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a guest
Mar 29th, 2020
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  1. //
  2. // ____ _ _
  3. // / ___| ___ __ _ _ __ __ _ __| | __ _( )___
  4. // \___ \ / __/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` |// __|
  5. // ___) | (_| (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| | \__ \
  6. // |____/ \___\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_| |___/
  7. //
  8. // ____ __ _
  9. // / ___|___ _ __ / _(_) __ _
  10. // | | / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` |
  11. // | |__| (_) | | | | _| | (_| |
  12. // \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
  13. // |___/
  14. // Version: 1.0
  15. // Twitter: @scanadaz
  16. // Discord:
  17. // Github:
  18. //
  19. // ____ _ __ __
  20. // | _ \ ___ __ _ __| | | \/ | ___
  21. // | |_) / _ \/ _` |/ _` | | |\/| |/ _ \
  22. // | _ < __/ (_| | (_| | | | | | __/
  23. // |_| \_\___|\__,_|\__,_| |_| |_|\___|
  24. //
  25. //----------------------------------------
  26. // How to remove or uncomment a desired commanmd
  27. // Disable: add // behind anything you do not want
  28. // Enable: remove the // behind anything you want
  29. //----------------------------------------
  30. // How to use cfg
  31. // Go to your Apex Legends CFG Folder (Defualt: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Apex\cfg)
  32. // Place this file in there as autoexec.cfg
  33. // Apex Launch Options
  34. // +exec autoexec -refresh 144 -forcenovsync -fullscreen +m_rawinput 1 -novid
  35. //----------------------------------------
  36. //Launch Options Explained
  37. //+exec autoexec - Executes this Config
  38. //-refresh 144 - Refreash Rate of your Monitor
  39. //-forcenovsync - Disable VSync
  40. //-fullscreen - Forces Fullscreen
  41. //+m_rawinput 1 - Raw Mouse Input
  42. //-novid - Disables Intro Video
  43. // ____ _
  44. // / ___| ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |
  45. // | | _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | |
  46. // | |_| | __/ | | | __/ | | (_| | |
  47. // \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|_|
  48. //
  49. // Message of the day generated when game starts
  50. // Default Value: ""
  51. rspn_motd "Loaded Scanada's Config"
  52. //
  53. // Draw fps meter (1 = fps, 2 = smooth, 3 = server, 4 = Show+LogToFile, +10 = detailed )
  54. // Default Value: 0
  55. cl_showfps "0"
  56. //
  57. // Draw current position at top of screen
  58. // Default Value: 0
  59. // cl_showpos "0"
  60. //----------------------------------------
  61. // Keybinds
  62. //----------------------------------------
  63. // Binds Jump to Mouse Wheel Down
  64. // bind_US_standard "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" 1
  65. //
  66. // __ ___
  67. // \ \ / (_) _____ __
  68. // \ \ / /| |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
  69. // \ V / | | __/\ V V /
  70. // \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/
  71. //
  72. // Muzzle Flash Cancel
  73. //alias "+shoot1" "+attack; r_particle_timescale 100"
  74. //alias "-shoot1" "-attack; r_particle_timescale 1"
  75. //bind "mouse1" "+shoot1"
  76. //
  77. //
  78. // Motion Blur
  79. mat_motion_blur_enabled "0 "
  80. mat_motion_blur_falling_intensity "0"
  81. mat_motion_blur_falling_max "0"
  82. mat_motion_blur_falling_min "0"
  83. mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled "0"
  84. mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max "0"
  85. mat_motion_blur_rotation_intensity "0"
  86. mat_motion_blur_strength "0"
  87. //
  88. // ____ _ _
  89. // / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ (_) ___ ___
  90. // | | _| '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| |/ __/ __|
  91. // | |_| | | | (_| | |_) | | | | | (__\__ \
  92. // \____|_| \__,_| .__/|_| |_|_|\___|___/
  93. // |_|
  94. //----------------------------------------
  95. // General
  96. //----------------------------------------
  97. // Disable ingame rendering of banners
  98. // Default Value: 1
  99. // cl_drawmonitors "0"
  100. //
  101. // Sets the alpha (transparency) of in game pings and down markers
  102. // Default Value: 1.0
  103. hud_setting_pingAlpha "0.500000"
  104. //
  105. // Disable depth of field
  106. // Default Value: 1
  107. dof_enable "0"
  108. //
  109. // LOD settings
  110. r_lod_switch_scale "0.6"
  111. //
  112. // Misc
  113. // This setting determines the threading mode the material system uses.
  114. // A value of -1 uses the default for your system, a value of 0 uses synchronous single thread, 1 uses queued single threaded mode, and value of 2 uses multi-threaded mode.
  115. // Many users report performance increases on multi-core systems when setting this variable to a value of 2.
  116. mat_queue_mode "2"
  117. //
  118. // Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors
  119. cl_smooth "0"
  120. //
  121. //----------------------------------------
  122. // UI/FPS
  123. //----------------------------------------
  124. //
  125. // minimap rotates with your view [OPTIONAL]
  126. hud_setting_minimapRotate "1"
  127. // FPS Limit - 0 = Unlimited
  128. fps_max "0"
  129. //
  130. // Enables/disables the collision of ragdoll models with each other.
