Guest User


a guest
Feb 6th, 2019
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  1. TutTime = 0; PlayerInfo[pTut] = 1;
  2. gOoc = 0; gNews = 0; gFam = 0;
  3. TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
  4. SetCameraBehindPlayer(i);
  5. TogglePlayerSpectating(i, 0);
  6. SetPlayerSpawn(i);
  7. PlayerInfo[pAccount] = 10000;
  8. PlayerInfo[pLevel] = 2;
  9. PlayerInfo[pPremiumPoints] = 10;
  10. ResetPlayerCash(i);
  11. GivePlayerCash(i,500000);
  12. PlayerInfo[pRob] = 20;
  13. SetPlayerInterior(i,0);
  14. SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i,0);
  15. TogglePlayerControllable(i,true);
  16. new str1[256];
  17. mysql_format(SQL,str1,256,"UPDATE users SET `Tutorial`='1',`Bank`='1000000',`PremiumPoints`='20' WHERE `name`='%s'",PlayerInfo[pNormalName]);
  18. mysql_tquery(SQL,str1,"","");
  19. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  20. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  21. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  22. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  23. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  24. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  25. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  26. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  27. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  28. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  29. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  30. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  31. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, " ");
  32. ShowPlayerDialog(i, DIALOG_WELCOME, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Welcome", "Salut! Bine ai venit in comunitatea b-Game Romania!\nSperam sa te distrezi alaturi de noi,\nPentru ca esti nou, iti oferim unele beneficii pe care le poti vedea chiar acum in chat.", "Multumesc", "");
  33. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, "------------------------------------------------------------------");
  34. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Pentru ca esti incepator, iti oferim cateva bonusuri:");
  35. SCM(i, COLOR_GREEN, "(+) $500,000");
  36. SCM(i, COLOR_GREEN, "(+) Levelul tau este 2");
  37. SCM(i, COLOR_GREEN, "(+) 20 Rob Points");
  38. SCM(i, COLOR_GREEN, "(+) 10 Premium Points");
  39. SCM(i, COLOR_WHITE, "------------------------------------------------------------------");
  41. }
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