
mh starter

Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. The Hunter's usual entrance was not given, in fact, he came in through the front doors, carrying some pieces of lumber, and even had a small troop of small Felynes behind him, carrying other miscellaneous objects. There seemed to be a certain excitement in the air around Zuko, a giddy glee that only few things in this world could bring, and it seemed to have been from good news. Should curiosities be piqued, then all one need do is follow the sounds of construction. Before the X-Room of the resort, the Hunter began his project, using the tools and materials he carried, as well as those brought in by the strange cat creatures that now began to pour down the hallway to retreat back outside. They were unneeded, and the copious amounts of Felvine they were given should of been more than enough for compensation. Simple enough beings, but with time, a sort of bulletin board would be erected to the side of the room, with the red-armored one stepping back and wiping the back of his arm against the visor of his helm and nodded. While the strange language was written across the top, he had taken the time to have figured out the typography to something that those not of his lands might more easily understand. The words "Hunting Board" were so, perhaps not with the best hand, painted in advance and he gave a stern nod. Looking upon the materials which were brought in with him and his entourage was the provisions sent by the Guild themselves. A large, thick covered book, bound by hardy leather, to serve as the documentation for hunts taken under the Guild's seal, a few stamps to mark quests given, and a pedestal to place these things on. But something wasn't right... an emotion shown by the rubbing of the chin-area of his helmet. Then, in a small cascade of meows and other cat sounds, the doors of the VGR came crashing open, with a large, ornate horn was being carried. Hollowed out, and reinforced by metals, Zuko would turn to see them approach with it, and nodded, pointing to the adjacent end of the hallway to place the horn, the mouthpiece placed just besides the doors, and he took a moment to squat down and observe the Felyne workers settle it down, and flop to the floor. With a small laugh, a pouch was produced that caused the tired cats to erupt into a collection of harsh meows and loud purrs. Never leave without it, but the pouch was dropped into one of the awaiting paws, and all of them seemed to stare in awe, before a playful bout of fussing and fighting saw the group running under people's legs and out the door they came in. The stage was set, and the Hunter held a proud stance, lifting his helm's visor with a wide-grin, and moved to the mouthpiece of the horn, and soon, the resort was filled with the overwhelming sound of the Call of the Hunt (, to which he took a step back to look it over, and scratched the side of his head. "Perhaps I should've called for a smaller horn..." Before shaking his head with another proud laugh.
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