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Feb 22nd, 2018
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  365. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">In the light of Jesus Christ</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Thessaloniki is one of the early centers of Christianity. St. Paul the Apostle visited the city and created the second Christian church in Europe. Later, Paul wrote two letters to the new church at Thessaloniki, preserved in the Biblical canon as First and Second Thessalonians, which are the first written books of the New Testament.<br><br>In 306 AD, Thessaloniki acquired a patron saint, St. Demetrius, a native of Thessaloniki whom Galerius put to death. In the 9th century, the Byzantine Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius, both natives of the city, created the first literary language of the Slavs.<br><br>In the 13th century, Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, was the most significant prominent theologian and ecclesiastical figure of the Byzantine period. In 1994, Saint Paisios of Mount Athos was buried at the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Thessaloniki, which is nowadays one of the greatest pilgrimage sites in Greece, and one the most famous of Orthodoxy in the world.<br><br>Discover the city which justifiably is considered the “Castle of the Orthodoxy”, with unparalleled beauty’s Byzantine churches and monasteries, discover the “City of Saints”.</p></font>
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  878. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Byzantine Walls of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The ancient city was organized and evolved within its fortifications which acted not only as the main line of defense against hostile attacks, but also as the conventional boundary between the town and the surrounding agricultural area.<br><br>The imposing late 4th century AD fortifications of Thessaloniki incorporated the earlier defense wall dating from the middle of the 3rd century AD, which it used as a buttress. This latter wall had been built hastily, using earlier architectural material, to protect the city from the raids of the Goths. The new walls had the shape of a trapezium and were about 8 km long. In the lower, more vulnerable section of the city, they were strengthened by an outwork and had stout triangular bulwarks placed at frequent intervals. Towers were built on the slopes of the hill, most of them rectangular. Triangular bulwarks alternated with rectangular towers at the most sensitive within it points of the Acropolis. On the side facing the sea, the city was protected by the sea wall, which also incorporated architectural members taken from the late Roman buildings in the Agora, probably for use in repairs made after the earthquakes of 620-630. This wall was low, and its outer face stood in the sea, and during the siege of Thessaloniki by the Saracens in 904, the general Petronios therefore planned to construct a submarine barrier by throwing sarcophagi and funerary stelai into the sea in front of the sea wall. The plan was not brought to completion, however, and the Saracens entered the city from the sea. The sea wall was later reinforced, before the siege of Thessaloniki by the Normans.<br><br>At the south-west end of the sea wall was the large artificial harbor that was constructed by Constantine during his stay in Thessaloniki (322-323). The harbor was protected by a breakwater, referred to as molos in the 7th century and later as the tzeremboulo. There was a second, natural harbor called Kellarion on the east coast of the Thermaic Gulf.<br><br>The Acropolis was appended to the exterior of the north-east section of the enceinte, and followed the general arrangement of the fortifications in the lower city, with alternating rectangular towers and defensive triangular bulwarks at its most vulnerable points. Evidence that the Acropolis was a later addition is furnished by the orientation of the towers on the dividing wall: these faced the interior of the Acropolis on what was originally the outer face of the city fortification wall. Inside the Acropolis there is a large cistern in the south-east section which was used for the city's water supply. On the north edge of the perimeter wall is the Fortress of the Heptapyrgion, to the south of which an Early Christian basilica has been excavated.<br><br>The city has four main entrances: two Gates in each of the east and west walls, set at the ends of the two parallel main streets. The entrance to Thessaloniki from the west was via the Golden Gate, from which ran the main street of the city, the Via Regia of the Roman period, called Leophoros by the Byzantines, which lies beneath the modern Egnatia Street. The second gate at the west was the Letaia Gate, standing on the western extension of the modern Ayiou Dimitriou Street, beneath which ran a second ancient artery. In the east wall we know of the Cassandreia Gate (later the Kalamaria Gate) to which the Leophoros led, the New Golden Gate at the east end of Ayiou Dimitriou Street, and two other gates, the Asomatoi Gate and the Rome Gate. Smaller gates in the north wall of the city mainly served military needs. The Acropolis communicated with the city through a large gateway in the dividing wall, according to the Byzantine authors. Finally, there were two smaller gates in the Acropolis enceinte, communicating with the countryside.<br><br>Large towers and forts acted as nodal points in the perimeter of the walls. Their present form is the outcome of major works undertaken by the Turks after the capture of the city to strengthen its fortifications and adapt them to the new requirements of artillery warfare. At the east end of the sea wall, where it joins the east wall, stands the White Tower, probably on the site of the 'eastern tower by the sea' mentioned by Byzantine authors.<br><br>Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) built the Vardari Fort at the south-west edge of the enceinte, to protect the west side of the harbor. The east section of the perimeter wall of this fortress incorporated part of the west wall of the Early Christian period. At the north end of the east wall is the Chain Tower. In the 15th century this tower replaced the Byzantine Trigonion Tower, which was incorporated in its structure; before the eighteenth century, it was used as a gunpowder magazine and arsenal.<br><br>At the end of the 19th century, the sea wall began gradually to be demolished, followed by large sections of the land walls in the lower, flat area of the city. The surviving fortifications, however, a length of almost 4 km, including the Acropolis and the Heptapyrgion, form an imposing complex. The line of the sea wall is being uncovered by excavations.<br><br>The ancient city was organized and evolved within its fortifications which acted not only as the main line of defense against hostile attacks, but also as the conventional boundary between the town and the surrounding agricultural area.<br><br>The imposing late 4th century AD fortifications of Thessaloniki incorporated the earlier defense wall dating from the middle of the 3rd century AD, which it used as a buttress. This latter wall had been built hastily, using earlier architectural material, to protect the city from the raids of the Goths. The new walls had the shape of a trapezium and were about 8 km long. In the lower, more vulnerable section of the city, they were strengthened by an outwork and had stout triangular bulwarks placed at frequent intervals. Towers were built on the slopes of the hill, most of them rectangular. Triangular bulwarks alternated with rectangular towers at the most sensitive within it points of the Acropolis. On the side facing the sea, the city was protected by the sea wall, which also incorporated architectural members taken from the late Roman buildings in the Agora, probably for use in repairs made after the earthquakes of 620-630. This wall was low, and its outer face stood in the sea, and during the siege of Thessaloniki by the Saracens in 904, the general Petronios therefore planned to construct a submarine barrier by throwing sarcophagi and funerary stelai into the sea in front of the sea wall. The plan was not brought to completion, however, and the Saracens entered the city from the sea. The sea wall was later reinforced, before the siege of Thessaloniki by the Normans.<br><br>At the south-west end of the sea wall was the large artificial harbor that was constructed by Constantine during his stay in Thessaloniki (322-323). The harbor was protected by a breakwater, referred to as molos in the 7th century and later as the tzeremboulo. There was a second, natural harbor called Kellarion on the east coast of the Thermaic Gulf.<br><br>The Acropolis was appended to the exterior of the north-east section of the enceinte, and followed the general arrangement of the fortifications in the lower city, with alternating rectangular towers and defensive triangular bulwarks at its most vulnerable points. Evidence that the Acropolis was a later addition is furnished by the orientation of the towers on the dividing wall: these faced the interior of the Acropolis on what was originally the outer face of the city fortification wall. Inside the Acropolis there is a large cistern in the south-east section which was used for the city's water supply. On the north edge of the perimeter wall is the Fortress of the Heptapyrgion, to the south of which an Early Christian basilica has been excavated.