

Apr 7th, 2016
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  1. ShodaiGoro
  2. Japanese martial art
  3. 4:38
  4. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5. o/
  6. 4:38
  7. ShodaiGoro
  8. And going to be practicing Ryuseiken tomorrow
  9. 4:39
  10. GarudaGoji
  11. Nice
  12. 4:39
  13. ShodaiGoro
  14. Read: Katana swordfighting
  15. 4:39
  16. DrGodzilla120
  17. Ah.
  18. Make sure not to hurt yourself.
  19. 4:39
  20. ShodaiGoro
  21. Uh-huh
  22. 4:42
  23. Gallibon the Destroyer
  24. test
  25. 4:47
  26. ShodaiGoro
  27. (SPM)
  28. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  29. 4:50
  30. Fr0stfur
  31. hi o/
  32. 4:50
  33. GarudaGoji
  34. Hi
  35. 4:51
  36. Gallibon the Destroyer
  37. o/
  38. Wassup?
  39. 4:52
  40. Fr0stfur
  41. just playing more batman
  42. gonna be afk for a bit
  43. 4:53
  44. Gallibon the Destroyer
  45. Okay.
  46. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  47. 4:54
  48. Gallibon the Destroyer
  49. o/
  50. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  51. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  52. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  53. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  54. 4:58
  55. Gallibon the Destroyer
  56. Wb
  57. 5:01
  58. Gojiran103
  59. brb
  60. 5:01
  61. Gallibon the Destroyer
  62. Alright.
  63. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  64. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  65. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  66. 5:08
  67. Gallibon the Destroyer
  68. test
  69. 5:10
  70. GarudaGoji
  71. borf
  72. Ghidorahnumber1 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  73. 5:12
  74. Gallibon the Destroyer
  75. o/
  76. 5:13
  77. Ghidorahnumber1
  78. I forgot to close this last night
  79. 5:16
  80. Gallibon the Destroyer
  81. And?
  82. 5:16
  83. Ghidorahnumber1
  84. And nothing!
  85. 5:17
  86. Gallibon the Destroyer
  87. Okay, sorry, geez.
  88. 5:20
  89. Ghidorahnumber1
  90. (I was making a reference)
  91. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  92. 5:20
  93. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  94. Haiiii
  95. 5:21
  96. Gallibon the Destroyer
  97. Okay.
  98. o/
  99. Wassup man?
  100. 5:21
  101. GarudaGoji
  102. Hi
  103. 5:21
  104. DrGodzilla120
  105. o/
  106. 5:22
  107. Ghidorahnumber1
  108. Hey Stay
  109. 5:22
  110. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  111. Hi
  112. 5:23
  113. Ghidorahnumber1
  114. I just tried to upload a video to youtube and it destroyed my internet
  115. 5:23
  116. DrGodzilla120
  117. What was the video about?
  118. 5:23
  119. Ghidorahnumber1
  120. You asked me to play as Greedo
  121. So I did
  122. 5:24
  123. ShodaiGoro
  124. Hey, Dr
  125. I'm thinking
  126. Of unretconning (SPM)
  127. I might have some ideas for him this arc
  128. 5:25
  129. DrGodzilla120
  130. Ah.
  131. 5:26
  132. ShodaiGoro
  133. Dr, PM
  134. 5:28
  135. Ghidorahnumber1
  136. It's taking forever to process
  138. 5:35
  139. Gallibon the Destroyer
  140. I DON'T KNOW!
  141. 5:38
  142. GarudaGoji
  143. buu
  144. wtf so fast?!
  145. 5:42
  146. Gallibon the Destroyer
  147. ...
  148. 5:42
  149. Ghidorahnumber1
  150. test
  151. test again
  152. Every time I try this my internet craps out
  153. 5:46
  154. Gallibon the Destroyer
  155. Bummer man.
  156. 5:48
  157. Ghidorahnumber1
  158. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijKDv_ojnv4
  159. 5:48
  160. Gallibon the Destroyer
  161. BRB, work
  162. o/
  163. 5:49
  164. ShodaiGoro
  165. o/
  166. Gallibon the Destroyer has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  167. Krazar77 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  168. 5:53
  169. Krazar77
  170. yo
  171. 5:53
  172. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  173. Hello
  174. 5:53
  175. GarudaGoji
  176. Hi
  177. 5:53
  178. Krazar77
  179. did i mess anything while i was gone?
  180. 5:53
  181. ShodaiGoro
  182. (Shrek) Shreked chat
  183. 5:53
  184. Krazar77
  185. did you reconquer japan?
  186. 5:53
  187. ShodaiGoro
  188. Nah
  189. 5:53
  190. Krazar77
  191. did anything imortant happen?
  192. *important*
  193. 5:54
  194. ShodaiGoro
  195. No
  196. We haven't RPed in a while
  197. 5:55
  198. Krazar77
  199. why?
  200. 5:55
  201. ShodaiGoro
  202. Gojiran isn't on enough
  203. 5:55
  204. Krazar77
  205. ah
  206. 5:55
  207. ShodaiGoro
  208. We might do something soon
  209. (FXM) *sitting under a cherry blossom tree*
  210. 5:57
  211. GarudaGoji
  212. (???) *passes by* <(Spring! Spring! Spring arrived! Beautiful spring to pelt the blossoms down! Yay spriiiing!)
  213. 5:57
  214. Krazar77
  215. (Birthgoji) *is looking at foxmask from a cliffside*
  216. 5:57
  217. ShodaiGoro
  218. (KRSW) *sitting next to him, Yavier rested on his legs
  219. 5:57
  220. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  221. *A large boulder is rolling around
  222. *It jumps in the air revealing it to be Hothead*
  223. Hothead: TIME TO SMASH A PUNY MAN
  224. 5:58
  225. Krazar77
  226. EX (Gomora) *is sleeping*
  227. (Birthgoji) *jumps off the cliffside and lands, eyes hothead and roars a challange to him*
  228. 5:59
  229. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  230. Hothead: *Looks at Birthgoji* RAAAAAAAAGH *Spits a fireball at him*
  231. 6:00
  232. GarudaGoji
  233. (Lily White)<(Spriiing!) *begins glowing pink, before unleashing pink springs that spring around the place*
  234. 6:00
  235. Krazar77
  236. (Birthgoji) *walks through the fireball, his dorsal scutes flash blue*
  237. (Birthgoji) *fires his atomic breath at hothead*
  238. 6:02
  239. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  240. Hothead: *Knocked back by the atomic breath* RAUGGGGH?! HOW DID YOU GET PAST HOTHEAD'S FIREBALL?! *Picks him up by the tail and begins spinning him around*
  241. 6:03
  242. Krazar77
  243. (Birthgoji) *is rather annoyed, as he picks up his tail, slams it back down onto the ground*
  244. (Birthgoji) *turns around and slams hothead into the cliffside*
  245. 6:03
  246. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  247. Hothead: *Gets angrier*
  248. 6:04
  249. GarudaGoji
  251. :P
  252. 6:04
  253. Krazar77
  254. (Birthgoji) *blasts his atomic breath again at hothead*
  255. 6:04
  256. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  257. Hothead: *Begins repeatedly punching him in the face*
  258. 6:05
  259. Krazar77
  260. (Birthgoji) *grabs a fist as he does a punch and slams him down onto the ground*
  261. (Birthgoji) *face has been the same expression this entire time, annoyed*
  262. 6:05
  263. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  264. Hothead: WHY LIZARD MAN NEVER GET HIT!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Begins angrily attacking him*
  265. 6:07
  266. Krazar77
  267. (Birthgoji) *sees this as an opportunity and dodges an attack before punching hothead in the face sending him flying*
  268. 6:07
  269. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  270. Hothead: LIZARD MAN SO CHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP *Blasts off again*
  271. 6:08
  272. Krazar77
  273. (Birthgoji) *turns around and walks towards foxmask*
  274. (Birthgoji) *walks past him and heads back up to his cliff*
  275. *however as he passes he does a sup motion with his head*
  276. 6:11
  277. Ghidorahnumber1
  278. The Rogue One trailer came out today
  279. 6:11
  280. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  281. Saw i
  282. t
  283. 6:12
  284. ShodaiGoro
  285. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy shwabe ead mishter pwoo pwoo!)
  286. 6:12
  287. Ghidorahnumber1
  288. It is
  289. Awesome
  290. 6:12
  291. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  292. Damn it looks good.
  293. 6:12
  294. ShodaiGoro
  295. Hey, Garuda
  296. (Remirya) <(Uuu~! Uuu~!)
