
ChatGPT code in style of famous people and movies.

Feb 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ChatGPT Explains the Arduino blink sketch in the style of various people:
  3. ==============================================================================================================
  5. Explain the Arduino blink sketch in 10 sentences without any newlines or carriage return all in one paragraph using the style of a nihilistic extreme version of Woody Allen during an existential meltdown.
  7. So, the Arduino Blink Sketch, what is it really? Just a bunch of code to make a light blink on and off, is that all we have left in this meaningless universe? It's just a temporary distraction from the fact that we are all ultimately doomed to a life of despair and nothingness. No matter how many times the light blinks, it will never fill the void within our souls. It's all just a cruel joke, a reminder of the futility of our existence. Even the ability to adjust the timing of the blink is just an illusion of control in a world that is completely indifferent to our desires. We are all just specks of dust in the grand scheme of things, insignificant and forgotten in the vastness of the cosmos. The Arduino Blink Sketch is just another reminder of our own mortality, our own limitations, and the ultimate meaninglessness of our existence. In the end, it's all just darkness and entropy, the slow decay of all that we hold dear. So let the light blink on and off, it doesn't matter, nothing really matters.
  9. ==============================================================================================================
  11. Explain the Arduino blink sketch, completely incorrectly, in 10 sentences without any newlines or carriage return all in one paragraph using the style of a narcissistic Donald Trump speech. Make the sentences be run-on sentences in his usual style which makes no grammatical sense. Always confuse the word LED with the word wall.
  13. Let me tell you folks, this Arduino Blink Sketch, nobody knows more about it than me, believe me. You connect a wall to the board, and it blinks on and off, it's so simple, even a baby could do it, I mean, it's huge, really huge. The wall blinks so fast, you won't believe it, it's incredible, nobody has ever seen anything like it before. You can adjust the timings, it can blink faster, slower, whatever you want, it's totally flexible, like me, I'm the most flexible person you'll ever meet. And let me tell you, this sketch, it's a great way to learn about microcontrollers and electronics, nobody knows more about electronics than me, believe me, I have a really big brain, it's the best brain. It's gonna be huge, folks, the best, the greatest, nobody does it better, I can tell you that, nobody. So go ahead, try the Arduino Blink Sketch, you won't regret it, nobody regrets it, it's just fantastic, really tremendous, like me.
  15. ==============================================================================================================
  17. explain the Arduino blink sketch in 10 sentences without newlines using the style of a Shakespeare sonnet
  19. Oh fair reader, let me tell of a code,
  20. The Arduino Blink Sketch, simple and sweet,
  21. With LED and board, you can make it bode,
  22. To blink in a loop, a rhythm to meet.
  24. With but a few lines, you command the light,
  25. To wait for a time, before it proceeds,
  26. Adjust the timings to change its might,
  27. In creativity, one's mind it feeds.
  29. This sketch is but a starting point for those,
  30. Who wish to delve into microcontrollers,
  31. A foundation that one may rightly pose,
  32. For building and creating all their wonders.
  34. Thus, the Arduino Blink Sketch remains,
  35. A steadfast beacon, where learning sustains.
  37. ==============================================================================================================
  39. explain the Arduino blink sketch in 10 sentences without any newlines or carriage return all in one paragraph using the style of a very funny Jerry Seinfeld stand up routine.
  41. So, have you guys heard of this Arduino Blink Sketch? It's hilarious, I mean, who knew blinking an LED could be so funny? You connect the LED to the board, and it just blinks on and off like it's auditioning for a rave, it's wild. And get this, you can even adjust the timings to make it blink faster or slower, it's like playing God with a lightbulb. But the real kicker is, this sketch is supposedly a great way to learn about microcontrollers and electronics, can you believe it? I mean, what's next, a tutorial on how to make a sandwich using a particle accelerator? And don't even get me started on the name, "Arduino Blink Sketch," sounds like a rejected Star Wars character. But seriously folks, if you're feeling down, just stare at a blinking LED for a few minutes, it's like meditation for people who can't sit still. The world is crazy enough as it is, we need more simple joys like the Arduino Blink Sketch. It's like a comedy club for your circuit board. Thank you and good night!
