
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 112

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. [15:39] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:39] <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:39] <Kilarra> -Session 112-
  4. [15:41] <Kilarra> Kilarra and Aluthyra have spent a week enjoying some time to relax, read, and have a good amount of private compnay with one another after their harrowing adventures in the Darklands with the drow, and ultimately preventing a falling start from striking Golarion
  5. [15:42] * Kilarra awakens, yawning but feeling quite content and comfortable as she nestles herself in Aluthyra's wings. She really loved them.
  6. [15:43] * Aluthyra is still sleeping. Sleeping in was a rare event during the events past, and she's taking full advantage of it.
  7. [15:45] * Kilarra is content to let Aluthyra sleep in. She then gets an idea and slips out of the bed to go and quietly take take of her morning devotions. When Aluthyra woke up, Kilarra wanted to be ready to take her on a little trip. There was also something else she wanted to start trying, but that wasn't as immediately pressing
  8. [15:46] * Aluthyra wakes about an hour later, sitting up with a yawn. Stretching her arms and wings, Aluthyra hops out of bed to dress.
  9. [15:47] * Kilarra comes back in after about an hour herself, stetching and waving to Aluthyra as she does so. As she begins to dress, she admires the aasimar just a bit before proclaiming, "I've got something to tell you Aluthyra."
  10. [15:49] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, just now finishing looping her belt. "Yes?"
  11. [15:52] * Kilarra smiles, "I've arranged all of the magic we'll need to return to Elysium, find the place we were told about by that Bralani, and subsequently get to the truth of your origins." She grins widely, her pointed teeth showing.
  12. [15:53] * Aluthyra smiles, moving forward to pull Kilarra into a hug. "Wonderful."
  13. [15:54] * Kilarra hugs the taller woman back. "I'm not usually the best diviner, but if I do this right, we should know the exact direction and distance to that Garden from wherever we happen to end up on Elysium, and I came prepared with my wind walking spell to get us there."
  14. [15:56] * Aluthyra nods, releasing the hug a moment later. She steps back, smiling widely. "Then I shall leave it in your capable hands."
  15. [15:57] * Kilarra nods, "Let's get some breakfast, and then we can go."
  16. [15:59] * Aluthyra nods, letting Kilarra lead the way.
  17. [16:00] * Kilarra takes Aluthyra for a breakfast in the temple. It's a simple but fairly tasty affair of fresh fruit, light wine, cheese, bread, and a bit of bacon.
  18. [16:03] <Kilarra> Aluthyra might notice that the dress code in the temple is rather lax. The acolytes tend to wear their Calistrian garb, but many of those at the few assembled tables are scantily dressed, if at all. There is much gossip and giggling and chatter throughout.
  19. [16:04] * Aluthyra keeps close to Kilarra and relatively silent. While she's getting more used to Kilarra's temple, she is not yet completely comfortable with it.
  20. [16:06] * Kilarra is slightly amused by Aluthyra's discomfort, but is glad to be there for her. She stands up and excuses herself when finished, clearing her dishes and then waiting by the curtain entrance for Aluthyra to finish.
  21. [16:07] * Aluthyra finishes shortly after, moving quickly to follow Kilarra.
  22. [16:08] * Kilarra takes Aluthyra out through the veil into the morning light. She produces her plane attuned fork and smiles, "Ready?"
  23. [16:10] * Aluthyra smiles. "Yes."
  24. [16:12] * Kilarra takes Aluthyra's hand and holds up her forked rod, and they shimmer and pop through the planar boundaries.
  25. [16:17] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kilarra arrive in the midst of a vast, rolling field of green, the scent of spring fresh on the breeze. Occasionally dotting this field is a large statue. Each one seems to depict some manner of warlord, general, or tyrant, all of whom seem to be bowing their heads in defeat or surrendering to someone or something that isn't depicted.