  131. cl_ragdoll_collide "0"
  132. //
  133. // Whether we should force preloading model and texture information to video memory at the beginning of a level.
  134. // Makes level loads longer, but can reduce stuttering caused by loading information on the fly
  135. cl_forcepreload "1"
  136. //
  137. //----------------------------------------
  138. // Lighting
  139. //----------------------------------------
  140. // Static Lighting
  141. r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0"
  142. //
  143. // Fraction of direct lighting that ambient cube must be below to trigger boosting.
  144. r_ambientfraction "0.2"
  145. //
  146. // Disables certain dynamic shadowing+
  147. r_dynamic "0"
  148. //
  149. // When set to 1 it turns on self-illumination for geometry.
  150. mat_fullbright "1"
  151. //
  152. // this removes the DoF effect when ADS.
  153. mat_depthfeather_enable "0"
  154. //
  155. //----------------------------------------
  156. // Particle
  157. //----------------------------------------
  158. // Particle Size
  159. particle_cpu_level "0"
  160. //
  161. // Particle Size Multithread Optimization
  162. r_threaded_particles "1"
  163. //
  164. // Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
  165. cl_particle_fallback_base "0"
  166. //
  167. // Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load.
  168. cl_particle_fallback_multiplier "0"
  169. //
  170. //----------------------------------------
  171. // Shadows
  172. //----------------------------------------
  173. // Set the cascading shadow maps coverage
  174. // Default Value: 1
  175. csm_coverage "0"
  176. //
  177. // Set whether to render cascading shadow maps
  178. // Default Value: 1
  179. csm_enabled "0"
  180. //
  181. // Sets cascading shadow map world shadows
  182. // Default Value: 1
  183. csm_world_shadows "0"
  184. //
  185. // Sets shadows to be static
  186. // Default Value: 2
  187. static_shadow "1"
  188. //
  189. // Set the static shadow maps rendertarget resolution
  190. // Default Value: 4096
  191. static_shadow_res "0"
  192. //
  193. // Sets whether certain objects are shadow capable
  194. // Default Value: 1
  195. shadow_capable "0"
  196. //
  197. // Sets whether certain shadows will render
  198. // Default Value: 1
  199. shadow_enable "0"
  200. //
  201. // Threaded Light and World Shadows
  202. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
  203. //----------------------------------------
  204. // Skybox
  205. //----------------------------------------
  206. // Set the fog in the skybox
  207. // Default Value: 1
  208. fog_enableskybox "0"
  209. //----------------------------------------
  210. // Water
  211. //----------------------------------------
  212. // Enable water reflection
  213. // Default Value: 1
  214. r_waterdrawreflection "0"
  216. // Enable water refraction
  217. // Default Value: 1
  218. r_waterdrawrefraction "0"
  220. // Set the start and end of cheapwater
  221. r_cheapwaterstart "0"
  222. r_cheapwaterend "0"
  223. //----------------------------------------
  224. // Fog
  225. //----------------------------------------
  226. fog_enable "0" // World Fog
  227. fog_enable_water_fog "0"
  228. //
  229. // _ _ _ _ _
  230. // | \ | | ___| |___ _____ _ __| | _(_)_ __ __ _
  231. // | \| |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / | '_ \ / _` |
  232. // | |\ | __/ |_ \ V V / (_) | | | <| | | | | (_| |
  233. // |_| \_|\___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, |
  234. // |___/
  235. // Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
  236. // Default Value: 20
  237. cl_updaterate_mp "120"
  238. //
  239. // Max number of command packets sent to server per second
  240. // Default Value: 60
  241. cl_cmdrate "120"
  242. //
  243. // ___ _ _
  244. // / _ \| |_| |__ ___ _ __
  245. // | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
  246. // | |_| | |_| | | | __/ |
  247. // \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|
  248. //
  249. //
  250. //----------------------------------------
  251. // Null Movement
  252. //----------------------------------------
  253. //bind W "+mfwd"
  254. //bind S "+mback"
  255. //bind A "+mleft"
  256. //bind D "+mright"
  257. //
  258. //alias checkfwd ""
  259. //alias checkback ""
  260. //alias checkleft ""
  261. //alias checkright ""
  262. //
  263. //alias +mfwd "-back; +forward; alias checkfwd +forward"
  264. //alias +mback "-forward; +backward; alias checkback +back"
  265. //alias +mleft "-moveright; +moveleft; alias checkleft +moveleft"
  266. //alias +mright "-moveleft; +moveright; alias checkright +moveright"
  267. //
  268. //alias -mfwd "-forward; checkback; alias checkfwd"
  269. //alias -mback "-backward; checkfwd; alias checkback"
  270. //alias -mleft "-moveleft; checkright; alias checkleft"
  271. //alias -mright "-moveright; checkleft; alias checkright"
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