

Jun 11th, 2017
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  1. Superhero Name: Zortan Goldenaxe
  3. Appearance: FOR THE LEGIONS LOST!
  5. Powers & Abilities: Warlord is the descendant of the ancient Atlanteans- who were genetically engineered to be tough, strong, and intelligent. What he lacks in education, he makes up for with thousands of years of natural selection in Skartaris honing him to the pinnacle of physical might- coupled with the instincts of a trained warrior. Additionally, while he's not telepathic like a certain distant cousin, he is very good with dinosaurs- including birds. To this end, he has brought his trusted mount, "Sugar" to the surface world with him. He is highly trained in mounted combat, and in the use of his golden battleaxe.
  7. Personality: Ask what is best in life, and Zortan will have your answer: "Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women." He is a fairly stereotypical barbarian, but... actually quite a nice guy. He likes kids, he loves animals, he doesn't seem prejudiced in any way. He's larger than life, boastful, and a dedicated adventurer- quick to regale others with tales of his time with the original Warlord.
  9. Are you the wise-cracker of the team? The strong silent-type? Give us a sense of how we can expect your character to behave.
  11. Origin Story: Long ago, Atlantean scientists fortold of a great cataclysm. Though many scoffed at the prediction of doom, Thorvall, King of Atlantis, sent out expeditions to the four corners of the Earth to seek out and colonize new lands, so that in the event of this cataclysm, the race might survive. Blown far northward by a great storm, the expedition under command of general Rugero discovered warm air currents in the ice-bound seas at the top of the world. Continuing onward, they encountered... SKARTARIS! Green and glorious beneath an eternal sun which hangs in the center of this world turned inside out. Where creatures from all eras still live, where dinosaurs walk alongside man and beast, protected from the ravages of time by an environment that never changes. Two hundred million years of evolution existing side by side in a primeval forest. At first, the colonization went well, and the great golden city of Shamballah was constructed... and then Atlantis sank. Panic ensued, powerful weapons and magic were unleashed, and civilization went "pllllrbbt." Skartaris was already a land of savagery, super-science, and sorcery, but an even stranger new world arose from the ashes of the old- Atlanteans and wildlife alike mutated into grotesque new forms, from the lizardmen and Bogbeasts to the Lich-Lords of the City of The Dead.
  13. We now jump ahead several millenia, past centuries of rebuilding civilization from its post-apocalyptic state, leaving Skartaris an entirely changed world. Zortan was born to a village in the forests to the north of Bandakhar. Though they did not have much in the way of Ancestral Relics, remnants of Atlantean technology or magic, Zortan's family had a single item passed down from their ancestors- a lump of golden metal that proved precious enough for the current cybernetically enhanced Lich-Lord of the City of the Dead to come to the village to enslave its people. Zortan fled into the forests, seeking help. He found it in Travis Morgan. Telling him of his peoples' plight, Warlord agreed to help find the village and free them from their undead masters. Zortan joined Warlord and Mechiste the Warrior-King in a bid to free the other slaves of the City of the Dead. The raid was long, and glorious. The forces of Warlord stood victorious, and Zortan offered him the lump of ancient gold as thanks- though Warlord declined, saying it belonged to Zortan, and with him it would remain. Among the freed slaves were tree-dwarves- marvelous craftsmen, who still knew much of the ancient crafting techniques of Atlantis. Warlord tasked Zortan and a few of his fellows with seeing the Tree-Dwarves back to their villages. Though he was reluctant to leave the men who saved him, he was honor-bound to do do as Warlord commanded. It was here that, as thanks for defending them from a raiding party led by Prince Krull the Lizardman, the Tree-Dwarves took Zortan's ancestral gold and worked it into a magnificent weapon- a battleaxe of gleaming gold, a reminder of the glorious age of their ancestors.
  15. Zortan would travel to the lands of the lizardmen, seeking justice for the actions of Krull- who had not only told the Cyberlich of the location of the villages of the forest, but the existence of the Razortooth clan's lump of gold. Indeed, it turned out that Prince Krull was acting without consent, and his father the Dino-Czar punished him harshly. The Dino-Czar and Zortan formed a fast friendship, working to destroy the Cyberlich
  16. Warlord
  17. Dino-Czar
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