<br><br>The city has four main entrances: two Gates in each of the east and west walls, set at the ends of the two parallel main streets. The entrance to Thessaloniki from the west was via the Golden Gate, from which ran the main street of the city, the Via Regia of the Roman period, called Leophoros by the Byzantines, which lies beneath the modern Egnatia Street. The second gate at the west was the Letaia Gate, standing on the western extension of the modern Ayiou Dimitriou Street, beneath which ran a second ancient artery. In the east wall we know of the Cassandreia Gate (later the Kalamaria Gate) to which the Leophoros led, the New Golden Gate at the east end of Ayiou Dimitriou Street, and two other gates, the Asomatoi Gate and the Rome Gate. Smaller gates in the north wall of the city mainly served military needs. The Acropolis communicated with the city through a large gateway in the dividing wall, according to the Byzantine authors. Finally, there were two smaller gates in the Acropolis enceinte, communicating with the countryside.<br><br>Large towers and forts acted as nodal points in the perimeter of the walls. Their present form is the outcome of major works undertaken by the Turks after the capture of the city to strengthen its fortifications and adapt them to the new requirements of artillery warfare. At the east end of the sea wall, where it joins the east wall, stands the White Tower, probably on the site of the 'eastern tower by the sea' mentioned by Byzantine authors.<br><br>Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) built the Vardari Fort at the south-west edge of the enceinte, to protect the west side of the harbor. The east section of the perimeter wall of this fortress incorporated part of the west wall of the Early Christian period. At the north end of the east wall is the Chain Tower. In the 15th century this tower replaced the Byzantine Trigonion Tower, which was incorporated in its structure; before the eighteenth century, it was used as a gunpowder magazine and arsenal.<br><br>At the end of the 19th century, the sea wall began gradually to be demolished, followed by large sections of the land walls in the lower, flat area of the city. The surviving fortifications, however, a length of almost 4 km, including the Acropolis and the Heptapyrgion, form an imposing complex. The line of the sea wall is being uncovered by excavations.<br><br></p></font>
  881. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Source</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Wandering in Byzantine Thessaloniki by E. Kourkoutidou-Nikolaidou<br><br></p></font>
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  1102. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is one of the largest museums in Greece and the central museum of northern Greece. Ιt has been housed in a building, designed by architect Patroklos Karantinos since 1962 and it has been designated as a listed monument of modern heritage, as it is one of the most representative examples of architectural modernism in Greece. Its collections include artifacts and assemblages from excavations conducted since 1912 by the Greek Antiquities Service throughout Macedonia. The museum also houses objects that used to be part of private collections and were later donated to it.<br><br>The Museum's exhibition proposal comprises of eight units, through which the visitors come in contact with the world of ancient Macedonia, its culture and its people:<br><br>1.&nbsp;Prehistoric Macedonia<br><br>2.&nbsp;Towards the Birth of Cities<br><br>3.Macedonia form the 7th c. BC until the late antiquity<br><br>4.&nbsp;Thessaloniki, Metropolis of Macedonia<br><br>5.&nbsp;The Gold of Macedon<br><br>6.&nbsp;Field, House, Garden, Grave<br><br>7.&nbsp;Memory in stone<br><br>8.&nbsp;Macedonia: from fragments to pixels</p></font>
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  1106. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">SUMMER OPENING<br>April 12 - November 11, 8:00 to 20:00 daily<br><br>WINTER OPENING<br>November 12 - March 31, 9:00 to 16:00 daily<br><br>CLOSED<br>25 and 26 December, 1 January, 25 March, Easter Sunday, 1 May<br><br>Visiting hours are subject to change without notice. For more information and confirmation please call us on +30 2313 310201.<br><br>Groups can visit after confirmation via telephone<br><br></p></font>
  1108. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">1st April-31st October<br>Main ticket 8€<br>Reduced ticket 4€<br><br>1st November-31st March<br>Ticket 4€<br><br>Combined ticket<br>Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, White Tower, Archaeological Site and Museum of Roman Agora, Galerian Complex-Arched Hall<br>Main ticket 15€<br>Reduced ticket 8€<br>Duration 3 days<br><br></p></font>
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  1320. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum of Byzantine Culture</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The museum, is one of the most important museums of the country, with valuable Byzantine exhibits dating back from the Early Byzantine period to the Turkish occupation.The Museum of Byzantine Culture has been awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize for 2005, for its significant contribution to the understanding of European cultural heritage. The jury described the museum as "visitor-friendly, with an educational emphasis on children".<br><br>From the bright stillness of its enclosed courtyard to the intimate darkness of the textured interiors, this contemporary structure designed by award-winning architect and painter Kyriakos Korkos, evokes a sense of sanctuary, ideally suited to the exploration of the early Christian era through the middle Byzantine period.<br><br>The culture of the middle Byzantium period is explored through the sculptures, icons, artifacts and jewelry in an exhibition on the Macedonian and Comnenus dynasties. Artifacts of the dynasties of the Byzantine Emperors follow, then “The Twilight of Byzantium: 1204-1453” to complete this experience of both the sacred and secular throughout Byzantium. <br><br></p></font>
  1322. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1324. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">SUMMER OPENING<br>7 April 2017 until 31 October 2017<br>Every day 8:00–20:00<br><br>WINTER OPENING<br>1 November 2016 until 31 March 2017<br>Every day 9:00–16:00<br><br></p></font>
  1326. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">1st April-31st October<br>Main ticket 8€<br>Reduced ticket 4€<br><br>1st November-31st March<br>Ticket 4€<br><br>Combined ticket<br>Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, White Tower, Archaeological Site and Museum of Roman Agora, Galerian Complex-Arched Hall<br>Main ticket 15€<br>Reduced ticket 8€<br>Duration 3 days<br><br></p></font>
  1328. <div class="divbyz">
  1329. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2 Stratou Avenue<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54640 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2313 306400<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2313 306402<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  1378. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum of Byzantine Culture</p></font></h1>
  1379. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  1534. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">War Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The museum is a department of the War Museum of Athens. It’s gates opened to the public in the year 2000.<br><br>The history of the building, though, began in 1902 when its construction was concluded, based of blueprints from the Italian architect Vitalliano Posseli. Nowadays, it hosts in its exhibitions more than 10.000 relics composing the modern history of Greece.<br><br>Starting with the pre-evolution years and ending with the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, in 1974, visitors have the opportunity to relive the Greek War of Independence, the Balkan Wars as well as the two World Wars. In this historical frame visitors also have the opportunity to interact with exhibits belonging to different nations that took part in all the eras whether as enemies or allies of the Greek Armed Forces.<br><br></p></font>
  1536. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1538. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">SUMMER OPENING<br>Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00-19:00<br>Sunday: 9:00-17:00<br>Monday: 11:00-16:00<br><br>WINTER OPENING<br>Tuesday-Saturday: 9:00-17:00<br>Sunday: 9:00-15:00<br>Monday: 11:00-16:00<br><br>CLOSED<br>January 1st, Great & Holy Friday, G.&H. Sunday, Sunday Easter, Easter Monday, May 1st, December 25th, December 26th<br><br></p></font>
  1540. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">General Admission 4€<br>Reduced Admission 2€<br>Monday 2€<br><br></p></font>
  1542. <div class="divwar">