  26. [16:17] <Kilarra> Many of the statues are marked with cracks or other damage. A field of broken tyrants.
  27. [16:18] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, looking about the statues. "Odd," she notes. "do you think they are merely symbolic?"
  28. [16:18] * Kilarra takes a moment to look around. "Interesting. I suspect so. This plane is a place of freedom, and I suspect this field is based on a freedom from oppression or tyrrany."
  29. [16:20] * Kilarra smirks, "Kjell might have liked to see this."
  30. [16:20] * Aluthyra nods. "And do you know how far we are?"
  31. [16:21] * Kilarra shakes her head, then pulls her holy symbol off and lays it flat in her palm. "No, but I will in a moment." She chants something and her holy symbol begins to spin like the needle of a compass
  32. [16:23] <Kilarra> The holy symbol eventually comes to a stop, pointing in a direction. It's not entirely sure which way is north, but that direction Kilarra immediately knows to be the correct and most direct path to their intended destination. She also knows the exact distance.
  33. [16:23] * Kilarra wobbles a bit, not used to the sudden influx of information. "That was a bit of a rush." She points in the direction indicated by her holy symbol; "343 miles that way."
  34. [16:24] * Aluthyra nods, waiting for Kilarra's spell of windwalking.
  35. [16:25] * Kilarra notes, "At our best speed, we'll be there in about five hours." She casts her wind walking spell on Aluthyra and herself, once again turning them both to vapour. She then smiles as she ascends, enjoying the weightless sensation.
  36. [16:25] * Aluthyra smiles, rising with her wings. She follows Kilarra!
  37. [16:26] * Kilarra keeps her holy symbol out in case the winds of the plane turned out to be unpredictable to maintain their course, and then they get moving.
  38. [16:27] <Kilarra> As Kilarra said, just over 5 hours of travel later, they see the field of broken tyrants come to an end, seguing into what looks to be a vast orchard. Kilarra, however, begins to feel like her spel is losing stability.
  39. [16:28] * Kilarra comes to a halt before they get any closer. "Something's a little off here. Geoff said it was a garden of Wild Fruits and Wilder Magics, so it's possible my magic won't work properly in it."
  40. [16:30] * Aluthyra nods, alighting to the ground. "Then it would be best to travel by foot from here."
  41. [16:30] * Kilarra begins to descent towards the ground, resolidifying when she gets there, "It's not too much farther anyways."
  42. [16:32] <Kilarra> From the ground, the sight of the vast orchard is certainly an interesting one. The seasonal and regional nature of the orchard and the fruits growing within it seem to be in a state of flux. One acre might be under the effect of frost, while another right next to it could feel warm as summer near Golarion's equator. As well, one might see a banana tree right next to one growing apples.
  43. [16:34] * Kilarra looks amazed, "Goodness. This is incredible." She walks up to one of the trees near their location.
  44. [16:34] <Kilarra> The breeze through the orchard carries the most unique blend of sweet fruit aromas, that scent matching the one exhuded by Aluthyra
  45. [16:36] * Aluthyra nods, taking in the scent. "And it does seem... familiar."
  46. [16:37] * Kilarra looks down at her holy symbol again. "It's pointing us this way," she notes, walking further into the orchard. Although the place was strange and certainly chaotic, there were paths through the rows of trees and shrubs, indicating that someone tended to this orchard. As much as it could be considered tending in a realm like this.
  47. [16:39] * Aluthyra follows, lifting a few feet off of the ground as her wings flutter.
  48. [16:40] <Kilarra> As Kilarra and Aluthyra follow the path through the orchard, they do eventually find someone about a mile inward. This rosy-haired woman is completely nude except for the mass of vines and leaves that cover her lower body. The plant matter silently weaves about her frame seemingly of its own volition, and consists of flourishing vines bursting with blooming flowers as well as wilted leaves covered with a silvery sheen of hoarfrost.
