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, the only crazy drama in my life is with my own family. Felix's family is awesome. If anyone is going to deal with crazy in law drama, it's him. And I'll feel eternally awful about it." She started to laugh. "But my parents aren't invited, so unless Bryan starts some shit which he won't if he knows what's good for him, we should be in the clear."-
  14. Covet: "Hey he's stuck it through this long, so I'm pretty sure he's not bothered by them." Cadence said, clipping and unclipping the next sections. " It's Bryan.. I don't think he's ever felt threatened by you, if anything your threats are a challenge."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, that's kind of how we work things. And as far as he is concerned, his wedding is winning." She rolled her eyes, giving a small shake of her head. "Because everything is a competition all the time." She said sarcastically, but also like she didnt do the same damn shit.-
  16. Covet: "Of course his is." Cadence said rolling her eyes. "Can't fail any worse than his last one." She added, then stopped to look at Steph, "Gee... that sounds rather familiar, must be a Robinson thing."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She shot her a look, not finding as much amusement in it as Cadence did. "Shut up. He's way worse than I am." She paused, giving her shoulders a bit of a roll. "Are you hungry?"-
  18. Covet: "Didn't say he wasn't, just saying you're cut from the same cloth." She said with a smirk, then gave her a "really" look, "I'm harboring a tiny human garbage disposal... yes I'm hungry."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "A cloth we're both pretending we were not cut from." She corrected, inhaling deeply before raising her voice. "Arizona?!" She yelled, hoping the echo of the bathroom would aid in carrying her voice. "I kind of figured you were. It was more a rhetorical question."-
  20. Covet: "Pretend all you want, doesn't change the pattern of the fabric." She said laughing. // Felix got up off the couch, still holding Trick who was passed, out and he didn't want to move him for fear of waking him up. "Can you not yell, My Godson is sleeping." He said in a whisper yell. "What do you need?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I can paint over it all I want." She said looking at Felix when he walked in holding Trick, an instant smile spreading across her face. "Sorry. Cadence is hungry. Do you think you can bring us some of the orange slices in the fridge?" She asked, hoping he would oblige since it was a food request and she included herself in it.-
  22. Covet: "Please, Girls apparently require more food than boys.. because Trick wouldn't let me eat anything. This one... dear god, I need to be careful. Orange slices are good though." She said with a nod. // Felix nodded, "Sure thing, I'll be right back." He said walking away with Trick.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Thank you." She said to him as he walked off with Trick, instantly lowering her voice. "Every time I see him with Trick or hear him talking about him, I swear I can feel my ovaries exploding."-
  24. Covet: "Yeah.. they'll do that to you. I swear it's a baby thing or something. They have strange magic." Cadence said. // Felix came back with the orange slices for them."Here you ladies go, Do I need to feed you too?" He asked then looked at his full hands and Cadence's hands covered in bright red dye, then Steph all laid back in the chair.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "It's such crap, I swear. And we're both finally on the same page, too." She added before Felix walked in again. "That depends. Do you want to feed us?"-
  26. Covet: "Well I'd prefer my oranges to be dye free, but... in this day in age, who knows what is artificial and what isn't." Cadence said nearly finished with the over all cover, "If you give me like three more minutes I can take the gloves off and feed myself. // Felix blinked at Steph, " I don't have enough available arms right now. So...I would if I could."
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled at Felix, putting her hand out to take one of the orange slices and sort of just holding onto it because with her head tipped back, it was kind of uncomfortable to eat anyway. "You know... it's okay to put him down once he's asleep. I'm sure your arms are tired."-
  28. Covet: Cadence finished, "Okay you can lean up now, the towel should keep it from touching your skin and dying it. " She said as she started getting the gloves off because her stomach was demanding food now. // Felix scoffed. "If it was I would have put him down. And you can't have him yet because you're semi toxic at least for babies. Once you rince you can hold him." He said selfishly.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I fear for our future just a little bit." She said through narrowed eyes, leaning up and taking a small bite of the orange slice in her hand. She sat patiently in the tub, waving Felix off. "You can go back to hogging him all to yourself if you want. Greedy." She said, intending to talk more baby stuff with Cadence and gossip when he left.-
  30. Covet: "That's your cue to leave, this is girl time." Cadence said with a nod, moving to sit on the toilette, because back pain. // Felix huffed, "Fine.. we don't need you anyways. Well.. Trick needs you... but that's for survival reasons and I don't have tits." He said then wandered off back to the living room
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