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Config.yml - Error - DoggiSpielt

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May 1st, 2017
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  1. #################################################################
  2. # #
  3. # This plugin was made by HyChrod(@Spigot: Flocrafter77) #
  4. # You're not authorised to re-publish or sell this plugin #
  5. # #
  6. #################################################################
  7. Friends:
  8. Prefix: "&8[&aFreunde&8] "
  9. CheckForUpdates: true
  10. # If this is enabled, the plugin will autmatically force an update if available
  11. AutoUpdate: true
  13. # This options are for server networks and enables BungeeCord
  14. # To use BungeeMode you have to install "Friends - BungeeAddon" on your Proxy too
  15. # You can find the Addon here:
  16. # <>
  17. BungeeMode: true
  18. # If this is enabled the server the player is currently on will be shown under their name in the GUI!
  19. # Only available if BungeeMode is activated
  20. ShowServer:
  21. Enable: true
  22. Lore: "&3Server: &f%SERVER%"
  24. FriendChat:
  25. Enable: true
  26. # The message have to start with this to write in the friend chat!
  27. Code: "@friends"
  28. # This allows players to send private messages to their friends using command '/f msg <Player> <Message>'!
  29. FriendMSG: true
  30. # If this is enabled player with special permissions are able to see the friendchat of other players
  31. # This can be used to control the friendchat by admins
  32. # Permission:
  33. # - Friends.Commands.SpyChat
  34. SpyChat:
  35. Enable: true
  36. Format: "&3%PLAYER% &6[FRIENDCHAT] &7| &8%MESSAGE%"
  38. # These options are for an optional partysystem
  39. # To use the partysystem you have to install my Party plugin on your Proxy too
  40. # Make sure you also enabled bungeemode!
  41. # You can find the plugin here:
  42. # <>
  43. PartySystem:
  44. Enable: true
  46. Options:
  47. MaxFriends:
  48. # This is the amount of friends normal players can have
  49. Normal: 50
  50. # This is the amount of friends players with special permissions can have
  51. # Permission: - Friends.FriendLimit.Extended
  52. Extended: 100
  53. # You can disable the jump function
  54. EnableJumping: true
  55. # If this is disabled, friends can't hit each other!
  56. FriendCanPvP: true
  57. # If this is enabled, players can hit others with the friend-item to send a request!
  58. HitToRequest: true
  59. # If this is enabled, players can drop the friend-item!
  60. CanDropItem: false
  61. # If this is enabled, players can place the friend-item!
  62. CanPlaceItem: false
  63. # If this is enabled, players can move the friend-item in their inventory!
  64. CanMoveItem: false
  65. # If this is enabled you have to confirm twice to remove a player from your friendlist!
  66. RemoveVerification: false
  67. # If this is enabled you get a notification when a friend joins or quits the server!
  68. JoinQuitMessages: true
  69. # If this is enabled the world the player is currently on will be shown under their name in the GUI!
  70. # This only works if BungeeMode is disabled!
  71. # If this is enabled the player gets notified on join if he has open friend requests
  72. # The message can be changed in the messages.yml!
  73. RequestNotification: true
  74. ShowWorld:
  75. Enable: false
  76. Lore: "&3World: &f%WORLD%"
  77. LastOnline:
  78. Enable: true
  79. # Values: %days% %hours% %minutes% %seconds%
  80. Format: "&7Letzes Mal online vor: &3%days% Tagen, %hours% Stunden und %minutes% Minuten"
  81. # The status players can set under their name in the gui
  82. Status:
  83. Delay:
  84. # Enable or disbale the delay between changing your status
  85. Enable: true
  86. # Time in seconds
  87. TimeStamp: 600
  89. FriendItem:
  90. # If this is enabled, every player will get this item on join
  91. GiveOnJoin: true
  92. # If this is enabled, the firenditem will have your skin
  93. PlayersHead: true
  94. Item:
  95. ItemID: "397:3"
  96. Name: "&aFreunde"
  97. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  98. Lore: "&7Öffnet eine GUI"
  99. InventorySlot: 9
  101. GUI:
  102. # If you disable this, all possibilities to open the gui will be removed
  103. Enable: true
  104. Title: "&aDeine Freunde:"
  105. # Available sizes are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54!