  49. [16:42] <Kilarra> Standing about eight feet tall, the woman looks to be as much plant as she is person. She is humming softly to one of the trees, its branches blooming into springtime blossom as she does so. She very much seems to match the seasonal flux of the orchard.
  50. [16:58] * Aluthyra clears her throat, hoping to get the woman's attention.
  51. [16:58] * Kilarra just kinda gawks at the woman for a minute, then clears her throat as well.
  52. [16:59] <Kilarra> "Just a moment," The woman says, holding out a hand to them. She humms a few more times to one of the blossoms, which almost immediately transitions to a fully formed fruit. She plucks it off and takes a savoury bite before looking to the two newcomers. She takes a deep breath and then looks pointedly at Aluthyra. "Yes?"
  53. [17:01] * Aluthyra smiles lightly. "We were told that questions of my origin might be answered here-- perhaps you might be able to assist?"
  54. [17:02] <Kilarra> The woman looks Aluthyra over, then leans in and takes a deep whiff of her. "I was wondering when this might happen." She looks up at the sky, "It's been... oh, more than three thousand seasons now. I was beginning to wonder." She takes another bite of her fruit, not saying anything else just yet
  55. [17:02] * Kilarra looks perplexed.
  56. [17:02] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "Three thousand years since...what, if I may ask?"
  57. [17:03] * Kilarra does a quick count and notes to Aluthyra, "Three thousand seasons. Probably morel ike eight hundred years."
  58. [17:04] <Kilarra> The woman looks to Kilarra and nods, "By the cycles of your world, that sounds about right, but such time progression is not always concurrent here."
  59. [17:04] * Kilarra looks to her left at a frosted shrub, then to her right at an orange grove. "So I see."
  60. [17:04] * Aluthyra nods, still waiting for her answer.
  61. [17:06] <Kilarra> The woman looks Aluthyra over, then waves a hand. A group of vines form a seat that picks up Kilarra and separates her hooves from the ground. "The soil here was complaining a bit. I understand its not your fault, but I hope you don't mind." She then looks back to Aluthyra, "The Shining Crusade. Do you know it?"
  62. [17:07] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I do not..."
  63. [17:08] * Kilarra is surprised, but not uncomfortable. She also frowns a bit, assuming that remark was in regards to her heritage.
  64. [17:09] <Kilarra> The woman nods, "My name is Vidalia. What are yours?"
  65. [17:09] * Kilarra responds, "Kilarra."
  66. [17:09] <Aluthyra> "Aluthyra."
  67. [17:10] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "The name Iomedae is the one most oft remembered of the Shining Crusade, and she was certainly its champion, but there were many heroes in that capaign, most of them unsung in the wake of her ascent to divinity."
  68. [17:10] * Kilarra blinks. That was quite possibly the oddest segue she had ever heard
  69. [17:12] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, not sure how that relates to her.
  70. [17:13] <Kilarra> Vidalia takes another whiff of Aluthyra, "I am sure of it now. I remember it quite well. In the fight against Tar-Baphon, manifold were those who sought to stand against him. They also called many like minded outsiders to help the cause against the Whispering Tyrant. I was one of them."
  71. [17:16] <Kilarra> Vidalia notes, "Powerful though I may be, not even gods are truly invincible in the face of enough power, and a goddess I am not. As such, I found myself wounded and facing down a particularly vicious devourer. I had witnessed it consume the soul of a friend of mine, but could not muster the strength to slay it."
  72. [17:18] <Kilarra> Vidalia continues, "Many mortals are quick to prioritize their own lives when making use of help from beyond the planes. However, -she- chose to save me. To put her own life at risk defending mine. She was victorious, freeing the essence of my friend that it could return to this plane and be reformed, but at the cost of her own life."
  73. [17:19] * Aluthyra remains silent, giving Vidalia her full attention worthy of such a tale.
