
gsr input log idea

May 3rd, 2019
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  1. The idea is that Gambatte could automatically create an input log of a run which then can be played back to verify the run. This would solve multiple issues, one of which being that the playback would desync if any rom modification was done (ie someone modified gsr to show the correct reset code, but used a modified rom), and/or the run was spliced. This could make the emulator rules that we currently have less strict, ie removing the audio and hard reset/emu border rule. A simple script looking through the input log could detect turbo controllers as well. There might be more ways of cheating that this system could catch that I am not currently thinking of.
  3. There are also more ways this could benifit the community outside of catching cheaters. A proper way of timing strats in frames, or comparing your practiced menus to TAS execution input logs.
  5. On a more "extreme" thought, it would be possible to automate the verification process for emulator runs this way too.
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