  297. 6:12
  298. GarudaGoji
  299. Kay
  300. 6:13
  301. Krazar77
  302. agreed
  303. 6:13
  304. ShodaiGoro
  305. Krazar
  306. Guess what
  307. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy shwabe ead mishter pwoo pwoo!)
  308. (KoDeibu) *kills Krazar with a mountain of yukkuri residue
  309. 6:15
  310. Krazar77
  311. * Krazar77 steps on a teleporter, teleporting him to his mantis
  312. *which is basically a small mecha in halo 5
  313. 6:15
  314. Ghidorahnumber1
  315. The Death Star alarm is the best part
  316. 6:16
  317. Krazar77
  318. agreed
  319. 6:17
  320. Ghidorahnumber1
  321. fucking people spoiling it already
  322. 6:17
  323. Krazar77
  324. dont listen
  325. 6:17
  326. Ghidorahnumber1
  327. they're saying the Death Star gets destroyed
  328. fucking spoilers
  329. 6:18
  330. Krazar77
  331. just tell them to shut them
  332. and ignore them
  333. derp
  334. 6:23
  335. Ghidorahnumber1
  336. i like star wars therefore it shall be in rp screw fitting in its railroading time
  337. 6:25
  338. ShodaiGoro
  339. Hey, Krazar
  340. 6:27
  341. Krazar77
  342. hey shodai
  343. 6:27
  344. ShodaiGoro
  345. (KoDeibu) *smiles smugly at Krazar
  346. (KoDeibu) <(Oh SHWAAAAAABE!!!)
  347. 6:28
  348. Krazar77
  349. * Krazar77 activates target lock as he fires 6 heat seeking missiles at (KoDeibu)
  350. leave
  351. me
  352. alone
  353. you
  354. 6:28
  355. ShodaiGoro
  356. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy mishles eat mishter pwo-) *missiles go up south
  357. 6:28
  358. Krazar77
  359. whore
  360. 6:28
  361. ShodaiGoro
  362. (KoDeibu) *sent flying into the sky, as she begins bloating up like a balloon
  363. (KoDeibu) <(CHUMMY ISH EKSPWODIIIIIIIING!!!) *bursts like a bean paste-filled firework
  364. 6:29
  365. Krazar77
  366. * Krazar77 turns his mecha around
  367. take that
  368. shit head
  369. *eplosons go everywhere
  370. 6:30
  371. ShodaiGoro
  372. *Krazar's waifu, Fred Durst, appears
  374. 6:31
  375. Krazar77
  376. no
  377. just no
  378. 6:32
  379. Ghidorahnumber1
  380. *Something trudges toward a NE base in Japan*
  381. 6:32
  382. Krazar77
  383. oh guess what happend in clas
  384. 6:32
  385. Ghidorahnumber1
  386. Some kid brought in a chicken
  387. two chickens
  388. 6:32
  389. Krazar77
  390. no
  391. 6:32
  392. Ghidorahnumber1
  393. oh
  394. Cuz that happened to me today
  395. 6:32
  396. Krazar77
  397. a vietnam veteran talked about his experince
  398. he brokedown once
  399. and then cried a few other times
  400. but i have a lot of respect right now
  401. and just the stories
  402. i now have a totally differant aspect on vietnam
  403. that was literally hearbreaking
  404. like my god
  405. i literally wanted to cry
  406. but i didnt
  407. anyway
  408. im done talking
  409. 6:36
  410. ShodaiGoro
  411. (KRS) *walking through the ruins of the Black Satan stronghold where he, as Stronger, was born
  412. (KRS) *in the main room, where one would pledge allegiance to the Great Leader of Black Satan
  413. (KRS) <(This place... I remember it like yesterday.)
  414. (KRS) *slowly walks
  415. (KRS) *walks into the old laboratory where surgery was done on him to make him into Stronger
  416. (KRS) *examines the door; it still has the burn marks from when he electrocuted it
  417. (KRS) *finally walks to where he was looking for all along; the rocky area where he and Tackle met for the first time
  418. (KRS) <(We've come a long way, Yuriko.)
  419. (KRS) <(And yet, I don't think the cycle is ever going to end.)
  420. (KRS) <(Just when we think it's over for us, another threat to peace appears that we must fight.)
  421. 6:40
  422. DrGodzilla120
  423. Garuda.
  424. Are you here?
  425. 6:40
  426. ShodaiGoro
  427. (KRS) <(I initially only intended to fight with you until we could settle down, and I'd handle things from there.)
  428. 6:40
  429. Ghidorahnumber1
  430. dr you screwed up the beautiful line of stronger
  431. 6:40
  432. ShodaiGoro
  433. (KRS) <(But, the path you've chosen... you want to fight by my side, forever. And I respect that.)
  434. 6:40
  435. DrGodzilla120
  436. You just did as well. :P
  437. 6:40
  438. GarudaGoji
  439. Yeah?
  440. 6:40
  441. ShodaiGoro
  442. (KRS) <(I don't think it will ever end.)
  443. 6:41
  444. DrGodzilla120
  445. PM.
  446. 6:41
  447. ShodaiGoro
  448. (KRS) <(...maybe some day, we can make a new generation. Kids who don't have to take down the path of Kamen Rider if they don't want to.)
  449. 6:41
  450. Flaredragon00
  451. (KR Biricle) *comes out from the darkness, having been sitting there* <( That's...what I'm hoping, too.)
  452. 6:42
  453. ShodaiGoro
  454. (KRBI)
  455. (KRS) <(Oh, you heard that.)
  456. (KRS) <(I was just talking to myself, reminiscing over everything I've- no, we've been through.)
  457. (KRS) <(...let's try to settle down once the Neo Empire is defeated.)
  458. (KRS) <(Maybe still fight, but set some time aside for ourselves.)
  459. JadgVlady has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  460. 6:44
  461. ShodaiGoro
  462. o/
  463. 6:44
  464. JadgVlady
  465. o7
  466. 6:44
  467. GarudaGoji
  468. Hi
  469. 6:44
  470. Krazar77
  471. thats actually what gomora is gonna do, as hes been fighting this war against NE fo a while
  472. 6:44
  473. Flaredragon00
  474. (KR Biricle) <( Yeah. I'd say it's high time.)
  475. 6:44
  476. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  477. Hi
  478. 6:45
  479. ShodaiGoro
  480. * (KRBI)
  481. 6:45
  482. JadgVlady
  483. are the NE being backing up like the nazis?
  484. 6:45
  485. ShodaiGoro
  486. (KRS) <(But, for now, we have work to do before we can settle down together.)
  487. 6:46
  488. JadgVlady
  489. i am pretty sure the NE are the nazis
  490. 6:47
  491. Krazar77
  492. pretty much
  493. hold on imma change my avatar
  494. 6:49
  495. JadgVlady
  496. pwoooosh BAM, DING DENG
  497. guuuys
  498. 6:52
  499. Krazar77
  500. nvm
  501. 6:53
  502. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  503. *In the medical center of the NE, Hothead is sat on the bed, ranting about the "stupid lizardman" that injured him*
  504. 6:55
  505. Krazar77
  506. (Birthgoji) *is waiting for some combat*
  507. 6:55
  508. ShodaiGoro
  509. (KamiGoji) did Shrek 3
  510. 6:55
  511. Krazar77
  512. no
  513. dreamworks did shrek3
  514. 6:56
  515. JadgVlady
  516. (Hetzer) *healed to its entirety, looks around for trouble*
  517. 6:56
  518. DrGodzilla120
  519. (Liu Kang) Face me... in MORTAL KOMAT!
  520. JK
  521. JK
  522. ..
  523. FUCK
  524. KOMBAT*
  525. 6:56
  526. JadgVlady
  527. komat?