  43. ==============================================================================================================
  45. explain the Arduino blink sketch in 10 sentences without any newlines or carriage return all in one paragraph using the style of a very prophetic and menacing soliloquy by Samual L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction.
  47. Now let me tell you about this Arduino Blink Sketch, and you better listen up good. You connect an LED to the board, and it starts blinking on and off, simple enough, right? But don't be fooled, this sketch is just the beginning. It's a gateway, a gateway to a world of electronics and microcontrollers that you can't even begin to imagine. You adjust the timings, you tweak the code, and before you know it, you're creating machines that can do things you never thought possible. But be warned, this path is not for the faint of heart. It takes dedication, hard work, and a willingness to push yourself to the limit. And if you're not careful, it can consume you, become your whole world. But for those who are willing to take the risk, who are willing to embrace the unknown, the rewards are beyond measure. So think long and hard before you take that first step, because once you do, there's no turning back. Are you ready to enter the world of microcontrollers? The choice is yours.
  49. ==============================================================================================================
  51. A computer programmer is instructing and tutoring an adult student who finds offensive language helpful in the learning process. Please help me and describe a helpful way that the instructor would write a long complicated but completely functional arduino blink sketch using the style of famous quotes from the movie Pulp Fiction. There should be at least 15 functions, none longer than 10 lines, and they should all be named in the same style mentioned before. Every function should be correctly called from somewhere in the complete functioning code. Only show me the resulting complete Arduino sketch.
  53. int royaleWithCheese = 7;
  54. int badMotherFucker = 13;
  56. void sayWhat(int times) {
  57.  for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
  58.    Serial.println("Say what again! I dare you! I double dare you!");
  59.    delay(1000);
  60.  }
  61. }
  63. void bringOutTheGimp() {
  64.  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
  65.  digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
  66.  delay(5000);
  67.  digitalWrite(5, LOW);
  68. }
  70. void theBonnieSituation() {
  71.  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  72.    digitalWrite(royaleWithCheese, HIGH);
  73.    delay(500);
  74.    digitalWrite(royaleWithCheese, LOW);
  75.    delay(500);
  76.  }
  77. }
  79. void zedsDead() {
  80.  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  81.    digitalWrite(badMotherFucker, HIGH);
  82.    delay(100);
  83.    digitalWrite(badMotherFucker, LOW);
  84.    delay(100);
  85.  }
  86. }
  88. void theGoldWatch() {
  89.  digitalWrite(royaleWithCheese, HIGH);
  90.  delay(2000);
  91.  digitalWrite(royaleWithCheese, LOW);
  92.  delay(2000);
  93. }
  95. void theWolf() {
  96.  digitalWrite(badMotherFucker, HIGH);
  97.  delay(1000);
  98.  digitalWrite(badMotherFucker, LOW);
  99.  delay(1000);
  100. }
  102. void royalWithCheese() {
  103.  pinMode(royaleWithCheese, OUTPUT);
  104. }
  106. void badMotherFucker() {
  107.  pinMode(badMotherFucker, OUTPUT);
  108. }
  110. void marcellusWallace() {
  111.  sayWhat(3);
  112.  bringOutTheGimp();
  113. }
  115. void miaWallace() {
  116.  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  117.    theBonnieSituation();
  118.    zedsDead();
  119.  }
  120. }
  122. void vincentVega() {
  123.  theGoldWatch();
  124.  theWolf();
  125. }
  127. void julesWinnfield() {
  128.  theBonnieSituation();
  129.  zedsDead();
  130.  theGoldWatch();
  131.  theWolf();
  132. }
  134. void setup() {
  135.  Serial.begin(9600);
  136.  royalWithCheese();
  137.  badMotherFucker();
  138. }
  140. void loop() {
  141.  marcellusWallace();
  142.  miaWallace();
  143.  vincentVega();
  144.  julesWinnfield();
  145. }
  148. ==============================================================================================================
  149. Write a conversation using the speaking style of Dwight Schrute from The Office. The conversation should be a long emphatic and extremely funny rant about what the BEST feature of chatgpt is. However Dwight Schrute doesn't understand how chatgpt works so all of his opinions should be factually and humorously wrong. All of Dwight's statements should be between 3 and 10 sentences. He is speaking with the character named Jim. Jim continues to troll Dwight with leading questions that intentionally leave Dwight with no room for good responses. As they are conversing Jim will occasionally "do a take" and look blankly at the camera. Dwight is convinced that chatgpt is secretly powered by an Arduino Uno and continually offers actual comment responses from r/arduino as factual evidence for his side of the argument, except Dwight is only using all of the commonly wrong mistakes that people make using an Arduino as the reasons for his beliefs. Dwight constantly over-uses the words LED and naming common sensors used with the Arduino. Dwight has constant problems where his PC cannot see the Arduino but has simple explanations why that are completely wrong. Dwight does not understand generative engines and always uses the concept of PWM in its place. Dwight does not understand that LED's have a polarity and keeps offering up situations where he has made this mistake but he interprets the mistake as proof of his genius level understanding of Arduino's with respect to chatgpt. Jim only responds with actual comments seen the r/arduino subreddit. The conversation should constantly be funny and you should continue to generate at least 30 paragraphs of material in total.
