
town hall

Jul 15th, 2013
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  2. Moirean Seirath says, "The Doyen is working on a really exciting plan for the Catacombs, by the way.
  3. "
  4. Moirean Seirath says, "So we may see a nice cut in overall guard numbers needed, once that is
  5. finished."
  7. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Ms. Senator Piper told
  8. us about some of that."
  10. Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Excitin' how?"
  12. Akaryuterra raises an eyebrow questioningly.
  13. Tsvanni's eyes sparkle with amusement.
  15. Dr. J. R. Anfini, the Fixer asks, "I understand we're blasting some of the tunnels and sealing them
  16. off, effectively reducing the size?"
  18. Moirean Seirath says to Doyen Kelliara, "Want to give them a little teaser, or make them wait in
  19. suspense?"
  21. Zaephlyn Chaltier says, "I enjoy suspense.."
  23. Doyen Kelliara says, "They may wait."
  25. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Less guards is more
  26. money in securities pocket, is all I know."
  28. The corners of Moirean's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.
  30. You say, "Those of us who have guildhalls in the catacombs would appreciate less suspense."
  32. Doyen Kelliara says to Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart, "Suffice to say, no harm will be done
  33. to the Cabal's halls, if that is your concern."
  35. Tsvanni grins mischievously at you.
  37. You have emoted: Eleanor's return stare is blank but piercing.
  39. Moirean Seirath says, "Well! This has been a rather quick and painless meeting. You all are too
  40. happy and content."
  42. Moirean Seirath says, "Any last comments before we are done?"
  44. You say, "I would not call my current mood happy or content."
  46. Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Partly, yes. But I also find suspense regarding
  47. reconstruction of the city live in a little less enjoyable."
  49. You say, "Given that apparently, there are plans for the catacombs which we have not heard a whit of.
  50. "
  52. (Cabalists): Anfini says, "Don't tell me you're doing something in those tunnels?"
  54. Moirean Seirath says, "Well, obviously a reconstruction of that scale is going to be something the
  55. public can review before any walls get knocked down."
  57. (Cabalists): Akaryuterra says, "It is not even that, so much as being made aware of mahor changes
  58. that are occurring. Though, now that you mention it, it will cut down on the pincher population a
  59. number of our younger members relay on for earning income."
  61. You have emoted: Eleanor crosses her arms over her chest. "And quite frankly, grins and comments of
  62. 'oh they can wait' are apt to rankle me quite badly."
  64. (Cabalists): Anfini says, "No, no, I'm in complete agreement, and this whole thing was a massively
  65. poor example of communication. But the general plan doesn't seem too shabby."
  67. Moirean Seirath says, "I'm not entirely sure why you are upset. I didn't realize people were that
  68. attached to the sprawling warren of stone."
  70. (Cabalists): Akaryuterra says, "In light of security discussion, it logical, yes."
  72. "So long as our chambers and the orrery are undisturbed," Anfini says, shrugging.
  74. You say, "Except for the fact that there are clearly plenty of discoveries yet to be made down there,
  75. the region supports pinchers which the young make a living off at times, and our guildhall is in
  76. the area."
  78. Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "I think it more on the matter of communication than
  79. whether or not we will 'miss' it."
  81. You say, "And that."
  83. Moirean Seirath says, "In any case, can you give a brief overview for them, Engineer?"
  85. You say, "Seems that it'd just make sense to, you know, let the people who work down there know if
  86. there's 'big plans' for the region."
  88. Moirean Seirath says, "If citizens dislike the plan, it can always be voted against when the time
  89. comes."
  90. (Cabalists): Anfini says, "Well that's lovely. You hear that? All... what, six or seven of us can
  91. vote against the whole city."
  93. You say, "Common courtesy from the city to one of its valued guilds, and whatnot."
  95. Akaryuterra nods at Moirean, indicating his understanding more than his intent to do as she suggests.
  97. Kelliara shrugs indifferently. "The addition of a market. A few shops and other buildings being
  98. added."
  100. You have emoted: Eleanor's tone is smooth as she adds, "Surely we weren't forgotten in the planning.
  101. "
  103. Moirean Seirath says, "Personally, I think it's a financial burden to simply have all of those rooms
  104. open and guarded - and if there are discoveries to be made, such as of Ankyrean artifacts, it's
  105. probably wiser for us to keep them inaccessible to all except select scavenging/scientific parties."
  107. Anfini ambles up beside you and leans over. "Director," he says, in a concerned tone of voice.
  109. Moirean Seirath says, "We would not want young citizens stumbling across doomsday devices."
  111. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Or Meyvitch."
  113. Tsvanni blinks.
  115. You have emoted: Eleanor spares a momentary glance for Anfini.
  117. Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Meyvitch? Who's that?"