  74. [17:21] <Kilarra> Vidalia smiles, "Such nobility and sacrifice touched me, as did the act of saving my friend's soul. Thusly, I brought her body to this realm and buried it. It was the soil her first body enriched that became the foundation of this very orchard. With the help of my own magic, she was restored to life in a new body, forged from the essence of this very plane. She looked much as she did before, but carried with her the delightful mix of s
  75. [17:23] * Kilarra just looks at Aluthyra with a new sense of amazement. Not only was she amazing in her own right, but this person, who was surely Aluthyra's ancestor, was equally wondrous. It seemed that greatness ran through her celestial blood.
  76. [17:25] <Kilarra> -but carried with her the delightful mix of scents that I recognize yo ucarry as well."
  77. [17:26] * Aluthyra blinks. "You are saying... Iomedae is of my ancestry?"
  78. [17:28] <Kilarra> Vidalia blinks, "No. Your ancestor is a different heroine, one largely unsung, but far dearer to me personally. Her name was Fiona."
  79. [17:30] <Kilarra> Vidalia notes, "She went on to have, as I recall, a happy life after the Crusade, and had several children, one of whose family would have eventually led to your siring."
  80. [17:33] * Aluthyra nods, understanding. "I see..." she smiles. "Thank you for this... do you know anything of her family?" She explains, "I am simply curious; how she went on to live and such."
  81. [17:34] <Kilarra> Vidalia shakes her head, "The specifics I do not know, but I believe they led happy lives. Some more mundane than others, but over time they likely forgot about the touch of celestial material in their blood. That is, until it resurged in you. I suspect this was no conincidence, given what you have accomplished yourself."
  82. [17:36] * Aluthyra smiles, wings taking her up to Kilarra. She gives the tiefling a kiss on the cheek. "And thank you as well. I would not have found any of this out, without your help."
  83. [17:37] * Kilarra blushes a bit, "I can't say I'm not jealous. Your ancestor was a hero and you are too... wait." She looks to Vidalia, "You know what she accomplished?"
  84. [17:38] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "The star that was falling towards Kyonin was thwarted by your hands, was it not? The event caught the attention of many, as there are many here on Elysium who prize the beauty of the elven nation."
  85. [17:39] * Aluthyra chuckles at Kilarra's comment. "And you are a heroine as well."
  86. [17:39] * Kilarra nods, "Maybe, but my ancestry is... just less than yours." She looks a bit dejected.
  87. [17:40] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "It is unfortunate that one with your spirit is plagued with tainted blood. The taint of the abyssal and infernal realms is sadly quite persistent."
  88. [17:41] * Aluthyra shakes her head, wrapping her arms around Kilarra, wings holding her aloft. "Ancestry holds no quantifiable value... it is what you do, not what you are."
  89. [17:43] * Kilarra nods, "Maybe, but there's a lot of things I can't do because of what I am. I mean, you've seen the way people react when they first see me. I love that you can recognize what's beneath, but others don't have the time to notice it and make their own judgements. As well, were I to ever have children, I would be as likely to pass the taint on to them as well, giving them the same ill reception in life."
  90. [17:43] * Kilarra gestures to Vidalia, "Apparently even the ground complains when I walk on it."
  91. [17:46] * Aluthyra nods, sighing. "And I am sorry for all of that." She shakes her head. "But it has also made you strong. Without it, you might now have accomplished as much as you have... and perhaps if you were to have children, it would strengthen them." She smiles. "That is, as long as they had you to guide them."
  92. [17:48] <Kilarra> Vidalia looks between Aluthyra and Kilarra, "The taint of the abyssal is persistant, but not impossible to be rid of."
  93. [17:54] * Kilarra blinks, looking to Vidalia, "Wha-what was that?"
  94. [17:54] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, turning to Vidalia and releasing her hug.
  95. [17:55] <Kilarra> Vidalia gestures around them, "Elysium is a realm of freedom. From restraint, from persecution, from affliction, tyrrany and all other things that might impose restriction on a strong spirit."