  1543. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4, Grigoriou Lampraki Str.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54636 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 249803<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 249804<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 893731<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  1585. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">War Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1>
  1586. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  1745. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum of the Macedonian Struggle</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle owes its existence to the Society "Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle", a private association founded in Thessaloniki in 1979.<br><br>The Museum has been in operation since 1982 in the neoclassical building, whose plans were drawn by the famous architect Ernst Ziller. This building was the seat of the Greek General Consul during the period 1893-1912. During the period of the Macedonian Struggle (1904-1908), which is actually the fight of Macedonia to set free from the Turkish and Bulgarian occupation and unite with Greece, the Greek Consulate of Thessaloniki became a secret centre of operations, where military officers were met and guidelines were given for the evolution of the struggle. <br><br>The most important exhibits are the weapons, uniforms and personal items belonging to the leaders of the Macedonian Struggle (1904-1908), as well as a collection of 1,350 photographs from that period. In the basement of the building one can view life-size dioramas with representation of scenes of the Struggle and on the first floor the visitor can watch an audiovisual show on the history of Macedonia in the 19th and 20th centuries. <br><br>There is also a Research Centre in the Museum, where an important collection of microphotographs of archival material on the period 1870-1912, as well as electronic data based on the local history of Macedonia are available for perusal and study.<br><br></p></font>
  1747. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1749. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Exhibition areas<br>Monday-Tuesday 9:00-14:00<br>Wednesday 9:00-22:00<br>Thursday-Friday 9:00-14:00<br>Saturday 10:00-14:00<br><br>The administration and the Center for Macedonian History and Documentation operate<br>Monday-Friday 09:00-14:00<br><br></p></font>
  1751. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Adults 2€<br>Students 1€<br>Group participation in educational programs costs 2€/person<br><br></p></font>
  1753. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Tours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The museum offers organized tours to groups of visitors.<br><br>Group tours and participation in educational programs must be arranged by appointment by calling the museum at (+30) 2310 229778.<br><br></p></font>
  1755. <div class="divmac">
  1756. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;23, Proxenou Koromila St<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54622 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 229778<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 233108<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  1799. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum of the Macedonian Struggle</p></font></h1>
  1800. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  1957. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Folklife and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia Thrace</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Folklore and Ethnological Museum was founded in 1973 by the Macedonian Educational Association and it is located in the building called “The Old Government House”.<br><br>The construction took place around 1905-1906 by architect Eli Modiano, who added to the eclectic style-mainly in the metal railings and door panels of the main entrance - elements of the “Art Nouveau”, the new artistic trends of the times mostly applied in Paris in the late 19th century.<br><br>The building became a Museum, after the first attentive restoration based on a study of experts under the Professor Nikolaos Moutsopoulos.<br><br>The four floors of the museum present the traditional culture of Macedonia and Thrace with collections of 15,000 objects (woven textiles, embroidery, local costumes, tools, weapons, domestic articles, musical instruments, and woodcarving, woodworking, and metalworking equipment).<br><br>The museum collects, researches, and studies everything in connection with the Macedonia and Thrace tradition and presents them to the public in temporary exhibitions. It has also a specialized library, a photographic archive and a library of records and sounds.<br><br></p></font>
  1959. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  1961. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">PUBLIC TRANSPORT</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Bus Stop Folklore Museum (Laografiko Mouseio)<br>From East: Νο 3, 5, 6, 8, 33, 39, 78<br>From West: Νο 5, 6, 8, 33, 78<br><br></p></font>
  1963. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Everyday except<br>Thursday 9:00-15:30<br>Every Wednesday 9:00-21:30<br><br></p></font>
  1965. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Main Ticket 2€<br>Reduced Ticket 1€<br><br></p></font>
  1967. <div class="divfol">
  1968. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;68, Vasilis Olgas<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;546 42 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 830591<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 889840<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 889855<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 844848<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
  1969. </div>
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  2011. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Folklife and Ethnological Museum of Macedonia Thrace</p></font></h1>
  2012. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
  2013. </div>
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  2171. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art was established in 1979 by a group of visionary people who wanted to create an institution that would on the one hand promote Greek and international contemporary art by informing the public about art and aesthetics, and on the other publicise contemporary Greek cultural life abroad. These aims are achieved by organising solo, group, and retrospective exhibitions, round tables, and talks and by taking part in international programmes. This is a living museum, which follows cultural movement at an international level.<br><br>It also offers guided tours and, in the framework of EU programmes, collaborates with other museums with a view to devising educational programmes for adults.<br><br>Other events hosted by the MMCA include lectures, discussions on subjects relating to aesthetics, art history, and the organisation of museums and collections, presentations of books and art projects, meetings with artists, happenings, and bazaars.<br><br>In the library two-and-a-half thousand titles of books and periodicals on subjects relating to painting, sculpture, engraving, architecture, and photography, all the catalogues published by the MMCA, audio-visual material, and the museum's archive of artists are available to the public.<br><br></p></font>
  2173. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2175. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Tuesdays-Thursdays-Fridays-Saturdays from 10:00 to 18:00<br>Wednesdays from 10:00 to 22:00<br>Sundays from 11:00 to 15:00<br>Monday closed<br><br></p></font>
  2177. <div class="divmacoart">
  2178. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Helexpo, 154, Egnatia St.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;546 36 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 240002<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 281567<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 281567<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
  2179. </div>
  2181. <br><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" style="width:25px"></a>
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  2228. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art</p></font></h1>
  2229. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  2380. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum in the Crypt of the Church of St Dimitrios</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Underneath the Church of St Demetrios is the place where St Demetrios, Thessaloniki’s patron saint, was martyred.<br><br>The crypt of Aghios Demetrios has been an archaeological site since its discovery in 1918. After 1950, some of the sculptures that survived the great fire of 1917, were transfered by S. Palakanides in the area of the fountain in an effort to remodel the whole place. In the years 1985-1988, excavations were conducted in the north part of the Crypt, and its remains were restored. An exhibition was organized, including the excavation finds as well as the antiquities that were rescued from the catastrophic fire.<br><br> A pamphlet on the exhibition has already been published, but a proper guide book to the museum is now in preparation.<br><br>The museum contains early Christian sculptures of the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries found in the church, Byzantine sculpture from the church, dated to the 11th-14th centuries, and various excavation finds (coins, pottery), dated to the 5th-14th centuries.<br><br></p></font>
