
[F4M] Back To Home Comforts [loving] [passionate]

Dec 28th, 2018
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  1. [F4M] [Script Offer] Back To Home Comforts [loving][cuddling] [kissing] [sensual] [comforting] [passionate] [breathy] [moans] [gasps] [both give] [both receive] [orgasm]
  4. A man returns home from a night shift. Tired and fatigued, he enters the house to find his partner in the kitchen preparing food. A reassuring embrace gradually takes a more mutually comforting path…
  7. General mood and expression can be found in [these], with notes included in (these). These are only suggestions, if any artists wish to change anything (intonation, pacing etc), feel free. Comments or suggestions are always welcome, and of course the script is open to all who may want to fill.
  11. Script:
  13. [yawn] [pause] [pleasant surprise] Oh! Hey, baby. I didn't hear you come in. Aww, my hands are all sticky, get over here. [playfully frumpy] I want my good morning kiss. I've been preparing the chicken for later and [sudden stop] [reassuring] Oh, baby what's wrong. I was only kidding, I didn't mean it. [upbeat] Hey, come over here, I wanna show you something. Oh, I know. I know you're tired, baby. [sweet] I know, I'm here for you. Here, just let me give you a little…[kiss]…there, that's it. All better now. Ah, wait. Hmmm, my hands are all sticky, just let me rinse them off. [pause]
  15. [matter of fact] There. All nice and clean. Now, let me see you. [soft] Oh, baby…you look really tired. Hard night, huh? [pause] Aw, baby…I know. I know it's hard right now. It's not fair, them putting all this extra work on you, but, well…I know, baby the night shifts aren't helping too, but well…it's not for much longer, you know, and…well, we can…get down here, baby I want to kiss you, and…well, we can [kiss] just ride it out for the next week or so, and…[frustrated exhale] Let me jump up, onto the counter, and I can…there, that's better. [playful] I can see you now! [giggle]
  17. [reassuring] Oh, I'm playing, baby. I'm only playing, not teasing. [fake mocking] You're just too fucking tall, that's all! [sweet] Aw, baby, what's wrong? Hey, get in here…come on, get in here with me, just drop your jacket on the chair, baby and get over here. I want a cuddle, ok? [sweet giggle] Ah, that's it baby just wrap your arms around me, that's it, right inside my gown, and…man you are tense, oh, baby just get in closer. [pause] That's it, nice and close to me. Let me just hug you, [kiss] kiss you, and we can talk about it. Hmmm? Ok, well…we don't have to. If you don't want. I just don't like seeing you like this, that's all. [upbeat] Hey, I didn't show you, did I? [pause]
  19. Yeah, I was going to show you, just then. Before you…before I…I don't know, but yeah. I had a reply! Yeah! For my poem. [excited] I know! Well, I haven't fully read it yet, but…well, I thought we could read it together, you know? [pause] Yeah. I couldn't't just open it without you, I just saw the subject line for the email. [pause] [sweet] I know, but if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have even wrote it, never mind send it out, I mean… [pause] You were, though. You were the only one who believed in me. I didn't even believe in me! But you…you…my gorgeous you…my sweet… [kiss]…caring…[kiss]…loving you. [kiss] You just, well…knew it.
  21. [sweet] Here. Just come in a bit closer, let me just wrap my…there. Wrap my arms around you. A little. Bit. Further so I can rest my head. On your shoulder. And…just…snuggle into you. [slight pause] [prolonged exhale] Hmmm, oh baby, you always know. You just know, you know? [sweet giggle] Man, that sounded lame! [silly voice] You just know, you know? [laugh] Oh, you know what I mean…[mock gasp] God, there I go again! [playful self mocking] You know, you know, you know, you know! Man! [mock exasperation] That's all I know! [laugh] I swear, baby! I know more words! [kiss] [contented moan] [sweet] Oh, I love you. And…wait for it…you know that too! [Laugh]
  23. [low rumbling moan] Hmmm, I mean it, though, baby. You [emphasis on next word] do just know. Know what to say…[kiss]…know what to…[kiss]…feel…[kiss]…know what to do…[low moan] Like now. There's me…being all ditzy…again! And you just, well…you just laugh along with me…pull me in closer to kiss me…run your hands on my back…you just…fucking…know! [giggle] [low drawl] Oh, I love you. Just…love you. [prolonged exhale] Hmmm, kiss me. [kiss] Hmmm, I love kissing you. [kiss] [prolonged low moan] Kissing my strong…loving…sexy man. [kiss] [teasing] I see you've relaxed a bit now too, huh? [giggle] [kiss] Oh, I know, baby. I love it too. How we can just be relaxed. Be ourselves, together. Love it. [kiss] And I love…[kiss]…you…[kiss]…too. [gasp] [pause] [urgent] Kiss me. [loud kiss] [breathy] Oh, kiss me, baby. Come in close and kiss me, baby. [prolonged passionate kissing]
  25. (Note: From here, things become more passionate and sexually charged. This is familiar and loving, mostly quiet or normal volume unless stated. There will be prompts for moans, gasps etc, but performers should also feel free to 'go with it' and change pacing, intonation etc.)