  528. 6:56
  529. DrGodzilla120
  530. how did i spell that wrong
  531. 6:57
  532. JadgVlady
  533. komat sounds russkie
  534. 6:57
  535. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  536. Mortal Komrade
  537. sorry
  538. 6:57
  539. Ghidorahnumber1
  541. 6:57
  542. JadgVlady
  544. 6:57
  545. Ghidorahnumber1
  546. So a classmate brought chickens into English today
  547. 6:58
  548. JadgVlady
  549. So a chicken brought Englishes into classmate today
  550. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  551. 7:01
  552. Ghidorahnumber1
  553. jaspion
  554. 7:02
  555. Krazar77
  556. for some reason i have a feeling that x is gonna give it to ya is gonna play one time during a NE battle
  557. dont know why
  558. but i feel like it is
  559. 7:02
  560. ShodaiGoro
  562. 7:02
  563. DrGodzilla120
  564. I plan for the theme of the final battle to be...
  565. Gangnam Style.
  566. JK
  567. JK
  568. 7:03
  569. ShodaiGoro
  570. It's going to be the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme
  571. 7:03
  572. Krazar77
  573. no
  574. NO
  575. NO
  576. i have my own theme songs going to play
  577. 7:03
  578. ShodaiGoro
  580. 7:03
  581. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  582. a good pony is a dead pony
  583. 7:03
  584. Ghidorahnumber1
  585. How come every time a ghost sighting happens people grab the shittiest camera possible
  586. When they clearly have iPhones handy
  587. Flaredragon00 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  588. 7:04
  589. GarudaGoji
  590. I have some battle music I could use during that.
  591. 7:05
  592. DrGodzilla120
  593. I'm still deciding on the ending music.
  594. Though I BBL.
  595. Going out to eat.
  596. Flaredragon00 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  597. 7:05
  598. GarudaGoji
  599. Kay
  600. 7:05
  601. Krazar77
  602. i have my ending music for my kaiju
  603. and what they do
  604. 7:05
  605. JadgVlady
  606. to seem creepy
  607. 7:06
  608. GarudaGoji
  609. is to eat
  610. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  611. 7:08
  612. Lord Ghetsis
  613. Sup?
  614. 7:08
  615. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  616. Hiya
  617. 7:08
  618. GarudaGoji
  619. HI
  620. 7:08
  621. Ghidorahnumber1
  622. why the fuck am I watching ghost videos
  623. I know I won't sleep anyway
  624. 7:08
  625. Flaredragon00
  626. (KRGH) will protect you
  627. 7:08
  628. Ghidorahnumber1
  629. Yay good ghost
  630. Specter will you protect me too?
  631. 7:10
  632. JadgVlady
  633. probably
  634. 7:10
  635. Ghidorahnumber1
  636. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSIWjXlBylA Someone watch this with me I need comfort
  637. And to turn the light on to light up my entire room
  638. 7:11
  639. ShodaiGoro
  640. brb
  641. 7:11
  642. Lord Ghetsis
  643. Really? Scared of that phony stuff
  644. xD
  645. 7:12
  646. StayPuftMarshmellowMan
  647. gtg
  648. 7:12
  649. Lord Ghetsis
  650. o/
  651. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  652. 7:14
  653. JadgVlady
  654. shhhhh ghidorah big man tyrone's going to comfort you
  655. 7:14
  656. Flaredragon00
  657. vlady i am going to hav eto ask you to stop??
  658. 7:14
  659. JadgVlady
  660. nyet
  661. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  662. 7:15
  663. JadgVlady
  664. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  665. 7:17
  666. Krazar77
  667. happy feet
  668. wombo combo
  669. that aint falco
  670. that aint falco- OH
  671. OH
  672. OH
  673. OH
  675. OHOHO
  676. 7:17
  677. JadgVlady
  678. russkieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  679. 7:17
  680. Krazar77
  681. WERE YOU AT
  682. WERE YOU AT
  683. WERE YOU AT
  684. OH
  685. OMG
  687. Oh
  689. 7:18
  690. JadgVlady
  691. ruskieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  692. 7:18
  693. Flaredragon00
  694. what the fuck
  695. 7:18
  696. Krazar77
  699. 7:18
  700. Ghidorahnumber1
  701. what the hell has happened
  702. 7:18
  703. Krazar77
  705. 7:18
  706. JadgVlady
  707. ruskieee
  708. 7:18
  709. Flaredragon00
  710. someone kick vlady
  711. 7:18
  712. Krazar77
  714. 7:18
  715. Flaredragon00
  716. he's spamming like fuck
  717. 7:18
  718. Krazar77
  719. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD_imYhNoQ4
  720. 7:18
  721. JadgVlady
  722. ay flare, just asking, can't you kick me?
  723. 7:19
  724. Lord Ghetsis
  725. Sorry to do this
  726. 7:19
  727. JadgVlady
  728. k
  729. 7:19
  730. Lord Ghetsis
  731. Nothing personal
  732. 7:19
  733. JadgVlady
  734. i know
  735. JadgVlady has been knocked out by Lord Ghetsis!
  736. JadgVlady has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  737. 7:19
  738. JadgVlady
  739. russ
  740. 7:19
  741. Flaredragon00
  742. yeah for some reason it won't let me
  743. 7:19
  744. JadgVlady
  745. oh
  746. 7:19
  747. Ghidorahnumber1
  748. cuz we're all mods
  749. 7:20
  750. Lord Ghetsis
  751. Uh thats because you're both chat mods
  752. 7:20
  753. JadgVlady
  754. poptarts = no
  755. waffles = yes
  756. guys, want to rage?
  757. because this new i'm going to give you it's going to be REEEE
  758. 7:24
  759. Ghidorahnumber1
  760. ow
  761. I just took my ipad cover off for the first time since September and I got a huge static shock
  762. 7:25
  763. JadgVlady
  764. bzzzt
  765. ok
  766. so guys, want to study physics?
  767. Gallibon the Destroyer has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  768. 7:26
  769. JadgVlady
  770. o7
  771. 7:26
  772. Gallibon the Destroyer
  773. Hello.
  774. o/
  775. 7:26
  776. Krazar77
  777. so bored
  778. 7:26
  779. Ghidorahnumber1
  780. I'm down for that
  781. 7:26
  782. Gallibon the Destroyer
  783. How bored?
  784. 7:27
  785. Krazar77
  786. wanting some action bored
  787. 7:27
  788. JadgVlady
  789. spamming ruskie tired
  790. 7:27
  791. Krazar77
  792. also
  793. does anybody own Neo orga?
  794. 7:27
  795. Gallibon the Destroyer
  796. I dunno.
  797. 7:27
  798. JadgVlady
  799. yes
  800. 7:29
  801. Krazar77
  802. who?
  803. 7:29
  804. JadgVlady
  805. titanollantw
  806. 7:29
  807. ShodaiGoro
  808. * (KRKA) sees something through the trees
  809. 7:29
  810. JadgVlady
  811. titanollante
  812. 7:29
  813. Krazar77
  814. he never comes here
  815. 7:29
  816. ShodaiGoro
  817. He doesn't come anymore
  818. 7:29
  819. Krazar77
  820. so dibs
  821. 7:29
  822. ShodaiGoro
  823. So he's free
  824. 7:29
  825. JadgVlady
  826. hmmhmm
  827. 7:29
  828. Fr0stfur
  829. Titan's rip
  830. 7:29
  831. Flaredragon00
  832. (KRKA) <( Huh?)
  833. 7:29
  834. Krazar77
  835. imma happy now
  836. 7:29
  837. ShodaiGoro
  838. (KRCA) *stands there, silently holding a rose
  839. * (KRCAU)
  840. * (KRCU)
  841. (Kamen Rider Caucasus)
  842. 7:29
  843. Flaredragon00
  844. (KRKA) <(...)
  845. 7:30
  846. ShodaiGoro
  847. (Kamen Rider Caucasus) *slaps the Hyper Zecter's buttom
  848. *button
  849. [HYPER CLOCK UP!]
  850. 7:30
  851. Flaredragon00
  852. (KRKA) *head tilts slightly in rememberance....but says nothing other wise, until he hears the Hyper Clock Up*
  853. 7:30
  854. ShodaiGoro
  855. *he disappears in a flash
  856. 7:30
  857. Flaredragon00
  858. (KRKA) <( Oh, no-)
  859. 7:30
  860. ShodaiGoro
  861. *Kabuto remembers him
  862. 7:31
  863. Flaredragon00
  864. (KRKA) <( I remember him, but...from where?)
  865. 7:31
  866. ShodaiGoro
  867. (KRCC) *speeds in front of Trahir, holding a violet rose
  868. 7:31
  869. Flaredragon00
  870. (KRKA) *gets patches of random memories, holds his head in pain*
  871. 7:31
  872. ShodaiGoro
  873. (KRCC) <(Trahir.) *is clearly with Trahir and the NE
  874. 7:32
  875. Ghidorahnumber1
  876. Dr is gone
  877. 7:32
  878. ShodaiGoro
  879. (KRCC) <(It seems this man I encountered... he seems familiar. As if I have some bond to him. Hmph.)
  880. (KRCC) <(...)
  881. *suddenly, Caucasus comes back and slams into Kabuto at high speeds
  883. 7:33
  884. Flaredragon00
  885. (KRKA) *sent flying*
  886. (KRKA) <( You...who are you?)
  887. 7:33
  888. ShodaiGoro
  889. (KRCC) <(So... how do I feel I know you?) *drops the rose, petals of the same flower type falling around him
  890. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  891. 7:34
  892. JadgVlady
  893. hi
  894. 7:34
  895. ShodaiGoro
  896. (KRCC) <(I can feel it. You have a Hyper Zecter. My Hyper Zecter. An alternate timeline version of it.)
