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- /* :name=Write XLIFF (new) :description=
- * @Purpose: Export the whole project to XLF file for other CAT tools
- * @author: Kos Ivantsov
- * @date: 2016-04-02
- * @version: 1.0
- */
- /* set to true to write a settings file for Okapi Rainbow that can be
- * used to convert the XLF file produced by this script, to TMX.
- * Otherwise set to false */
- rainbow = true
- /* set to true to output only approved entries from XLF to TMX during
- * conversion in Rainbow */
- get_only_approved = true
- /* add xml:space='preserve' to each TU in the resultant XLF */
- preserve_spaces = true
- /* Changing this variable lets the user specify
- * what to do with untranslated segments
- * "copy" for copying source to target
- * "empty" for leaving the target empty
- * "ignore" for not including target element */
- xliffUntranslated = "copy"
- /* The value set for the following variable will
- * be inserted in empty translations as target */
- emptyTranslation = ''
- import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*
- import static org.omegat.util.Platform.*
- import org.omegat.util.StringUtil
- import
- def prop = project.projectProperties
- if (!prop) {
- final def title = 'Export project to XLIFF file(s)'
- final def msg = 'Please try again after you open a project.'
- showMessageDialog null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE
- return
- }
- def folder = prop.projectRoot+'script_output'+File.separator
- projname = new File(prop.getProjectRoot()).getName()
- // create folder if it doesn't exist
- if (! (new File (folder)).exists()) {
- (new File(folder)).mkdir()
- }
- filename = folder + projname +'.xlf'
- xliff_file = new File(filename).newWriter('UTF-8')
- count = transcount = untranscount = emptytranscount = ignorecount = writecount = 0
- sourceLocale = prop.getSourceLanguage().toString().toLowerCase()
- targetLocale = prop.getTargetLanguage().toString().toLowerCase()
- xmlspace = preserve_spaces ? "xml:space=\'preserve\'" : ""
- xliff_file.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
- """)
- files = project.projectFiles
- //files = project.projectFiles.subList(editor.@displayedFileIndex, editor.@displayedFileIndex + 1);
- for (i in 0 ..< files.size())
- {
- fi = files[i]
- xliff_file.append(""" <file original="$fi.filePath" source-language="$sourceLocale" target-language="$targetLocale" datatype="x-application/x-tmx+xml">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="0" approved="yes">
- <source xml:lang="$sourceLocale"><ph id="filename">==FILENAME: "$fi.filePath"==</ph>
- </source>
- <target xml:lang="$targetLocale" state="final"><ph id="filename">==FILENAME: "$fi.filePath"==</ph>
- </target>
- </trans-unit>\n""")
- for (j in 0 ..< fi.entries.size()) {
- def state
- def approved = ''
- def unitnote = ''
- def ignore = ''
- ste = fi.entries[j]
- seg_num = ste.entryNum()
- source = ste.getSrcText()
- info = project.getTranslationInfo(ste)
- target = info ? info.translation : null
- def alltags = ''
- List xmlTags = []
- for (ProtectedPart pp : ste.getProtectedParts()) {
- alltags += pp.getTextInSourceSegment()
- xmlTags.add(StringUtil.makeValidXML(pp.getTextInSourceSegment()))
- }
- if (source == alltags) {
- count++
- ignorecount++
- continue
- }
- if (target != null) {
- approved = 'approved="yes"'
- state = 'state="final" state-qualifier="exact-match"'
- transcount++
- if (target.size() == 0 ) {
- target = emptyTranslation
- emptytranscount++
- }
- }else{
- state = 'state="needs-translation"'
- switch (xliffUntranslated) {
- case "copy" :
- target = source
- break
- case ["empty", "ignore"] :
- target = ''
- break
- default :
- target = source
- break
- }
- untranscount++
- }
- unitnote = (info.hasNote()) ? "\n <note>${StringUtil.makeValidXML(info.note)}</note>" : ""
- if (source != alltags){
- source = StringUtil.makeValidXML(source)
- target = StringUtil.makeValidXML(target)
- xmlTags = xmlTags.unique()
- for (x in 0 ..< xmlTags.size()){
- source = source.replace(xmlTags[x], "<ph id=\"$x\">" + xmlTags[x].toString() + "</ph>")
- target = target.replace(xmlTags[x], "<ph id=\"$x\">" + xmlTags[x].toString() + "</ph>")
- }
- targetLine = (target == '' && xliffUntranslated == "ignore") ? '' : "\n <target $state xml:lang=\"$targetLocale\"><mrk mid=\"0\" mtype=\"seg\">$target</mrk></target>"
- xliff_file.append("""\
- <trans-unit id="$seg_num" $xmlspace $approved>
- <source xml:lang="$sourceLocale">$source</source>
- <seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg">$source</mrk></seg-source>\
- $targetLine\
- $unitnote
- </trans-unit>\n""")
- writecount++
- }
- count++
- }
- xliff_file.append(" </body>\n </file>\n")
- }
- xliff_file.append("</xliff>")
- xliff_file.close()
- console.clear()
- console.println """\
- ${'*'*(filename.toString().size()+15)}
- Output file: $filename
- ${'*'*(filename.toString().size()+15)}
- Segments processed: $count
- Translated: $transcount
- Untranslated: $untranscount
- Empty translation: $emptytranscount
- Segments written: $writecount
- Segments ignored: $ignorecount
- """
- mainWindow.statusLabel.setText("XLIFF Export: $filename written")
- Timer timer = new Timer().schedule({mainWindow.statusLabel.setText(null); console.clear()} as TimerTask, 10000)
- if (rainbow == true) {
- def approved = get_only_approved ? 'true' : 'false'
- rainbowfile = new File(folder + projname +'.xlf2tmx.rnb')
- rainbowfile.write("""\
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <rainbowProject version="4">
- <fileSet id="1">
- <root useCustom="0"></root>
- </fileSet>
- <fileSet id="2">
- <root useCustom="0"></root>
- </fileSet>
- <fileSet id="3">
- <root useCustom="0"></root>
- </fileSet>
- <output>
- <root use="0"></root>
- <subFolder use="0"></subFolder>
- <extension use="1" style="0">.out</extension>
- <replace use="0" oldText="" newText=""></replace>
- <prefix use="0"></prefix>
- <suffix use="0"></suffix>
- </output>
- <options sourceLanguage="$sourceLocale" sourceEncoding="UTF-8" targetLanguage="$targetLocale" targetEncoding="UTF-8"></options>
- <parametersFolder useCustom="0"></parametersFolder>
- <utilities xml:spaces="preserve"><params id="currentProjectPipeline"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <rainbowPipeline version="1"><step class="net.sf.okapi.steps.common.RawDocumentToFilterEventsStep"></step>
- <step class="net.sf.okapi.steps.codesremoval.CodesRemovalStep">#v1
- stripSource.b=true
- stripTarget.b=true
- mode.i=0
- includeNonTranslatable.b=true
- replaceWithSpace.b=false</step>
- <step class="net.sf.okapi.steps.formatconversion.FormatConversionStep">#v1
- singleOutput.b=false
- autoExtensions.b=true
- targetStyle.i=0
- outputPath=
- outputFormat=tmx
- useGenericCodes.b=false
- skipEntriesWithoutText.b=true
- approvedEntriesOnly.b=$approved
- overwriteSameSource.b=false</step>
- <step class="net.sf.okapi.steps.common.FilterEventsToRawDocumentStep"></step>
- </rainbowPipeline>
- </params></utilities>
- </rainbowProject>
- """, 'UTF-8')
- }
- return
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