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  2384. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Winter<br>Mondays Closed<br>Tuesday-Thursday 08:00-15:00<br>Friday 08:00-13:30 & 19:00-22:00<br>Saturday-Sunday 07:30-14:30<br><br>Rules<br>No shorts or sleeveless shirts<br><br></p></font>
  2386. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Free<br><br></p></font>
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  2389. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;St. Demetrios church<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54633 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 270591<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 247106<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  2432. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Museum in the Crypt of the Church of St Dimitrios</p></font></h1>
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  2594. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">White Tower Museum</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Τhe White Tower has housed the new permanent exhibition on Thessaloniki from the age of its founding in 316/15 B.C. to the present. The exhibition summarily presents aspects of the city’s history, which is distinguished by its long and unbroken historical presence.<br><br>The exhibition summarily presents aspects of the city’s history, which is distinguished by its long and unbroken historical presence. Over time, Thessaloniki never lost its “urban” and multicultural character. As Nikephoros Choumnos, a scholar and politician who lived in the thirteenth-fourteenth century and was for a time the governor of Thessaloniki, said in addressing the Thessalonians: “[y]ou make it obvious to everyone that no one remains without a homeland as long as Thessaloniki exists”, describing in figurative fashion the Thessalonians’ tolerance towards foreigners.<br><br>The exhibition’s design was guided by respect for the architectural identity of the monument and its enhancement. The large volume of information that needed to be presented within the monument’s relatively small exhibition space (450 square meters) led to the use of multi-media (videos, projections, interactive and audio applications) alongside printed graphic compositions (lightboxes), while the archaeological material employed was kept to a bare minimum. The limited area was also the reason why Greek is the only language used in the exhibition. For foreign visitors, the solution of an audio tour in English was chosen.<br><br>The goal of the exhibition is to “introduce” the city through a summary “narrative” of its history, above all to its residents, and to focus their interest on becoming further acquainted with it by visiting thematic museums and monuments.<br><br>The exhibition is organized thematically. Each floor features one major theme, developed over time. The main theme is briefly presented in the central space, with more detailed treatment in the surrounding rooms.<br><br>Information panels in the forecourt of the Tower provide initial information about the monument and exhibition content.<br><br></p></font>
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  2598. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Tuesdays to Sundays from 08:30 to 15:00<br><br></p></font>
  2600. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Full 3€<br>Reduced 2€<br><br>Combined ticket<br>Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, White Tower, Archaeological Site and Museum of Roman Agora, Galerian Complex-Arched Hall<br><br>Main ticket 15€<br>Reduced ticket 8€<br>Duration 3 days<br><br></p></font>
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  2603. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;St. Leoforos Nikis<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54640 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 267832<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  2800. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Thessaloniki Museum of Photography</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Thessaloniki Museum of Photography is the sole museum dedicated to the art of photography in Greece and is supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. It organizes every two years an international photography festival and its activity covers a national span, while it has undertaken important initiatives regarding Greek photography on an international level.<br><br>The Museum was founded in 1998 and was seated in Warehouse A on the First Pier of the Port of Thessaloniki in 2001.<br><br>The Museum activities have a three-fold goal:<br>a) collecting, documenting and promoting its permanent historical and contemporary photography collection<br>b) organizing and curating exhibitions and publications which study the photographic art and its numerous applications and multifaceted impact on societies<br>c) developing educational activities through which the public of all ages becomes familiar with the technical secrets of the image as well as the challenges stemming from the age of the image.<br><br></p></font>
  2802. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2804. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Monday closed<br>Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Saturday / Sunday 11:00–19:00<br>Friday 11:00–22:00<br><br></p></font>
  2806. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">General admission 2€<br><br>Students / Visitors 65 years of age and over / Having many children / Group visits 1€<br><br>Persons with disabilitie s/ Minors (under 18) / Students of Fine Arts, Photography, Audiovisual Arts from Higher Educational Institutions/Employees of Ministry of Culture / Journalists / Guides / Conscripts of compulsory military service / Holders of Ministry of Culture card-ICOM card-unemployment card 0€<br></p></font>
  2808. <div class="divphomus">
  2809. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3, Navarchou Votsi str.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Warehouse A’,Port<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54624 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 566716<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 566717<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br></a>
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  2859. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Thessaloniki Museum of Photography</p></font></h1>
  2860. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  3013. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Thessaloniki Cinema Museum</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Thessaloniki Cinema Museum was founded in1997 when the city of Thessaloniki was selected as the Cultural Capital of Europe. This initiative coincided with the worldwide commemoration of the centenary of Cinematography.<br><br>It is located in a warehouse on the first wharf of the port of Thessaloniki covering an area of 1100m.<br><br>According to its charter, the Thessaloniki Museum of Cinema exists to collect, preserve and display cinematographic artefacts in Greece. For that purpose, the museum organizes educational and research programs in collaboration with others museums to study and document any artefacts in some way related to cinema.<br><br>The Museum invites the visitor to go through a collection of displays not exclusively related to cinema. Visitors experience a “collection of cinematic instances”. In an atmosphere of dimness the collection unravels as a film composed by brief instances-sequences in the history of the Greek Cinema. Images and sounds from a selection of projections, posters, photographs and objects are not displayed in the traditional museological way but co-exist in order to intersect and create a cinematic illusion in which the visitor gradually transcends.<br><br></p></font>
  3015. <iframe width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3017. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays<br>from 09:00 to 15:00<br><br>Wednesdays and Fridays <br>09:00 to 19:00<br><br></p></font>
  3019. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Full 3€<br>Reduced 2€<br><br>Combined ticket<br>Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, White Tower, Archaeological Site and Museum of Roman Agora, Galerian Complex-Arched Hall<br><br>Main ticket 15€<br>Reduced ticket 8€<br>Duration 3 days<br><br></p></font>
  3021. <div class="divcinemus">
  3022. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Seaport Warehouse A<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54110 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 508398<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; +30 2310 306400<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br><br></a>
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  3065. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Thessaloniki Cinema Museum</p></font></h1>