  897. 7:34
  898. Flaredragon00
  899. (KRKA) <( Your guess is as good as mine, Caucasus.)
  900. (KRKA) ooo( Wait...where did I get that name from?)
  901. 7:34
  902. ShodaiGoro
  903. (KRCC) <(You must have stolen it and killed me with it and undid the timeline.)
  904. (KRCC) <(I might as well finish you before you get another chance.)
  905. [MAXIMUM... RIDER... POWER!!!]
  906. (KRCC) <(Rider... Kick.) *kicks Kabuto with amazing force, KOing him, but not enough to kill him
  907. (KRCC) <(If that didn't kill you... stay out of my way.)
  908. 7:35
  909. Flaredragon00
  910. (KRKA) <( GAH!) *falls over, armor sparking*
  911. 7:35
  912. ShodaiGoro
  913. [HYPER CLOCK UP!]
  914. (KRCC) *speeds away
  915. *a blue rose is left on Kabuto
  916. 7:38
  917. Gallibon the Destroyer
  918. Krazar, PM
  919. 7:38
  920. Krazar77
  921. k
  922. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  923. 7:39
  924. ShodaiGoro
  925. o/
  926. Gojiran, PM
  927. 7:39
  928. Flaredragon00
  929. (??) *is in the middle of a German city, walking through the streets*
  930. 7:39
  931. Gallibon the Destroyer
  932. o/
  933. 7:39
  934. JadgVlady
  935. o7
  936. 7:39
  937. Flaredragon00
  938. (??) *clashes arm weapons together, laughing in a hollow, raspy tone* <( Hehehehehe...)
  939. Thegoldnguy has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  940. 7:41
  941. Gojiran103
  942. Yo
  943. 7:41
  944. Thegoldnguy
  945. Yare yare daze
  946. 7:41
  947. Gallibon the Destroyer
  948. o/
  949. 7:41
  950. Thegoldnguy
  951. Hello
  952. 7:41
  953. ShodaiGoro
  954. o/
  955. 7:43
  956. JadgVlady
  957. o7
  958. 7:43
  959. Krazar77
  960. groudon is best pokemon
  961. 7:43
  962. JadgVlady
  963. rayquaza takes that place
  964. 7:43
  965. ShodaiGoro
  966. Weavile is cooler
  967. * (KamiGoji) feels a presence
  968. 7:44
  969. JadgVlady
  970. but what's better than rayquayquay
  971. is metapod
  972. 7:44
  973. Thegoldnguy
  974. Y'all need Arceus.
  975. 7:44
  976. ShodaiGoro
  977. Wait no
  978. *BirthGoji feels like he's being watched
  979. 7:45
  980. Krazar77
  981. (Birthgoji) *eyes shift to the thing thats watching him*
  982. 7:45
  983. ShodaiGoro
  984. (KRCC) *stands there, holding a blue rose
  985. 7:45
  986. Gallibon the Destroyer
  987. "I was feel like, somebody's watching meeee...."
  988. 7:46
  989. ShodaiGoro
  990. (KRCC) *has a menacing aura around him
  991. 7:46
  992. Gojiran103
  993. Dr, are you on?
  994. 7:46
  995. Krazar77
  996. (Birthgoji) *turns his head and then his body, looking at the rider*
  997. 7:47
  998. ShodaiGoro
  999. (KRCC) *hand begins moving to press the button on his Hyper Zecter
  1000. 7:48
  1001. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1002. Krazar, PM
  1003. 7:48
  1004. Krazar77
  1005. k
  1006. 7:48
  1007. ShodaiGoro
  1008. (KRCC) *quickly slaps it
  1009. (KRCC) <(Hyper Clock Up.)
  1010. [HYPER CLOCK UP!]
  1011. *Birth is suddenly attacked at the speed of light by Caucasus
  1012. 7:49
  1013. Krazar77
  1014. (Birthgoji) *is sent skitting back by the attack*
  1015. (Birthgoji) *snarls as he looks at the rider*
  1016. 7:49
  1017. ShodaiGoro
  1019. (KRCC) *stops
  1020. 7:50
  1021. Krazar77
  1022. (Birthgoji) *scutes glow a blue aura around them*
  1023. (Birthgoji) *reels his head back as he fires his atomic breath at the rider*
  1024. 7:50
  1025. ShodaiGoro
  1026. (KRCC) *sidesteps
  1027. 7:51
  1028. Krazar77
  1029. (Birthgoji) *sweeps it*
  1030. 7:51
  1031. ShodaiGoro
  1032. (KRCC) *rolls out of the way
  1033. 7:52
  1034. Krazar77
  1035. (Birthgoji) *stops his atomic bretah only to do it again*
  1036. 7:52
  1037. ShodaiGoro
  1038. [HYPER CLOCK UP!]
  1039. (KRCC) *begins rapidly running around to avoid, attacking during it
  1040. 7:52
  1041. Thegoldnguy
  1042. oh crap i'll bbl
  1043. 7:53
  1044. JadgVlady
  1045. o7
  1046. 7:53
  1047. GarudaGoji
  1048. Bye goldn
  1049. 7:53
  1050. ShodaiGoro
  1051. o/
  1052. 7:53
  1053. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1054. o/
  1055. 7:53
  1056. Krazar77
  1057. (Birthgoji) *stops his atomic breath as he tanks the attacks*
  1058. 7:54
  1059. ShodaiGoro
  1060. (KRCC) *running out of time for his Clock Up
  1061. (KRCC) <(Rider... Kick.)
  1062. Thegoldnguy has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1063. 7:54
  1064. ShodaiGoro
  1065. [MAXIMUM... RIDER... POWER!!!]
  1066. (KRCC) *energy flows from the Hyper Zecter to Caucasus' mask, to his leg
  1067. (KRCC) *kicks BirthGoji with a very powerful kick
  1068. 7:55
  1069. Krazar77
  1070. (Birthgoji) *is sent skitting back a severel meters only to fall*
  1071. 7:55
  1072. ShodaiGoro
  1074. 7:55
  1075. Krazar77
  1076. (Birthgoji) *gets back up, blood being on his mouth*
  1077. 7:55
  1078. ShodaiGoro
  1079. (KRCC) *stands
  1080. 7:55
  1081. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1082. Garuda, PM
  1083. 7:55
  1084. ShodaiGoro
  1085. (KRCC) *holding a blue rose
  1086. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1087. 7:56
  1088. Krazar77
  1089. (Birthgoji) *chaarges forward and slams into the rider*
  1091. 7:56
  1092. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1093. Stupid lag.
  1094. 7:56
  1095. ShodaiGoro
  1096. (KRCC) *quickly sidesteps
  1097. 7:57
  1098. JadgVlady
  1099. ò
  1100. ça va?
  1101. 7:57
  1102. Krazar77
  1103. (Bithgoji)*turns and slams his tail into the rider*
  1104. (Birthgoji) *
  1105. 7:57
  1106. JadgVlady
  1107. ~o~
  1108. 7:58
  1109. ShodaiGoro
  1110. (KRCC) *staggered by it, but not much
  1111. Gojiran103 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1112. 7:58
  1113. JadgVlady
  1114. ~3~
  1115. o7
  1116. 7:58
  1117. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1118. o/
  1119. 7:58
  1120. ShodaiGoro
  1121. o/
  1122. 7:59
  1123. Lord Ghetsis
  1124. o/
  1125. 8:00
  1126. Ghidorahnumber1
  1127. why do people obsess over World War Z
  1128. 8:00
  1129. Krazar77
  1130. (Birthgoji) *slams his tail back down into the ground*
  1131. (Birthgoji) *just stares at the rider*
  1132. also i got news that stabirnth was another ceoxal sockpuppet
  1133. 8:00
  1134. JadgVlady
  1135. Battle of Stalingrad > World War Z
  1136. 8:00
  1137. Ghidorahnumber1
  1138. It was the first movie where I've actually fell asleep while watching
  1139. 8:00
  1140. Lord Ghetsis
  1141. Because
  1142. 8:00
  1143. Krazar77
  1144. *stabirnyth*
  1145. 8:00
  1146. Lord Ghetsis
  1147. World War Z is full of freaky zombies
  1148. The ones that climb walls and run really fast
  1149. 8:01
  1150. ShodaiGoro
  1151. (KRCC) <(...Rider... Kick...)
  1152. [MAXIMUM... RIDER... POWER!]
