
PermaZONES - Dangerous Encounter Zones for Skyrim

Aug 28th, 2017
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  1. <Purpose>
  2. - This mod changes the min and max level of encounter zones, an encounter zone in skyrim is simply a place where you find enemies, this could be a dungeon, a cave, a ruin, whatever, the level of the ruin determines how strong the spawned enemies are and how valuable the loot is, the higher the level, the stronger foes and better loot. You can read more about encounter zone levels here {}
  3. - Simply put, this mod will make your startup a lot harder, when you start, most encounter zones are basically low level (i.e 6) so if you're level 6, you shouldn't find it tougher than you are, and then it levels with you, when you're level 40, the encounter zone also becomes tougher since it level becomes 40 as well. This mod changes the min level, so if you're level 6 (just started), then the encounter zone will not be level 6, it will be much higher like level 30+ and so on.
  4. - Like I said, this mod makes the game much more difficult at lower levels, which makes sense for me, when you just start, you're still a wimp, you should feel how helpless you are, then as you progress, you feel yourself getting stronger, but in Vanilla, right from the start, enemies are at your level, so when you progress and get stringer, you don't feel that because they as well have gotten stronger.
  6. - What I hate about this mod, is that unlike uncapped encounter zones in Vanilla that becomes tougher as you go indefinitely, this mod sets a limit, so when you're level say 80, most encounter zones will become child play becomes their max level has been capped by this mod. I will have to change this, check below.
  8. - This mod is compatible with 'High Level Enemies', that ones changes enemy NPCs not places, no worries, here are some quotes on the topic :
  10. "PermaZONES edits the encounter zones, but not the enemies. For enemies that proper scale with you, just install High Level Enemies from the nexus, which just takes the vanilla variants of animals and enemies and creates more versions of them that will scale with you properly."
  12. "* PermaZONES the creator changes the minimum level of every zone in the game, increasing it, as well as increasing the maximum level. Places like Bleak Falls Barrow have a starting level of around 18, and can go as high as 40 or so. All encounter zones in the game are "hand" tweaked.
  13. * High Level Enemies keeps it vanilla, but adds new versions of enemy types starting at level 10. Basically the game is vanilla, but there are new vanilla spawn types in the game that are leveled where vanilla would cap off. For example I think bandits in vanilla game, top out at level 28, but HLE adds level 30, 40, 50, 60, level bandits when your character hits that level. However, these scale with your current level, and it's only to the new enemy added that could spawn in place. So if you're at level 35, the level 40 would be a level 35 bandit(scaled to you), instead of vanilla's 28 topped out. And, there's an option to just have everything in the game level with you, akin to Oblivion(this feature might be to your liking, though it's a different feel of progression)."
  14. </Purpose>
  16. <Notes>
  17. </Notes>
  19. <Download-Installation>
  20. - Check the 'Hardcore Version' while installing.
  21. - Make the following changes using TES5Edit :
  22.     * Download these scripts if you haven't already done :
  23.     * Follow these steps :
  24.     * All set, now, all encounter zones' max level is 0, which means they will scale with you for ever.
  25. </Download-Installation>
  27. <Compatibility-Issues>
  28. </Compatibility-Issues>
  30. <LoadOrder>
  31. </LoadOrder>
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