  96. [17:56] * Aluthyra blinks. "Are you suggesting you-- or someone here-- can remove her abyssal blood?" She looks to Kilarra. "Is that something you would want...?"
  97. [17:57] <Kilarra> Vidalia continues, "The taint of the abyss is in your flesh, but you have not let it poison your spirit. If your spirit was given to a new body, it could be free."
  98. [17:58] * Kilarra blinks, "Oh... oh!" She looks to Aluthyra, "Of course! It was right there in that story she told. She brought your ancestor back to life by building a new body for her from the material of this plane." The look on her face holds an interesting mix of excitement and hesitation.
  99. [17:58] * Aluthyra smiles, repeating, "Do you think you might wish for such a thing?"
  100. [18:00] * Kilarra nods, "It... it would certainly be a blessing." She looks to Vidalia, "Would... would I still be me?"
  101. [18:01] == Kyrria|zzz has changed nick to Kyrria
  102. [18:01] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "It would be a reincarnation. Your mind, your heart, your memories, and your spirit would be given to the new body. It would retain most of your distinct features, but be free of those that brand you a tiefling." She gestures to Kilarra's horns, tail, and hooves.
  103. [18:03] <Kilarra> Vidalia notes, "It would be, like any other experience with death, taxing, as the migration of the soul always is. However, given your strength of spirit and the great deed you did for Kyonin, I think perhaps you would be worthy of a body more befitting your spirit."
  104. [18:04] * Aluthyra smiles, looking to Kilarra.
  105. [18:06] * Kilarra smiles a bit nervously. It almost seemed surreal. She had so often been ashamed of her heritage and the blood in her veins, and even though Aluthyra could see through to her soul, it had still been a burden throughout their journey. She nods. "If you think I am worthy of such a gift, then I will accept it with humility and gratitude."
  106. [18:08] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "I would advise you to disrobe and leave your posessions with Aluthyra. Your old body will be broken down by this cleansing, with only a small fragment of it forming the basis for your new one."
  107. [18:10] * Kilarra nods and begins to undress, passing her staff, mace, armour, robes, whip, and everything else to Aluthyra. She slips off her undergarments last and then embraces Aluthyra with this body one last time.
  108. [18:12] * Aluthyra holds Kilarra close, after depositing the items in her Haversack.
  109. [18:13] * Kilarra smiles, "Thank you for everything Aluthyra. And thank you for just being you. Who knows how bitter I might have become without your embrace and your encouragement."
  110. [18:15] * Aluthyra smiles. "I hope you enjoy it, love."
  111. [18:16] * Kilarra steps away and nods to Vidalia, "I am ready." She takes a deep breath.
  112. [18:17] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods and her hands glow with a verdant green light. Vines once again spring up and coil around Kilarra's body. She is completely enwrapped by them, and they pull her body underground. Kilarra herself seems to fall into a deep slumber as her soul and body are separated.
  113. [18:20] <Kilarra> Vidalia leans down and places a hand on the ground where Kilarra was dragged under, as though listening. She stands up and looks to Aluthyra. "It will take about three days for the process to finish."
  114. [18:21] * Kilarra finds herself feeling light. And free. Freer than she's ever felt before. Free to do better, to be better. To truely live up to the gift she was being given.
  115. [18:22] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well." She chuckles. "And during this time, where shall I stay? Do you have a place you would not mind me resting?"
  116. [18:22] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "Ah, of course, she was the one who allowed you to travel here." She chuckles. "So long as you do not mind sleeping under the stars, you may stay here in my orchard while you wait for her."
  117. [18:24] * Aluthyra nods, smiling. "I do not. Thank you."
  118. [18:25] <Kilarra> Vidalia nods, "Feel free to eat from the groves here, but remember to spread all of the seeds left from any you consume that the orchard might continue to grow.
  119. [18:27] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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