  3066. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  3217. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">State Museum of Contemporary Art</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The State Museum of Contemporary Art is situated in the northeast wing of the Moni Lazariston complex, with a total area of 3,300 square meters. The building was modified into a museum according to modern international standards. The exhibition halls of the museum permanently house part of the Costakis Collection, which alternates periodically.<br><br>Today, it is one of the most prominent foundations that hosts and projects works of modern and contemporary art.<br><br></p></font>
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  3221. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">State Museum of Contemporary Art (Moni Lazariston)<br>Tue-Wed-Fri-Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00, Thu 10:00-22:00, Mon closed<br>until 29.09.2017 closed<br><br>Contemporary Art Centre of Thessaloniki, port of Thessaloniki<br>Tue-Wed-Fri-Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00, Thu 10:00-22:00, Mon closed<br><br></p></font>
  3223. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Full ticket 3€<br>Pupils-Students 1,5€<br>Students groups 1€ per person<br>Admission free for certain groups with a valid ID.<br></p></font>
  3225. <div class="divstateart">
  3226. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;21, Kolokotroni str., Moni Lazariston<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;56430 Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel.secretary office +30 2310 589140/1<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel.reception +30 2310 589143<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00-18:00<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fax. +30 2310 600123<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br></a>
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  3436. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Water Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Waterworks Museum of Thessaloniki is located into the historic building complex of the old Central Pumping Station of Thessaloniki which belonged to the former Water Supply Company of the city. The history of the Waterworks Museum of Thessaloniki dates back to the late 19th century, when Belgian engineers constructed the building complex of the city’s water supply network, which at the time was a project under the management of Belgian financiers. The museum was officially constructed in the year of 2000 after being declared a listed monument in 1987.<br><br>The museum is open for the public since 2001 and features four visiting areas:<br>
  3437. The main building of the old Pumping Station, where visitors have the chance to admire the electric power generation equipment and the large pumping stations that were supplying with water the entire city of Thessaloniki until 1978.<br>The impressive restored hall of the old Boilers.<br>The Administration building, where a specialized library on water and hydraulic works is provided, along with old photographs, historic maps and projects regarding the water works of the 19th and the 20th century.<br>And finally the Water Park, where historical pumping stations and water pipelines adorn the outdoor areas of the Waterworks Museum.<br><br>The aim of the Waterworks Museum of Thessaloniki is to highlight the importance of the water as a natural source, to promote the essential role of Thessaloniki’s water supply network and as a final point to exhibit the Greek heritage.<br><br></p></font>
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  3442. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;19, 26 Oktovriou str.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54627 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 514029<br></p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br></a>
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  3634. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Sports Museum was established in Thessaloniki in 1998 with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Macedonia – Thrace, the Special Secretariat for Sports, Athletic Unions and Associations of Local Authorities. In 2001, the Museum transformed into a non-profit private institution, named “SPORT MUSEUM of THESSALONIKI”.<br><br> In January 2008, the International Olympic Committee recognized the Museum as the first Olympic Museum of the country, with the name THESSALONIKI OLYMPIC MUSEUM. The supreme honor of the recognition of the Museum’s work and offer to the public of Central and North Greece was the turning point of the Museum’s entrance in its second decade.<br><br>The missions of the Museum are the conservation, promotion, information and innervation of the public in the issues of sport heritage, and also the communication and co-operation with agencies of the athletic family. In this frame was developed the exhibition movement of the Sports Museum, that was accompanied by publications, museological educational programs and parallel events.<br><br></p></font>
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  3638. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Daily 9:00-19:00<br>Saturday 10:00-16:00<br>Sunday 10:00-14:00<br><br></p></font>
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  3641. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Agiou Dimitriou and 3rd September str.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;54636 Thessaloniki<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 968531<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 968532<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;+30 2310 968726<br></p></font><a target="_blank" href=""><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal" align="left">&nbsp;</font><br></a>
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  3686. <h1><font face="arial" size="4" position="absolute" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Olympic Museum of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1>
  3687. <p><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(255,255,255)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Museums</p></font></p>
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  3840. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Archaeological Museum of Ancient (Roman) Forum, Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Ancient Forum, the administrative centre of ancient Thessaloniki, occupied an area about two hectares in the heart of the city. Its construction began at the end of the 2nd century A.D. on the site of an older forum dating from early Imperial times.<br><br>The complex was arranged around a rectangular paved square. There were stoas on three sides, each of which consisted of a double row of columns and provided direct access to a surrounding zone of public buildings. The southern stoa stood on a vaulted substructure (cryptoporticus) - a double arcade which lay partly underground, making use of the natural slope of the land. To the south, along the whole of the cryptoporticus, lay a row of shops fronting the ancient shopping street which ran along the north side of present-day Philippou St. Off this street lay minor entrances to the square, while the latter opened north, to the present-day Olympou St. In the middle of the east wing, on the site of an earlier council - chamber, a building for public performances was erected, which, on the basis of the inscription and the statues of Muses found there, must have functioned as an odeon.<br><br>The history of the area where the ancient forum is located in downtown Thessaloniki, and the most important events that have taken place in the metropolis, are reconstructed through the exhibits on display in the new Roman Forum Museum.<br><br>The underground museum is a continuation of a hidden stoa (gallery) and features findings from the Hellenistic era, when vessel and statuette workshops thrived in the area, as well as from the “golden age” of the Roman Forum up to the 4th century when it ceased being a regional administrative centre and the pottery workshops reappeared. The museum also features exhibits from the Ottoman period until the 1917 fire that destroyed most of the city.<br><br></p></font>
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  4055. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Arch of Galerius</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>South of the Rotunda was the triumphal Arch of Triumph in the ancient city Timgad (Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi) of Algeria. The triumphal arch was a type of monument of Roman architecture. More Information