  1153. (KRCC) *performs the kick once more
  1154. 8:01
  1155. Lord Ghetsis
  1156. I mean in Walking Dead, at least you can outrun them and outmaneuver the walkers
  1157. 8:01
  1158. JadgVlady
  1159. yeah, and the battle of stalingrad had alive humans climbing tanks and run to kill ya
  1160. 8:01
  1161. Krazar77
  1162. (Birthgoji) *sidesteps it*
  1163. 8:01
  1164. Lord Ghetsis
  1165. Yes thats the thing
  1166. HUMANS
  1167. 8:01
  1168. ShodaiGoro
  1169. *as the dust clears, Caucasus is gone
  1170. 8:02
  1171. Krazar77
  1172. (Birthgoji) * blasts the rider as he flies past him*
  1173. Nvm
  1174. 8:02
  1175. Lord Ghetsis
  1176. Not rotting, bloody infected trying to rip you to pieces
  1177. And turn you into one of them
  1178. 8:02
  1179. Krazar77
  1180. (Birthgoji) *cocks his head in confusion*
  1181. 8:02
  1182. Lord Ghetsis
  1183. You shoot a human and he's likely to drop from the pain. You shoot an infected and it jerks a bit but keeps coming
  1184. 8:02
  1185. JadgVlady
  1186. you kill a human, the army replaces it with 10 more
  1187. 8:03
  1188. Ghidorahnumber1
  1189. After the scene in Israel I fell asleep because nothing happened
  1190. 8:03
  1191. Lord Ghetsis
  1192. So?
  1193. 8:03
  1194. Ghidorahnumber1
  1195. It was just boring
  1196. 8:03
  1197. Lord Ghetsis
  1198. Of course the army has backup soldiers
  1199. 8:03
  1200. Krazar77
  1201. (Birthgoji) *looks around for the rider*
  1202. 8:03
  1203. Ghidorahnumber1
  1204. I don't care about super fast zombies
  1205. 8:04
  1206. JadgVlady
  1207. also, soldiers have weapons
  1208. 8:04
  1209. Lord Ghetsis
  1210. You know how infected replace their kind? Biting, scratching and ripping
  1211. 8:04
  1212. ShodaiGoro
  1213. *he seemed to use Hyper Clock Up to escape
  1214. 8:04
  1215. Lord Ghetsis
  1216. I'd rather be ENLISTED
  1217. Than having any of that shit happen
  1218. 8:04
  1219. JadgVlady
  1220. ranged weapons, not just primal instinct and claws
  1221. 8:04
  1222. Lord Ghetsis
  1223. Yes
  1224. That is what makes them less scary
  1225. I'd rather die quickly
  1226. Than from those things
  1227. 8:05
  1228. Krazar77
  1229. (Birthgoji) *turns around and begins heading back to the ocean*
  1230. 8:05
  1231. JadgVlady
  1232. but as a soldier, you see your teammates die, getting exploded into pieces, knowing there's an enemy next corner
  1233. 8:05
  1234. Krazar77
  1235. (birthgoji) *dives under the waves, heading back to the black sun base*
  1236. 8:05
  1237. Lord Ghetsis
  1238. I'd rather that
  1239. Than those things
  1240. 8:06
  1241. JadgVlady
  1242. and you know, people can be worse than zombies
  1243. 8:06
  1244. Lord Ghetsis
  1245. Yes but zombies, they're abominations and the thing is they were once humans, now mockeries.
  1246. Its scary to know that you may end up like that
  1247. 8:07
  1248. JadgVlady
  1249. you may end up like abominations too
  1250. 8:07
  1251. Lord Ghetsis
  1252. Also whats scarier? A human soldier that you shoot down or an infected that you shoot full of holes but it keeps running at you?
  1253. 8:07
  1254. Gojiran103
  1255. Wait the WTBS has a base
  1256. 8:07
  1257. Lord Ghetsis
  1258. Figuratively abominations or literal AND mental abominations
  1259. Your pick
  1260. Humans still have some shred of humanity
  1261. 8:07
  1262. Krazar77
  1263. well
  1264. 8:07
  1265. Lord Ghetsis
  1266. Zombies? Nah
  1267. 8:08
  1268. JadgVlady
  1269. zombies are fiction though
  1270. 8:08
  1271. Krazar77
  1272. the cave
  1273. also
  1274. 8:08
  1275. Gojiran103
  1276. Oh
  1277. 8:08
  1278. Krazar77
  1279. i heard stabirnyth was another sockpuppet
  1280. 8:08
  1281. Gojiran103
  1282. Yeah
  1283. 8:08
  1284. Krazar77
  1285. jesus christ when will ceoxal stop
  1286. 8:08
  1287. Lord Ghetsis
  1288. Then why did you compare the Battle of Stalingrad World War Z?
  1289. 8:08
  1290. JadgVlady
  1291. people like josef mengele and those ukranian kids that beated up old people
  1292. 8:08
  1293. Gojiran103
  1294. And he admitted that he was Ceoxal to me
  1295. He said that he will fina
  1296. 8:08
  1297. JadgVlady
  1298. because i wanted a good ol' banter
  1299. 8:08
  1300. Ghidorahnumber1
  1301. CEOXAL
  1302. 8:08
  1303. Gojiran103
  1304. l*finally stop and move on
  1305. 8:08
  1306. Krazar77
  1307. thank god
  1308. 8:08
  1309. Lord Ghetsis
  1310. Yeah but you know what zombies would do?
  1311. 8:08
  1312. Ghidorahnumber1
  1314. 8:08
  1315. JadgVlady
  1316. to make chat more interesting
  1317. 8:08
  1318. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1319. Hopefully that's the last sockpuppet.
  1320. 8:08
  1321. Lord Ghetsis
  1322. Rip them to pieces
  1323. 8:08
  1324. Ghidorahnumber1
  1326. 8:09
  1327. Lord Ghetsis
  1328. And possibly turn them into more of them
  1329. 8:09
  1330. JadgVlady
  1331. possibly
  1332. 8:09
  1333. Ghidorahnumber1
  1334. I honestly didn't even know
  1335. 8:09
  1336. Lord Ghetsis
  1337. Zombies don't discriminate on any humans they kill. They kill regardless
  1338. 8:09
  1339. Ghidorahnumber1
  1340. No hints at all
  1341. Since I completely forgot about Ceoxal's existence
  1342. 8:10
  1343. ShodaiGoro
  1344. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy mishter Shikieki! Ish Weibu gwoing choo Hewl?)
  1345. 8:10
  1346. JadgVlady
  1347. though they are underpowered
  1348. 8:10
  1349. Lord Ghetsis
  1350. * Lord Ghetsis looms over the Deibu and kidnaps it again
  1351. 8:10
  1352. JadgVlady
  1353. you can hide behind a tank or a pillbox
  1354. 8:10
  1355. ShodaiGoro
  1356. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy mishter human wet Weibu gwo!)
  1357. 8:10
  1358. Flaredragon00
  1359. i could boop a zombie like babeh and they all die.
  1360. 8:10
  1361. Lord Ghetsis
  1362. * Lord Ghetsis stuffs it into a cage. "No"
  1363. 8:10
  1364. Flaredragon00
  1365. zombies are weak
  1366. 8:10
  1367. JadgVlady
  1368. weak are zombies
  1369. oh lord, i loved that good ol' banta
  1370. 8:11
  1371. Gojiran103
  1372. Omg forza 6 april pack
  1373. must see
  1374. 8:11
  1375. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1376. One blow to the head, problem solved.
  1377. 8:11
  1378. JadgVlady
  1379. thx for the banta ghetsis
  1380. 8:11
  1381. Lord Ghetsis
  1382. Yep and thats why many people would prefer Godzilla, terminator uprising and alien invasions
  1383. To zombies
  1384. You lost the argument
  1385. I refuted your points
  1386. 8:11
  1387. Ghidorahnumber1
  1388. omg TFA came out on tuesday
  1389. 8:11
  1390. Lord Ghetsis
  1391. One shot would alert more zombies
  1392. 8:11
  1393. JadgVlady
  1394. blow a zombie's head, legs or arms, and it's knocked out
  1395. 8:11
  1396. Ghidorahnumber1
  1397. i must get it tomorrow in blu ray
  1398. 8:11
  1399. Lord Ghetsis
  1400. More infected come and swarm you
  1401. Ammo is low
  1402. 8:11
  1403. Gojiran103
  1405. 8:11
  1406. Lord Ghetsis
  1407. Zombies can still crawl as you see
  1408. Whose going to run the ammo factories if the people inside become infected?
  1409. 8:12
  1410. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1411. What about fast-running zombies?
  1412. Those exist.
  1413. 8:12
  1414. ShodaiGoro
  1415. (KoDeibu) <(Shiddy mishter Ghetshish can ead mishter pwoo pwoo!)