  27. [breathy] Oh, God baby I love this, just love this. Being here with you. Kissing like this. [low moan] Oh, put your hands in my gown, baby. I want to feel your hands all over me as we kiss…[kiss] [moaning kiss] [pause] Ah, I love your hands. Your strong…soft hands on me. [low moan] On my skin. Running all…over…[kiss]…my back and shoulders…[gasp]…and my neck. Oh, you know I love that. [passionate kiss] [breathy] Oh, I love it. [sweet] I don't know how you do it. Just…[exhale]…find all the nice spots with your's like we're connected, baby…in ways we just know…and feel…and…[gasp]…Fuck, baby I'm getting all tingly and…[breathy]…hot for you…and…[pause]
  29. [fast exhale] [stifled moan] Fuck, that feels good! Hmmm, oh God, baby…they feel good? Hmmm? [sweet] My tits? In your hands? [prolonged rumbling moan] Oh, man, you're turning me on…[prolonged next word] sooo much right now. [kiss] Hmmm. Don't stop, baby. Please…just don't ever stop. [kiss] I love you. Love you, baby. [kiss turns to a gasp] Love how you make me feel...[moan]…feel so good, baby. It's like you're not even…[sharp exhale]…trying. I love it. Watching you. Feeling you. How calm…but focussed you look…as you…[gasp]…touch me. [prolonged kiss] [moan]
  31. God, there's magic in those hands, baby. I love your hands…so strong, but…oh, so tender when they need to be. Your fingers, too. And nails…always perfect. [exhale] How they trace around me…dance around me…[kiss]…caressing me. [sharp gasp] [breathy] Oh, fuck. My hip just twitched! [giggle] You felt that? [giggly next line] There's electricity in those fingers, baby! [low moan] Oh, God…you only have to touch my thighs and I dance for you! [laugh] [low rumbling moan] Oh, fuck! Please, baby…don't tease me any more…[gasp]…slowly, baby…please…just, slowly now…[pause]…look at me, just…[whimper]…let my eyes guide you…just…[sharp exhale]…[pause]
  33. [prolonged deep moan] Oh, my God! [loud breathing] [breathy] Fuck, baby that feels good. That feels. [elongated next word] sooo…fucking good. [low moan] You see? See what you do to me? [gasp] How…hot, and…wet you make me? God, I'm so hot for you right now. [breathy] So…hot for you. [rapid moan] Oh, that feels so good. Your hand around my back. Holding me close as you…[gasp]…fuck me with your…[low moan]…Kiss me! [passionate moaning kiss] [fast prolonged exhale] Oh, take me! Take me, baby. Take me all the way…[gasp]…all the way like this, baby…[breathy]…with your fingers. [pause] [deep voice] Sooo fucking good inside me. [sharp exhale] That's it. Fuck me. Fuck me. [urgent] Slow, slow…fuck me slowly, baby…just…[gasp] God, this is coming fast! [deep moan] Oh, fuck, baby! I think I'm nearly…think I…[panting]…I'm gonna…look at me as I…I'm gonna, I'm gonna [sharp pause]
  35. (Note: Performer now improvises orgasm. This should be breathy, panting and realistic to your choices in tone, build up and intonation used so far.)
  37. Fuck! [deep low moan] [panting]…Damn! Oh…my…God, baby that was…that was…[emphasis on next word] all…of the good! Wow…and so fast. [giggle] And intense. And…and…fucking huge! [laugh] Oh, my…my…[panting]…I can't talk! I just can't talk! [laugh] Oh, God, baby…get up here! [sweetly insistent] Get up here, on the counter…I wanna swap. Let me just loosen your…there, fuck…just let me get them off…ah, good you're all nice and hard for me still…now. Get up there, baby. I wanna take care of you too. [short pause]
  39. [low moan] God, baby you're so hard for me…so hard right now. [gasp] Oh, and you're so sensitive too, baby! [giggle] Oh, it's ok…it's ok. I'm going to go real slow, baby, ok? Hmmm? You like it…[slow exhale]…slow? Yeah? Like me stroking you? [low moan] God, I love it too, baby! Just…love it. [gasp] [prolonged low moan] My hand just…[slow exhale]…melting around you…round your cock…[low rumbling moan]…my soft…warm hand, just…[gasp]…slowly twisting…and stroking…and…stroking you. [pause] [breathy moan] You like that? Hmmm? Like that, baby? [sweet giggle] Oh, I can tell, baby. I can see it…see it in your eyes…in your face…in your [rapid gasp] Ah, you close, baby? Close for me? Hmmm? Wanna…[low moan]…cum now, baby? You wanna cum? Hmmm? Ok…ok, baby…oh, God baby look at me…look at me as you cum, baby [gasp] [short pause]
  41. [breathy] Yeah…yeah…do it…do it…cum…cum…[sharp gasp]…[deep moan] [surprised gasp] Fuck! Oh, baby you're…God that's so hot…Yeah…yeah, baby, keep cumming…[low moan turns to sultry laugh] [deep rumbling moan] Oh, baby! That was great! You like it, baby? You have a good time? [giggle] Oh, I know, baby…I know. I did too…oh, I really…really did. [elongated exhale] Man, that was hot! So…oh, so good. Come here, baby…let me [kiss]…just [kiss]…kiss you…and hold you…and just…just…[elongated contented moan]
  43. [sweet] [breathy] Hmmm, I could just stay here. All day, holding you, baby. Holding you, close to me. Right here. On the counter. [giggle] I think, though…it's best if we go up to bed. [contented moan] Yeah…that's better. Let's just go up to bed, baby. You must be needing to sleep after work, and…well, after that too [giggle] Oh, I will. I will, baby. I'll follow you. Just let me clean up, and…[pause] Hmmm, you gave me a lot to clean up baby…[giggle] Ok. You just go and get into bed, baby. I'll be right with you. I'm going to love just laying there with you. In bed. To hold you…snuggle with you…sleep with you. [low rumbling moan] I love you, baby.
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