  106. # WARNING! If you use another number as above, the gui will not work!!
  107. InventorySize: 54
  108. FriendHead:
  109. # If this is enabled the players head in your friend-inventory will change to a skeleton if he turns offline!
  110. ChangeHeadIfOffline: true
  111. NameOnline: "&3%NAME% &7(&aOnline&7)"
  112. NameOffline: "&3%NAME% &7(&cOffline&7)"
  113. Items:
  114. RequestsItem:
  115. ItemID: "388:0"
  116. Name: "&2Anfragen"
  117. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  118. Lore: "&7Klicke hier, um alle Anfragen zu sehen//&7Aktuelle Anfragen: &a%REQUESTS%"
  119. InventorySlot: 46
  120. BlockedPlayers:
  121. ItemID: "46:0"
  122. Name: "&cBlockierte Spieler"
  123. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  124. Lore: "&7Klicke hier, um alle geblockten Spieler zu sehen//&7Aktuell geblockt: &a%BLOCKED%"
  125. InventorySlot: 47
  126. OptionsItem:
  127. ItemID: "404:0"
  128. Name: "&3Einstellungen"
  129. # You can split the lines with "//"
  130. Lore: "&7Freundesoptionen"
  131. InventorySlot: 48
  132. NextPage:
  133. ItemID: "262:0"
  134. Name: "&6Nächste Seite"
  135. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  136. Lore: ""
  137. InventorySlot: 54
  138. PreviousPage:
  139. ItemID: "262:0"
  140. Name: "&6Vorherige Seite"
  141. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  142. Lore: ""
  143. InventorySlot: 53
  144. InventorySorting:
  145. Item:
  146. ItemID: "399:0"
  147. Name: "&eSorting: &3%SORTING%"
  148. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  150. InventorySlot: 50
  151. SortingMethods:
  152. Online_Offline:
  153. Name: "&7Online & Offline"
  154. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  155. Description: "&7Deine Freunde sind nach Online/Offline sortiert"
  156. Favorites:
  157. Name: "&7Favoriten"
  158. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  159. Description: "&7Deine Freunde sind nach Favoriten sortiert"
  160. Nothing:
  161. Name: "&7Garnicht"
  162. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  163. Description: "&7Deine Freunde sind nicht sortiert"
  164. Alphabetic:
  165. Name: "&7Alphabetisch"
  166. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  167. Description: "&7Deine Freunde sind nach dem Alphabet sortiert"
  168. Placeholders:
  169. ItemID: "160:7"
  170. Name: " "
  171. Lore: ""
  172. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  173. InventorySlots:
  174. - 49
  175. - 51
  176. - 52
  177. FriendEditInventory:
  178. InventorySize: 9
  179. Items:
  180. RemoveItem:
  181. ItemID: "35:14"
  182. Name: "&cLöschen"
  183. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  184. Lore: "&7Löscht &a%NAME% &7von deinen Freunden"
  185. InventorySlot: 9
  186. FavoriteItem:
  187. ItemID: "399:0"
  188. Name: "&6Favorit &7(&a%VALUE%&7)"
  189. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  190. Lore: "&7Aktiviert/Deaktiviert Favoriten"
  191. InventorySlot: 7
  192. Values:
  193. Activated: "&aAktiviert"
  194. Deactivated: "&cDektiviert"
  195. JumpItem:
  196. ItemID: "368:0"
  197. Name: "&3zu Freund springen"
  198. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  199. Lore: "&7Springe zu &a%NAME%"
  200. InventorySlot: 5
  201. PartyItem:
  202. ItemID: "401:0"
  203. Name: "&dParty"
  204. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  205. Lore: "&7Lädt &a%NAME% &7in deine Party ein"
  206. InventorySlot: 3
  207. BackItem:
  208. ItemID: "330:0"
  209. Name: "&7Zurück"
  210. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  211. Lore: ""
  212. InventorySlot: 1
  213. Placeholders:
  214. ItemID: "160:7"
  215. Name: " "
  216. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  217. Lore: ""
  218. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  219. InventorySlots:
  220. - 2
  221. - 3
  222. - 4
  223. - 6
  224. - 8
  226. RequestsInventory:
  227. Title: "&4Anfragen:"
  228. InventorySize: 54