  4056. (known today as “Kamara”), probably built by the city of Thessaloniki between 298 and 305 A.D. to commemorate Galerius’ victorious campaign against the Persians.<br><br>In its final form, the structure consisted of eight piers arranged in two parallel rows, four in each row. Between the piers were created three arched openings, of which the central one was wider and higher than the other two. The four central piers, which carried marble slabs with relief decoration, were larger than the outer piers and were connected by semi-circular arches supporting a dome.<br><br>Today only three of the eight original piers are preserved (the position of the destroyed central piers on the east is indicated on the sidewalk of Egnatia Street by a different paving), of which two carry reliefs depicting scenes from the Romans’ victorious campaigns against the Persians in 297 A.D., in addition to symbolic images propagandizing Galerius’ military might and the Tetrarchy’s power.<br><br>The triumphal arch was built at the intersection of two streets. One of these was the linear “processional way” with porticoes starting from the arch’s north side and concluding at the south gate to the Rotunda’s enclosure; the other was a main avenue, the Roman decumanus maximus, Mesi or “Leoforos” as it was called by the Byzantines, which traversed the city from west-east. This avenue, of which remains have been found beneath the street paving and north of the modern-day Egnatia Street, passed directly between the main piers of the triumphal arch and concluded at the Kassandreotiki (Cassandrian) Gate of the eastern wall (at Syntrivani Square). In this section, the street had a width of about ten meters and was flanked on either side by porticoes which ended at the openings of the small piers of the Arch. Shops opened up behind and along the length of the porticoes, which were 5.50 meters wide.<br><br>Directly abutting on the smaller southern piers of the Arch was a large rectangular vestibule (42.70 x 17.65m.), remains of which were found beneath the paving of Egnatia Street. The floor of the vestibule was 0.90 meter below that of the porticoes, and it had a mosaic paving featuring geometric and vegetal motifs. There was an opening (approximately 18 m.) in its southern wall from which a monumental marble staircase (4 m. in length, 11 stairs) began. According to some researchers, it led to a large city square through which one could enter the Hippodrome, which lay to its east.<br><br>South of the square, the so-called “Apsidal Hall” of the complex was built. Today its remains are visible at the archaeological site on D. Gounari Street.<br><br></p></font>
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  4253. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Galerian Complex-Arched Hall</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Galerian Complex, the most important monumental group in Thessaloniki, was built at the turning-point of two worlds, the Roman and Byzantine. Its erection began in the late 3rd century-early 4th century AD, when the Caesar Galerius Valerianus Maximianus.<br><br>During Early Christian times, important 4th century emperorsHead of the colossal statue of Constantine I, Musei Capitolini, Rome. Marble, Roman artwork, 313–324 CE photo by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT.<br><br>Significant building remains of the complex came to light in excavations carried out during the second half of the 20th century. Some of these, like the Apsidal Hall and the buildings at the archaeological site in Navarinou Square, are visible and open to the public, though most have been buried due to the reconstruction of the historic city center.<br><br>In 2008, the archaeological site received an award from the European Union and Europa Nostrafor the exceptional and exemplary restoration and conservation of its ruins, as well as the totality of interventions which transformed an abandoned site into a well-organized, educational one which functions as a pole of attraction in the heart of the contemporary city.<br><br></p></font>
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  4442. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Byzantine Walls of Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The ancient city was organized and evolved within its fortifications which acted not only as the main line of defense against hostile attacks, but also as the conventional boundary between the town and the surrounding agricultural area.<br><br>The imposing late 4th century AD fortifications of Thessaloniki incorporated the earlier defense wall dating from the middle of the 3rd century AD, which it used as a buttress. This latter wall had been built hastily, using earlier architectural material, to protect the city from the raids of the Goths. The new walls had the shape of a trapezium and were about 8 km long. In the lower, more vulnerable section of the city, they were strengthened by an outwork and had stout triangular bulwarks placed at frequent intervals. Towers were built on the slopes of the hill, most of them rectangular. Triangular bulwarks alternated with rectangular towers at the most sensitive within it points of the Acropolis. On the side facing the sea, the city was protected by the sea wall, which also incorporated architectural members taken from the late Roman buildings in the Agora, probably for use in repairs made after the earthquakes of 620-630. This wall was low, and its outer face stood in the sea, and during the siege of Thessaloniki by the Saracens in 904, the general Petronios therefore planned to construct a submarine barrier by throwing sarcophagi and funerary stelai into the sea in front of the sea wall. The plan was not brought to completion, however, and the Saracens entered the city from the sea. The sea wall was later reinforced, before the siege of Thessaloniki by the Normans.<br><br>At the south-west end of the sea wall was the large artificial harbor that was constructed by Constantine during his stay in Thessaloniki (322-323). The harbor was protected by a breakwater, referred to as molos in the 7th century and later as the tzeremboulo. There was a second, natural harbor called Kellarion on the east coast of the Thermaic Gulf.<br><br>The Acropolis was appended to the exterior of the north-east section of the enceinte, and followed the general arrangement of the fortifications in the lower city, with alternating rectangular towers and defensive triangular bulwarks at its most vulnerable points. Evidence that the Acropolis was a later addition is furnished by the orientation of the towers on the dividing wall: these faced the interior of the Acropolis on what was originally the outer face of the city fortification wall. Inside the Acropolis there is a large cistern in the south-east section which was used for the city's water supply. On the north edge of the perimeter wall is the Fortress of the Heptapyrgion, to the south of which an Early Christian basilica has been excavated.<br><br>The city has four main entrances: two Gates in each of the east and west walls, set at the ends of the two parallel main streets. The entrance to Thessaloniki from the west was via the Golden Gate, from which ran the main street of the city, the Via Regia of the Roman period, called Leophoros by the Byzantines, which lies beneath the modern Egnatia Street. The second gate at the west was the Letaia Gate, standing on the western extension of the modern Ayiou Dimitriou Street, beneath which ran a second ancient artery. In the east wall we know of the Cassandreia Gate (later the Kalamaria Gate) to which the Leophoros led, the New Golden Gate at the east end of Ayiou Dimitriou Street, and two other gates, the Asomatoi Gate and the Rome Gate. Smaller gates in the north wall of the city mainly served military needs. The Acropolis communicated with the city through a large gateway in the dividing wall, according to the Byzantine authors. Finally, there were two smaller gates in the Acropolis enceinte, communicating with the countryside.<br><br>Large towers and forts acted as nodal points in the perimeter of the walls. Their present form is the outcome of major works undertaken by the Turks after the capture of the city to strengthen its fortifications and adapt them to the new requirements of artillery warfare. At the east end of the sea wall, where it joins the east wall, stands the White Tower, probably on the site of the 'eastern tower by the sea' mentioned by Byzantine authors.<br><br>Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) built the Vardari Fort at the south-west edge of the enceinte, to protect the west side of the harbor. The east section of the perimeter wall of this fortress incorporated part of the west wall of the Early Christian period. At the north end of the east wall is the Chain Tower. In the 15th century this tower replaced the Byzantine Trigonion Tower, which was incorporated in its structure; before the eighteenth century, it was used as a gunpowder magazine and arsenal.<br><br>At the end of the 19th century, the sea wall began gradually to be demolished, followed by large sections of the land walls in the lower, flat area of the city. The surviving fortifications, however, a length of almost 4 km, including the Acropolis and the Heptapyrgion, form an imposing complex. The line of the sea wall is being uncovered by excavations.<br><br>The ancient city was organized and evolved within its fortifications which acted not only as the main line of defense against hostile attacks, but also as the conventional boundary between the town and the surrounding agricultural area.