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Nov 15th, 2019
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  1. [19:23:30] ConicSans: so im finally getting around to writing that email to my neuro professor
  2. [19:23:46] ConicSans: and the nerves of trying to properly structure an email are back
  3. [19:23:55] ConicSans: remind me again what to do pls?
  4. [19:25:09] IWouldPreferNotTo: Yee
  5. [19:25:12] IWouldPreferNotTo: Start with an intro
  6. [19:25:23] IWouldPreferNotTo: Talk about who you are and how you are connected to this prof
  7. [19:25:46] IWouldPreferNotTo: Next, talk about what you like about their research and what you have read from their papers/presentations
  8. [19:26:10] IWouldPreferNotTo: From there, connect it to the fact that you love this research so much you were hoping if there were any open positions in their lab
  9. [19:27:05] IWouldPreferNotTo: And then just offer to meet with them and say that you can send stuff like a resume/anything else upon request
  10. [19:27:50] IWouldPreferNotTo: And then give a very courteous goodbye and closer
  11. [19:31:59] ConicSans: thanks a million, ill do my best!
  12. [19:32:22] ConicSans: and subject would be what?
  13. [19:54:59] IWouldPreferNotTo: Uh
  14. [19:55:00] IWouldPreferNotTo: Idk
  15. [19:55:04] IWouldPreferNotTo: Possible research position? Maybe
  16. [19:55:20] ConicSans: what did you do for yours?
  17. [19:55:59] IWouldPreferNotTo: It's hard to check
  18. [19:56:00] IWouldPreferNotTo: I sent it years ago
  19. [19:56:11] ConicSans: f
  20. [19:56:18] IWouldPreferNotTo: I wouldn't worry about the subject too much
  21. [19:56:21] IWouldPreferNotTo: Just make it to the point
  22. [19:56:29] ConicSans: do you mind if i send you a pic of the finished product before i send it?
  23. [19:56:39] ConicSans: am noob at this
  24. [19:57:08] IWouldPreferNotTo: Sure
  25. [19:57:15] ConicSans: thanks!
  26. [19:57:40] ConicSans: is it a bad thing if i ask more questions rather than specific points i like about the study?
  27. [19:58:00] ConicSans: cuz i still want to circle it back to getting in dat lab
  28. [19:58:41] IWouldPreferNotTo: It depends how you integrate it
  29. [19:59:15] ConicSans: could it be something like
  30. [19:59:32] ConicSans: "may i visit your lab to learn about the procedures you use"
  31. [19:59:45] ConicSans: more like an asking from an educational standpoint sorta way
  32. [20:01:40] IWouldPreferNotTo: As I said, it depends completely on how you integrate it
  33. [20:01:47] IWouldPreferNotTo: Your approach can be completely valid
  34. [20:01:53] IWouldPreferNotTo: but I'd def have to see lol
  35. [20:16:08] ConicSans:
  36. [20:16:16] ConicSans:
  37. [20:16:40] ConicSans: first link is the email and the second is the research study, it's really intimidating to me
  38. [20:18:46] IWouldPreferNotTo: I like that
  39. [20:18:55] IWouldPreferNotTo: It's got your own spin on it which is also really important
  40. [20:19:19] ConicSans: still no subject, but it's not the worst thing right?
  41. [20:19:31] IWouldPreferNotTo: Yeah I'd try to think of one
  42. [20:19:34] IWouldPreferNotTo: That's the only thing though
  43. [20:20:06] ConicSans: boyd is also a relatively chill professor (by chill i mean he openly talks about how hard he partied in his college frat in texas0
  44. [20:20:54] ConicSans: so im hoping he won't press me too hard if he does end up seeing my transcript
  45. [20:21:04] IWouldPreferNotTo: Most profs are
  46. [20:21:12] IWouldPreferNotTo: I think you'll be fine
  47. [20:21:29] IWouldPreferNotTo: The best advice I was given is that profs are people too
  48. [20:21:36] IWouldPreferNotTo: And some of them also had similar GPAs in college so they'd get it
  49. [20:21:39] ConicSans: subject is: Questions about your Motor Receptor Research
  50. [20:23:33] ConicSans: does that work
  51. [20:25:28] IWouldPreferNotTo: Sure
  52. [20:25:33] IWouldPreferNotTo: or just research
  53. [20:25:33] ConicSans: okay
  54. [20:25:41] IWouldPreferNotTo: "Questions about your Research"
  55. [20:25:50] ConicSans: gotcha
  56. [20:26:03] ConicSans: also send it tomorrow morning maybe? or is now fine
  57. [20:26:08] IWouldPreferNotTo: uhhh
  58. [20:26:33] IWouldPreferNotTo: I personally think Monday-Wednesday is the best time to send these emails
  59. [20:26:52] ConicSans: oof
  60. [20:27:13] ConicSans: okay ill be sure to save this in case my computer has a stroke
  61. [20:27:52] ConicSans: should i include a phone number and stuff below my name at the bottom?