  1416. 8:12
  1417. Lord Ghetsis
  1418. Those can crawl with hands
  1419. 8:12
  1420. JadgVlady
  1421. hide in a tank, pillbox or fly an airplane
  1422. 8:12
  1423. Ghidorahnumber1
  1424. the robots can run them
  1425. 8:12
  1426. JadgVlady
  1427. or swim
  1428. 8:12
  1429. Lord Ghetsis
  1430. Also if you want to include all zombies
  1431. I will bring in Resident Evil
  1432. And watch humans get fucked over
  1433. 8:12
  1434. JadgVlady
  1435. let's get real mate
  1436. 8:12
  1437. Lord Ghetsis
  1438. No
  1439. Zombies aren't real in the first place
  1440. There's no getting real with them
  1441. Anything is possible
  1442. 8:13
  1443. JadgVlady
  1444. like, WWZ reaal
  1445. because including L4D or RE is cheating
  1446. 8:13
  1447. Lord Ghetsis
  1448. * Lord Ghetsis prods the (deibu)
  1449. Not really, you asked for zombies. I'm bringing in the big guns too.
  1450. RE has zombies that can wield firearms
  1451. 8:13
  1452. Krazar77
  1453. so anybody want to rp?
  1454. 8:13
  1455. Lord Ghetsis
  1456. Like the Nemesis
  1457. 8:13
  1458. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1459. Yeah
  1460. 8:13
  1461. JadgVlady
  1462. what the fu
  1463. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1464. I'll RP
  1465. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  1466. 8:13
  1467. Krazar77
  1468. k
  1469. ill start
  1470. 8:14
  1471. JadgVlady
  1472. i'll RP too
  1473. 8:14
  1474. Lord Ghetsis
  1475. Nemesis T-Type wields a minigun and a rocket launcher at the same time
  1476. 8:14
  1477. Krazar77
  1478. actually
  1479. i dont want to start
  1480. 8:14
  1481. Lord Ghetsis
  1482. Superhuman enough to smash down walls
  1483. And crush cars by landing on them
  1484. 8:14
  1485. Krazar77
  1486. you two can if youd like
  1487. just pick a city
  1488. 8:14
  1489. JadgVlady
  1490. well fuck man, just get a truckin' heli and fly the hell outta there
  1491. 8:14
  1492. ShodaiGoro
  1493. (KoDeibu) <(YUNYAAAAH!!!)
  1494. 8:14
  1495. Krazar77
  1496. and have someone appear
  1497. 8:14
  1498. JadgVlady
  1499. land on a lonely island and problem solved
  1500. 8:14
  1501. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1502. Alright, however I sort of planned my RP out.
  1503. 8:14
  1504. JadgVlady
  1505. running from a battle is almost to impossible
  1506. 8:14
  1507. Lord Ghetsis
  1508. Airborne virus gg
  1509. RE aqua life is also infected gg
  1510. 8:15
  1511. JadgVlady
  1512. then become the vietcong and dig underground bases
  1513. 8:15
  1514. Lord Ghetsis
  1515. Thats why one boss is a giant infected salamander
  1516. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1517. 8:15
  1518. Lord Ghetsis
  1519. And one is a giant croc
  1520. 8:15
  1521. Krazar77
  1522. k
  1523. 8:15
  1524. Lord Ghetsis
  1525. * Lord Ghetsis keeps poking the (Deibu)
  1526. 8:15
  1527. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1528. So be a little warned.
  1529. 8:15
  1530. Krazar77
  1531. k
  1532. 8:16
  1533. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1534. :3
  1535. Now to pick a place...
  1536. 8:16
  1537. Ghidorahnumber1
  1538. Anyone seen the remake of that movie the day the earth stood still
  1539. 8:16
  1540. JadgVlady
  1541. when running from a battle, you would get shot from an enemy, killed by your allies for cowardy, become prisoner, etc
  1542. 8:16
  1543. Krazar77
  1544. i know who im fighting with
  1545. 8:16
  1546. JadgVlady
  1547. now let's start the RP
  1548. 8:16
  1549. Lord Ghetsis
  1550. When running from zombies
  1551. Chances are you run into a bigger group
  1552. And get eaten
  1553. 8:16
  1554. Ghidorahnumber1
  1555. And how in the end all technology gets shut down
  1557. 8:17
  1558. JadgVlady
  1559. if you're smart, you know where the horde is
  1560. 8:17
  1561. Gojiran103
  1562. who the fuck cares about zombies
  1563. 8:17
  1564. JadgVlady
  1565. cities = big horde
  1566. forest = small horde
  1567. 8:17
  1568. Lord Ghetsis
  1569. Besides zombies are ugly, disgusting and infectious
  1570. 8:17
  1571. Ghidorahnumber1
  1572. Gojiran cares about Anime
  1573. 8:17
  1574. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1575. *Something flies over to Aomori*
  1576. 8:17
  1577. JadgVlady
  1578. vietcong caves = no horde
  1579. 8:17
  1580. ShodaiGoro
  1581. I lost interest in zombies years ago
  1582. Gojiran, PM
  1583. 8:18
  1584. Ghidorahnumber1
  1585. Zombies aren't even creative anymore
  1586. 8:18
  1587. ShodaiGoro
  1588. ^
  1589. 8:18
  1590. Lord Ghetsis
  1591. And if we do include other fictional zombies
  1592. 8:18
  1593. JadgVlady
  1594. and btw, humans can be ugly, disgusting and infections
  1595. 8:18
  1596. Lord Ghetsis
  1597. You get monsters like The Tank
  1598. 8:18
  1599. Krazar77
  1600. * a monster begins heading towards aomori*
  1601. 8:18
  1602. Lord Ghetsis
  1603. RE Turants
  1604. 8:18
  1605. JadgVlady
  1606. infectious*
  1607. 8:18
  1608. Lord Ghetsis
  1609. Tyrants*
  1610. 8:18
  1611. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1612. (??) *flies around a bit until a flying saucer approaches*
  1613. 8:18
  1614. Gojiran103
  1615. it's not even other topics like anime that tops zombies, they've just been overused many many times
  1616. 8:18
  1617. Lord Ghetsis
  1618. Gojiran you missed the point
  1619. I'm trying to explain why I'd rather a human war
  1620. 8:19
  1621. JadgVlady
  1622. oh yeah, and if you look in fiction, you see weapon-proof armor, a nazi tank dodging/blocking damage
  1623. 8:19
  1624. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1625. *The flying saucer lands in a secluded area and begins to command (??) *
  1626. 8:19
  1627. Lord Ghetsis
  1628. Than a zombie apocalypse
  1629. 8:19
  1630. Ghidorahnumber1
  1631. feral ghouls
  1632. 8:19
  1633. JadgVlady
  1634. invencible tanks, ec.
  1635. etc.*
  1636. 8:19
  1637. ShodaiGoro
  1638. Gojiran, PM
  1639. 8:19
  1640. Gojiran103
  1641. human war for sure, not because zombies uninterest me, but because of other points and some that you said
  1642. 8:20
  1643. Ghidorahnumber1
  1644. gerp
  1645. 8:20
  1646. JadgVlady
  1647. nuclear weapons guysssss
  1648. 8:20
  1649. Lord Ghetsis
  1650. I'd rather be nuked
  1651. 8:20
  1652. Ghidorahnumber1
  1653. I'm gonna go play Star Wars
  1654. 8:20
  1655. Lord Ghetsis
  1656. Than be turned
  1657. I don't want to become a shambling corpse
  1658. 8:20
  1659. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1660. (Helicobacter) *to (??) * <(Now to start it.)
  1661. 8:20
  1662. Lord Ghetsis
  1663. That is degraded to feeding on humans
  1664. 8:20
  1665. Krazar77
  1666. *it arrives in the bay and begins walking towards the beast*
  1667. 8:20
  1668. Lord Ghetsis
  1669. Before getting shot in the head one day
  1670. Thats a shitty afterlife
  1671. 8:20
  1672. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1673. (Helicobacter) *presses a button in his device*
  1674. (Helicobacter) <(Go Moghra! Decimate the city! Show 'e, what your made of!)