  119. Anfini murmurs to you, "Prudence dictates that the Cabal air their concerns - in full detail, mind
  120. you - outside the public venue. I believe this will currently only serve to ignite passions."
  122. Frowning in confusion, Moirean Seirath says, "If you thought the Cabal was neglected, you're simply
  123. mistaken. I've...I've been trying very hard to help demonstrate just how much I value the Cabal and
  124. the guild's influence in the city."
  126. Anfini ducks his head after he finishes whispering to you, as if afraid he'll be struck.
  128. A hint of irritation passes over Kelliara .
  130. A hint of irritation passes over Kelliara's features for a moment. "The Cabal was not forgotten in
  131. the slightest. The Orrery, the Guildhall, and the majority of the catacombs themselves are not going
  132. to be disturbed."
  134. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Some duirani who
  135. managed to crawl about down there a few months ago. I wholeheartedly support less ground for my
  136. guards to be sprawled across, that entire area is an awful strategic mess."
  138. Moirean Seirath says, "Things are just in the nebulous planning stages."
  140. You have emoted: Eleanor's pinpoint gaze focuses on Anfini.
  142. You tell Dr. J. R. Anfini, the Fixer, "Let them ignite whatever they will. I don't like hiding this
  143. malarkey."
  145. You say, "Most of my ire is at the fact that even if not forgotten, it seems to have not been seen
  146. necessary to inform the Cabal of what's going on."
  148. You say, "Not even in a capacity to ask for input or help, let alone a heads-up on area development.
  149. "
  151. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "When a plan is only
  152. just announced for consideration."
  154. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Perhaps there is a
  155. wait time before everyone hears about it."
  157. Warden of Sand, Tsvanni Kal'Adun, Preceptor of Dread says in an exotic tone, "Hence... city meetings.
  158. "
  160. You say, "I do not think my upset is unwarranted. If told cheekily that there were 'big changes'
  161. happening over the Den, but you'd just have to wait and see to find out..."
  163. In a weary voice, Moirean Seirath says, "It was not intended to be a slight. I was trying to...make
  164. things exciting. Fun. Draw in interest."
  166. Anfini looks uncomfortable, the same way a child looks the other way when parents are fighting. His
  167. cigarette smoking has picked up the pace.
  169. Dryly, you say, "Differing definitions of fun, perhaps. In any case, I've aired my concerns and
  170. that's well enough to leave be."
  172. Moirean Seirath says, "It's entirely in conceptual stages right now. I've not done a single ounce of
  173. actual work on my half of things, and it's something that only started being discussed about two
  174. months ago."
  176. Moirean Seirath says, "I apologize if you think it was a slight to the Cabal."
  178. You have emoted: Eleanor inclines her head in acknowledgement.
  180. Moirean Seirath says, "Because, simply put, it wasn't."
  182. Akaryuterra coughs softly and then speaks up, "The planning had only recently begun then? I think I
  183. misunderstood based on the exchange. I was under the impression this has been underway for a great
  184. deal longer."
  186. Anfini cuts in all too quickly, his voice just a little too loud. "The Cabal will be happy to
  187. cooperate with the city and provide -assistance- and -advice- with the Catacombs."
  189. Irritably, Doyen Kelliara says, "I have barely finished outlining my own ideas for such. To say I
  190. had not intended to inform nor include the Cabal in such is both hasty and insulting."
  192. Kelliara inclines her head politely to those around her.
  193. Kelliara leaves to the north.
  195. Akaryuterra emits a small sigh.
  197. "Right! So big misunderstanding." Anfini wipes his hands together.
  199. (Cabalists): You say, "You know what, their reactions are like a child that knows they've done wrong.
  200. "
  202. (Cabalists): You say, "Fancy trying to make it sound like I'm the heel for arcing up."
  204. (Cabalists): Anfini says, "If I may speak plainly, Director?"
  206. Moirean shifts the child in her arms, lifting one hip to help support the baby's weight. "Right,"
  207. she says with a hint of a sigh. "Anything else to discuss?"
  209. Akaryuterra crosses his arms over his chest, looking among the gathered Spireans. "Nothin' right now.
  210. "
  212. Offering the gathered crowd a faint smile, Moirean Seirath says, "Thank you all for coming. As
  213. always, feel free to bring any individual thoughts, concerns, issues or crazy ideas to me or any
  214. other members of the Secretariat."
  216. Akaryuterra Ryotega Junakutz-Lionheart says, "Thank you, Chair."
  218. Tsvanni nods her head emphatically.
  219. Anfini spreads his arms flamboyantly and takes a light bow. "It's been a pleasure, Chairwoman."
  221. Akaryuterra inclines his head politely to those around him.
  222. Geronimo inclines his head politely to those around him.
  223. Argolis leaves to the north following Kiia.
  225. Satomi gives Moirean a respectful salute.
  227. You have emoted: Eleanor nods briefly.
  228. <exeunt.>
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