  229. Items:
  230. AcceptAll:
  231. ItemID: "35:5"
  232. Name: "&aAlle Anfragen annehmen"
  233. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  234. Lore: "&7Alle annehmen"
  235. InventorySlot: 49
  236. DenyAll:
  237. ItemID: "35:14"
  238. Name: "&cAlle Anfragen ablehnen"
  239. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  240. Lore: "&7alle ablehnen"
  241. InventorySlot: 50
  242. BackItem:
  243. ItemID: "330:0"
  244. Name: "&7Zurück"
  245. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  246. Lore: ""
  247. InventorySlot: 46
  248. NextPage:
  249. ItemID: "262:0"
  250. Name: "&6Nächste Seite"
  251. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  252. Lore: ""
  253. InventorySlot: 54
  254. PreviousPage:
  255. ItemID: "262:0"
  256. Name: "&6Vorherige Seite"
  257. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  258. Lore: ""
  259. InventorySlot: 53
  260. Placeholders:
  261. ItemID: "160:7"
  262. Name: " "
  263. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  264. Lore: ""
  265. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  266. InventorySlots:
  267. - 47
  268. - 48
  269. - 51
  270. - 52
  271. RequestEditInventory:
  272. InventorySize: 9
  273. Items:
  274. AcceptItem:
  275. ItemID: "35:5"
  276. Name: "&aAnnehmen"
  277. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  278. Lore: "&7Anfrage von &a%NAME% &7annehmen"
  279. InventorySlot: 4
  280. DenyItem:
  281. ItemID: "35:14"
  282. Name: "&cAblehnen"
  283. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  284. Lore: "&7Anfrage von &a%NAME% &7ablehnen"
  285. InventorySlot: 6
  286. BackItem:
  287. ItemID: "330:0"
  288. Name: "&7Zurück"
  289. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  290. Lore: ""
  291. InventorySlot: 1
  292. Placeholders:
  293. ItemID: "160:7"
  294. Name: " "
  295. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  296. Lore: ""
  297. InventorySlots:
  298. - 2
  299. - 3
  300. - 5
  301. - 7
  302. - 8
  303. - 9
  305. BlockedInventory:
  306. Title: "&cGeblockte Spieler:"
  307. InventorySize: 54
  308. Items:
  309. UnblockAll:
  310. ItemID: "35:5"
  311. Name: "&aAlle Spieler entsperren"
  312. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  313. Lore: "&7Entsperrt alle Spieler"
  314. InventorySlot: 50
  315. NextPage:
  316. ItemID: "262:0"
  317. Name: "&6Nächste Seite"
  318. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  319. Lore: ""
  320. InventorySlot: 54
  321. PreviousPage:
  322. ItemID: "262:0"
  323. Name: "&6Vorherige Seite"
  324. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  325. Lore: ""
  326. InventorySlot: 53
  327. BackItem:
  328. ItemID: "330:0"
  329. Name: "&7Zurück"
  330. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  331. Lore: ""
  332. InventorySlot: 46
  333. Placeholders:
  334. ItemID: "160:7"
  335. Name: " "
  336. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  337. Lore: ""
  338. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  339. InventorySlots:
  340. - 47
  341. - 48
  342. - 49
  343. - 51
  344. - 52
  345. BlockedEditInventory:
  346. InventorySize: 9
  347. Items:
  348. UnblockItem:
  349. ItemID: "35:5"
  350. Name: "&aEntsperren"
  351. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  352. Lore: "&7Entsperrt &a%NAME%"
  353. InventorySlot: 5
  354. BackItem:
  355. ItemID: "330:0"
  356. Name: "&7Zurück"
  357. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  358. Lore: ""
  359. InventorySlot: 1
  360. Placeholders:
  361. ItemID: "160:7"
  362. Name: " "
  363. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  364. Lore: ""
  365. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  366. InventorySlots:
  367. - 2
  368. - 3
  369. - 4
  370. - 6
  371. - 7
  372. - 8
  373. - 9
  374. OptionsInventory:
  375. Title: "&3Optionen:"
  376. # Available sizes are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54!