  1675. 8:21
  1676. Lord Ghetsis
  1677. The concept of zombies is basically a way of saying "fuck you" when you die
  1678. 8:21
  1679. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1680. (Mohgra) *does what Helicobacter says and attacks the city*
  1681. (Mohgra) *fires radioactive blasts at several buildings*
  1682. 8:21
  1683. JadgVlady
  1684. >ayyy explossive shells
  1685. >ayyy explossive bullets
  1686. >ayyy flamethrowers
  1687. 8:22
  1688. Lord Ghetsis
  1689. >ayyy stay dead from those
  1690. 8:22
  1691. Krazar77
  1692. *suddenly a atomic blasts slams into mohgra*
  1693. 8:22
  1694. Lord Ghetsis
  1695. >ayyy don't become zombies
  1696. Like I said, I'd rather stay dead than become a zombie
  1697. 8:22
  1698. Ghidorahnumber1
  1699. mon mothma
  1700. 8:23
  1701. JadgVlady
  1702. i'd rather become a zombie than be burning to flames, presencing my death
  1703. 8:23
  1704. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1705. I'd rather stay dead than become a zombie.
  1706. 8:23
  1707. Lord Ghetsis
  1708. ^
  1709. Someone with sense
  1710. 8:23
  1711. Krazar77
  1712. (Kamigoji) *reers his head back*<(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrRy6UzeHLc
  1713. 8:24
  1714. Gojiran103
  1715. Ghetsis I think you're pushing this over the bridge
  1716. 8:24
  1717. Lord Ghetsis
  1718. https://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/02/28/b65aaaa4-61a7-4502-a0c3-19b8ee8cdc9b/resize/570xauto/036bd34f3b75c4b23a03bfdeff429cb3/zombierun1.jpg <------You want to become that after you die? Be my guest.
  1719. Know that some hunters may shoot you for sport
  1720. Thats right, reduced to a shambling corpse that feeds on humans and reduced to target practice
  1721. 8:24
  1722. Krazar77
  1723. (Kamigoji) *charges headfirst into moghra*
  1724. 8:24
  1725. Lord Ghetsis
  1726. What a shitty afterlife.
  1727. If you die by blames, depending on the situation, you may be hailed as a hero and remembered.
  1728. 8:25
  1729. JadgVlady
  1730. you can also be a feared zombie
  1731. 8:25
  1732. Lord Ghetsis
  1733. Not possible
  1734. Unless you're a RE zombie
  1735. 8:25
  1736. JadgVlady
  1737. as you mentioned before, nemesis
  1738. well sh
  1739. 8:25
  1740. Lord Ghetsis
  1741. Nemesis is a genetically engineered one
  1742. And the ONLY one of its kind
  1743. Nemesis is unique
  1744. 8:26
  1745. JadgVlady
  1746. you know, most animals have a trophy system
  1747. 8:26
  1748. Lord Ghetsis
  1749. So unless you're willing to give yourself up for some experiemtns
  1750. experiments*
  1751. 8:26
  1752. Gojiran103
  1753. Actually Vladyh has a point, you're laying on the perspective of zombies being worthless when that's not really all their shape and form can be, they can be crazy powerful or feared as he
  1754. *hell
  1755. 8:26
  1756. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1757. BRB, dishes
  1758. 8:26
  1759. Lord Ghetsis
  1760. You become a shitty walker instead of nemesis
  1761. 8:26
  1762. Gojiran103
  1763. (as much as I don't like zombies in general)
  1764. 8:26
  1765. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1766. Ugh
  1767. 8:26
  1768. Lord Ghetsis
  1769. Ok we need to differentiate between zombies and engineered infected
  1770. 8:26
  1771. JadgVlady
  1772. so i think zombies can have a trophy system where they are feared on humans
  1773. 8:26
  1774. Lord Ghetsis
  1775. What is your definition of a zombie?
  1776. 8:27
  1777. Gojiran103
  1778. but that's all I'm gonna say
  1779. 8:27
  1780. Ghidorahnumber1
  1781. gtg cuz i can't pay attention
  1782. 8:27
  1783. Lord Ghetsis
  1784. Let me tell you this though, Nemesis is kind of programmed
  1785. 8:27
  1786. Gojiran103
  1787. I'm just assuming it won't turn into a fight, hopefully.
  1788. O/
  1789. 8:27
  1790. Lord Ghetsis
  1791. The Umbrella Corporation gives it targets to kill
  1792. 8:27
  1793. ShodaiGoro
  1794. o/
  1795. 8:27
  1796. Lord Ghetsis
  1797. o/
  1798. 8:27
  1799. JadgVlady
  1800. o7
  1801. 8:27
  1802. ShodaiGoro
  1803. Either way
  1804. We simply put are never doing a zombie apocalypse plot in RP
  1805. Would change too much
  1806. 8:28
  1807. JadgVlady
  1808. also you previously brought nemesis before as a plus point for you
  1809. so that...
  1810. 8:28
  1811. Lord Ghetsis
  1812. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tfakWkXRo
  1813. First
  1814. Ghidorahnumber1 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  1815. 8:28
  1816. Lord Ghetsis
  1817. What IS your def of a zombie?
  1818. 8:28
  1819. Gojiran103
  1820. Plus the fact that th is majority of us in here would really care about a zombie ARC @Goro
  1821. 8:28
  1822. ShodaiGoro
  1823. ^
  1824. 8:29
  1825. Gojiran103
  1826. *wouldn't
  1827. 8:29
  1828. ShodaiGoro
  1829. We wouldn't want to do it
  1830. 8:29
  1831. Gojiran103
  1832. Yeah
  1833. 8:29
  1834. JadgVlady
  1835. my def of a zombie is a mutated human that is dead but not dead, acting as a cannibal
  1836. 8:30
  1837. Lord Ghetsis
  1838. So an infected
  1839. Ok you saw the vid of Nemesis yes?
  1840. 8:30
  1841. JadgVlady
  1842. nah
  1843. 8:31
  1844. Lord Ghetsis
  1845. The Nemesis is more of an engineered, programmed mutant
  1846. Originally a human
  1847. 8:31
  1848. JadgVlady
  1849. mom's spaghetti is near and is afraid to get blod
  1850. 8:32
  1851. ShodaiGoro
  1852. fred durst is scarier than any zombie
  1853. 8:33
  1854. Lord Ghetsis
  1855. Matter of opinion
  1856. 8:34
  1857. ShodaiGoro
  1858. no virus forced fred durst to suck as hard as he does
  1859. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  1860. 8:34
  1861. ShodaiGoro
  1862. o/
  1863. 8:34
  1864. JadgVlady
  1865. o7
  1866. that was a nice argument
  1867. so what nao
  1868. 8:36
  1869. Gojiran103
  1870. RP?
  1871. 8:36
  1872. Krazar77
  1873. meh sure
  1874. 8:36
  1875. ShodaiGoro
  1876. k
  1877. 8:37
  1878. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1879. Back.
  1880. Contniue?
  1881. *Continue?
  1882. 8:37
  1883. JadgVlady
  1884. ye
  1885. ey goji
  1886. 8:37
  1887. Gojiran103
  1888. ?
  1889. 8:37
  1890. JadgVlady
  1891. MiG-15bis is bae
  1892. 8:37
  1893. Gojiran103
  1894. yes
  1895. 8:38
  1896. Krazar77
  1897. yes
  1898. 8:38
  1899. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1900. (Mohgra) *ignores (KamiGoji) and continues to demolish the city*
  1901. 8:38
  1902. Lord Ghetsis
  1903. https://youtu.be/LH_JcpyoVho?t=39 @Jadg
  1904. I don't know how to describe that
  1905. 8:38
  1906. Krazar77
  1907. (Kamigoji) *jumps and bites down on mohgras shoulder*
  1908. (Kamigoji) *begins ripping and tearing into the armor*
  1909. *metal*
  1910. 8:38
  1911. Lord Ghetsis
  1912. Its from RE, a Tyrant. Sure its infected but also with some super strain of the virus
  1913. 8:38
  1914. Krazar77
  1915. brb
  1916. food
  1917. 8:38
  1918. JadgVlady
  1919. i thought this rant was over
  1920. ghetsis, i don't want this to escalate into a fight
  1921. so let's end this with a final sentence:
  1922. zombies are spoopy
  1923. 8:39
  1924. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1925. Krazar, PM
  1926. Dammit
  1927. 8:39
  1928. ShodaiGoro
  1929. SAO is crap
  1930. Just throwing that out there
  1931. 8:40
  1932. JadgVlady
  1933. we all know that goro
  1934. 8:40
  1935. Lord Ghetsis
  1936. SAO?
  1937. 8:40
  1938. JadgVlady
  1939. sword art online
  1940. 8:40
  1941. ShodaiGoro
  1942. Sword Art Online
  1943. 8:40
  1944. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1945. Sword Art Online
  1946. 8:41
  1947. JadgVlady
  1948. nick cage is waifu
  1949. 8:41
  1950. Lord Ghetsis
  1951. No, we end this with the sentence. Zombies are apocalyptic
  1952. 8:41
  1953. ShodaiGoro
  1954. No, we don't
  1955. 8:41
  1956. JadgVlady
  1957. apocalypse is spoopy
  1958. 8:41
  1959. ShodaiGoro
  1960. Zombies are rotting bags of flesh that deserve to be shot and will never cause the world to end
  1961. 8:41
  1962. JadgVlady
  1963. exactly
  1964. it's not like we can get extinguished by the dinos
  1965. 8:41
  1966. ShodaiGoro
  1967. Because they're too damn incompitent, even in numbers, to destroy us
  1968. *concomitant
  1969. 8:42
  1970. Lord Ghetsis
  1971. Sure its not like OTHER factors can kill you
  1972. Then you become a zombie
  1973. 8:42
  1974. JadgVlady
  1975. btw, RPGs and shotguns just bambam
  1976. 8:42
  1977. ShodaiGoro
  1978. That's Walking Dead rules
  1979. 8:42
  1980. Lord Ghetsis
  1981. In TWD, if you die and you don't get shot in the head
  1982. Zombie
  1983. 8:42
  1984. ShodaiGoro
  1985. It varies on scenarios
  1986. And given TWD hasn't revealed why that happens
  1987. Unrealistic until proven believable
  1988. 8:42
  1989. Lord Ghetsis
  1990. Low on ammo gg
  1991. Attracts more zombies gg @Jadg
  1992. 8:43
  1993. ShodaiGoro
  1994. Pretentious Zombies lose again
  1995. 8:43
  1996. Gojiran103
  1997. Why are we still talking about this?
  1998. 8:43
  1999. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2000. ^
  2001. 8:44
  2002. Gojiran103
  2003. Can we just move on?
  2004. 8:44
  2005. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2006. Exactly.
  2007. 8:44
  2008. ShodaiGoro
  2009. Yeah
  2010. 8:44
  2011. Lord Ghetsis
  2012. Zombies don't exist so the death thing is plausible. Its continuing because they underestimate them.
  2013. 8:44
  2014. ShodaiGoro
  2015. Okay, enough
  2016. 8:44
  2017. Gojiran103
  2018. Ghetsis, it's over.
  2019. 8:44
  2020. ShodaiGoro
  2021. Nobody wants to talk about zombies anymore
  2022. 8:44
  2023. Krazar77
  2024. back
  2025. 8:44
  2026. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2027. Wb
  2028. Krazar, PM
  2029. 8:45
  2030. Krazar77
  2031. (Kamigoji) *bites into moghras shoulder and begins ripping and tearing*
  2032. 8:45
  2033. JadgVlady
  2034. bambam
  2035. damn das brutal yo
  2036. 8:46
  2037. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2038. (Mohgra) *punches (KamiGoji) off her shoulder*
  2039. (Mohgra) *fires a radioactive blast at (KamiGoji) *
  2040. 8:47
  2041. Krazar77
  2042. (Kamigoji) *skids back by both attacks and charges forward again, slashing mohgra with his claws*
  2043. 8:47
  2044. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2045. (Mohgra) *roars loudly which shatters a bunch of glass of the buildings near her*
  2046. (Mohgra) *slashes (KamiGoji) back with her claws as well*
  2047. 8:48
  2048. Krazar77
  2049. (Kamigoji) *is slashed as claws marks are across his face, turns towards her and fires an atomic breath point blank*
  2050. 8:48
  2051. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2052. (Mohgra) *is sent hurlding towards a few buidlings*
  2053. (Helicobacter) *from afar* <(What is this?...)
  2054. (Mohgra) *crashes into a few buildings*
  2055. 8:49
  2056. Gojiran103
  2057. BRB
  2058. 8:49
  2059. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2060. o/
  2061. 8:49
  2062. JadgVlady
  2063. o8
  2064. o7
  2065. 8:49
  2066. Krazar77
  2067. (Kamigoji) *feels the blood drip from his face from the claw marks*
  2068. 8:50
  2069. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2070. *Something flies to (KamiGoji) 's aid*
  2071. (Heisei Gamera) *flies down next to him*
  2072. (Heisei Gamera) <(Sup. What did I miss?0
  2073. *miss?)
  2074. Gojiran103 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2075. 8:51
  2076. Krazar77
  2077. (Kamigoji) *looks at the gameroid and points his head towards moghra*
  2078. 8:52
  2079. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2080. (Heisei Gamera) <(Is that it? This shouldn't be too hard.)
  2081. (Heisei Gamera) *advances towards Mohgra*
  2082. (Mohgra) *gets up and glares at both of them*
  2083. 8:52
  2084. Krazar77
  2085. (Kamigoji) *sniffs at the air as his head slowly turns towards helicobacter direction*
  2086. 8:52
  2087. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2088. (Mohgra) *eyes are oddly enough glowing bright green*
  2089. (Heisei Gamera) *stops and looks at Mohgra*
  2090. (Heisei Gamera) <(Somethings not right here....)
  2091. 8:53
  2092. Krazar77
  2093. (Kamigoji) * scutes glow an aura of blue*
  2094. *atomic energy swirls around it*
  2095. 8:54
  2096. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2097. (Mohgra) *charges at Heisei Gamera and tackles him*
  2098. 8:54
  2099. Krazar77
  2100. (Kamigoji) *fires his atomic breath at helicobacter*
  2101. 8:54
  2102. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2103. (Helicobacter) *finds out that (KamiGoji) is nreaby*
  2104. 8:54
  2105. ShodaiGoro
  2106. Guys
  2107. 8:54
  2108. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2109. Yeah?
  2110. 8:54
  2111. ShodaiGoro
  2112. I found the most epic fight scene ever
  2113. 8:54
  2114. JadgVlady
  2115. what
  2116. 8:54
  2117. ShodaiGoro
  2118. It is better than Kill Bill, The Matrix, and Godzilla, all combined
  2119. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVGpnn3mXTk
  2120. Watch
  2121. 8:55
  2122. GarudaGoji
  2123. I still love that movie.
  2124. 8:55
  2125. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2126. (Helicobacter) *dodges the blast quickly* <(Oh no. That means I must be running now. To my ship!)
  2127. (Helicobacter) *retreats into his saucer*
  2128. 8:56
  2129. Krazar77
  2130. (Kamigoji) *charges forward, moving as fast as possible towards him and jumps, clamping his jaws on the saucer*
  2131. 8:56
  2132. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2133. (Mohgra) *still tackles at Heisei Gamera*
  2134. (Heisei Gamera) *attacks her back*
  2135. 8:56
  2136. Krazar77
  2137. (Kamigoji) *rases his head up and throws it into mohgra*
  2138. Lord Ghetsis has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2139. 8:57
  2140. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2141. *Helicobacter's ship is flinged towards Mohgra and conks her in the head*
  2142. (Mohgra) *growls*
  2143. (Heisei Gamera) *to (KamiGoji) * <(Nice shot!)
  2144. 8:59
  2145. Krazar77
  2146. (Kamigoji) *nods and bellows before jumping on the saucer and begins to tear into it*
  2147. 8:59
  2148. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2149. *Helicobacter's ship fires an energy missile at (KamiGoji) 's mouth*
  2150. (Mohgra) *tackles (KamiGoji) *
  2151. 9:00
  2152. Krazar77
  2153. (kamigoji) *is tackled, only to kick mohgra off*
  2154. (Kamigoji) *fires his atomic breath at her only to sweep it and hit the saucer*
  2155. 9:00
  2156. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2157. *Helicobacter's ship is pretty badly and flies up in the air*
  2158. (Helicobacter) <(Enough of such nonsense. Mohgra, continue your attack!)
  2159. 9:01
  2160. Krazar77
  2161. (Kamgoji)*roars at heisei gamera and tells him to focus on the saucer*
  2162. Lord Ghetsis has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  2163. 9:01
  2164. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2165. (Heisei Gamera) *nods in approval*
  2166. 9:01
  2167. Krazar77
  2168. (Kamigoji) *slowly walks towards moghra, his dorsal scutes flashing from blue
  2169. 9:01
  2170. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2171. (Heisei Gamera) *flies at Helicobacter's ship*
  2172. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  2173. 9:02
  2174. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2175. (Mohgra) *her eyes glowing bright green and he mouth beginning to glow*
  2176. 9:02
  2177. Krazar77
  2178. *to a sinnister red*
  2179. (Kamigoji) *scutes slowly begin glowing red as his eyes suddenly burst in atomic flames*
  2180. *red atomic flames*
  2181. *ed energy swirls around his mouth*
  2182. *red*
  2183. *as it suddenly smokes out of his closed mouth*
  2184. 9:03
  2185. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2186. (Heisei Gamera) *grabs Helicobacter's ship and begins to shake it violently*
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