<br><br>The imposing late 4th century AD fortifications of Thessaloniki incorporated the earlier defense wall dating from the middle of the 3rd century AD, which it used as a buttress. This latter wall had been built hastily, using earlier architectural material, to protect the city from the raids of the Goths. The new walls had the shape of a trapezium and were about 8 km long. In the lower, more vulnerable section of the city, they were strengthened by an outwork and had stout triangular bulwarks placed at frequent intervals. Towers were built on the slopes of the hill, most of them rectangular. Triangular bulwarks alternated with rectangular towers at the most sensitive within it points of the Acropolis. On the side facing the sea, the city was protected by the sea wall, which also incorporated architectural members taken from the late Roman buildings in the Agora, probably for use in repairs made after the earthquakes of 620-630. This wall was low, and its outer face stood in the sea, and during the siege of Thessaloniki by the Saracens in 904, the general Petronios therefore planned to construct a submarine barrier by throwing sarcophagi and funerary stelai into the sea in front of the sea wall. The plan was not brought to completion, however, and the Saracens entered the city from the sea. The sea wall was later reinforced, before the siege of Thessaloniki by the Normans.<br><br>At the south-west end of the sea wall was the large artificial harbor that was constructed by Constantine during his stay in Thessaloniki (322-323). The harbor was protected by a breakwater, referred to as molos in the 7th century and later as the tzeremboulo. There was a second, natural harbor called Kellarion on the east coast of the Thermaic Gulf.<br><br>The Acropolis was appended to the exterior of the north-east section of the enceinte, and followed the general arrangement of the fortifications in the lower city, with alternating rectangular towers and defensive triangular bulwarks at its most vulnerable points. Evidence that the Acropolis was a later addition is furnished by the orientation of the towers on the dividing wall: these faced the interior of the Acropolis on what was originally the outer face of the city fortification wall. Inside the Acropolis there is a large cistern in the south-east section which was used for the city's water supply. On the north edge of the perimeter wall is the Fortress of the Heptapyrgion, to the south of which an Early Christian basilica has been excavated.<br><br>The city has four main entrances: two Gates in each of the east and west walls, set at the ends of the two parallel main streets. The entrance to Thessaloniki from the west was via the Golden Gate, from which ran the main street of the city, the Via Regia of the Roman period, called Leophoros by the Byzantines, which lies beneath the modern Egnatia Street. The second gate at the west was the Letaia Gate, standing on the western extension of the modern Ayiou Dimitriou Street, beneath which ran a second ancient artery. In the east wall we know of the Cassandreia Gate (later the Kalamaria Gate) to which the Leophoros led, the New Golden Gate at the east end of Ayiou Dimitriou Street, and two other gates, the Asomatoi Gate and the Rome Gate. Smaller gates in the north wall of the city mainly served military needs. The Acropolis communicated with the city through a large gateway in the dividing wall, according to the Byzantine authors. Finally, there were two smaller gates in the Acropolis enceinte, communicating with the countryside.<br><br>Large towers and forts acted as nodal points in the perimeter of the walls. Their present form is the outcome of major works undertaken by the Turks after the capture of the city to strengthen its fortifications and adapt them to the new requirements of artillery warfare. At the east end of the sea wall, where it joins the east wall, stands the White Tower, probably on the site of the 'eastern tower by the sea' mentioned by Byzantine authors.<br><br>Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) built the Vardari Fort at the south-west edge of the enceinte, to protect the west side of the harbor. The east section of the perimeter wall of this fortress incorporated part of the west wall of the Early Christian period. At the north end of the east wall is the Chain Tower. In the 15th century this tower replaced the Byzantine Trigonion Tower, which was incorporated in its structure; before the eighteenth century, it was used as a gunpowder magazine and arsenal.<br><br>At the end of the 19th century, the sea wall began gradually to be demolished, followed by large sections of the land walls in the lower, flat area of the city. The surviving fortifications, however, a length of almost 4 km, including the Acropolis and the Heptapyrgion, form an imposing complex. The line of the sea wall is being uncovered by excavations.<br><br></p></font>
  4445. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Source</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Wandering in Byzantine Thessaloniki by E. Kourkoutidou-Nikolaidou<br><br></p></font>
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  4639. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Monument Heptapyrgion-Yedi Kule</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>Monument Heptapyrgion, also popularly known by its Ottoman name as Yedi Kule. It is a Byzantine and Ottoman-era fortress situated on the acropolis of Thessaloniki in Ano Poli and was probably named after the Yedikule Fortress in Constantinople. It served as the major redoubt of the city’s acropolis, as well as the seat of its garrison commander in Ottoman times, until the late 19th century. It was then converted to a prison, which remained open until 1989. Restoration and archaeological work began in the 1970s and continues to this day.<br><br>The fortress has towered over the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, for over 1,000 years. It was first constructed during the Byzantine era (330 AD to 1453 AD), although this most recent version was rebuilt by the Ottomans after they conquered the city in the 1400s. It goes by a few names: Heptapyrgion, Eptapyrgio, and Yedi Kule, all of which mean “Fortress of Seven Towers.” It’s a bit of a misnomer, though, as the fortress actually has 10 towers.<br><br>After the Ottoman invasion, Heptapyrgion remained a prominent point within Thessaloniki’s acropolis. It was under the military’s control, becoming the residence for the city’s military advisor and a garrison for about 300 troops. But by the 19th century, the military’s interest in the fort had dwindled. It was soon converted into a prison.<br><br>To the Greeks, Heptapyrgion is haunted by memories of turbulent periods within their recent history. The fortress held political prisoners during troubled times like the fascist dictatorship of 1936, the years of Nazi occupation and the civil war that followed it, and the seven year-long military junta that began in 1967. Those interned there faced harsh conditions. Torture was common, and hundreds of inmates were executed at an infamous spot not far from the fortress.<br><br>After the prison closed in 1989, restoration and archaeological work began on the site. It’s possible to visit today. There’s a creepy feeling as you enter the prison through a narrow corridor with the guardhouse at its end. Once inside, you feel totally cut off—the high walls around you block both the view and the sounds of the outside world. You almost sense the presence of the prisoners as you walk past the locked iron doors of the cells and into the dark, cold solitary confinement wing.<br><br></p></font>
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  4829. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Alexander the Great Monument</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The imposing bronze statue of Alexander the Great riding his faithful companion of 20 years, Bucephalus, dominates Thessaloniki's Nea Paralia, a few meters away from another city landmark, the White Tower. This is one of the city's most photographed sights, which was erected in 1973 with public fundraising. It was unveiled in 1974. The equestrian statue of the Macedonian commander was created by the sculptor Evangelos Moustakas and is the tallest in Greece, reaching almost 6.15 meters in height.<br><br></p></font>
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  5019. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">The Byzantine Baths</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Byzantine baths in Theotokopoulou street in the Upper City are one of the rate samples of Byzantine Baths still extant in Greece. The building is dated in the late 13th century. It is small but it has all the basic rooms necessary for baths since the Roman or early Ottoman years (hot rooms, water tank, warm water, fire area).<br><br></p></font>
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  5206. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ottoman architecture in Thessaloniki</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The city included numerous Ottoman buildings. A number of djamis have been preserved, such as the Hamza Bey Camii of 1467 – 68, the Alaca Imaret Camii of 1484, the Yeni Camii of the early 20th century, as well as other public buildings, such as the Bay Hamam, an impressive double bath of the mid 15th century, an inn and some fountains in the upper city.<br><br>They cannot compete in size, quality and decoration with the buildings of Constantinople, especially since in the case of Thessaloniki, the most important djamis were but altered old Christian churches (Rotonda, Acheropoietos, Hagios Demetrios, Hagia Sophia). Nevertheless, they serve as notable examples of provincial architecture and they eloquently speak of the historic part of the city.<br><br></p></font>
