
fe - celeste/aven conflict v2

Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. Celeste: I am, first and foremost, a medic. It's not my place to decide guilt or pass judgment on others, it's my job to keep them alive. And that aside, I believe in second chances.
  2. Aven: Whether or not they're alive, that's beside the point. I'm just here to make sure they can never go out on another 'hunt' again.
  3. Celeste: *starts to speak, stops* ... *starts again, her voice timid* I... I could try defend it further, but... In the end, the reason is that I just... I don't have it in me to kill someone, Aven. And if I just let these people bleed to death... it would be no different from killing them myself.
  4. Aven: *pauses* ...This isn't a question of morality, Celeste; these people took everything from you and clearly haven't learned a damned thing. I'm here taking initiative so it might never happen again; think of the alternative! *points to the cages the kitsunes were held in*
  5. Celeste: *pauses for a moment* Aven... I, I just... can't... I've seen too much death already...
  6. Aven: ...I'll do everything I can. I... I guess if it's going to be done, it should be done 'right', after all.
  7. Celeste: Thank you, Aven...
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