  62. [20:28:04] IWouldPreferNotTo: Nahhhh
  63. [20:28:05] IWouldPreferNotTo: Email is fine
  64. [20:28:20] IWouldPreferNotTo: Actually, sending it Sunday night
  65. [20:28:24] IWouldPreferNotTo: would also work really well
  66. [20:28:27] ConicSans: okay
  67. [20:28:37] ConicSans: so put my email below my name? lol
  68. [20:28:42] IWouldPreferNotTo: nah he'll have it lol
  69. [20:28:52] ConicSans: okay lol, im a bit dense
  70. [20:28:52] IWouldPreferNotTo: Unless you just want it there to make it look nice
  71. [20:28:53] IWouldPreferNotTo: which is fine
  72. [20:28:57] ConicSans: yea
  73. [20:29:03] ConicSans: i want naicu letter
  74. [20:29:22] ConicSans: but i dont have any of those official block o endings like so many people have
  75. [20:29:27] IWouldPreferNotTo: Don't take my word as gospel anyway lol
  76. [20:29:29] IWouldPreferNotTo: I'm just one guy
  77. [20:29:31] ConicSans: i wanna know how to get my hands on that
  78. [20:29:39] IWouldPreferNotTo: I think it's accessible somewhere
  79. [20:29:48] ConicSans: hrm
  80. [20:29:53] ConicSans: ill look
  81. [20:30:05] IWouldPreferNotTo:
  82. [20:30:08] IWouldPreferNotTo: ezpz
  83. [20:30:12] ConicSans: oh shit
  84. [20:30:16] IWouldPreferNotTo: No need to look
  85. [20:30:22] IWouldPreferNotTo: I'm the best at finding info in these streets
  86. [20:33:38] ConicSans: omg i owe you one
  87. [20:33:56] IWouldPreferNotTo: haha it's all good
  88. [20:34:04] ConicSans: should i put like
  89. [20:34:10] ConicSans: Rohun Vangal, Undergraduate
  90. [20:34:12] ConicSans: or something?
  91. [20:36:57] IWouldPreferNotTo: I put my degree as one of my titles
  92. [20:37:20] IWouldPreferNotTo: B.S./B.A. Subject, anticipated ____ 202_
  93. [20:37:32] IWouldPreferNotTo: Where the first underline is month
  94. [20:37:32] ConicSans: oh i see
  95. [20:37:53] ConicSans: okay so
  96. [20:38:38] ConicSans: Name: Rohun Vangal
  97. [20:38:38] ConicSans: Title 1: B.S. Neuroscience, anticipated May 2021
  98. [20:38:46] ConicSans: i dont have a second title lol
  99. [20:41:54] IWouldPreferNotTo: No student org positions?
  100. [20:42:10] IWouldPreferNotTo: That's fine though
  101. [20:45:06] ConicSans: I mean how good does "VGC Community Leader of Buckeye Pokemon League" sound lmao
  102. [20:46:03] IWouldPreferNotTo: You can always spin it ;)
  103. [20:46:13] IWouldPreferNotTo: Abbreviate it down to BPL
  104. [20:46:23] ConicSans: gotcha
  105. [20:46:36] ConicSans: so like
  106. [20:46:43] ConicSans: Community Leader of the BPL
  107. [20:46:45] IWouldPreferNotTo: But honestly
  108. [20:46:47] IWouldPreferNotTo: It's fine lol
  109. [20:46:53] ConicSans: kek
  110. [20:46:55] IWouldPreferNotTo: because BPL is also boston public library
  111. [20:47:07] ConicSans: how do you know osu isnt in boston tho :thonk:
  112. [20:49:50] ConicSans: so for primary unit I put "The Ohio State University" and then secondary I put "College of Arts and Sciences" or "Health Science Scholars"
  113. [20:49:52] ConicSans: correct?
  114. [20:49:57] IWouldPreferNotTo: Health science scholars is good
  115. [20:50:50] ConicSans: nice
  116. [20:53:20] ConicSans:
  117. [20:53:22] ConicSans: how's this?
  118. [20:53:30] ConicSans: or should I remove undergraduate
  119. [21:05:20] ConicSans: okay imma go get some canes
  120. [21:05:30] ConicSans: thanks for all your help!!!
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