
Valheim console commands

Feb 10th, 2021
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  1. Valheim console commands
  3. ------------------------------------------------
  5. With respect to the cheat console commands, those can be viewed in-game by entering "imacheater" and then "help" into the console. To make matters easier, here is the list of the cheats that players can utilize as they navigate the many dangers in Valheim, though it is important that they still enter "imacheater" before them:
  7. beard
  8. dpsdebug - toggle dps debug print
  9. env [env]
  10. event [name] - start event
  11. exploremap - explore entire map
  12. ffsmooth - freefly smoothness
  13. freefly - freefly photo mode
  14. god
  15. goto [x,z] - teleport
  16. hair
  17. killall - kill nearby enemies
  18. listkeys
  19. location - spawn location
  20. players [nr] - force difficult scale (0 = reset)
  21. pos - print current player position
  22. raise skill [skill] [amount]
  23. randomevent
  24. removedrops - remove all item-drops in area
  25. resetcharacter - reset character data
  26. resetenv
  27. resetkeys [name]
  28. resetmap - reset map exploration
  29. resetskill [skill]
  30. resetwind
  31. save - force saving of world
  32. setkey [name]
  33. stopevent - stop current event
  34. tame - tame all nearby tamable creatures
  35. tod -1 OR [0-1]
  36. wind [angle] [intensity]
  39. ------------------------------------------------
  42. dpsdebug – toggle dps debug print
  43. event [name] – start event
  44. exploremap – explore the entire map
  45. ffsmooth – freefly smoothness
  46. freefly – freefly photo mode
  47. god – enables god mode
  48. goto [x,z] – teleport
  49. killall – kill nearby enemies
  50. location – spawn location
  51. players [nr] – force difficulty scale (0 = Reset)
  52. pos – print current player position
  53. raiseskill [skill] [amount] – raise skill level
  54. removedrops – remove all item-drops in the area
  55. resetcharacter – reset character data
  56. resetmap – reset map exploration
  57. resetwind – reset wind
  58. save – force saving of the world
  59. stopevent – stop current event
  60. tame – tame all nearby tameable creatures
  63. ------------------------------------------------
  65. imacheater
  66. Toggles access to cheat commands on/off.
  67. pos
  68. Prints the coordinates of your current position.
  69. goto [x,z]
  70. Teleports you to the specified coordinates.
  71. Example: goto 0,0
  72. exploremap
  73. Explores the entire map, removing all fog of war.
  74. resetmap
  75. Resets map exploration, clearing ALL previously explored areas.
  76. killall
  77. Kills all nearby enemies.
  78. tame
  79. Tames all nearby tameable creatures.
  80. hair
  81. Permanently removes your hair.
  82. beard
  83. Permanently removes your beard.
  84. location
  85. Sets new spawn location.
  86. raiseskill [skill] [amount]
  87. Increases the level of the specified skill by the specified amount.
  88. Note: increases BY amount, not TO amount.
  89. Example: raiseskill run 20
  90. resetskill [skill]
  91. Resets the specified skill level to 0.
  92. Example: resetskill run
  93. freefly
  94. Toggles on/off the freefly drone camera view.
  95. ffsmooth [0-1]
  96. Sets the smoothing of the freefly camera (0 = no smoothing, 1 = full smoothing).
  97. tod [0-1] OR tod -1
  98. Sets the time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight. 0.5 is noon. -1 is dawn.
  99. env [env]
  100. Sets debug environment.
  101. resetenv
  102. Resets the debug environment.
  103. wind [angle] [intensity]
  104. Sets the wind to the specified angle (0 is north) and the specified intensity from 0 to 1.
  105. Example: wind 180 1
  106. resetwind
  107. Resets the wind to default.
  108. god
  109. Toggles God Mode on/off. In God Mode you take no damage.
  110. event [name]
  111. Starts the specified event.
  112. Example: event wolves
  113. stopevent
  114. Stops the current event.
  115. randomevent
  116. Starts a random event.
  117. save
  118. Forces the game to save.
  119. resetcharacter
  120. Resets your character's skills and inventory.
  121. removedrops
  122. Removes all item drops nearby.
  123. setkey [name]
  124. Sets new global key.
  125. resetkeys [name]
  126. Resets the specified key.
  127. listkeys
  128. Lists all global keys.
  129. players [nr]
  130. Sets the difficulty scaling based on the number of players. 1 player = no difficulty scaling. 0 resets to the actual number of players.
  131. Example: players 200
  132. dpsdebug
  133. Toggles damage-per-second debug overlay on/off.
  134. Valheim console commands (non-cheating)
  135. help
  136. Prints a list of available console commands.
  137. kick [name/ip/userID]
  138. Kicks the specified player from the server.
  139. Example: "kick Ollie_The_Great"
  140. ban [name/ip/userID]
  141. Bans the specified player from the server.
  142. Example: "ban Ollie_The_Great"
  143. unban [name/ip/userID]
  144. Unbans the specified player, allowing them access back onto the server.
  145. Example: "unban Ollie_The_Great"
  146. banned
  147. Prints a list of players banned from this server.
  148. ping
  149. Pings the server and prints how long in milliseconds it took to receive a reply. Useful for measuring latency/lag on a server.
  150. lodbias [0-5]
  151. Sets the draw distance of the world/server. If number is left blank, simply prints the current draw distance.
  152. Note: This changes the same value that the "Draw Distance/Level Of Detail" slider in the Graphics settings changes, but the console command allows for more precise values.
  153. info
  154. Prints current system info (render threading mode and allocated memory).
  156. ------------------------------------------------
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