  5210. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Bezesteni Market</p></font></h1><img src="" width="400" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The Turkish word Bezesteni or Bezesten is derived from the Persian word Bezzazistan which means "clothing materials market." These markets sold silk and other expensive materials and this is the main reason why they were always guarded. The Thessaloniki Bezesten was built around the end of the 15th century in a rectangular design covered by six lead domes.<br><br></p></font>
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  5218. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Bey Hamam (The "Paradissos" Baths)</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">The "Paradissos" (paradise) bath-house in the centre of Thessaloniki is the original Bey Hamam built in 1444 by the sultan Murat II, conqueror of Thessaloniki.<br><br></p></font>
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  5225. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Alatza Imaret</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>Alatza Imaret was built in 1484 by Ishak pasta, who had been appointed governor of Thessaloniki during the reign of Sultan Bayezid II (1481-1512). During his stay in the city he built a mosque which also served as Imaret (poorhouse). The building comprises a spacious central rectangular prayer room covered by two equal spherical domes, and side rooms that served other functions, such as teaching, providing food for the poor, etc. Nowadays is used as an exhibition gallery for the Municipality of Thessaloniki.<br><br></p></font>
  5227. <iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3027.5785289310716!2d22.947452850700362!3d40.63917594990353!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x14a839ac6fae17f9%3A0x256171ae4f860277!2zzpHOu86xz4TOts6sIM6ZzrzOsc-Bzq3PhA!5e0!3m2!1sel!2sgr!4v1519168204053" width="400" height="150" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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  5233. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Alkazar</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>Alkazar is known as the Hamza Bey Tzami was build in 1484.<br><br></p></font>
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  5239. <br><br>
  5240. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Pasha Hamam</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Pasha Hamam also known as the phoinix baths, was build by Chezeri Pasha in the 1520s, on the site of an earlier Byzantine Bath.<br><br></p></font>
  5243. <iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3027.4655877720065!2d22.93494435070046!3d40.641666149751394!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x14a839a417ff46fd%3A0xf5a817a0548d651e!2zzpvOv8-Fz4TPgc6sIM6mzr_Or869zrnOvg!5e0!3m2!1sel!2sgr!4v1519174785389" width="400" height="150" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5246. <br><br>
  5247. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Yahudi Hamam(the florists' shoos)</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The building that now hosts flower-shops, a use that gave the name "looudadika" in Vassileos Irakliou Street was originally a Turkish bath constructed in the 16th century.<br><br></p></font>
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  5255. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Yeni Hamam (the "Aigli" cinena)</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Turkish baths Yeni Hamam were built in the 16th century The structure was used for decades as a cinema, and recently as an famous entertainment venue.<br><br></p></font>
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  5263. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Yeni Dzami</p></font></h1><img src="" width="460" height="345"><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Yeny Dzami is the old archaeological museum. Designed by Vitaliano Posselli this ornate building was build in 1902 by Dönmen (Islamicised Jews). Marble sarcophagi, sculptures and various arhitechular elements from ancient buildings still lie in its yard from when it was a museum. Now used by the city for exhibitions.<br><br></p></font>
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  5464. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">UMBRELLAS</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The "Umbrellas" is an impressive work of art by the famous sculptor Giorgios Zoggolopoulos and is one of the attractions in Thessaloniki that catches the attention of every visitor. Centrally located along Nea Paralia you’ll be charmed by its commanding presence and large size (the umbrellas are 13 meters tall and give the impression that they reach the sky). For the record, this particular work by Zoggolopoulos was exhibited for the first time at the Venice Biennale in 1993, where it received excellent reviews and in 1997 was displayed outside the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki.<br><br></p></font>
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  5661. <h1><font face="arial black" size="5.9" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki - Vila Bianca</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="3" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left"><br><br>The Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki is housed in a wonderful building, fine example of the eclectic style of architecture that flourished in Thessaloniki, especially in the then suburban district known as "the Towers" or "the Villas", at the turn of the century. The building was the creation of the famous Italian artist Piedro Arrigoni. Its construction started in 1911 and was completed in 1913 by Ntemprelis Tzortzis Siagas after the city’s liberation by the Greek Army.<br><br>The gallery is home to an impressive collection of Byzantine icons, as well as works of Thessalonian artists, including engravings and other works. Besides its permanent exhibitions, the gallery hosts many temporary exhibitions of Greek and foreign artists and regularly collaborates with art foundations and museums from Greece and abroad.<br><br>Thus it has presented such artists as Max Ernst and Nikos Engonopoulos (in 1997), Theofilos Hadzimihaïl (in 1998), and, for the first time in Greece, the works of Nikolaos Gyzis owned by his family (in late 1999). The latter include drawings and oil paintings from Gyzis’s travels in Greece, Asia Minor, and Germany, family portraits and scenes, allegorical subjects, genre paintings, and still lifes.<br><br></p></font>
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  5666. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Ηours</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Tuesdays–Fridays 10:00–17:00<br>Saturdays 11:00–15:00<br>Sundays and Mondays Closed<br><br>CLOSED<br><br></p></font>
  5668. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left">Entrance fee</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">Free admission<br><br></p></font>
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  5671. <h1><font face="arial black" size="3" style="color:rgb(38,38,38)" style="font-weight:bold"><p align="left"><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact</p></font></h1><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;180, Vas. Olgas & Them. Sofouli Str.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2313 318538<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></font>
  5673. <br><font face="arial" size="2.8" style="color:rgb(0,0,0)" style="font-weight:normal"><p align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The jurisdiction of the Municipal Gallery fall two<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;more buildings, on which there are exhibitions<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and events, the Yeni Mosque, Archaeological<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Museum of 30 and Alatza Imaret, Kassandrou<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;str. 91-93.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Yeni Mosque<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Days and hours of operation<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tuesday to Friday 10:00–18:00<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Saturday 11:00–15:00<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sunday & Monday closed<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 857978<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Alatza Imaret<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Days and hours<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Tuesday to Sunday 11:00–18:00<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Monday closed<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;tel. +30 2310 278587<br><br></p></font>
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