Guest User


a guest
May 25th, 2019
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  1. on chat:
  2. if message is "SmartBot":
  3. wait 1 tick
  4. send "&c@SmartBot: &bI'm here"
  5. else if message is "SmartBot, what is the servers name?" or "SmartBot, what is the servers name" or "SmartBot what is the servers name?" or "SmartBot what is the servers name":
  6. wait 1 tick
  7. send "&c@SmartBot: &bFishin"
  8. else if message is "SmartBot, who created you?" or "SmartBot who created you?" or "SmartBot who created you" or "SmartBot, who created you":
  9. wait 1 tick
  10. send "&c@SmartBot: &bx9v"
  11. else if message is "SmartBot, How do I get stuff?" or "SmartBot How do I get stuff?" or "SmartBot, How do I get stuff?" or "SmartBot How do I get stuff":
  12. wait 1 tick
  13. send "&c@SmartBot: &bUse /kit"
  14. else if message is "SmartBot, What is your purpose?" or "SmartBot, What is your purpose" or "SmartBot What is your purpose" or "SmartBot What is your purpose?":
  15. wait 1 tick
  16. send "&c@SmartBot: &bTo help people"
  17. else if message is "SmartBot, What is the meaning of life?" or "SmartBot What is the meaning of life?" or "SmartBot, What is the meaning of life" or "SmartBot What is the meaning of life":
  18. wait 1 tick
  19. send "&c@SmartBot: &bLiving"
  20. else if message contains "fuck" or "kys" or "pussy" or "porn" or "sex" or "nigger" or "nigga" or "hitler" or "fucking" or "fucker" or "gay" or "homo" or "nibba" or "stfu" or "dick" or "cock" or "bitch" or "cunt" or "faggot":
  21. cancel event
  22. execute console command "mute %player% 1h Inappropriate Behaviour"
  23. wait 1 tick
  24. broadcast "&4A player has been muted by &cSmartBot"
  25. else if message is "Smartbot, Clear entitys please" or "smartbot clear entitys please" or "smartbot clear entitys" or "smartbot, clear entitys" or "smartbot, kill entitys" or "smartbot kill entitys" or "smartbot kill entitys please" or "smartbot, kill entitys":
  26. execute console command "/killall all"
  27. wait 1 tick
  28. broadcast "&eAll entitys have been cleared by &cSmartBot"
  29. else if message is "Can i apply" or "can i be builder?" or "can i be admin?" or "can i be mod?" or "can i be developer?" or "can i be helper?" or "can i be staff?" or "can i apply" or "can i be helper" or "can i be moderator" or "can i be admin" or "can i be builder" or "can i be developer" or "can i apply?" or "can i be staff" or "give staff":
  30. cancel event
  31. wait 1 tick
  32. execute console command "kick %player% &4Sorry! We dont need staff at the moment!"
  33. broadcast "&eA player has been kicked for &9Staff hunting &eby &cSmartBot"
  34. else if message is "Op me" or "give me op" or "give op" or "gmc me" or "give me gmc" or "give gmc":
  35. cancel event
  36. wait 1 tick
  37. execute console command "tempban %player% 15m &4Asking for OP/Gmc"
  38. broadcast "&eA player has been tempbanned by &cSmartBot"
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