  377. # WARNING! If you use another number as above, the gui will not work!!
  378. InventorySize: 45
  379. RequestsItems:
  380. Name: "&aAnfragen"
  381. ItemID: "397:3"
  382. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  383. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist://&7Können dir keine Anfragen mehr gesendet werden"
  384. InventorySlot: 11
  385. ButtonInventorySlot: 20
  386. MessagesItems:
  387. Name: "&3Freunde-Chat"
  388. ItemID: "339:0"
  389. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  390. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist://&7Siehst du keinen Feunde-Chat mehr"
  391. InventorySlot: 12
  392. ButtonInventorySlot: 21
  393. JumpingItem:
  394. Name: "&dNachspringen"
  395. ItemID: "368:0"
  396. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  397. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist://&7Können deine Freunde dir nicht mehr nachspringen"
  398. InventorySlot: 13
  399. ButtonInventorySlot: 22
  400. PrivateMessages:
  401. Name: "&6Private Nachrichten"
  402. ItemID: "288:0"
  403. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  404. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist://&7Empfängst du keine privaten Nachrichten mehr"
  405. InventorySlot: 14
  406. ButtonInventorySlot: 23
  407. PartyInvites:
  408. Name: "&9Party-Einladungen"
  409. ItemID: "401:0"
  410. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  411. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion deaktiviert ist://&7Kannst du nicht mehr in eine Party eingeladen werden"
  412. InventorySlot: 15
  413. ButtonInventorySlot: 24
  414. PrivateModeItem:
  415. Name: "&4Privater Modus"
  416. ItemID: "355:0"
  417. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  418. Lore: "&7Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist://&7Wirst du für alle Freunde als oflline angezeigt"
  419. InventorySlot: 16
  420. ButtonInventorySlot: 25
  421. StatusItem:
  422. Enable: true
  423. Name: "&7Dein Status:"
  424. ItemID: "421:0"
  425. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  426. NoStatusLore: "&cKein Satus gesetzt"
  427. InventorySlot: 37
  428. ButtonOff:
  429. Name: "&cDeaktiviert"
  430. ItemID: "351:8"
  431. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  432. Lore: ""
  433. ButtonOn:
  434. Name: "&aAktiviert"
  435. ItemID: "351:10"
  436. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  437. Lore: ""
  438. BackItem:
  439. Name: "&7Zurück"
  440. ItemID: "330:0"
  441. # You can separate the lines with "//"!
  442. Lore: ""
  443. InventorySlot: 45
  444. Placeholders:
  445. ItemID: "160:7"
  446. Name: " "
  447. # You can split the lines with "//"!
  448. Lore: ""
  449. # Put in the number of slots, the placeholder should be placed on
  450. InventorySlots:
  451. - 44
  452. - 43
  453. - 42
  454. - 41
  455. - 40
  456. - 39
  457. - 38
  458. - 37
  460. # Put in the name of worlds where players should not use the friend-item!
  461. # If this feature is enabled you have to disable 'EnabledWorlds'!
  462. DisabledWorlds:
  463. Enable: true
  464. Worlds:
  465. - world_nether
  467. # Put in the name of worlds where players can use the friend-item!
  468. # The friend-item will be removed on all other worlds!
  469. # If this feature is enabled you have to disable 'DisabledWorlds'!
  470. EnabledWorlds:
  471. Enable: false
  472. Worlds:
  473. - world_nether
  475. # Put in the name of servers players should not jump to
  476. # This list has only affect to the jumping feature of the plugin
  477. # Only works for BungeeMode!
  478. # If you want to use this feature you have to disable "EnabledServers"!
  479. DisabledServers:
  480. Enable: false
  481. Servers:
  482. - silent_hub
  483. - premium_lobby
  485. # Put in the name of servers players can jump to
  486. # This list has only affect to the jumping feature of the plugin
  487. # Only workds for BungeeMode!
  488. # If you want to use this feature you have to disable "DisabledServer"!
  489. EnabledServers:
  490. Enable: false
  491. Servers:
  492. - lobby_1
  494. #################################################################
  495. # #
  496. # All rigths reserved by HyChrod(@Spigot: Flocrafter77) #
  497. # #
  498. #################################################################
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