

Feb 24th, 2015
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  1. The Lisjask are a eerie and unsettling race to even the Eldrenari, masters of the unknown knowledge. A species not yet industrialized as the others, yet they still hold sway over many forests and most of the underground throughout Ageon. They command even a political power enough to rival most of the other species, very adept at manuvering the web of diplomacy. Due to a high infant mortality rate, the Lisjask are a steady race, not often growing large enough to upset the balance of nature, of which they are tightly intwined. They are one of the few species to have physical diversity within their species, enough that they be mentioned each by seperate name. The Kajask are the builders of their societies, slow and with large bellies, they are not often seen outside of their labyrinthian cities.
  2. The Othjask are the warriors of their kind, swift and fast, possessing two more eyes than normal, specially developed for their ability to leap large distances with frightful accuracy. Their skin is rumored to actually shift slightly in coloration to match their surroundings, but as each species keeps to it's own secrets of war, these claims cannot be disproven. Finally the Vosjask are the brutes and warriors of their species, marked by their dark red coloration and being double the size of the other Lisjask. Their skin is twice as thick as the others, and though they cannot navigate the cities as well as the others, they make up for it in their brute strength.
  3. Their language is almost impossible to understand to those who were not born into it, and do not possess the means of communication they do. This has led to some rather unfortunate diplomatic incidents. Though the Lisjask do not follow the morals of the Humans and likeminded species, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Some examples inculde large Human stock that are treated as food, and almost any other species that wanders into the territory of the Lisjask. Another would be their treatment of their natural venom, in which they find great pleasure, while any other species finds pain and eventual death. They do have natural exports in their unique food animal, and their venom. Due to their style of eating, they have a very large surplus of bone, of which finds it's usage as the second main food source. The Lisjask typically hunt the largest megafuana around to provide even larger skeletons and bones to reinforce their cities, as it also makes a very large structural facet.
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