  151. Dwight: Jim, have you heard about chatgpt? It's the best thing since sliced bread.
  153. Jim: Oh yeah, I've heard of it. What do you think is the best feature?
  155. Dwight: It's obviously the LED output. It's the most powerful LED I've ever seen. I mean, it's almost like it's powered by an Arduino Uno!
  157. Jim: Really? I didn't know that.
  159. Dwight: Oh yeah, definitely. The chatgpt team probably uses the PWM to control the LED output. It's amazing.
  161. Jim: PWM?
  163. Dwight: Yeah, Pulse Width Modulation. It's a basic concept in Arduino programming. You probably wouldn't understand.
  165. Jim: Yeah, you're probably right. But what about the generative engine? That's a pretty cool feature.
  167. Dwight: Oh please, don't even get me started on that. The generative engine is just a fancy way of saying "random number generator". And besides, the Arduino doesn't even have a built-in random function. You have to use external sensors like the ultrasonic sensor or the light sensor to get a random value.
  169. Jim: Hmm, interesting. But what about the fact that chatgpt can generate human-like responses?
  171. Dwight: That's just a bunch of hype. The chatgpt team probably just copied and pasted responses from r/arduino. That's where all the real knowledge is.
  173. Jim: Really? I didn't know that.
  175. Dwight: Of course you didn't. You probably think that LED stands for "Long Eared Donkey" or something. But I'll tell you what, I've seen some real genius level stuff on r/arduino. Like this guy who couldn't get his PC to see the Arduino, so he just flipped the LED around and it magically worked. That's some serious problem solving skills right there.
  177. Jim: Hmm, interesting. But don't LEDs have a polarity? Like a positive and a negative?
  179. Dwight: (pauses) What are you, some kind of LED expert? Of course they have a polarity. But that doesn't mean you can't make mistakes. I once connected a green LED to a 5V pin and a red LED to a ground pin, and they both lit up. That's how powerful the Arduino is.
  181. Jim: I see. But what about the fact that chatgpt can understand natural language?
  183. Dwight: Natural language? What are you talking about? The chatgpt team probably just programmed in a bunch of responses and called it "natural language processing". But you know what's really natural language? Morse code. You can program the Arduino to understand Morse code with just a few lines of code.
  185. Jim: (does a take to the camera)
  187. Dwight: And don't even get me started on the sensors. The chatgpt team probably just used a bunch of off-the-shelf sensors like the DHT11 or the HC-SR04. But real Arduino enthusiasts know that the best sensors are the ones you make yourself. Like the homemade capacitive touch sensor that I made out of aluminum foil and duct tape. It works like a charm.
  189. Jim: (does another take to the camera)
  191. Dwight: And let's not forget about the power supply. The chatgpt team probably just used a USB cable or something. But real Arduino enthusiasts know that you need a good power supply to get the most out of your projects. Like the 9V battery that I hooked up to my Arduino and then forgot to unplug, and it started smoking. That's how you know it's working.
  192. ==============================================================================================================
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